ADMJ 0120. POST Module II Academy Training

Units: 9.5
Advisory: Completion of ADMJ 61C, ADMJ 73, and ENGL N with grades of "C" or better
Hours: 231 (143 lecture, 88 laboratory)
Satisfies training requirements of the Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training Module II. Covers community relations, criminal laws, search and seizure, evidence, report writing, enforcement techniques, crime scene investigation, property crimes, crimes against persons, investigations, arrest and control, firearms/chemical agents, crimes against the justice system, and cultural diversity/discrimination. Students are required to have successfully completed Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training Module III training standards and to obtain California Department of Justice certification of no disqualifying criminal history preventing attendance, due on the first day of instruction. Students are required to possess a valid driver's license and vehicle insurance during the course. Students are also required to have passed the POST Entry Level Law Enforcement Test Battery (PELLETB) with a minimum t-score of 42 within one year prior to the first day of class. Safety and materials fees required. May be repeated for credit to meet legally mandated education/training requirements. (not transferable)

ADMJ 0120 - POST Module II Academy Training

Catalog Description Advisory: Completion of ADMJ 61C, ADMJ 73, and ENGL N with grades of "C" or better Hours: 231 (143 lecture, 88 laboratory) Description: Satisfies training requirements of the Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training Module II. Covers community relations, criminal laws, search and seizure, evidence, report writing, enforcement techniques, crime scene investigation, property crimes, crimes against persons, investigations, arrest and control, firearms/chemical agents, crimes against the justice system, and cultural diversity/discrimination. Students are required to have successfully completed Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training Module III training standards and to obtain California Department of Justice certification of no disqualifying criminal history preventing attendance, due on the first day of instruction. Students are required to possess a valid driver's license and vehicle insurance during the course. Students are also required to have passed the POST Entry Level Law Enforcement Test Battery (PELLETB) with a minimum t-score of 42 within one year prior to the first day of class. Safety and materials fees required. May be repeated for credit to meet legally mandated education/training requirements. (not transferable) Course Student Learning Outcomes CSLO #1: Demonstrate the basic skills necessary to perform the duties of a Level II Reserve Police Officer. CSLO #2: Explain the law and its rules for the collection, identification, and preservation of physical evidence. CSLO #3: Analyze and critique the legal principles governing the use of force. Effective Term Fall 2017 Course Type Credit - Degree-applicable Contact Hours 231 Outside of Class Hours 286 Total Student Learning Hours 517 Course Objectives Lecture Objectives: I. From outline II, LD 3 – Principled Policing in the Community A. Identify the components that compromise communities B. Discuss opportunities where peace officers educate and learn from community members C. Identify resources which provide opportunities to educate and learn from the community D. Recognize a peace officer's role in influencing community attitudes E. Discuss government expectations of law enforcement and peace officers F. Discuss the relationship of ethics to the badge of office G. Identify the essential partnering skills H. Define communication I. Recognize the components of a message in communications with others J. Recognize the potential effects of negative nonverbal signals K. Give examples of effective communication techniques for active listening, establishing effective lines of communication, and overcoming barriers to communication L. Discuss the communication techniques that can be used for obtaining voluntary compliance M. Define facilitation N. Discuss the components of the facilitation process O. Apply facilitation techniques reflecting professional behavior P. Give examples of obstacles that officers may encounter when developing community partnerships Q. Define community mobilization R. Discuss the elements of the community mobilization process S. Educating the public T. Taking responsibility for public safety and quality of life U. Sustaining effort V. Discuss community mobilization methods W. Discuss the benefits of maintaining a positive relationship with the news media X. Discuss the components of a community inventory Y. Define homeland security Z. Identify the benefits of integrating community mobilization and homeland security AA. Define the term "problem" BB. Identify the elements of the crime triangle CC. Discuss the Broken Windows Theory