Catalog Description

Hours: 18 lecture
Description: Step by step strategies for becoming more assertive, rather than passive or aggressive. Learn verbal and nonverbal skills for communicating with people more authentically, effectively and fairly. Examines cultural and social differences in assertive communication. (CSU)

Course Student Learning Outcomes

  • CSLO #1: Apply critical thinking and problem-solving strategies in communication to make personal decisions.
  • CSLO #2: Increase self-advocacy skills leading to life success.

Effective Term

Fall 2019

Course Type

Credit - Degree-applicable

Contact Hours


Outside of Class Hours


Total Student Learning Hours


Course Objectives

Through written assignments, objective exams, and in class activities, students will:
1. Distinguish the differences between passive, aggressive, passive-aggressive, and assertive behavior;
2. Compare and contrast perceptions of assertiveness in other cultures, genders, ages, and ethnicities;
3. Investigate the influences of assertiveness, self-esteem, and stress on individual behavior patterns;
4. Recognize the typical barriers to behavior change;
5. Analyze personal behavior and barriers to behavior change in targeted interpersonal encounters;
6. Identify and apply methods to overcome barriers to change;
7. Apply the techniques and principles of assertiveness; and
8. Perform a chosen set of new assertive behaviors and chart improvement in interpersonal relationships.

General Education Information

  • Approved College Associate Degree GE Applicability
    • AA/AS - Oral Comm Skills
  • CSU GE Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU approval)
    • Cal-GETC Applicability (Recommended - Requires External Approval)
      • IGETC Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU/UC approval)

        Articulation Information

        • CSU Transferable

        Methods of Evaluation

        • Classroom Discussions
          • Example: Topic of types of assertive, aggressive and passive communication is supported using students' personal examples and brainstorming other ways to resolve or address situation. Grading based on participation, correct identification of type of communication as well as contribution to new approaches.
        • Essay Examinations
          • Example: Write a short essay reflecting on cultural differences in communication and assertiveness. Paper assessed on completeness, college level writing and meeting assignment specifications.
        • Skill Demonstrations
          • Example: Role play a given scenario, including verbal and nonverbal communication skill sets. Role-Play evaluated based on a rubric created by the instructor and shared with students.



        Methods of Instruction

        • Lecture/Discussion
        • Distance Learning


        1. Lecture: Interactive lecture on the components of assertive behavior as opposed to passive and aggressive behavior. Students will complete an individual assessment of personal communication style and then participate in class discussion regarding barriers to being assertive. Role-play: Students will participate in role play situations around re-framing aggressive or passive interactions into assertive ones. Three roles--the instigator, the respondent and a coach to provide feedback/support/ideas. Students will demonstrate ability to re-frame, provide constructive feedback and support and articulate in a journal personal lessons learned, strengths, and weaknesses and set a goal for an area of growth.

        Distance Learning

        1. Students will interact with instructor and class peers through online lectures, interactive activities, and discussion boards. Instructor will provide examples of passive and aggressive behavior and provide opportunities for students to assess themselves and the changes they can make.

        Typical Out of Class Assignments

        Reading Assignments

        1. Read chapter on cultural differences in assertive communication and write a one-page paper giving examples of some; include verbal and nonverbal differences. 2. Read the article "Acting Assertively" and be prepared to discuss in class.

        Writing, Problem Solving or Performance

        1. Prepare a script utilizing the D.E.S.C. assertiveness format given in the text. Using a real life situation, develop the script to demonstrate assertive communication. 2. Write a two-page paper describing the specific areas in your life where you find yourself behaving either passively or aggressively and analyze your personal barriers to behaving assertively.

        Other (Term projects, research papers, portfolios, etc.)

        Required Materials

        • Your Perfect Right
          • Author: Alberti and Emmons
          • Publisher: Impact Publications
          • Publication Date: 2017
          • Text Edition: 10th
          • Classic Textbook?:
          • OER Link:
          • OER:

        Other materials and-or supplies required of students that contribute to the cost of the course.