Catalog Description

Hours: 54 lecture
Description: Provides a history and critical analysis of the various types of punishment, alternatives to punishment, and impact of punishment on the criminal justice system; explanations of criminal behavior; functions and objectives of the criminal justice system concerned with institutionalization, probation, parole, and other sentencing alternatives; critical examination of the types of correctional institutions, their clients, and contemporary correctional issues. (C-ID AJ 200) (CSU)

Course Student Learning Outcomes

  • CSLO #1: Identify and describe evolving philosophies of punishment within the corrections field.
  • CSLO #2: Identify sentencing alternatives and their impact on the justice system and society.
  • CSLO #3: Analyze inmates' civil rights as granted and protected under constitutional law.

Effective Term

Fall 2017

Course Type

Credit - Degree-applicable

Contact Hours


Outside of Class Hours


Total Student Learning Hours


Course Objectives

1. Explain the meaning of corrections as set by the American Correctional Association.
2. Identify and describe the evolving philosophy of punishment within the corrections sub-system of the criminal justice system.
3. Cite the major correctional philosophies from which custodial practices are derived.
4. Compare and contrast the rationale for the treatment of prisoners during the three primary periods of corrections.
5. Identify sentencing alternatives with an emphasis on correctional programs and their impact on the criminal justice system and society.
6. Identify the innovative programs within correctional facilities and their impact on corrections, clients, and society.
7. Analyze inmate civil rights as granted by constitutional law.
8. Identify and differentiate clients in each of the types of correctional institutions, the issues and challenges each type of client presents to a correctional institution.
9. Describe the judicial and administrative appellate processes.
10. Compare and contrast various sentencing alternatives within corrections and evaluate advantages and disadvantages of each.

General Education Information

  • Approved College Associate Degree GE Applicability
    • CSU GE Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU approval)
      • Cal-GETC Applicability (Recommended - Requires External Approval)
        • IGETC Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU/UC approval)

          Articulation Information

            Methods of Evaluation

            • Essay Examinations
              • Example: Students will write an essay in which they compare and contrast traditional versus alternative sentencing methods.
            • Reports
              • Example: Students will write a report which analyzes landmark court decisions granting inmate civil rights in the areas of religion, medical services, education, privacy, exercise, conjugal visits, marriage, etc.



            Methods of Instruction

            • Lecture/Discussion
            • Distance Learning


            1. Instructor will use PPT slides and video to explain alternative sentencing programs other than traditional incarceration.

            Distance Learning

            1. Instructor will host a discussion board related to various types of Rehabilitation programs in state prisons.

            Typical Out of Class Assignments

            Reading Assignments

            1: Read the assigned textbook chapter on "The Court Process" and be prepared to discuss in class. 2: Read the newspaper article, "Graffiti - the Sign Language of Gangs" from the San Francisco Examiner to identify basic local graffiti.

            Writing, Problem Solving or Performance

            1: Differentiate the major correctional ideologies to determine the benefits and deficiencies of each. Construct a Gnatt or flow chart depicting the major correctional ideologies. 2: Analyze inmate civil rights as granted by constitutional law. Construct a listing of landmark court decisions granting inmate civil rights in the areas of religion, medical services, education, privacy, exercise, conjugal visits, marriage, etc.

            Other (Term projects, research papers, portfolios, etc.)

            Using teacher selected topic, students work in groups to produce a 30 minute oral presentation with visual aids and 10 to 15 page term paper in APA format.

            Required Materials

            • Corrections in America, An Introduction
              • Author: Allen, Harry, Latessa, Edward, Ponder, Bruce, and Simonsen, Clifford
              • Publisher: Prentice Hall
              • Publication Date: 2010
              • Text Edition: 12th
              • Classic Textbook?: No
              • OER Link:
              • OER:
            • Corrections Today
              • Author: Siegel / Bartollas
              • Publisher: Cengage
              • Publication Date: 2014
              • Text Edition: 3rd
              • Classic Textbook?: No
              • OER Link:
              • OER:

            Other materials and-or supplies required of students that contribute to the cost of the course.