AAD 0053. Publication Design II

Units: 3
Prerequisite: Completion of AAD 52, 54 or 62 with grade of "C" or better
Hours: 72 (36 lecture, 36 activity)
Page layout for developing and producing high-quality multi-page documents. Emphasis on publication design, production, typography, graphics, and pre-press. Includes research and application of effective magazine layout concepts, cover design, grid theory, graphics, text elements and printing standards and processes. (CSU)

AAD 0053 - Publication Design II


Catalog Description Prerequisite: Completion of AAD 52, 54 or 62 with grade of "C" or better Hours: 72 (36 lecture, 36 activity) Description: Page layout for developing and producing high-quality multi-page documents. Emphasis on publication design, production, typography, graphics, and pre-press. Includes research and application of effective magazine layout concepts, cover design, grid theory, graphics, text elements and printing standards and processes. (CSU) Course Student Learning Outcomes CSLO #1: Design effective publication layout and design through integration of text and graphics into multi-page design documents using advanced techniques in creation of multiple master pages, style sheets and pagination. CSLO #2: Generate camera-ready design documents created with elements of page design and composition, and prepare files to effectively work with service bureaus and printers. CSLO #3: Formulate critique of page layout and design strategies used in preparation of designs in terms of composition and presentation. Effective Term Spring 2021 Course Type Credit - Degree-applicable Contact Hours 72 Outside of Class Hours 90 Total Student Learning Hours 162 Course Objectives Lecture Objectives: 1. Identify design models and strategies for effective publication layout and design; 2. Demonstrate how to organize and manage files to work effectively with service bureaus and/or printers; identify proofing and output options; 3. Identify line screens for grayscale and color images and appropriate scan resolutions for photographic and illustrated content; 4. Discuss how to review pre-press proofs for accuracy, oversee revisions and finalize for printing; 5. Identify how to research employment opportunities in graphic design and other related fields such as pre-press and printing; Activity Objectives: 1. Apply principles of typography to a variety of design and publication solutions through creation of projects; 2. Enter text and integrate graphics into multi-page publication design documents; 3. Use advanced techniques in creation of multiple master pages, append style sheets, configure pagination and execute document layout; 4. Work with text chains in multiple page documents and complex layouts; 5. Run text around graphics, use picture box modification and clipping paths; 6. Use color models and spot vs. process colors; define custom colors and apply colors to backgrounds, images, text and borders in class projects; 7. Produce a camera-ready publication using elements of page design, composition and presentation; and 8. Critique page layout and design in terms of composition and presentation. General Education Information Approved College Associate Degree GE Applicability CSU GE Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU approval) Cal-GETC Applicability (Recommended - Requires External Approval) IGETC Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU/UC approval) Articulation Information CSU Transferable Methods of Evaluation Projects Example: Students will identify design models and strategies for effective publication layout and design; create new document, configure pagination and execute document layout. Rubric graded. Skill Demonstrations Example: Students will enter text and integrate graphics into multi-page publication design documents; use advanced techniques in creation of multiple master pages, append style sheets. Rubric graded. Repeatable No Methods of Instruction Activity Lecture/Discussion Distance Learning Activity: Following the instructor presentation on design layout, students will use the content of the lecture to develop design solutions and apply the concepts to their book design document. Lecture: The instructor will provide a lecture overview of how to successfully complete a design layout of book pages. Instructor demonstrates the correct use of typography, grid theory, image preparation and proficiency in use of the publication program. Students are expected to actively participate in the lecture. Distance Learning Through Distance Learning, the instructor will present video tutorials demonstrating the use of page layout software. Students will be provided with digital starter files and will then complete the starter files via the appropriate tools of the application. Students will upload the completed tutorial file to the LMS to receive points for the exercise and feedback on the accuracy of the work. Students will also complete a series of creative projects that reinforce the skill-building exercises, and enhance their conceptual problem solving skills. These creative projects will be uploaded to the LMS to receive points for each major project. Typical Out of Class Assignments Reading Assignments 1. Reading assignments from class textbook in preparation for hands-on demonstration/tutorials by instructor in class and for examinations on course content and terms. Additional reading required from instructor handouts on magazine design, grid theory, business practices in publishing and work with prepress and printers. 