ADMJ 0115. POST Module III Academy Training

Units: 8
Advisory: Completion of ADMJ 61A, ADMJ 73, and ENGL N with grades of "C" or better
Hours: 179 (131 lecture, 48 laboratory)
Satisfies Module III training requirements of the Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training Module III. Covers professionalism and ethics, report writing, preservation of evidence, crimes against the justice system, vehicle operations, traffic enforcement, laws of search and seizure, custody, arrest/control/baton, emergency care, firearms/chemical agents, community policing, information systems and cultural diversity issues. Students are required to obtain California Department of Justice certification of no disqualifying criminal history preventing attendance, due on the first day of instruction. Students must also possess a valid driver's license and vehicle insurance during the course. Safety and materials fees required. May be repeated for credit to meet legally mandated education/training requirements. (not transferable)

ADMJ 0115 - POST Module III Academy Training

Catalog Description Advisory: Completion of ADMJ 61A, ADMJ 73, and ENGL N with grades of "C" or better Hours: 179 (131 lecture, 48 laboratory) Description: Satisfies Module III training requirements of the Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training Module III. Covers professionalism and ethics, report writing, preservation of evidence, crimes against the justice system, vehicle operations, traffic enforcement, laws of search and seizure, custody, arrest/control/baton, emergency care, firearms/chemical agents, community policing, information systems and cultural diversity issues. Students are required to obtain California Department of Justice certification of no disqualifying criminal history preventing attendance, due on the first day of instruction. Students must also possess a valid driver's license and vehicle insurance during the course. Safety and materials fees required. May be repeated for credit to meet legally mandated education/training requirements. (not transferable) Course Student Learning Outcomes CSLO #1: Justify the importance of ethics and professionalism for police officers. CSLO #2: Recognize and differentiate the legal principles between laws of arrest and search and seizure. CSLO #3: Demonstrate basic skills necessary to function as a police officer. Effective Term Fall 2017 Course Type Credit - Degree-applicable Contact Hours 179 Outside of Class Hours 262 Total Student Learning Hours 441 Course Objectives Lecture Objectives: I. From outline II, LD 1 – Leadership, Professionalism & Ethics A. Discuss why leadership is important B. Define leadership C. Discuss universal components of leadership D. Discuss the officer as a leader E. Discuss the leader as a follower F. Discuss how leadership impacts the daily work of a peace officer and how officers can recognize the results G. Discuss the relationship between public trust and a peace officer's ability to perform their job H. Discuss the community, agency, and other peace officers' expectations of a peace officer's conduct I. Explain the benefits of professional and ethical behavior to the community, agency and peace officer J. Describe the consequences of unprofessional/unethical conduct to the community, agency, and peace officer K. Discuss the Law Enforcement Code of Ethics, and explain the importance of adhering to the Law Enforcement Code of Ethics L. Explain why an officer should respond to a coworker's unprofessional or unethical conduct, including the legal basis for such interventions M. Discuss situations when it is necessary to intervene on another peace officer’s behalf and factors that can inhibit intervention N. Describe the types and levels of intervention used to prevent another peace officer’s inappropriate behavior O. Give examples of ethical decision making strategies P. Explain the value of ethical decision making in leadership II. From outline III, LD 2 – Criminal Justice System A. Identify the freedoms and rights afforded to individuals under the U.S. Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and later amendments B. Identify how the U.S. Constitution amendments apply to the actions and conduct of peace officers C. Discuss the components and primary goals of the criminal justice system D. List the primary federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies within the criminal justice system E. Discuss the objectives of the Judicial component of the criminal justice system F. Discuss the organization of the California court system, including positions commonly recognized as part of the judicial system G. Discuss the judicial process in criminal cases H. Discuss the objectives and responsibilities of the correction’s component of the criminal justice system I. Recall the definitions of parole and probation III. From outline IV, LD 3 – Principled Policing in the Community A. Define community policing B. Identify the essential components of community policing C. Identify community policing goals D. Discuss community policing philosophy E. Discuss the history of policing models F. Identify peace officer responsibilities in the community G. Differentiate between proactive and reactive policing H. Discuss community expectations of peace officers I. Recognize peace officers’ responsibilities to enforce the law J. Identify the elements of area/beat