DD. Define problem solving EE. Distinguish between problem oriented policing (POP) and community policing (CP) FF. Define crime prevention GG. Give examples of crime risk factors HH. Identify methods for recognizing crime problems II. Define Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) JJ. Identify the principles of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) KK. Discuss crime prevention programs within the community LL. Recognize how Principled Policing contributes to legitimacy and benefits the Officer, Agency and Community MM. Recognize how historical and current events affect the perspectives of Law Enforcement and the Community NN. Recognize the existence of implicit bias and how it can influence decision making and procedural justice II. From outline III, LD 6 – Property Crimes A. Recognize the crime elements required to arrest for Theft, Vehicle theft, Defrauding an innkeeper, Burglary, Possession of burglary tools, Possession of or receiving personal property with altered serial numbers or identification marks, Receiving stolen property, and Forgery B. Recognize the crime classification as a misdemeanor or felony C. Describe appropriate peace officer actions when taking a report of burglary or other similar property crimes D. Describe information that should be obtained when interviewing the victim(s) of or witness(es) to a burglary E. Recognize the crime elements required to arrest for Arson, Unlawfully causing a fire, and Possession of a flammable or combustible material F. Recognize the crime classification as a misdemeanor or felony. G. Recognize the crime elements required to arrest for Unauthorized entry of a dwelling and Trespass H. Recognize the crime classification as a misdemeanor or felony I. Recognize the crime elements required to arrest for vandalism J. Recognize what constitutes lawful conduct in a landlord/tenant dispute K. Recognize what constitutes a lawful repossession L. Recognize the crime classification as a misdemeanor or felony III. From outline IV, LD 7 – Crimes Against Persons/Death Investigation A. Recognize the crime elements required to arrest for Kidnapping, False imprisonment, Child abduction without custodial right, and Child abduction with custodial right B. Recognize the crime classification as a misdemeanor or felony C. Recognize the crime elements required to arrest for Robbery and Carjacking D. Recognize the crime classification as a felony E. Recognize the crime elements required to arrest for murder F. Recognize the crime elements and classification for manslaughter crimes G. Identify information that should be obtained and documented when conducting an investigation involving the death of a child H. Identify indicators that a child's death may be due to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) I. Identify appropriate actions for responding officers interacting with parents or care givers involved in a SIDS incident IV. From outline V, LD 8 – General Criminal Statutes A. Recognize the crime elements required to arrest for Lewd conduct, Invasion of privacy, Prostitution, Loitering about a public toilet, and Public intoxication B. Recognize the crime classification as a misdemeanor or felony C. Recognize the crime elements required to arrest for Disturbing the peace, Obstruction of a public way, and Prowling and peeping D. Recognize the crime classification as a felony V. From outline VI, LD 15 – Laws of Arrest A. Differentiate between a detention and a consensual encounter B. Recognize appropriate peace officer actions during a detention C. Recognize conditions where the use of force or physical restraint is appropriate during a detention D. Recognize when there is probable cause to arrest E. Identify elements of a lawful arrest F. Differentiate between arrest and detention G. Identify the purpose of the Miranda warning H. Recognize when Miranda warnings must be given I. Identify the proper administration of Miranda warnings J. Recognize the impact of invoking either the right to remain silent or the right to counsel K. Recognize the types of Miranda waivers L. Recognize the exception to the Miranda rule M. Differentiate between an interview and interrogation N. Identify the purpose of an interrogation O. Differentiate between an admission and confession P. Identify the conditions in which a confession or admission may be admissible in court VI. From outline VII, LD 16 – Search and Seizure A. Recognize how the exclusionary rule applies to a peace officer's collection of evidence B. Recognize how probable cause serves as a basis for obtaining a search warrant C. Recognize the necessary conditions for securing an area pending the issuance of a search warrant D. Identify the time limitations for serving a search warrant E. Recognize the elements for compliance with the knock and notice requirements when serving a search warrant F. Recognize the application of the Nexus Rule while conducting an authorized search G. Recognize why a