This is an archived copy of the 2020-2021 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

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Contact Information
Liberal Arts
Anne Fleischmann
Associate Deans
Patrick Marasso, Lynn Medeiros
Division Office
W 107, Rocklin Campus


Economics is the academic discipline that deals with the way societies produce and consume goods and services. As a descriptive discipline, it is concerned with accurate portrayals of national economies, as well as those of regions, firms and individuals. As an analytical discipline its tools are used to order, modify and describe economic activity.

TRANSFER MAJOR REQUIREMENTS in Economics are available in the Counseling Center. In all cases, students should consult with a counselor for specific transfer requirements. Positions for which four-year graduates in Economics are qualified are found in government service, banking and industry.


Stan C. Spencer

Professor, Economics

A.A., Sierra College
A.S., Sierra College
B.A., California State University, Sacramento
M.A., California State University, Sacramento