This is an archived copy of the 2016-2017 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

Past substandard academic performance may not, for a variety of reasons, be reflective of a stu­dent’s sub­se­quent dem­on­strat­ed ability. Ac­a­dem­ic renewal per­mits the al­le­vi­a­tion of all or part of such sub­stan­dard ac­a­dem­ic per­for­mance at Si­er­ra Col­lege in cases where the past work may impair the stu­dent’s progress toward a legitimate ed­u­ca­tion­al or ca­reer goal. Grades ap­proved for re­new­al will remain on the stu­dent’s transcript; how­ev­er, the grades will no longer be included in the com­pu­ta­tion of the stu­dent’s GPA.

A request for academic renewal must meet the fol­low­ing guide­lines:

  1. The student must have completed a min­i­mum of 18 units with a cumulative grade point average of 2.5 or higher in all cours­es attempted since taking the courses to be alleviated.
  2. A minimum of 12 months must have elapsed since the substandard grades were earned.
  3. The number of units alleviated may not ex­ceed 30 units, or be in excess of the num­ber of units satisfactorily completed by the stu­dent since taking the courses to be al­le­vi­at­ed, whichever is lower.
  4. Academic Re­new­al can only be applied to “D” and “F” grades.

A student seeking academic renewal must meet with a Si­er­ra College coun­se­lor to complete an Ac­a­dem­ic Renewal pe­ti­tion. The petition must be signed by the counselor before it is submitted to a cam­pus Ad­mis­sions and Records office. If any of the required 18 units are earned at an­oth­er college, an official tran­script must be sub­mit­ted with the pe­ti­tion. The Ac­a­dem­ic Stan­dards Com­mit­tee will re­view the re­quest. For fur­ther in­for­ma­tion, con­tact a coun­se­lor.

Reference: Sierra College Administrative Procedure 4240 .