ALH 0004. Physical Exam Procedures

Units: 3
Hours: 90 (36 lecture, 54 laboratory)
Prepares students to perform clinical tasks within the scope of practice of a medical assistant. Skill competencies include preparation of exam rooms, acquisition of patient history and vital signs, introduction to oral medication administration, nutritional education planning, orthopedic bracing/casting, handling office emergencies, and performing CPR and electrocardiograms. (letter grade only) (not transferable)

ALH 0004 - Physical Exam Procedures

Catalog Description Hours: 90 (36 lecture, 54 laboratory) Description: Prepares students to perform clinical tasks within the scope of practice of a medical assistant. Skill competencies include preparation of exam rooms, acquisition of patient history and vital signs, introduction to oral medication administration, nutritional education planning, orthopedic bracing/casting, handling office emergencies, and performing CPR and electrocardiograms. (letter grade only) (not transferable) Course Student Learning Outcomes CSLO #1: Identify and describe anatomy and physiology as it applies to examination procedures. CSLO #2: Explain how to perform an electrocardiogram, including emergency assessment, patient assessment and education. CSLO #3: Show competency with documentation of History of Present Illness, Chief Complaint, vital signs and patient history. Effective Term Fall 2018 Course Type Credit - Degree-applicable Contact Hours 90 Outside of Class Hours 72 Total Student Learning Hours 162 Course Objectives Lecture Objectives: 1. Explain safety measures while performing physical examinations. 2. Recognize and recall knowledge of anatomy and physiology as it pertains to examination procedures. 3. Identify how to obtain vital signs. 4. Demonstrate patient assessment and education to include emergency situations. 5. Explain the reason for and proper placement of electrodes for an electrocardiogram. Lab Objectives: 1. Demonstrate safety measures while performing physical examinations including Universal Precautions. 2. Show and apply knowledge of anatomy and physiology while performing examination procedures. 3. Demonstrate accuracy while obtaining vital signs. 4. Take part in performing patient assessment and education. 5. Take part in performing an electrocardiogram. General Education Information Approved College Associate Degree GE Applicability CSU GE Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU approval) Cal-GETC Applicability (Recommended - Requires External Approval) IGETC Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU/UC approval) Articulation Information Not Transferable Methods of Evaluation Classroom Discussions Example: Instructor handout on how and why we take Height and Weight along with other vital signs such as BP, Pulse and Respiratory Rate. Students discuss the importance of each. Now that BMI is part of the Electronic Health Record, it is vital that we record both Height and Weight to calculate the BMI. Discuss patient education that might go along with BMI. Objective Examinations Example: Students will take a Multiple Choice examination on physical exam procedures. Standard Grading. Objective Exam: Example: 1.Which of the following describes the difference between systolic and diastolic blood pressure? a. Pulse pressure b. Pulse deficit c. Elastic pulse d. Bounding pulse Answer: a. Pulse pressure Skill Demonstrations Example: Students will demonstrate their ability to room patients, record vital signs along with History of Present Illness and medications. This will be an ongoing assignment throughout the semester. Standard Grading. Repeatable No Methods of Instruction Laboratory Lecture/Discussion Distance Learning Lab: Following lecture and discussion, instructor will demonstrate proper use of safety equipment during physical examination procedures followed by students performing skills lab. Following lecture and discussion, instructor will demonstrate proper placement of electrodes for electrocardiogram followed by students performing skills lab. Lecture: Instructor online PowerPoint lecture presentation on safety while performing physical examination procedures to include Universal Precautions, OSHA, Asepsis and infection control, sharps, instrument and equipment safety. This will be followed by on ground discussion in class with students on the importance of all measures. Distance Learning Instructor online PowerPoint lecture presentation on performing an electrocardiogram to include the cardiac cycle, machine preparation, patient preparation, proper electrode placement, documentation of EKG strip, basic arrhythmias and managing emergencies. This will be followed by on ground discussion with students in class on the importance of accurate data. Typical Out of Class Assignments Reading Assignments 1. Read section from textbook on safety while performing physical assessment procedures and be prepared to discuss next class. 2. Read section from textbook on expected professional behavior in the medical environment and be prepared to discuss next class. Writing, Problem Solving or Performance 1. Problem Solving: Answer Critical Thinking question from Anatomy and Physiology – Ex: The universal donor blood group is (?) and why is this important to know? 2. Problem Solving: Answer Critical Thinking question from Exam Procedures – Ex: How is orthostatic blood pressure ideally measured? Why does this matter? Other (Term projects, research papers, portfolios, etc.) 1. Develop a written physical examination preparatory check list, including safety measures Required Materials Clinical Procedures for Medical Assistants Author: Bonewit-West, Kathy Publisher: Elsevier Saunders Publication Date: 2014 Text Edition: 8th Classic Textbook?: OER Link: OER: Other materials and-or supplies required of students that contribute to the cost of the course.