knowledge K. Discuss current and emerging issues that can impact the delivery of services by peace officers L. Discuss opportunities where peace officers educate and learn from community members M. Define community partnerships N. Discuss the key elements for developing trust between community partners O. Discuss the relationship of ethics to the badge of office P. Discuss leadership skills in community policing Q. Define communication R. Recognize the components of a message in communications with others S. Recognize the potential effects of negative nonverbal signals T. Give examples of effective communication techniques U. Identify the steps of the SARA model V. Apply the SARA Model IV. From outline V, LD 5 – Introduction to Criminal Law A. Identify the relationship among Constitutional law, Statutory law, and Case law B. Differentiate between the Letter of the law and the Spirit of the law C. Differentiate between criminal and civil law D. Recall the statutory definition of a crime E. Identify the basic elements common to all crimes F. Identify the basic elements required of an attempt to commit a crime G. Discuss general, specific and transferred intent crimes H. Differentiate between criminal intent and criminal negligence I. Identify three classes of crime J. Differentiate among the three parties to a crime K. Identify people legally incapable of committing a crime V. From outline VI, LD 15 – Laws of Arrest A. Recognize a peace officer's responsibility in relation to the protections and rights included in the amendments to the U.S Constitution and related California Constitution sections B. Recognize a peace officer’s responsibility in relation to the protections included under federal civil rights provisions C. Recognize appropriate conduct during a consensual encounter D. Recognize conduct that may elevate a consensual encounter E. Recognize the consequences of elevating a consensual encounter F. Differentiate between a detention and a consensual encounter G. Recognize reasonable suspicion H. Recognize appropriate peace officer actions during a detention I. Recognize the scope and conditions for warrantless searches and seizures during a detention J. Recognize conditions where the use of force or physical restraint is appropriate during a detention K. Recognize when there is probable cause to arrest L. Identify elements of a lawful arrest M. Differentiate between arrest and detention N. Recognize information that must be given to an arrested person O. Recognize elements of a warrantless arrest for a misdemeanor P. Recognize elements of a warrantless arrest for a felony Q. Recognize elements of a warrant arrest R. Recognize the requirements for entry to make an arrest S. Recognize the authority for a private person arrest and the peace officer's duty in response to a private person arrest T. Recognize conditions under which the use of force or physical restraint is appropriate during an arrest U. Recognize the statutory requirements for the disposition of an arrested person V. Recognize the exception to the powers to arrest W. Identify the purpose of the Miranda warning X. Recognize when Miranda warnings must be given Y. Identify the proper administration of Miranda warnings Z. Recognize the impact of invoking either the right to remain silent or the right to counsel AA. Recognize the types of Miranda waivers BB. Recognize the exception to the Miranda rule CC. Differentiate between an interview and interrogation DD. Differentiate between an admission and confession VI. From outline VII, LD 16 – Search and Seizure A. Recognize constitutional protections guaranteed by the Fourth Amendment B. Identify the concept of reasonable expectation of privacy C. Recognize standing and how it applies to an expectation of privacy D. Recognize probable cause to search and its link between Fourth Amendment protections and search and seizure law E. Recognize the conditions and circumstances where warrantless searches and seizures are considered reasonable and legal F. Recognize the scope and necessary conditions for conducting the types of warrantless searches G. Recognize the scope and necessary conditions for conducting the types of motor vehicle searches H. Recognize the legal framework establishing a peace officer’s authority to seize physical evidence from a subject’s body I. Recognize conditions under which a peace officer may use reasonable force to prevent a subject from swallowing or attempting to swallow evidence J. Recognize the conditions necessary for legally obtaining blood samples K. Recognize the conditions for legally obtaining handwriting and fingerprint evidence VII. From outline VIII, LD 17 – Presentation of Evidence A. Recognize relevance as it pertains to the admissibility of evidence. B. Identify four types of evidence C. Recognize the process of authentication of evidence D. Understand what constitutes the legal chain of custody for evidence. E. Recognize a peace officer’s role and responsibilities in ensuring the admissibility of evidence VIII. From outline IX, LD 18 – Investigative Report Writing A. Explain the legal basis for requiring investigative reports B. Discuss the importance of taking notes in preparation for writing reports C. Apply appropriate actions for taking notes during a field interview D. Summarize the primary questions that must be answered by an investigative report E. Identify the fundamental