plain view seizure does not constitute a search H. Recognize the legal requirements for seizure of items in plain view VII. From outline VIII, LD 17 – Presentation of Evidence A. Recognize the requirements and exceptions for admitting hearsay evidence B. Identify a peace officer's responsibilities regarding pretrial preparation C. Identify aspects of a case that peace officers should review prior to giving testimony D. Identify factors related to a peace officer's personal appearance that can influence how an officer's testimony is received by the court E. Identify appropriate peace officer responses while testifying as a witness F. Identify appropriate responses when a peace officer is unsure of or does not know the answer to a question asked by an attorney G. Identify appropriate responses when asked to give an opinion while testifying H. Recognize the importance of being a truthful peace officer while testifying in court VIII. From outline IX, LD 18 – Investigative Report Writing A. Explain the legal basis for requiring investigative reports B. Discuss the importance of taking notes in preparation for writing reports C. Apply appropriate actions for taking notes during a field interview D. Distinguish between Opinion, Fact, and Conclusion E. Summarize the primary questions that must be answered by an investigative report F. Identify the fundamental content elements in investigative reports G. Apply guidelines for recommended grammar used in investigative reports H. Organize information within a paragraph for clarity and proper emphasis I. Select language that will clearly convey information to the reader of the investigative report J. Distinguish between commonly used words that sound alike but have different meanings K. Proofread for content and mechanical errors IX. From outline X, LD 20 – Use of Force A. Define the term "force option" B. Identify that the objective of using force is to overcome resistance to gain control of an individual and the situation C. Recognize force options and the amount of force a peace officer may used based on the subject's resistance D. Explain the importance of training and ongoing practice when responding to potentially dangerous situations that may require the use of force E. Discuss the importance of effective communication when using force F. Identify the legal standard for the use of deadly force G. Identify the factors required to establish sufficiency of fear for the use of deadly force H. Recognize facts an officer should consider when determining whether or not to use deadly force I. Discuss the role of agency policies regarding the use of deadly force J. Recognize the law regarding justifiable homicide by a public officer and the circumstances under which the homicide is considered justifiable K. Describe why complete documentation of the use of force is critical to the peace officer and the peace officer's agency L. Discuss factors that can affect a peace officer's response when threatened with danger M. Give examples of acceptable techniques for managing anger N. Describe the benefits of ongoing physical and mental training for peace officers involving the use of force O. Explain the legal and administrative consequences associated with the use of unreasonable force P. Explain an agency's potential liability associated with the use of unreasonable force Q. Explain the consequences of an officer's failure to intervene when unreasonable force is used by another peace officer R. Discuss immediate and delayed intervention techniques S. Discuss factors that may inhibit a peace officer from intervening in a situation where a fellow officer may be applying unreasonable force X. From outline XI, LD 21 – Patrol Techniques A. Discuss patrol strategies officers may employ to provide protection and service within their assigned areas of patrol B. Discuss considerations for selecting a patrol strategy C. Select appropriate actions for peace officers who are conducting security checks D. Distinguish between the roles and responsibilities of contact and cover officers E. Select appropriate actions officers should take to maintain their own safety and the safety of others while on patrol F. Describe patrol officer responsibilities when preparing for each patrol assignment G. Discuss tactical considerations and guidelines for patrolling effectively H. Discuss information an officer should include when generating a crime broadcast I. Select appropriate actions when encountering a plainclothes/undercover officer while on patrol J. Discuss safe and effective tactics for initiating a foot pursuit of a fleeing subject XI. From outline XII, LD 22 – Vehicle Pullovers A. Describe the three basic categories of vehicle pullovers B. Describe the inherent risks to officer safety that are associated with conducting a vehicle pullover C. Explain appropriate safety and tactical considerations when conducting vehicle pullovers involving Vans, campers, motor homes, Motorcycles, Buses, and