2. Develop design themes for book and magazine projects through library and magazine research focusing on content, and preparation of written objectives using the concepts and terminology for successful completion of the assignment. Writing, Problem Solving or Performance Assignments and projects will emphasize use of publication software to design and produce magazine and book layouts. Areas of study include grid theory, creation of grid-based page documents, entering text and image onto pages, identifying basic elements of typography and the correct use of type in headlines and body copy in publication design, using font libraries and importing type onto the computer, image resolution and preparation for various print applications, and formatting of documents for printing. Example: Sample assignment #1: Book Design For this assignment, we will be looking at the design of a book. We will begin by analyzing a book of your choice and taking a look at its design elements. 1. Select a book that has a strong design appeal for you. This could be a book of any genre, size and shape, from novel size to coffee table-style publications on photographers, painters and of course, design. You do not need to purchase a book for this assignment. All published works are acceptable, including children's books. 2. Study the book's layout and design. Specifically focus on the front portion (everything before the first chapter) for this assignment. Here are some guidelines for your critical eye and careful consideration: - Typography: How is type used throughout the book? - Grid: What is the underlying organizational grid? - Design: What elements of design, such as balance, contrast, etc., are incorporated into the layout of the pages. - Color: How is color used as a design element on the cover and interior of the book? Does the use of color reflect the editorial "tone" and assist navigation through the book? Consider color as an element for both shape and text. - Cover: Does the cover design and presentation reflect the book's content? 3. Write a well thought-out 1 - 2 page paper describing your selection. Use brief descriptive statements and organize your thoughts to present a clear overview of the book's design. 4. Bring your written comments and the magazine to class. Be prepared to discuss it in an open forum. 5. Layout the dummy or page plan for the front part of the book, using the attached dummy. Sample Assignment #2 Magazine Design the project: For this assignment you will create design concepts for a 36-page magazine supplement on home design. A dummy of the magazine has been developed, laying out the advertising and editorial page configuration. You will be using the grid studies that you completed for Assignment Five: Show Me the Grid and the magazine layouts that these studies were based on to help you develop your concepts. The purpose of this assignment is to learn through imitation by recreating the basic design structure of the pages that you chose to study in the magazine. You will replicate the layout and design of these sample pages to further your understanding of how magazine editorial pages are constructed. Editorial content will be provided for each of the sections of the magazine in the form of Greek text, with clearly marked elements such as headlines, kickers, quotes, etc. specifications: - title: Home Design - concept: cheap, clever, comfortable - pages: 20 —- 16 page "guts" (2 - 8 pg signatures) + 4 page cover - content: editorial pages — 10 cover page - 4/c with spot color option for cover - trim size: as per your grid layout specs the document: 1. Select the editorial page designs that you have reviewed and documented in assignment four. 2. Create a new document using the trim size of the magazine. Convert to pica measurements. 3. Save your document in a folder labeled Assignment Six. Name the document Home Design concepts. 4. Build a Master Page for each of the editorial pages using the specifications from your layout studies of the magazine, setting up the grids, laying in columns, text and picture boxes, creating colors in the color pallet, selecting typefaces and blocking in other design details. You may need to create additional master pages for page layouts on the dummy that did not appear in your magazine. 5. Once the Master Pages have been constructed, use Greek text, photographs, illustrations and other elements to create design concepts for the layout and look of each editorial section of the magazine using the dummy as your guide. process: 1. Define the demographic for your magazine in a 250-300 word description. You can base your research on the type of magazine you are using for this assignment or create another set of criteria all together. Home Design could fit any type of market you choose, country, urban, suburban, young, family, retirement, vacation, etc., or a combination of several categories. 2. Develop a look. Using the design elements from your magazine study, create a look for this supplement. You may modify, eliminate or create new elements for the pages if it is in keeping with the themes already established. 3. Design a masthead for the front cover. 4. Determine your image needs. Will you be using illustration as well as photographs. Is there a visual or stylistic theme in the use of images? Other (Term projects, research papers, portfolios, etc.) Required Materials The Grid Author: Allen Hurlburt Publisher: John Wiley & Sons Publication Date: 1982 Text Edition: 2nd Classic Textbook?: No OER Link: OER: Publication Design Workbook Author: Timothy Samara Publisher: Rockport Publication Date: 2005 Text Edition: 1st Classic Textbook?: No OER Link: OER: Digital Publishing Author: Burns and Cohen Publisher: Adobe Press Publication Date: 2015 Text Edition: 1st Classic Textbook?: No OER Link: OER: InDesign CC: Visual Quickstart Guide (2014) Author: Sandee Cohen Publisher: Peachpit Press Publication Date: 2015 Text Edition: 1st Classic Textbook?: No OER Link: OER: Exploring Adobe InDesign Creative Cloud Author: Terry Rydberg Publisher: Cengage/Delmar Learning Publication Date: 2014 Text Edition: 1st Classic Textbook?: No OER Link: OER: Other materials and-or supplies required of students that contribute to the cost of the course.