content elements in investigative reports F. Apply guidelines for recommended grammar used in investigative reports G. Organize information within a paragraph for clarity and proper emphasis H. Select language that will clearly convey information to the reader of the investigative report I. Distinguish between commonly used words that sound alike but have different meanings J. Proofread for content and mechanical errors IX. From outline X, LD 19 – Vehicle Operations A. Determine a safe distance when following another vehicle B. Identify the effect of speed on a driver’s peripheral vision C. Discuss how reaction time lapse affects vehicle stopping distance D. Recognize potential hazards when entering intersections and appropriate actions to prevent collisions when driving a law enforcement vehicle E. Recognize potential hazards of freeway driving and appropriate actions to prevent collisions F. Identify potential hazards of operating a vehicle in reverse and appropriate action to prevent collisions G. Identify the importance and proper use of safety belts and other occupant restraint devices in a law enforcement vehicle H. Identify physiological and psychological factors that may have an effect on an officer’s driving I. Identify hazards of varied road conditions J. Discuss the requirements for a vehicle inspection K. Identify the objectives of emergency response driving L. Recognize the statutes governing peace officers when operating law enforcement vehicles in the line of duty M. Explain the importance of agency-specific policies and guidelines regarding emergency response driving N. Identify the statutory responsibilities of non-law enforcement vehicle drivers when driving in the presence of emergency vehicles operated under emergency response conditions O. Identify factors that can limit the effectiveness of a vehicle’s emergency warning devices P. Identify the effects of siren syndrome Q. Identify the requirements of penal code section 13519.8 R. Recognize the risk to officer/public safety versus the need to apprehend S. Recognize conditions that could lead to the decision to terminate a vehicle pursuit T. Describe spring loading U. Explain the primary effects speed has on a vehicle in a turning maneuver V. Distinguish between and describe the causes of the types of vehicle skids W. Identify the causes and contributing factors of vehicle hydroplaning X. From outline XI, LD 20 – Use of Force A. Discuss reasonable force as stated by law B. Discuss the components of the Fourth Amendment standard for determining objective reasonableness, as determined by the U.S. Supreme Court C. Explain the legal framework establishing a peace officer’s authority during a legal arrest D. Identify the circumstances set forth in the California Penal Code when a peace officer has the authority to use force E. Discuss the level of authority agency policies have regarding the use of force by a peace officer F. Define the term "force option" G. Identify that the objective of using force is to overcome resistance to gain control of an individual and the situation H. Recognize force options and the amount of force a peace officer may used based on the subject’s resistance I. Explain the importance of training and ongoing practice when responding to potentially dangerous situations that may require the use of force J. Discuss the importance of effective communication when using force K. Identify the legal standard for the use of deadly force L. Identify the factors required to establish sufficiency of fear for the use of deadly force M. Recognize facts an officer should consider when determining whether or not to use deadly force N. Discuss the role of agency policies regarding the use of deadly force O. Recognize the law regarding justifiable homicide by a public officer and the circumstances under which the homicide is considered justifiable P. Describe why complete documentation of the use of force is critical to the peace officer and the peace officer’s agency Q. Discuss factors that can affect a peace officer’s response when threatened with danger R. Give examples of acceptable techniques for managing anger S. Describe the benefits of ongoing physical mental training peace officers involving the use of force T. Explain the legal and administrative consequences associated with the use of unreasonable force U. Explain an agency’s potential liability associated with the use of unreasonable force V. Explain the consequences of an officer’s failure to intervene when unreasonable force is used by another peace officer W. Discuss immediate and delayed intervention techniques X. Discuss factors that may inhibit a peace officer from intervening in a situation where a fellow officer may be applying unreasonable force Y. Recognize and understand how de-escalation communication and tactics can enhance contacts with the public and may reduce situational intensity and increase and create opportunities for outcomes with greater voluntary compliance. XI. From outline XII, LD 28 – Traffic Enforcement A. Recognize by common name and Vehicle Code section(s) violations involving failure to obey the lawful orders of a peace officer or designated employee B. Demonstrate effective use of hand signals, flashlights and other warning devices to control traffic C. Recognize a peace officer’s legal authority to remove vehicles XII. From outline XIII, LD 30 – Preliminary Investigation