Catalog Description

Prerequisite: Enrollment Limitation: audition required; auditions generally occur the first week of class, and include sight singing, improvisation and preparation of a short musical excerpt, and an aural skills assessment
Advisory: Previous choral experience
Hours: 54 (18 lecture, 36 laboratory)
Description: Study and performance of modern and vocal jazz styles, tone production, and rhythms. Public performances and field trips required. May be taken four times for credit. (C-ID MUS 180) (CSU, UC)

Course Student Learning Outcomes

  • CSLO #1: Demonstrate and evaluate theoretical and conceptual theories of vocal jazz literature through rehearsal and performance.
  • CSLO #2: Differentiate and demonstrate basic concepts of dynamic shading, accidentals, tempos, note names and values, key and time signatures, intervallic relationships, and expressive markings through rehearsal and performance.
  • CSLO #3: Demonstrate appropriate stylistic approaches in the performance of time keeping, interpretation of rhythmic figures, phrasing, and articulation in swing and various Afro-Caribbean vocal jazz idioms.

Effective Term

Spring 2021

Course Type

Credit - Degree-applicable

Contact Hours


Outside of Class Hours


Total Student Learning Hours


Course Objectives

Lecture-Directed Study Objectives:
1. Demonstrate the ability to sing four-part vocal jazz music in an ensemble with attention to rhythm, intonation and dynamics as directed by the conductor.
2. Sing stylistically appropriate to the understanding of vocal jazz genres through rehearsal and performance.
3. Sing with proper articulation, dynamics, phrasing and expression in improvised solo work as directed.
4. Sing with vocal technique appropriate to jazz ensemble settings, i.e., blending and balance between the section and the ensemble.
5. Compare and contrast solo vocal performance approach with ensemble performance techniques.
6. Illustrate a basic understanding of proper microphone technique.
Laboratory Objectives:
1. Create an improvisation using scat syllables.
2. Demonstrate through aural transcription a vocal solo based on the standard jazz literature.
3. Evaluate other performance ensembles through concert and festival attendance.
4. Memorize repertoire for performance as directed.
5. Demonstrate a professional level of performance and rehearsal practices through repetition and public performance.
6. Demonstrate an increased facility above previous level by repetition.

General Education Information

  • Approved College Associate Degree GE Applicability
    • AA/AS - Fine Arts
  • CSU GE Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU approval)
    • CSUGE - C1 Arts
  • Cal-GETC Applicability (Recommended - Requires External Approval)
    • IGETC Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU/UC approval)

      Articulation Information

        Methods of Evaluation

        • Classroom Discussions
          • Example: After rehearsing a section of a composition, instructor will engage students in a discussion of what they heard in terms of articulation, rhythmic concept, intonation, blend and balance. Students will respond to questions posed by the instructor orally. Students will be evaluated on participation and their ability to actively engage in the discussion.
        • Essay Examinations
          • Example: In a written essay report of a live concert, the student will evaluate a vocal jazz ensemble performance and address current lecture and rehearsal topics such as intonation, ensemble singing and blending. Reports will be evaluated based upon an instructor provided rubric.
        • Skill Demonstrations
          • Example: Skill and knowledge of current vocal literature will be assessed through student demonstration and performance of selected musical excerpts focusing on intonation in close harmony, microphone technique and style differences from one jazz composer to another.



        Methods of Instruction

        • Laboratory
        • Lecture/Discussion
        • Distance Learning


        1. Instructor will guide students through selected excerpts of current literature in rehearsal, while questioning them on appropriate stylistic considerations including intonation, blend, balance, and rhythmic accuracy.


        1. Instructor will play recorded examples of the current rehearsal literature. Through guided and focused listening, students will be asked to identify demonstrated vocal ensemble techniques

        Typical Out of Class Assignments

        Reading Assignments

        1. Study, interpret, and memorize the texts of assigned musical selections. 2. Read a critique published in a jazz periodical (i.e., Downbeat, Jazz Times) of a vocal jazz performance and report your findings to the class.

        Writing, Problem Solving or Performance

        1. Perform assigned music, in small ensemble or solo format, singing 90% of note pitch and rhythm correctly. 2. Write a critical review of a recent performance of this ensemble. Include aspects of pre-concert preparation and public response. 3. Prepare a vocal improvisation using scat syllables.

        Other (Term projects, research papers, portfolios, etc.)

        1. Memorize all the notes on an assigned vocal part by a given date. 2. Practice, both individually and in groups, for upcoming public performances.

        Required Materials

        • Jazz Conception: Voice
          • Author: Jim Snidero
          • Publisher: Advance Music
          • Publication Date: 2013
          • Text Edition: 1st
          • Classic Textbook?: No
          • OER Link:
          • OER:
        • The Vocal Jazz Ensemble
          • Author: Paris Rutherford
          • Publisher: Hal Leonard Publishing
          • Publication Date: 2008
          • Text Edition: 1st
          • Classic Textbook?: No
          • OER Link:
          • OER:
        • Vocal Improvisation: An Instru-Vocal Approach
          • Author: Bob Stoloff
          • Publisher: Berklee Press
          • Publication Date: 2012
          • Text Edition:
          • Classic Textbook?: No
          • OER Link:
          • OER:
        • Musicianship for the Jazz Vocalist
          • Author: Nancy Marano
          • Publisher: Advance Music
          • Publication Date: 2013
          • Text Edition:
          • Classic Textbook?: No
          • OER Link:
          • OER:

        Other materials and-or supplies required of students that contribute to the cost of the course.