semi-trucks XII. From outline XIII, LD 23 – Crimes in Progress A. Explain the importance of wearing soft personal body armor while on patrol B. Distinguish between officer safety and officer survival C. Discuss the elements of a tactical approach to a crime in progress D. Explain the primary purposes for establishing crime scene perimeters E. Describe response to an officer-down call F. Identify proper procedures for contacting Suspicious Persons G. Discuss factors an officer should consider before becoming involved in any law enforcement action while off-duty XIII. From outline XIV, LD 30 – Preliminary Investigation A. Perform the steps of a preliminary criminal investigation B. Demonstrate actions peace officers may employ to preserve possible physical evidence at a crime scene C. Identify criteria for allowing crime scene photographs to be admitted as evidence by the court D. Demonstrate appropriate precautions that should be taken prior to collection and removal of physical evidence from a crime scene E. Identify the purpose of collecting control/known samples F. Identify the primary reason for establishing a chain of custody record G. Prepare the information that should be noted on a chain of custody record H. Identify the three forms of fingerprint impressions that may be found at a crime scene I. Apply the basic steps for developing latent fingerprints J. Identify general guidelines for collecting and processing physical evidence that may be located at a crime scene XIV. From outline XV, LD 33 – Arrest Methods/Defensive Tactics A. Describe parts of an officer's body that are most vulnerable to serious injury B. Describe parts of an officer's body that may be used as personal weapons for self defense or to overcome resistance by a subject C. Explain the purpose of using restraint devices on a subject D. Describe factors involved in retaining a peace officer's firearm E. Discuss a peace officer's tactical considerations when confronted by an armed subject F. Discuss tactical considerations when disarming a subject G. Discuss a peace officer's justification to retain their firearm or disarm a subject H. Describe common transporting procedures that maximize officer safety and prevent prisoner escape I. Describe the safe and secure positioning of a prisoner in an officer's vehicle XV. From outline XVI, LD 35 – Firearms/Chemical Agents A. State the four fundamental rules of firearms safety B. Explain basic safety guidelines to be followed at a firing range C. Describe the safety precautions for proper storage of firearms D. Describe the basic information about shotguns E. State the guidelines for the safe handling of ammunition F. Describe the primary components of firearm cartridges G. Explain the chain of events that takes place when a projectile is discharged from a cartridge H. Describe the primary components of a shotgun shell I. Define shot pattern as it relates to shotgun shells J. Explain the correlation to the distance traveled by the shot and the size of the shot pattern K. Describe the three ways shot placement can stop a threat L. Describe the components that may prevent problems that should be examined during a routine safety inspection M. Describe the materials, equipment and environment needed to properly clean firearms N. Describe the types of malfunctions and demonstrate the clearing methods O. Describe limitations officers may encounter when shooting under low light/nighttime conditions P. Describe conditions an officer may face when in a combat situation Q. Describe possible physiological and psychological responses an officer may experience under the stress of a combat situation R. Explain steps officers can take to prepare themselves for the extreme stress of combat S. State the statutory requirements for the possession and use of chemical agents T. Describe four methods used to deploy chemical agents U. Describe environmental and physical conditions that can impact the effectiveness of a chemical agent V. State the guidelines for safely carrying, drawing and deploying hand-held canisters of chemical agents W. Discuss the physiological and psychological effects of each of the chemical agents used by peace officers X. Demonstrate proper procedures peace officers should follow when using gas masks XVI. From outline XVII, LD 39 – Crimes Against the Justice System A. Recognize the crime elements required to arrest for Intimidating witnesses or victims, Threats of retaliation, and Violating a court order B. Recognize the crime classification as a misdemeanor or felony C. Recognize the crime elements required to arrest for resisting, delaying or obstructing a peace officer threatening or resisting an executive officer, and threatening a public officer D. Recognize the crime classification as a misdemeanor or felony E. Recognize the crime elements required to arrest for falsely reporting an emergency F. Recognize the crime classification as a misdemeanor or felony G. Recognize the crime