A. Identify the goal of a criminal investigation B. Perform the steps of a preliminary criminal investigation C. Identify the primary purpose of conducting an Initial survey of a crime scene and Crime scene search D. Identify the primary reason for establishing a chain of custody record E. Prepare the information that should be noted on a chain of custody record XIII. From outline XIV, LD 31 – Custody A. Recall the definition of custody B. Recognize general responsibilities an officer has for the care and custody of an arrested person C. Recognize the liabilities for an officer who shows callous disregard for an arrested person’s safety D. Recognize the circumstances that ensure a legal basis for commitment to custody E. Recognize constitutional rights and protections afforded to an arrested person while in an officer’s charge F. Recognize fatal errors officers can make that jeopardize their safety while performing custodial duties G. Recognize the crime elements required to complete the crime of Assault of a prisoner under the color of authority, Cruel or unusual treatment of prisoners, and Inhumane or oppressive treatment of a prisoner H. Identify the crime classification as a misdemeanor or felony I. Recognize the crime of violation of a prisoner’s civil rights J. Recognize the crime elements for bringing a firearm, deadly weapon or explosive into a detention facility K. Identify the crime classification as a misdemeanor or felony L. Recognize responsibilities of the arresting or transporting officer and custodial personnel regarding medical care prescreening of prisoners before being accepted into a local detention facility M. Identify classes of prisoners who may require special care or protection XIV. From outline XV, LD 33 – Arrest Methods/Defensive Tactics A. Describe parts of an officer’s body that are most vulnerable to serious injury B. Describe parts of an officer’s body that may be used as personal weapons for self defense or to overcome resistance by a subject C. Explain factors to consider when approaching a subject and conducting a plain view search D. Discuss locations where weapons and/or contraband can be concealed on a subject’s body E. Explain agency considerations and restrictions that may be common regarding a search of a person of the opposite sex F. Explain cover officer responsibilities G. Discuss a peace officer’s justification to use controlling force on a subject H. Explain advantages and limitations a peace officer should consider when applying a control hold I. Explain advantages and limitations a peace officer should consider when performing a takedown technique J. Explain the purpose of using restraint devices on a subject K. Explain potential hazards when using handcuffs as a restraint device L. Discuss responsibilities of the contact and cover officers when handcuffing multiple subjects M. Describe factors involved in retaining a peace officer’s firearm N. Discuss a peace officer’s tactical considerations when confronted by an armed subject O. Discuss tactical considerations when disarming a subject P. Discuss a peace officer’s justification to retain their firearm or disarm a subject Q. Describe a peace officer’s legal authority for using an impact weapon R. Discuss circumstances when a peace officer is justified in using an impact weapon S. Describe areas on a subject’s body that if struck with an impact weapon could cause serious injury to the subject T. Discuss the use of verbal commands during a confrontation U. Describe common transporting procedures that maximize officer safety and prevent prisoner escape V. Describe the safe and secure positioning of a prisoner in an officer’s vehicle XV. From outline XVI, LD 34 – First Aid and CPR A. Identify the primary responsibilities of peace officers as EMS First Responders at a medical emergency B. Identify the links of the chain of transmission of infectious pathogens C. Recognize precautions peace officers should take to ensure their own personal safety when responding to a medical emergency D. Identify conditions under which a peace officer is protected from liability when providing emergency medical services E. Identify assessment criteria for establishing priorities when assessing multiple victims at a single scene F. Recognize conditions under which an injured victim should be moved from one location to another G. Recognize proper procedures for moving a victim using the shoulder drag method H. Recognize circumstances under which a victim’s airway should be opened I. Identify the difference between a severe and a complete airway obstruction J. Distinguish between the four primary bleeding control techniques K. Identify indicators of shock L. Recognize indicators of a possible head injury M. Recognize the appropriate first aid measures for treating injuries to the head N. Recognize appropriate first aid measures for treating open and closed injuries to the Chest and Abdomen O. Identify appropriate first aid measures for treating injuries to the bone, muscle or joints P. Recognize appropriate first aid measures for treating burns Q. Recognize indicators of, and first aid measures for, a victim experiencing Cardiac or Respiratory emergency, Seizure, and Stroke R. Differentiate between indicators and first aid measures for treating Insulin shock (hypoglycemia) and Diabetic shock (hyperglycemia) S. Recognize appropriate first aid measures