Catalog Description

Advisory: Completion of AAD 44, AAD 70, ART 2, or ART 4A, with grade of "C" or better
Hours: 72 (36 lecture, 36 activity)
Description: Introductory course emphasizing concept development, fundamental principles of design and design solutions. Exploration of materials and techniques for visualizing and presenting ideas, analyzing and critiquing design and combining diverse elements in effective layouts from concept through final critique. (CSU)

Course Student Learning Outcomes

  • CSLO #1: Synthesize the basic principles and elements of design including line, shape, color, texture and pattern, typography, composition, balance, visual hierarchy, rhythm, proportion and scale.
  • CSLO #2: Create multiple design concepts and apply them to various graphic problems and produce design comprehensives for client presentations.
  • CSLO #3: Critique layout and design in terms of composition and presentation.

Effective Term

Spring 2021

Course Type

Credit - Degree-applicable

Contact Hours


Outside of Class Hours


Total Student Learning Hours


Course Objectives

Lecture Objectives:
1. Identify the basic principles and elements of design including, Line, Shape, Color, Texture & Pattern, Typography, Composition, Balance, Visual Hierarchy, Rhythm, Proportion and Scale;
2. Evaluate design models and strategies for effective graphic solutions through lecture and discussions; and
3. Critique layout and design in terms of composition and presentation.
Laboratory/Activity Objectives:
1. Demonstrate basic design principles and procedures through a series of projects;
2. Render ideas in a professional manner from thumbnails to final comps;
3. Apply multiple design concepts and apply them to various graphic problems;
4. Complete project using multiple techniques to solve design problems; 5. Produce design comprehensives for client presentations; and
6. Critique layout and design in terms of composition and presentation.

General Education Information

  • Approved College Associate Degree GE Applicability
    • AA/AS - Fine Arts
  • CSU GE Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU approval)
    • CSUGE - C1 Arts
  • Cal-GETC Applicability (Recommended - Requires External Approval)
    • IGETC Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU/UC approval)

      Articulation Information

      • CSU Transferable

      Methods of Evaluation

      • Projects
        • Example: Example - Development of a designer Shopping Bag; meeting technical requirements and inclusion of specific design concepts studied. Work is evaluated on the use of aesthetic elements: line, form, balance, value, color, and overall impact of the project. Rubric Graded
      • Skill Demonstrations
        • Example: Students will work with specific guiding principles and elements of design to solve design problems with correct use of concept development, brainstorming, image preparation and presentation. Rubric Graded



      Methods of Instruction

      • Activity
      • Lecture/Discussion
      • Distance Learning


      1. Following the instructor presentation on design layout, students will use the content of the lecture to develop and assignments demonstrating meeting the criteria of the lecture.


      1. The instructor will provide a lecture overview of how to successfully develop a project using the guiding principles and elements of design. Instructor demonstrates the correct use of concept development, brainstorming, image preparation and presentation. Students are expected to actively participate in the lecture.

      Distance Learning

      1. The instructor will provide an accessible lecture overview along with video and/or images of how to successfully complete projects relating to the student's review of the Principles and Elements of Design. The instructor demonstrates the use of the Design Process for reaching appropriate and innovative solutions to design problems. Students are required to demonstrate their practice and competency with the techniques through documentation of their work moving through the Design Process in video or images that will be submitted via the LMS. In addition, students will then respond to prompts with written submissions to share where they succeeded and where there is room for growth in their practice.

      Typical Out of Class Assignments

      Reading Assignments

      1. Review in your book the chapter on Managing Effective Design, Design as Process. Using the the "key factors" as an outline, write a step by step description of your design objectives. 2. Read and research using the library and internet to develop a shopping bag for a business identified by the instructor or the student. Be prepared to discuss in class.

      Writing, Problem Solving or Performance

      1. Working with black paper on a white background, create four designs using the concept of negative and positive space effectively on the page. You may choose your own subject matter, it can be geometrical or organic shapes, silhouettes of items, etc. Each design is to be 5 x 8, vertical or horizontal, black & white. Write a description of how you are using positive/negative elements in the design. 2. Create a shopping bag for a business of your choosing. Follow the guidelines to help develop ideas and direction for your design solution. You will need to create a name, keeping it simple and straightforward, and a "look". This assignment does not require a logo or complete identity package, but your final design should reflect the nature of the company's business.

      Other (Term projects, research papers, portfolios, etc.)

      Required Materials

      • 2D Visual Basics For Designers
        • Author: Landa, Gonnella, Brower
        • Publisher: Delmar Cengage Learning
        • Publication Date: 2007
        • Text Edition: 1st
        • Classic Textbook?: No
        • OER Link:
        • OER:
      • Graphic Design Solutions
        • Author: Robin Landa
        • Publisher: Thomson/Delmar Learning
        • Publication Date: 2016
        • Text Edition: 4th
        • Classic Textbook?: No
        • OER Link:
        • OER:
      • Graphic Design School
        • Author: Dabner, Stewart, Vickress
        • Publisher: Wiley
        • Publication Date: 2017
        • Text Edition: 1st
        • Classic Textbook?: No
        • OER Link:
        • OER:
      • The Elements of Design
        • Author: Evans & Thomas
        • Publisher: Thomson
        • Publication Date: 2012
        • Text Edition: 3rd
        • Classic Textbook?: No
        • OER Link:
        • OER:

      Other materials and-or supplies required of students that contribute to the cost of the course.