AAD 0061. Graphic Design II: Digital Design and Production

Units: 3
Prerequisite: Completion of AAD 52, 62, or 75 with grade of "C" or better
Advisory: Completion of AAD 60 with grade of "C" or better
Hours: 90 (27 lecture, 63 activity)
Advanced problem solving skills in graphic design through projects and critique. Use of the computer to design and produce full color graphics and print materials, including industry standards and procedures for working with art directors, service bureaus, and printers in pre-press operations. (CSU)

AAD 0061 - Graphic Design II: Digital Design and Production


Catalog Description Prerequisite: Completion of AAD 52, 62, or 75 with grade of "C" or better Advisory: Completion of AAD 60 with grade of "C" or better Hours: 90 (27 lecture, 63 activity) Description: Advanced problem solving skills in graphic design through projects and critique. Use of the computer to design and produce full color graphics and print materials, including industry standards and procedures for working with art directors, service bureaus, and printers in pre-press operations. (CSU) Course Student Learning Outcomes CSLO #1: Create mechanicals and digital files for reproduction and produce camera-ready art for offset printing using current computer software. CSLO #2: Synthesize the basic elements, correct use of type, and aesthetic principles of layout and design for print in course projects. CSLO #3: Prepare file for color separations and spot colors; and identify elements of creating mechanicals and digital image files for reproduction. CSLO #4: Formulate critique of page layout and design strategies used in preparation of designs in terms of composition and presentation. Effective Term Spring 2021 Course Type Credit - Degree-applicable Contact Hours 90 Outside of Class Hours 72 Total Student Learning Hours 162 Course Objectives Lecture Objectives: 1. Identify the basic elements and correct use of type; 2. Identify elements of creating mechanicals and digital files for reproduction, including folds, trim, bleeds, gripper edge, binding and appropriate printer notation; 3. Demonstrate how to organize and manage files to work effectively with service bureaus and/or printers; identify proofing and output options; and 4. Identify various legal, ethical, and business issues in the field of design. Activity Objectives: 1. Use basic aesthetic principles of layout and design for print in course projects; 2. Create basic elements and correct use of type; 3. Use the scanner to import art and photographs into applications; 4. Crop photographs and specify correct halftone screens for end use; 5. Prepare file for color separations and spot colors; and 6. Produce camera-ready art for offset printing using current computer software. General Education Information Approved College Associate Degree GE Applicability CSU GE Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU approval) Cal-GETC Applicability (Recommended - Requires External Approval) IGETC Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU/UC approval) Articulation Information CSU Transferable Methods of Evaluation Projects Example: Each creative assignment includes specific design problems to be solved by students. Multiple solutions are possible, but students must articulate opinions and reasoned evaluations of the work. Example: Students create a logo for an instructor approved business. Rubric Graded Skill Demonstrations Example: Students will work with specific guiding principles and elements of design to solve design problems with correct use of concept development, brainstorming, critical thinking, image preparation, presentation, originality in the design solution and class critique. Rubric Graded Repeatable No Methods of Instruction Activity Lecture/Discussion Distance Learning Activity: The students will use the content of the lecture to create mechanicals and produce digital files for reproduction. Lecture: The instructor will provide a lecture overview of how Identify elements of creating mechanicals and digital files for reproduction, including folds, trim, bleeds, gripper edge, binding and appropriate printer notation. Students are expected to actively participate in the lecture. Distance Learning The instructor will provide an accessible lecture overview along with video and/or images of how to successfully complete projects relating to advanced topics in Graphic Design, such as product design and development. The instructor will demonstrate the use of templates for creating mock-ups for product development Students are required to demonstrate their practice and competency with the techniques through documentation of their product design and development work in video or images that will be submitted via the LMS. In addition, students will then respond to prompts with written submissions to share where they succeeded and where there is room for growth in their practice. Typical Out of Class Assignments Reading Assignments 1. Read section on CNYK color in the printing process from class textbook in preparation for hands-on demonstration/tutorials by instructor in class and for examinations on course content and terms. 2. Develop design themes for projects through library and internet-based research focusing on content, and preparation of written objectives using the concepts and terminology for successful completion of the assignment. Writing, Problem Solving or Performance Assignments, projects and tutorials will emphasize learning of principles and elements of design through projects designed to teach specific concepts. Sample Assignment #1 Project Three: Promotional Publication The Project: Students design a special promotional piece for your graphic design business to present to potential clients. You will develop a theme, do research for written and image content, create a design and produce a printed and bound book. The format, a multi page book, offers an opportunity for exploring a variety of ideas, materials and design solutions. Sample Assignment #2 Creating a Logotype The Project: For this project students will be creating a Logotype treatment for a company or brand name rendered in a specific graphical style, font, or color. This differs from a logo, which is usually an icon representing the company or brand. You may work with your personal name, initials or a fictitious company. Work in Illustrator, Photoshop or InDesign, using their various text tools, effects, etc. . Begin by developing a concept in black & white. When you have developed your design, create two different color versions of the design. Other (Term projects, research papers, portfolios, etc.) Required Materials Production For Graphic Designers Author: Alan Pipes Publisher: Prentice Hall Publication Date: 2009 Text Edition: 5th Classic Textbook?: No OER Link: OER: Burns and Cohen Author: DigitalPublishing Publisher: Adobe Press Publication Date: 2015 Text Edition: 1st Classic Textbook?: No OER Link: OER: The Graphic Designer's Digital Tool Kit Author: Allan Wood Publisher: Delmar/Cengage Learning Publication Date: 2013 Text Edition: 6th Classic Textbook?: No OER Link: OER: Adobe Creative Cloud Author: Robin Landa Publisher: Peachpit Press Publication Date: 2014 Text Edition: 3rd Classic Textbook?: No OER Link: OER: Other materials and-or supplies required of students that contribute to the cost of the course.