This is an archived copy of the 2023-2024 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

If, due to unforeseeable, emergency and justifiable reasons, a stu­dent has not com­plet­ed academic work at the end of a se­mes­ter/session, an incomplete “I” symbol may be re­quest­ed. It is the primary re­spon­si­bil­i­ty of the student to request an in­com­plete. A student may ob­tain an In­com­plete Pe­ti­tion from a cam­pus Ad­mis­sions and Records of­fice and sub­mit it to the pro­fes­sor for ap­prov­al. If ap­proved, the pro­fes­sor will file a writ­ten record of the con­di­tions for re­mov­al of the “I” and the grade assigned in lieu of its removal. The stu­dent may not re-enroll in the course, but instead works with the pro­fes­sor to com­plete the required academic work no later than one year after the end of the term in which the in­com­plete was assigned. The stu­dent must sub­mit a grade change pe­ti­tion upon completion of the work. A final grade will be assigned when the work stipulated has been completed and evaluated, or when the time limit for completing the work has passed.

Incomplete symbols are not used in calculating units attempted or grade points.

Reference: Sierra College Board Policy 4230 and Administrative Procedure 4230.