for a victim experiencing signs of poisons that have been ingested, inhaled, absorbed or injected T. Differentiate between the indicators and first aid measures for treating Hypothermia, frostbite, heat cramps, heat exhaustion and heat stroke U. Recognize appropriate first aid measures for stings and bites V. Recognize the signs of imminent birth W. Recognize appropriate first aid measures for each of the emergency situations that may occur in childbirth, Excessive vaginal bleeding or Newborn fails to breathe XVI. From outline XVII, LD 35 – Firearms/Chemical Agents A. State the four fundamental rules of firearms safety B. Explain basic safety guidelines to be followed at a firing range C. Describe the safety precautions for proper storage of firearms D. Describe the basic information about a semiautomatic pistol and magazine E. Describe the cycle of operation that takes place with each single pull of a semiautomatic pistol trigger F. Describe the basic information about a revolver G. State the guidelines for the safe handling of ammunition H. Describe the primary components of firearm cartridges I. Explain the chain of events that takes place when a projectile is discharged from a cartridge J. Describe the components that may prevent problems that should be examined during a routine safety inspection K. Describe the materials, equipment and environment needed to properly clean firearms L. Describe the types of malfunctions and demonstrate the clearing methods M. Describe limitations officers may encounter when shooting under low light/nighttime conditions N. Describe conditions an officer may face when in a combat situation O. Describe possible physiological and psychological responses an officer may experience under the stress of a combat situation P. Explain steps officers can take to prepare themselves for the extreme stress of combat Q. State the statutory requirements for the possession and use of chemical agents R. Describe four methods used to deploy chemical agents S. Describe environmental and physical conditions that can impact the effectiveness of a chemical agent T. State the guidelines for safely carrying, drawing and deploying hand-held canisters of chemical agents U. Apply decontamination procedures that should be followed after a chemical agent has been used XVII. From outline XVIII, LD 36 – Information Systems A. Recognize the requirements of the Department of Justice regarding the confirmation of information obtained from the CLETS network B. Recognize crimes involving unlawful access or use of a law enforcement computer system C. Recognize requirements for authorized release of Criminal Offender Record Information (CORI) based on right-to-know and need-to-know D. Recognize crimes related to the unauthorized release, receipt or use of CORI E. person F. Identify systems and databases available from the Criminal Justice Information System (CJIS) and the types of information provided G. Recognize the minimum information required for generating an inquiry into each of the CJIS systems and databases H. Identify systems and databases available from the Department of Motor Vehicles Information System and the types of information provide I. Recognize the minimum information required for generating an inquiry into each of the DMV databases XVIII. From outline XIX, LD 39 – Crimes Against the Justice System A. Recognize the crime elements required to arrest for resisting, delaying or obstructing a peace officer threatening or resisting an executive officer, and threatening a public officer B. Recognize the crime classification as a misdemeanor or felony. C. Recognize the crime elements required to arrest for falsely reporting an emergency D. Recognize the crime classification as a misdemeanor or felony. XIX. From outline XX, LD 42 – Cultural Diversity/Discrimination A. Describe personal, professional and organizational benefits of valuing diversity within the community and law enforcement organizations B. Define the term stereotype C. Discuss the dangers of relying on stereotypes to form judgments or to determine actions D. Define the term prejudice E. Define the term discrimination Laboratory, Learning and Testing Objectives: I. From outline X, LD 19 – Vehicle Operations A. Demonstrate the use of emergency warning devices available on law enforcement vehicles B. Demonstrate the use of communication equipment C. Demonstrate proper techniques for two-handed shuffle steering D. Demonstrate proper throttle control E. Demonstrate proper roadway position and the three essential reference points for a turning maneuver F. Demonstrate proper braking methods G. Recognize guidelines for entering a controlled intersection when driving under emergency response conditions H. Distinguish between longitudinal and lateral weight transfer II. From outline XV, LD 33 – Arrest Methods/Defensive Tactics A. Demonstrate principles of defensive tactics B. Demonstrate an approach to safely and effectively conduct a person search C. Demonstrate cover officer responsibilities during a search of a subject D. Demonstrate the correct positioning of handcuffs on a subject E. Demonstrate the basic techniques for peace officers to safely maintain control of their firearm in a physical conflict F. Demonstrate the appropriate areas on a subject’s body that if struck with an impact weapon can be effective in gaining compliance G. Demonstrate the basic techniques