Catalog Description

Formerly known as PHED 32
Hours: 54 lecture
Description: Synthesis of principles and theories in exercise physiology, kinesiology, nutrition, and basic behavioral sciences. Application of principles to physical fitness testing and exercise program design and implementation. Prepares students for the American Council on Exercise (ACE) personal trainer certification examination. (CSU)

Course Student Learning Outcomes

  • CSLO #1: Compare and contrast techniques of body composition testing to develop individual weight management programs.
  • CSLO #2: Create and design a low back care exercise plan.
  • CSLO #3: Describe the 4 major systems in the body that are used when exercising.
  • CSLO #4: Identify factors that affect exercise adherence.

Effective Term

Fall 2019

Course Type

Credit - Degree-applicable

Contact Hours


Outside of Class Hours


Total Student Learning Hours


Course Objectives

1. Describe bio-mechanical principles applied to human movement;
2. Describe how to fuel the body for optimal performance.
3. Interpret the results of a client interview and assessment data to develop program goals and an effective exercise program;
4. Instruct clients on safe and effective exercise techniques and equipment use
5. Examine preliminary health screening and risk classification methods;
6. Identify and evaluate the quality of client movement through observation and assessment
7. Evaluate fitness test validity, reliability, and objectivity;
8. Analyze and evaluate the administration and interpretation of physical fitness tests;
9. Compare and contrast techniques of body composition testing to develop individual weight management programs;
10. Discuss the assessment and exercise prescription for cardiopulmonary endurance;
11. Discuss the assessment and exercise prescription for muscle strength and endurance
12. Define the components and purposes of physical fitness, physical fitness testing, exercise prescription, and exercise adherence;
13. Create and design a low back care exercise program

General Education Information

  • Approved College Associate Degree GE Applicability
    • AA/AS - Health Ed/Physical Ed
  • CSU GE Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU approval)
    • CSUGE - E1 Lifelong Learning and Self-Development
  • Cal-GETC Applicability (Recommended - Requires External Approval)
    • IGETC Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU/UC approval)

      Articulation Information

      • CSU Transferable

      Methods of Evaluation

      • Reports
        • Example: In a take-home essay, compare and contrast the three techniques learned in class for measuring percentage of body fat. Essay will be graded based on a rubric developed by the instructor and shared with students.
      • Skill Demonstrations
        • Example: Using skin-fold calipers, take six measurements of anatomical sites and accurately compute body fat percentage. Graded per industry standard.



      Methods of Instruction

      • Lecture/Discussion
      • Distance Learning


      1. Instructor will facilitate a small group discussion in which students will be given several case-studies of individuals who need weight and exercise programs. Students will analyze and discuss the best possible course of action, and will conclude with the development of a written set of guidelines for each case study. Instructor will assess and review with the class the written assignment.
      2. Instructor will lead a hands-on demonstration of how to correctly use assessment equipment including: skin-fold calipers, bioelectrical impedance machine, hydrostatic testing apparatus, cycle ergometer and sit-reach machine. The instructor will then lead a discussion on when it is appropriate to use each type of equipment.

      Distance Learning

      1. Instructor will create a power point on adherence through LMS which students will watch then take a quiz online.

      Typical Out of Class Assignments

      Reading Assignments

      1. Student will read an instructor-supplied handout on assessing cardio respiratory fitness and be prepared to discuss in class. 2. Student will read applicable information in the text and be prepared to orally compare and contrast various basic principles for exercise program design.

      Writing, Problem Solving or Performance

      1. Student will read an assigned article from a selected fitness journal and write a 3-4 page reaction statement. 2. Student will read an instructor-provided case study and create a suggested assessment plan and prescription.

      Other (Term projects, research papers, portfolios, etc.)

      1. Completion of a project and oral presentation based upon weight management or stress management techniques.

      Required Materials

      • Ace Personal Trainer Manual
        • Author: Bryant, CX & Green, DJ
        • Publisher: American Council on Exercise
        • Publication Date: 2014
        • Text Edition: 5th
        • Classic Textbook?:
        • OER Link:
        • OER:
      • ACE's Essentials of Exercise Science for Fitness Professionals
        • Author: Bryant, CX & Green, DJ
        • Publisher: American Council on Exercise
        • Publication Date: 2012
        • Text Edition: 1st
        • Classic Textbook?:
        • OER Link:
        • OER:
      • Master the Manual
        • Author: Bryant, CX & Green, DJ
        • Publisher: American Council on Exercise
        • Publication Date: 2010
        • Text Edition: 4th
        • Classic Textbook?:
        • OER Link:
        • OER:

      Other materials and-or supplies required of students that contribute to the cost of the course.