AAD 0020. Portfolio Development and Presentation

Units: 3
Advisory: Completion of AAD 70, 75, or 85 with grade of "C" or better
Hours: 72 (36 lecture, 36 activity)
Function and use of the portfolio as a marketing device for artists and designers. Styles, materials, resources in portfolio design. Evaluation of professional goals and image building. Students create and present both a print and digital portfolio of their work as a final project. For advanced students. (CSU)

AAD 0020 - Portfolio Development and Presentation


Catalog Description Advisory: Completion of AAD 70, 75, or 85 with grade of "C" or better Hours: 72 (36 lecture, 36 activity) Description: Function and use of the portfolio as a marketing device for artists and designers. Styles, materials, resources in portfolio design. Evaluation of professional goals and image building. Students create and present both a print and digital portfolio of their work as a final project. For advanced students. (CSU) Course Student Learning Outcomes CSLO #1: Investigate and identify the necessary elements that make a professional portfolio. CSLO #2: Design and synthesize materials into a cohesive professional portfolio with a specific target audience. CSLO #3: Present a portfolio in a professional manner for critique and feedback that demonstrates an understanding of professional practices and presentational skills. CSLO #4: Evaluate and critique the portfolio and presentation of peers. Effective Term Fall 2019 Course Type Credit - Degree-applicable Contact Hours 72 Outside of Class Hours 90 Total Student Learning Hours 162 Course Objectives Lecture Objectives: 1. Summarize in writing personal career aspirations and, research information on potential employers to fulfill those goals. 2. Identify orally or in writing several portfolio styles and their appropriate use. 3. Research and identify best practices for creating an artist's statement and a professional resume. 4. Identify format for portfolio presentation; hard copy and/or digital. 5. Compile and display artwork in attractive, functional and cohesive hard copy or digital portfolio. 6. Communicate effectively through oral presentations. 7. Identify best practices for portfolio submissions. Activity/Laboratory Objectives: 1. Assess portfolio needs including portfolio goal and target audiences; target media; art work to be included; resource list; create to do list; develop timeline; determine format. 2. Write an artist statement and prepare a professional resume including sections on skills, education, work experience, and personal interests using correct grammar and spelling. 3. Create mockup format of portfolio including thumbnail drawings of layout and design; selection of images. 4. Prepare images for digital presentation through the use of
scanning; demonstrate understanding of sizing, scaling and image enhancement. Prepare images for a portfolio project. 5. Create a portfolio of work and present portfolio to class; target audience; content; professional presentation. 6. Evaluate own and other portfolios in terms of overall design, creativity, impact, size, format, focus, and utility. 7. Identify basic business practices; contacts; copyright issues; professional image. General Education Information Approved College Associate Degree GE Applicability CSU GE Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU approval) Cal-GETC Applicability (Recommended - Requires External Approval) IGETC Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU/UC approval) Articulation Information CSU Transferable Methods of Evaluation Projects Example: Create a portfolio of work and present portfolio to class as target audience showing content as a professional presentation. Rubric Graded. (Course Objective 5) Skill Demonstrations Example: Assess portfolio needs including portfolio goal and target audiences, target media, art work to be included,resource list, create to do list, develop timeline, determine format. Rubric Graded. (Course Objective 1) Repeatable No Methods of Instruction Lecture/Discussion Distance Learning Lecture: The instructor will provide lecture overviews of how to successfully complete projects relating to the student's creation of a portfolio of their work. Instructor demonstrates the correct research and selection processes for selecting a target audience and image selection for portfolio. Students are expected to actively participate in the lecture. Students will be divided into groups and the instructor will support and direct group discussions that utilize correct terminology. Instructor will bring the class back together to address questions that came up in group discussions, and students will then be assessed in a short quiz on the material. Distance Learning The instructor will provide a presentation on “Messaging and the Professional Portfolio” in which topics such as clarity of message, quality of work samples, demonstration and presentation of skills, and clarity of goals is outlined. Students will then be asked to evaluate online portfolios of other creative makers in their field, assessing them on these tenets. Prompts such as “Is this the portfolio of an amateur, a professional, or a student? How can you tell?” will be responded to during the assessment. The typed assessment will be shared, along with screen captures and links to the online portfolio. Typical Out of Class Assignments Reading Assignments 1. Read assignments from class textbook on portfolio preparation for hands-on demonstration/tutorials by instructor in class and for examinations on course content and terms. 