for peace officers to safely maintain control of a subject during a search or arrest situation III. From outline XVI, LD 34 – First Aid and CPR A. Perform procedures for clearing an obstruction from the airway of a conscious and unconscious person B. victim's Responsiveness, Airway, Breathing, and Circulation C. Demonstrate appropriate actions to take during an initial assessment for assessing a D. Demonstrate rescue breathing techniques when using a pocket face mask or mouth-to-mouth maneuver E. Demonstrate Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) for adults, children and infants F. Demonstrate the general guidelines for controlling bleeding from an open wound G. Perform first aid measures to treat shock IV. From outline XVII, LD 35 – Firearms/Chemical Agents A. Apply routine procedures for cleaning firearms B. Apply the proper steps for safely drawing, firing, and holstering C. Demonstrate the skills to accurately shoot a firearm D. Practice firearms skills at various distances E. Demonstrate proficiency by passing the Firearms Qualification Course General Education Information Approved College Associate Degree GE Applicability CSU GE Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU approval) Cal-GETC Applicability (Recommended - Requires External Approval) IGETC Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU/UC approval) Articulation Information Methods of Evaluation Objective Examinations Example: Students must pass five timed POST-constructed multiple-choice exams and a final exam with varying minimum passing scores established by the State. Per POST guidelines, students who fail any test will receive remedial instruction and only one re-test attempt per test. Skill Demonstrations Example: Per POST guidelines, students will safely and effectively perform hands-on manipulative skills in the following areas: Firearms, Arrest & Control, Slow-Speed Driving, and First-Aid/CPR. Students will be personally observed by certified Instructors during the testing performance of skills. Repeatable No Methods of Instruction Laboratory Lecture/Discussion Distance Learning Lab: Arrest & Control Instructor will explain and demonstrate various control-hold and handcuffing techniques to be practiced by students in simulated detention and arrest situations. Lecture: Using PPT slides and video, instructor will lead class discussion related to the implementation of Community Policing strategies. Students will follow up with small-group presentations related to Chapter Learning Activities in the LD Workbooks. Distance Learning Instructor will present lecture and videos covering the Law Enforcement Code of Ethics; students will participate in a Discussion Board to discuss the application of the Code Of Ethics in everyday police work. Typical Out of Class Assignments Reading Assignments 1. Read the "Law Enforcement Code of Ethics" in preparation for a class discussion related to the need for ethical behavior by Peace Officers both on-and-off duty. 2. Read Learning Domain 34 (course content outline XVI) from the student workbook and be prepared to discuss first aid techniques to use in dealing with a gunshot wound. Writing, Problem Solving or Performance 1.Write a "Strengths, Weaknesses and Goals" self-assessment to prepare for the mentoring and hiring process. 2. Interview a fellow student regarding his/her activities during the day and then write a practice narrative of those events, using interview notes as a guide. Other (Term projects, research papers, portfolios, etc.) Required Materials Learning Domain Workbooks Author: POST Publisher: State of CA Publication Date: 2020 Text Edition: Classic Textbook?: No OER Link: OER: Other materials and-or supplies required of students that contribute to the cost of the course.

Administration of Justice

Overview The Administration of Justice program offers students an Associate Degree for Transfer which prepares students for transfer into the California State University system. In addition, there are three associate degrees offered with specific areas of concentration. Each concentration has specific core courses that are required of all students. Courses are available in law enforcement, specializing in police activities that promote public safety and service to the community; courts, specializing in responsibilities to the public through the trial system of adjudication; and corrections, where sentenced individuals are subjected to society's effort to provide accountability and correct the deviant behavior. The Administration of Justice program also offers a number of POST certified peace officer training courses, including PC 832 Arrest and Firearms, as well as Modules III and II of the POST Regular Basic Course (Law Enforcement Academy). Successful completion of the two modules allows students to be hired as Level III or Level II Reserve Peace Officers in California. The Department also offers some in-service POST training courses for continuing professional development. TRANSFER MAJOR REQUIREMENTS in Administration of Justice are available in the Counseling Center. In all cases, students should consult with a counselor for specific transfer requirements. Four-year graduates in Administration of Justice are qualified for career pathways in law enforcement, the courts and corrections. Faculty Ralph McGill Professor, Administration of Justice B.A., New College of California