Catalog Description

Description: Designed to assist students who desire supplemental tutoring or learning assistance in basic skills or academic college-level subjects. Tutorials or learning assistance, or both, are recommended by counselors or instructors for the purpose of developing or augmenting learning by students. Tutorial or learning assistance content is based on student need. Use of tutorial or learning assistance services enrolls students in this non-fee, non-credit course, and does not substitute for any other course or coursework. May be repeated. (noncredit)

Course Student Learning Outcomes

  • CSLO #1: Identify ways to improve performance and success rate in class(es).

Effective Term

Fall 2018

Course Type


Contact Hours


Outside of Class Hours


Total Student Learning Hours


Course Objectives

1. Identify areas in which a tutor or instructional assistant can provide help.
2. Restate material presented in tutoring or learning assistance sessions.
3. Apply skills presented in sessions.
4. Demonstrate improved academic interaction during the sessions through participatory questioning.
5. Assess effectiveness of current study skills.

General Education Information

  • Approved College Associate Degree GE Applicability
    • CSU GE Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU approval)
      • Cal-GETC Applicability (Recommended - Requires External Approval)
        • IGETC Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU/UC approval)

          Articulation Information

            Methods of Evaluation

            • Other
              • Example: Staff analyzes the success rate of students who use the Learning Center tutoring services in comparison to students who do not. This data is provided by the Research department.



            Methods of Instruction

            • Lecture/Discussion
            • Distance Learning


            1. Critical Thinking: Tutors or instructional assistants ask students questions about content and continue asking questions in order to stimulate thinking. When students present an evaluative answer, tutors lead them, through additional questioning or examples, to synthesize information.
            2. Reading: Tutors or instructional assistants lead students in reading assignments by asking pertinent questions regarding content and asking students to define the main idea or to look for a thesis of the passage.
            3. Writing: Tutors or instructional assistants help students to brainstorm ideas for papers, to write a clear thesis, to develop ideas with facts and examples, and to write a conclusion that wraps up the essay.

            Distance Learning

            1. Using synchronous video conferencing, tutors or instructional assistants will help students identify areas of concern regarding critical thinking, reading and/or writing skills by asking participatory questions. Students will engage with the tutor by answering questions and providing samples of past work and current assignments

            Typical Out of Class Assignments

            Reading Assignments

            1. Read a selection in your textbook. As you read, highlight or write down the words that are unfamiliar to you. Find the definitions of these words in the glossary or in another appropriate resource. 2. Read a selection in your textbook and then summarize it in your own words. Discuss with your tutor what you understand from your reading.

            Writing, Problem Solving or Performance

            1. Identify the 5 steps used to balance oxidation-reduction reactions. 2. What is the most important thing to know when trying to solve a dimensional analysis problem?

            Other (Term projects, research papers, portfolios, etc.)

            Tutoring and/or learning assistance provided in the writing and proper documenting of research papers.

            Required Materials

            • On Course: Strategies for Creating Success in College and Life
              • Author: Skip Downing
              • Publisher: Wadsworth Publishing
              • Publication Date: 2016
              • Text Edition: 8th
              • Classic Textbook?:
              • OER Link:
              • OER:

            Other materials and-or supplies required of students that contribute to the cost of the course.