Catalog Description

Prerequisite: Completion of PHOT 92 with grade of "C" or better
Hours: 90 (36 lecture, 54 laboratory)
Description: Advanced study of alternative processes in photography designed to expand on the technical and creative concepts previously acquired. Exploration of the technical and aesthetic variations possible within the processes chosen for study. Concentration on matching creative vision with the appropriate process and the creation of a cohesive fine art portfolio over the course of the semester. Students must furnish printing paper and presentation materials. (CSU)

Course Student Learning Outcomes

  • CSLO #1: Create original photographs using both a constructed view camera and through calibrated digital negative output.
  • CSLO #2: Evaluate images created compared and contrasted to the work of established photographers working with the same processes.
  • CSLO #3: Create a cohesive portfolio of alternative process photographs demonstrating technical skills and stylistic consistency.

Effective Term

Fall 2019

Course Type

Credit - Degree-applicable

Contact Hours


Outside of Class Hours


Total Student Learning Hours


Course Objectives

Lecture Objectives:
1. Generate a proposal for the processes to be explored and final portfolio content
2. Describe the characteristics of basic lens types primarily used during the 19th century
3. Select a minimum of two alternative processes to research and utilize
4. Assess the variations for each process chosen and select the specific sequence and chemicals to be utilized
5. Critique the work of established photographers using the processes identified in the final portfolio proposal
6. Compute a digital negative correction curve using input/output data
7. Justify final portfolio through a written artist’s statement
Laboratory Objectives:
1. Review and demonstrate safe handling of materials and safety precautions when working on projects
2. Construct a double-box sliding view camera to produce original images
3. Prepare chemicals and substrates for printing
4. Assess final prints and modify processes as necessary to improve image quality
5. Modify standard digital negative production to account for the process being used
6. Determine the appropriate display method for images created
7. Create final portfolio of alternative process images

General Education Information

  • Approved College Associate Degree GE Applicability
    • CSU GE Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU approval)
      • Cal-GETC Applicability (Recommended - Requires External Approval)
        • IGETC Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU/UC approval)

          Articulation Information

          • CSU Transferable

          Methods of Evaluation

          • Classroom Discussions
            • Example: Classroom peer critiques (discussions) are an integral part of deepening student understanding of how others react to their images and to gain insight into how they can improve their work. Students are evaluated on participation, their ability to actively engage in the discussion and to provide and receive valuable feedback from their peers.
          • Objective Examinations
            • Example: A multiple-choice exam will be given covering the specific hazards and safe handling of chemicals used in alternative processes. Standard grading.
          • Projects
            • Example: A final portfolio of 12-15 alternative process prints will be created. Evaluation will be based on a grading rubric provided to students. Major components of the rubric would include print quality, image selection, appropriateness of process considering the image, composition, and originality.
          • Reports
            • Example: Student will prepare a written report analyzing the background, style and artistic intent of contemporary artists who work with the same processes they have chosen to explore over the course of the semester. An outline of expected points to be covered will be included in a rubric provided to the student
          • Skill Demonstrations
            • Example: Based upon lectures, readings and in-class demonstrations, students will demonstrate the proper method to create a digital negative. The components of the grade and their weight will be provided to the students as part of a grading rubric. Major components will include proper use of densitometer, curve calculations, printer settings and contrast control.



          Methods of Instruction

          • Laboratory
          • Lecture/Discussion


          1. During the lab portion of the course instructor will demonstrate how to construct a sliding box view camera. After the demonstration, students will use the materials provided to construct their own camera. This will include making minor modifications based on the lens type the student selects. Instructor will supervise, assist, clarify and help students trouble shoot problems as they arise.


          1. Instructor will lecture on digital negative production. This will include a demonstration of the densitometer and curve calculations based on input/output data. Students will be given sample data to practice creating and applying adjustment curves. This lecture and demonstration will precede the actual production of digital negatives tailored to the individual process the students are using.

          Typical Out of Class Assignments

          Reading Assignments

          1. Student will be assigned to read the chapter in the textbook on the first process to be explored as well as on The student will need to analyze the similarities and difference between the two and make notes on their observations. The need to have analyzed the readings to the degree that they can discuss their observations with the rest of the class. 2. Student will be assigned to read two online articles on lens types. Student will need to come prepared to identify the various lens types and optical attributes during a quiz. In addition, student will apply this knowledge as they select the lens for the camera they build.

          Writing, Problem Solving or Performance

          1. Student will be required to create original images using the sliding box view camera constructed in class. 2. Student will prepare a written report analyzing the background, style and artistic intent of contemporary artists who work with the same processes they have chosen to explore over the course of the semester.

          Other (Term projects, research papers, portfolios, etc.)

          Student will complete a final portfolio of 12-15 alternative process prints that demonstrates their best work from the processes explored.

          Required Materials

          • The Book of Alternative Photographic Processes
            • Author: James
            • Publisher: Cengage Learning
            • Publication Date: 2015
            • Text Edition: 3rd
            • Classic Textbook?:
            • OER Link:
            • OER:
          • New Dimensions in Photo Processes: A Step-by-Step Manual for Alternative Techniques
            • Author: Blacklow
            • Publisher: Routledge
            • Publication Date: 2018
            • Text Edition: 5th
            • Classic Textbook?:
            • OER Link:
            • OER:
          • Alternative Photographic Processes: Crafting Handmade Images (Alternative Process Photography)
            • Author: Wilks
            • Publisher: Routledge
            • Publication Date: 2015
            • Text Edition: 1st
            • Classic Textbook?:
            • OER Link:
            • OER:
          • Experimental Photography: A Handbook of Techniques
            • Author: Antonini, Minniti, Gomez & Lungarella
            • Publisher: Thames & Hudson
            • Publication Date: 2015
            • Text Edition: 1st
            • Classic Textbook?:
            • OER Link:
            • OER:

          Other materials and-or supplies required of students that contribute to the cost of the course.

          Substrates to print on, inkjet transparency film and presentation materials.