Catalog Description

Formerly known as PHED 111
Prerequisite: Enrollment limitation: permission of instructor required; for students with advanced softball skills, conditioning and previous competitive experience
Hours: 58 laboratory per unit
Description: Stresses softball training, skills, knowledge, strategy, and appreciation. Intended for students with varsity high school experience who are preparing for competitive intercollegiate softball. May be taken four times for credit. (CSU, UC-with unit limitation)

Course Student Learning Outcomes

  • CSLO #1: Demonstrate individual defensive skills.
  • CSLO #2: Identify team building and leadership techniques.
  • CSLO #3: Evaluate different spins and pitch location.
  • CSLO #4: Demonstrate various bunts used in the short game.
  • CSLO #5: Demonstrate various types of slides.
  • CSLO #6: Identify different offensive situations.

Effective Term

Fall 2020

Course Type

Credit - Degree-applicable

Contact Hours


Outside of Class Hours


Total Student Learning Hours


Course Objectives

1. Analyze offensive strategies.
2. Identify the benefits of using arm band offensive signals in game situations
3. Evaluate defensive strategies that prevent stolen bases.
4. Develop a scouting report on an opponent.
5. Demonstrate techniques to lining up a double-cut from the warning track.
6. Demonstrate pitch calling techniques in college softball.
7. Perform defensive signals used in a bunt situation and align defensive players on the infield.
8. Implement offensive signals in a game using arm band signals.
9. Perform plays to defend a first and third situation while on defense.
10. Demonstrate breathing techniques to use during a game.
11. Perform the steps to fielding a ground ball in the infield.
12. Demonstrate the bunting techniques used in the short game.
13. Compare and contrast different defensive situations.
14. Utilize relaxation breathing techniques.

General Education Information

  • Approved College Associate Degree GE Applicability
    • CSU GE Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU approval)
      • Cal-GETC Applicability (Recommended - Requires External Approval)
        • IGETC Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU/UC approval)

          Articulation Information

          • CSU Transferable
          • UC Transferable

          Methods of Evaluation

          • Classroom Discussions
            • Example: After analyzing and discussing opponents game film, develop a scouting report and present it to the team. A rubric will be used to grade the assignment and a traditional grading scale will be used.
          • Skill Demonstrations
            • Example: Perform the steps to fielding a ground ball in the infield. Video analysis will be used to assess the skill. Pass/Fail grading.



          Methods of Instruction

          • Laboratory
          • Distance Learning


          1. Discussion by the instructor on the various aspects of defensive scenarios. The students will examine the scenarios and discuss in small groups (Objective 9)
          2. Instructor will lead a discussion on breathing techniques to use during warm-ups, in the on deck circle and in the dugout, followed by student practice. (Objective 6)
          3. Following an instructor demonstration, the students will perform plays to defend a first and third situation while on defense. (Objective 5)
          4. Following an instructor demonstration, students will perform the bunting techniques used in the short game. (Objective 8)

          Distance Learning

          1. The instructor will lecture on the steps to fielding a ground ball. The students will outside the steps to fielding a ground ball. (Objective 11)

          Typical Out of Class Assignments

          Reading Assignments

          1. Read text book "Heads Up Baseball" and prepare your personal Mission statement. 2. Read text book "Heads Up Baseball" and be prepared to discuss the different types of breathing techniques.

          Writing, Problem Solving or Performance

          1. Identify three defensive strategies to defend a first and third play. Prepare a written report on the three strategies. 2. Create a guide book for offensive signals and strategies to use in a game.

          Other (Term projects, research papers, portfolios, etc.)

          Required Materials

          • Heads-up Baseball; Playing one pitch at a time
            • Author: Ken Ravizza/Tom Hanson
            • Publisher: McGraw-Hill
            • Publication Date: 2017
            • Text Edition: 2nd
            • Classic Textbook?: No
            • OER Link:
            • OER:

          Other materials and-or supplies required of students that contribute to the cost of the course.