Catalog Description

Hours: 63 (36 lecture, 27 laboratory)
Description: Introduction to the principles of pharmacology and medication forms, routes of administration, and common medication for each body system as used in the ambulatory setting. (letter grade only) (not transferable)

Course Student Learning Outcomes

  • CSLO #1: Describe the basics of pharmacology as it applies to drug forms, routes of administration and interpreting medication orders.
  • CSLO #2: Identify and match medications to various body systems as it relates to diseases and disorders.

Effective Term

Fall 2018

Course Type

Credit - Degree-applicable

Contact Hours


Outside of Class Hours


Total Student Learning Hours


Course Objectives

Lecture Objectives:
1. Illustrate the basics of pharmacology as it applies to drug forms and all routes of administration.
2. Interpret medication orders.
3. Choose appropriate medications for various body systems as it relates to diseases and disorders.
Lab Objectives:
1. Identify drug forms and routes of administration.
2. Determine the process of interpreting the Physician’s Medication Order along with documentation of those orders.
3. Show proficiency in matching medications to various body systems as it relates to diseases and disorders.

General Education Information

  • Approved College Associate Degree GE Applicability
    • CSU GE Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU approval)
      • Cal-GETC Applicability (Recommended - Requires External Approval)
        • IGETC Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU/UC approval)

          Articulation Information

          • Not Transferable

          Methods of Evaluation

          • Classroom Discussions
            • Example: After completion of specific chapter, students will be required to post a response to discussion board via LMS and reply to at least one student question. Standard Grading. Example question: Which route(s) of administration might be considered if the patient is unable to keep food or liquids down? Explain your answer.
          • Objective Examinations
            • Example: After completion of specific chapter (online), students will be required to take weekly quizzes and submit via LMS for grade. Standard Grading. Example: Chapter 5 on Reading/Interpreting and Documenting Medication 1.Interpret the following: Lasix 20 mg tab i q.d. at 9am and again at 3pm prn edema. Correct answer would be “Lasix 20 mg one tablet each day at 9 in the morning and again at 3 in the afternoon if needed for edema. (or as needed for)
          • Reports
            • Example: Students will be required to complete and submit via LMS a summary paper on the SLO’s for this course. Standard Grading. Instructor will set up Peer Review of summary papers in addition to Standard Grading.



          Methods of Instruction

          • Laboratory
          • Lecture/Discussion
          • Distance Learning


          1. Students will study and do exercises pertaining to drug forms and routes of administration such as oral (solids/liquids), percutaneous medications (topical/transdermal/aerosol/patches and Disks/vaginal/urethral/rectal/and nasal sprays), Parenteral medications and other forms such as pellets, implants and enemas. Students will be graded on the Critical Thinking Exercises presented in the form of Scenarios. In addition, students will answer Chapter Review Questions and submit via LMS for grade.
          2. Students will perform Critical Thinking Exercises and Review Questions and be evaluated on their knowledge of a) interpreting the Physician’s Medication Orders, b) Documenting Prescriptions, c) abbreviations used in prescriptions. Students will take a Pharmacology Competency Evaluation and submit via LMS for grade.


          1. Instructor will assign Chapter specific reading and a PowerPoint lecture on the basics of pharmacology as it applies to drug forms and all routes of administration. Students will ask questions via LMS as this is an online course. Students will also be required to Post and Reply on the discussion board on a Chapter specific question.
          2. Instructor will assign Chapter specific reading and a PowerPoint lecture on understanding and interpreting medication orders. Students will ask questions via LMS as this is an online course. Students will also be required to Post and Reply on the discussion board on a Chapter Specific question.
          3. Instructor will assign Chapter specific reading and a PowerPoint lecture on medications for various body systems as it relates to diseases and disorders. Students will ask questions via LMS as this is an online course. Students will also be required to Post and Reply on the discussion board on a Chapter specific question.

          Distance Learning

          1. Students will be given examples of medications within a body system – e.g. Medications for Skin Conditions (Chapter 22). An example here would be topical antibiotics for skin or topical antifungal medications. Students will perform Critical Thinking Exercises and Review Questions for each body system and submit via LMS for grade.

          Typical Out of Class Assignments

          Reading Assignments

          Section reading in textbook: 1. Basics of Pharmacology. Students will then post response on discussion board to "What is the difference between a typical side effect and an adverse reaction?" 2. Interpreting medication labels and prescriptions. Students will then post response on discussion board to "What are some common warnings found on drug labels?" and "Why is it important for pharmacy staff to review these with patients?"

          Writing, Problem Solving or Performance

          1. Complete weekly lesson assignment on the Basics of Pharmacology section and submit via LMS. 2. Complete weekly quiz on the Basics of Pharmacology and submit via LMS.

          Other (Term projects, research papers, portfolios, etc.)

          1. Write a summary paper on student learning outcomes for this course and submit via LMS for grade and feedback from instructor.

          Required Materials

          • Pharmacology: Principles & Applications
            • Author: Fulcher, Soto
            • Publisher: Elsevier Health Sciences
            • Publication Date: 2012
            • Text Edition: 3rd
            • Classic Textbook?:
            • OER Link:
            • OER:

          Other materials and-or supplies required of students that contribute to the cost of the course.