2. Develop themes for a portfolio through library and internet-based research focusing on content, and preparation of written objectives using the concepts and terminology for successful completion of the assignment. Writing, Problem Solving or Performance Assignment: Artist's Statement - An artist's statement is a short piece written by the artist to accompany a particular piece of art or body of work. An artist's statement shouldn't be dismissed as insignificant or dashed out in a hurry as it's a vital selling tool, promoting and explaining your work to people looking at your paintings, whether they're potential buyers, exhibition curators, critics, fellow artists, or casual browsers. At its best, an artist's statement reads easily, is informative, and adds to your understanding of the artist and the painting. At its worse, an artist's statement is difficult to understand or rambles on, is pretentious, and irritates rather than informs (or, even, provokes laughter). Working with the material on Writing An Artist's Statement that has been provided or using other appropriate sources as a guide, prepare an artist's statement that reflects how you view yourself and your work. You can find many additional sources of information by doing a Google search, artist's statement + writing. You will want to tailor your statement to fit your interests and what your portfolio will cover. The first step is to produce a draft statement for discussion at our next meeting. Your paper should be well written and typed. Remember, you are making the first step and it may feel difficult to do. Your artist's statement is not going to be perfect right out of the box, this is a process that will most likely require rewrites for clarity, focus and direction. It will take time and require revision as you receive feedback from others that you consult. Be gentle on yourself and understanding. Assignment: Creating Your Portfolio The last project for this class is the creation and presentation of a portfolio. You have been developing, in a semester-long process of research, audience focus, artist's statement and resume, the insight to reach this point of completion. The most critical element, selection of examples of your work to show, may still seem uncertain. Do remember that a portfolio is an organic process and you will reshape your "book" many times in your career as you create new work. So take a deep breath, relax and put something wonderful together with what you have now that reflects, this is me....this is my work. The presentation must have the items listed below included in the sample, although you have tremendous leeway in how you might design a format for presenting your work. You can use a three ringed binder with photo sleeves to hold your examples or create something with strong visual interest, that reflects what the final portfolio will be like. Format: You may present your material in any way you wish, do keep in mind that a clean, will organized portfolio, even a draft version, always makes a stronger impression. If you should choose the binder option, you must include drawings, pictures or other examples of the real portfolio's shape, size and materials used in construction. If you plan to create a format for presentation, you may choose to do a full size or scaled version. Examples of work: There is to be a minimum of 8, and not more than 10 examples of your work. You may use an original work or photographs of the artwork as placeholders. If you choose the photo option, you may shoot hi-res images or use snapshots of the examples taken with a digital camera. The photographs do not need to be of professional quality. Slides in slide sheets are also acceptable. Artist's Statement: Your completed Artist's Statement must be part of the portfolio. Again, presentation is important. Type your statement and use spell check. Resume: Your resume must be part of the package. However, do present it as a separate document that might be left behind. Other: You may have thoughts on adding additional pieces to your portfolio. Be selective and keep in mind the axiom "less is more." Other (Term projects, research papers, portfolios, etc.) Required Materials How to Create a Portfolio and Get Hired Author: Fig Taylor Publisher: Laurence King Publishing Publication Date: 2013 Text Edition: 2nd Classic Textbook?: No OER Link: OER: The Breakthrough Portfolio Author: Ken Thurlbeck Publisher: Thomson/Delmar Learning Publication Date: 2007 Text Edition: 1st Classic Textbook?: No OER Link: OER: Portfolio Design Author: Howard Linton Publisher: W. W. Norton and Company Publication Date: 2012 Text Edition: 4th Classic Textbook?: No OER Link: OER: Designing Creative Resumes Author: Greg Berryman Publisher: Crisp Publications Publication Date: 2002 Text Edition: 1st Classic Textbook?: No OER Link: OER: Other materials and-or supplies required of students that contribute to the cost of the course.



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