Catalog Description

Prerequisite: Completion of PHOT 60A with grade of "C" or better
Hours: 72 (36 lecture, 36 activity)
Description: The conceptual process, experimentation, and photographic tools of creative image making. Consideration of the work by historical and ethnically and culturally diverse photographers. Topics include creative camera and darkroom experimentation, medium format and toy cameras, pinhole photography, the traditional/digital darkroom and bookmaking. (CSU, UC)

Course Student Learning Outcomes

  • CSLO #1: Utilize a variety of camera formats and techniques based on visual characteristics desired for specific images.
  • CSLO #2: Create prints using advanced digital and darkroom techniques.
  • CSLO #3: Assemble images into cohesive final portfolio.

Effective Term

Fall 2024

Course Type

Credit - Degree-applicable

Contact Hours


Outside of Class Hours


Total Student Learning Hours


Course Objectives

Lecture Objectives

1. Explain the meaning or purpose for all photographs created;

2. construct and utilize a pinhole camera;

3. compare and contrast the advantages, disadvantages and visual impact of various film and digital camera formats;

4. demonstrate proper operation of a medium format or toy camera;

Activity Objectives:

5. Modify the meaning of photographic images through various darkroom techniques;

6. compare cyanotype prints made on various substrates and utilizing different toners;

7. modify digital prints by transferring them to non-standard materials; and

8. create a handmade book from a series of related photographs.

General Education Information

  • Approved College Associate Degree GE Applicability
    • CSU GE Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU approval)
      • Cal-GETC Applicability (Recommended - Requires External Approval)
        • IGETC Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU/UC approval)

          Articulation Information

          • CSU Transferable
          • UC Transferable

          Methods of Evaluation

          • Classroom Discussions
            • Example: Classroom peer critiques (discussions) are an integral part of deepening student understanding of how others react to their images and to gain insight into how they can improve their work. In addition, students need to be able to explain the meaning or purpose of the images they create. Students are evaluated on participation, their ability to actively engage in the discussion and to provide and receive valuable feedback from their peers.
          • Objective Examinations
            • Example: A multiple choice chemical procedure and safety examination will be given to assess student’s knowledge of proper selenium toning sequence and the safe handling of chemicals. Example question: What is the proper method of selenium toner disposal once the chemical has become exhausted?
          • Projects
            • Example: A portfolio of photographs presented in a handmade book will be evaluated for technique, composition, presentation, visual communication and cohesiveness.
          • Reports
            • Example: Students will research a photographer who works thematically and write a summary examination of their work and how the images work together to form a unified statement. An outline of expected points to be covered will be included in a rubric provided to the student. All papers are returned to students with comments and grades from the instructor.



          Methods of Instruction

          • Activity
          • Lecture/Discussion
          • Distance Learning


          1. Instructor lecture on the history and artistic use of the pinhole camera. Instructor will then demonstrate how to build a pinhole camera. Students will gather the necessary materials and then build and utilize their own pinhole cameras.


          1. Instructor will lecture on how to select a topic for the book project and how planning, image sequencing, materials and structure affect the overall impact of the final book. Instructor will then assign a written plan that students will then complete that outlines their concept for the book project. Instructor will then evaluate the plan for clarity and viability. This plan aids in the conceptualization and execution of the handmade book.

          Distance Learning

          1. Instructor creates a video demonstration and lecture related to selenium toning. Students come to lab with the necessary materials to then apply selenium toning to their photographic prints.

          Typical Out of Class Assignments

          Reading Assignments

          1. Read the handouts on chemical safety and the chapter on toning techniques in the textbook. Come prepared with an appropriate print to tone during the lab. 2. Read the chapter on how to calculate the aperture and focal length of a pinhole camera. Once your pinhole camera is completed use this information to calculate your camera's aperture and focal length.

          Writing, Problem Solving or Performance

          1. Write a proposal for your book project this semester. Make sure to include a description of the theme, working title, influences and the techniques you will utilize in printing and binding.

          Other (Term projects, research papers, portfolios, etc.)

          Produce a portfolio of ten to twelve photographs that are related in theme or technique and present them within a handmade book.

          Required Materials

          • Photography
            • Author: London, Stone & Upton
            • Publisher: Prentice Hall
            • Publication Date: 2016
            • Text Edition: 12th
            • Classic Textbook?:
            • OER Link:
            • OER:
          • Photography: A 21st Century Practice
            • Author: Mark Chen
            • Publisher: Routledge
            • Publication Date: June, 2020
            • Text Edition: 1st
            • Classic Textbook?: Yes
            • OER Link:
            • OER:
          • Photograph as Contemporary Art
            • Author: Charlotte Cotton
            • Publisher: Thames & Hudson
            • Publication Date: September, 2020
            • Text Edition: 4th
            • Classic Textbook?: Yes
            • OER Link:
            • OER:
          • Jill Enfield’s Guide to Photographic Alternative Processes: Popular Historical and Contemporary Techniques
            • Author: Jill Enfield
            • Publisher: Routledge
            • Publication Date: March, 2020
            • Text Edition: 2nd
            • Classic Textbook?: Yes
            • OER Link:
            • OER:

          Other materials and-or supplies required of students that contribute to the cost of the course.

          Presentation materials.