elements, required to arrest for unlawful assembly and refusal to disperse H. Recognize the crime classification as a misdemeanor or felony XVII. From outline XVIII, LD 42 – Cultural Diversity/Discrimination A. Define Culture and Cultural Diversity B. Describe personal, professional and organizational benefits of valuing diversity within the community and law enforcement organizations C. Explain the historical and current cultural composition of California D. Define the term racial profiling E. Discuss the legal considerations peace officers should take into account related to racial profiling F. Discuss the impact of racial profiling on the individual citizens, community, officer, and criminal justice system G. Discuss landmark events in the evolution of civil and human rights H. State key indices peace officers should recognize and respect that make up evolving culture among a community I. Discuss the obligations of peace officers in preventing, reporting, and responding to discriminatory or biased practices by fellow officers J. Explain strategies for effective communication within a diverse community K. Describe positive officer behaviors during contacts with members of a cross-cultural community L. State the legal definition of a hate crime based on the Penal Code M. Classify the crime and the elements required to arrest for desecrating religious symbols, interfering with religious freedom, terrorizing another, and interfering with an individual's civil rights N. Explain the legal rights and remedies available to victims of hate crimes based on federal law and civil code O. Describe the impact of hate crimes on victims, the victims' families, and the community P. Discuss the indicators of hate crimes Q. Explain considerations when investigating and documenting incidents involving possible hate crimes R. State the legal definition of sexual harassment S. Discuss the federal and state laws dealing with sexual harassment T. Explain the legal remedies available to a victim of sexual harassment U. Describe behaviors that constitute sexual harassment V. Explain the mandated sexual harassment complaint process guidelines W. State the protections that exist to prevent retaliation against anyone submitting a sexual harassment complaint X. Describe the methods for responding to sexually offensive or unwanted behavior Lab Learning and Testing Objectives: I. From outline XI, LD 21 - Patrol Techniques A. Demonstrate proper procedures for transmitting and receiving a radio communication B. Demonstrate safe and effective tactics for approaching and detaining a pedestrian subject II. From outline XII, LD 22 – Vehicle Pullovers A. Demonstrate appropriate actions officers can take to maintain their own safety and the safety of others while conducting a vehicle pullover B. Demonstrate safety techniques when initiating a vehicle pullover C. Demonstrate appropriate actions for the safe and tactical placement of the patrol unit D. Apply appropriate procedures for exiting the patrol unit E. Demonstrate appropriate safety precautions patrol officers should take when approaching a target vehicle on foot F. Demonstrate appropriate positioning for patrol officers when making face to face contact with the driver of a target vehicle G. Demonstrate the process for conducting a vehicle stop driver contact H. Demonstrate appropriate procedures and communication techniques for directing the driver and occupants out of a target vehicle I. Apply appropriate procedures for checking the validity and authenticity of a driver’s license or other form of personal identification J. Demonstrate officer safety precautions that should be taken during any high-risk vehicle pullover K. Discuss appropriate actions for cover officers who are called to assist the primary officer during a high-risk vehicle pullover L. Demonstrate tactics for conducting a safe and effective high-risk vehicle pullover M. Distinguish between the advantages and disadvantages of a driver side approach, a passenger side approach and a non-approach to a target vehicle III. From outline XIII, LD 23 – Crimes in Progress A. Demonstrate appropriate actions when conducting a search for suspects B. Demonstrate effective officer actions for the safe and tactical response to crimes in progress C. Demonstrate effective officer actions for the safe and tactical response D. Demonstrate Rapid deployment to a deadly encounter (Active shooter) E. Demonstrate proper reaction to Officer ambush/sniper attacks IV. From outline XV, LD 33 – Arrest Methods/Defensive Tactics A. Demonstrate principles of defensive tactics B. Demonstrate an approach to safely and effectively conduct a person search C. Demonstrate cover officer responsibilities during a search of a subject D. Demonstrate the correct positioning of handcuffs on a subject E. Demonstrate the basic techniques for peace officers to safely maintain control of their firearm in a physical conflict F. Demonstrate the appropriate areas on a subject's body that if struck with an impact weapon can be effective in gaining compliance G. Demonstrate the basic techniques for peace officers to safely maintain control of a subject during a search or arrest situation V. From outline XVI, LD 35 – Firearms/Chemical Agents A. Apply routine procedures for cleaning firearms B. Apply the proper steps for safely drawing, firing, and holstering C. Demonstrate the skills to accurately shoot a firearm in daylight and low-light conditions. D. Practice firearms skills at various distances E. Demonstrate proficiency by passing the Firearms Qualification Course F. Apply decontamination procedures that should be followed after a chemical agent has been used G. Demonstrate ability to function when exposed to chemical agents General Education Information Approved College Associate Degree GE Applicability CSU GE Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU approval) Cal-GETC Applicability (Recommended - Requires External Approval) IGETC Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU/UC approval) Articulation Information Methods of Evaluation Objective Examinations Example: Students must pass eight timed POST-constructed multiple-choice exams and a Final exam with varying minimum passing scores established by the State. Per POST guidelines, students who fail any test will receive remedial instruction and only one re-test attempt per test. Skill Demonstrations Example: Per POST guidelines, students will safely and effectively perform hands-on manipulative skills in the following areas: Firearms, Arrest & Control. Students will be personally observed by certified Instructors during the testing performance of skills. Repeatable No Methods of Instruction Laboratory Lecture/Discussion Distance Learning Lab: Instructor will explain and demonstrate various techniques for effective marksmanship in low-light conditions, followed by students practicing shooting while holding a flashlight. Lecture: Using PPT slides and video, the Instructor will lead a class discussion covering the legal and ethical considerations related to use of force. Students are expected to participate in the discussion and demonstrate knowledge of the various aspects of the use of force. Distance Learning Instructor will present lecture and videos related to Police-Community Relations; students will participate in Discussion Board related to the impact of officer actions on community attitudes. Typical Out of Class Assignments Reading Assignments 1. Read a sample Use-of-Force Policy in preparation for a class discussion on how Law Enforcement Departments govern officers' use of force. 2. Read a current event article related to Police-Community relations. Writing, Problem Solving or Performance 1. Write a practice report related to a hypothetical use-of-force situation. 2. Given a hypothetical barrier to effective Police-Community relations, students will work in small groups to develop a plan for opening lines of communication and re-establishing a trusting relationship with members of the Community. Other (Term projects, research papers, portfolios, etc.) Required Materials Learning Domain Workbooks Author: POST Publisher: State of CA Publication Date: 2020 Text Edition: Classic Textbook?: No OER Link: OER: Other materials and-or supplies required of students that contribute to the cost of the course.

Administration of Justice

Overview The Administration of Justice program offers students an Associate Degree for Transfer which prepares students for transfer into the California State University system. In addition, there are three associate degrees offered with specific areas of concentration. Each concentration has specific core courses that are required of all students. Courses are available in law enforcement, specializing in police activities that promote public safety and service to the community; courts, specializing in responsibilities to the public through the trial system of adjudication; and corrections, where sentenced individuals are subjected to society's effort to provide accountability and correct the deviant behavior. The Administration of Justice program also offers a number of POST certified peace officer training courses, including PC 832 Arrest and Firearms, as well as Modules III and II of the POST Regular Basic Course (Law Enforcement Academy). Successful completion of the two modules allows students to be hired as Level III or Level II Reserve Peace Officers in California. The Department also offers some in-service POST training courses for continuing professional development. TRANSFER MAJOR REQUIREMENTS in Administration of Justice are available in the Counseling Center. In all cases, students should consult with a counselor for specific transfer requirements. Four-year graduates in Administration of Justice are qualified for career pathways in law enforcement, the courts and corrections. Faculty Ralph McGill Professor, Administration of Justice B.A., New College of California