BUS 0250. Computer Applications for Business

Units: 3
Formerly known as IT 10
Hours: 72 (54 lecture, 18 laboratory)
An overview of business and academic use of common office application software for word processing, spreadsheets, charting data, databases, and presentations. Using current operating system software, managing files, using online tools, transmitting files via the Internet. Common computer hardware and software system concepts; impact of computers on society, networks and security. (CSU)

BUS 0250 - Computer Applications for Business


Catalog Description Formerly known as IT 10 Hours: 72 (54 lecture, 18 laboratory) Description: An overview of business and academic use of common office application software for word processing, spreadsheets, charting data, databases, and presentations. Using current operating system software, managing files, using online tools, transmitting files via the Internet. Common computer hardware and software system concepts; impact of computers on society, networks and security. (CSU) Course Student Learning Outcomes CSLO #1: Research, analyze and evaluate information to solve business problems using office computer application programs. CSLO #2: Design and produce office computer application program solutions incorporating current trends, security, and best practices. CSLO #3: Employ office computer application programs concepts and terminology in professional communication. CSLO #4: Demonstrate marketable office computer application program career skills. Effective Term Fall 2020 Course Type Credit - Degree-applicable Contact Hours 72 Outside of Class Hours 90 Total Student Learning Hours 162 Course Objectives Lecture Objectives: 1. Design/plan, critique, and identify improvements to text documents such as flyers, reports and letters, including positioning graphics, setting tabs, creating columns, mail merge and constructing/formatting tables using word processing software; 2. Design/plan, critique, and identify improvements to spreadsheets with formulas, relative cell addressing, functions and charts using spreadsheet software; 3. Design/plan, critique, and identify improvements to database tables, forms, reports and queries using database software; 4. Differentiate and apply common computer user hardware and software system concepts, including networking and security; 5. Assess the impact of computers on society, such as: e-commerce and ethical issues; 6. Critique, and identify techniques to use the operating system, and managing files and folders; 7. Design/plan, critique, and identify improvements to presentations including graphics and animation using presentation software; and 8. Design/plan, critique, and identify improvements to integrated projects including copying, inserting, merging and importing data and objects from one application into another; and Laboratory Objectives: 1. Design/build, construct, and modify text documents such as flyers, reports and letters, including positioning graphics, setting tabs, creating columns, mail merge and constructing/formatting tables using word processing software; 2. Design/build, construct, and modify spreadsheets with formulas, relative cell addressing, functions and charts using spreadsheet software; 3. Design/build, construct, and modify, database tables, forms, reports and queries using database software; 4. Differentiate and apply common computer terminology and basic operating system commands, manage files and folders; 5. Use web browser to upload and download files, study computer based training, take department assessments, utilize course management system; 6. Design/build, construct, edit and show presentations including graphics and animation using presentation software; and 7. Design/build, construct, edit application integration projects by copying, inserting, merging and importing data and objects from one application into another. General Education Information Approved College Associate Degree GE Applicability CSU GE Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU approval) Cal-GETC Applicability (Recommended - Requires External Approval) IGETC Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU/UC approval) Articulation Information CSU Transferable Methods of Evaluation Classroom Discussions Example: Example question for Lecture objective 2, students design/plan, critique, and identify improvements to spreadsheets with formulas, relative cell addressing, functions and charts using spreadsheet software. Describe at least 4 key characteristics of an effective chart. Instructors score based on accuracy and completeness Objective Examinations Example: Example questions for Lecture objective 2, students design/plan, critique, and identify improvements to spreadsheets with formulas, relative cell addressing, functions and charts using spreadsheet software. An Excel workbook sheet that contains only a chart is referred to as: ____________. The chart type that displays the relationship of parts to a whole is a _______________ chart. Problem Solving Examinations Example: Problem Solving Exam for Lab objective 3, students design, construct, and modify, database tables, forms, reports and queries using database software by completing department assignments. Instructors score projects based on accuracy using rubric. For Example: Access chapter 1 exam: In this exam, students demonstrate applying the skills learned in Access Chapter 1 and insights gleaned in class to import invitation mailing data from Excel into a party database. They also create their own database. Projects Example: Project for Lab objective 2, students design/build, construct, and modify spreadsheets with formulas, relative cell addressing, functions and charts using spreadsheet software by completing department assignments which include several computer projects for each of several chapters. Instructors score based on accuracy and completeness using rubric. For example Excel Chapter 2 Project: The first part of this project consists of researching what makes effective charts and critiquing existing charts. The second part involves filling in formulas and making charts for three simple worksheets. The third part requires students to build a larger worksheet and chart about travel costs. Reports Example: Report for Lab objective 1, design/build, construct, and modify text documents such as flyers, reports and letters, including positioning graphics, setting tabs, creating columns, mail merge and constructing/formatting tables using word processing software by conducting research to finish a provided partially completed research report about Plagiarism applying MLA format as in Integrated Project 1 in the textbook. Instructors score projects based on accuracy. Instructors score based on accuracy and completeness using rubric. Skill Demonstrations Example: Skill Demonstration for Lab objective 4, students design, construct, edit and show presentations including graphics and animation using presentation software by completing department assignments. Instructors score based on accuracy. For Example PowerPoint presentation: students review traits of good and bad presentations and fix mistakes in an existing PowerPoint presentation. They also apply the skills learned in PowerPoint Chapters 1-4 in the textbook to create a new presentation following the instructions/requirements page provided. Instructors score based on accuracy and completeness using rubric. Repeatable No Methods of Instruction Laboratory Lecture/Discussion Distance Learning Lab: Instructor has students do selected projects: discussing and collaborating in class and completing for homework. For example, part of the Excel Charting project requires students to critique provided charts and make improvements. The projects require students to read directions, discuss and think about how to apply the software features to satisfy the requirements of the project, execute the project, proofread, determine how to correct errors and revise their work to turn in. Some of the projects require the students to compose original writing of their own, for example the students may be asked to write a letter when doing the Mail Merge project, a 2-page research paper about plagiarism or a one-page Newsletter about computer security. (Obj. 1) Lecture: Instructor lectures, demonstrates and leads students in guided practice and experimentation with the software. For example: the students follow along as instructor demonstrates steps to create and modify charts and explains appropriate use of various features. The instructor pauses frequently to allow for students to explore and experiment with features such as chart layouts, chart types, switching rows/columns, changing colors, adding titles. Instructor highlights reasons to use or not use various software features. For example: it is important to use titles to thoroughly define the data charted. It is undesirable to use 3D graphical rendering because even though it may appear "cool", it distorts the precision of chart. The instructor may ask students to respond to questions on a graded or ungraded discussion board, on a quiz. Example questions: An Excel workbook sheet that contains only a chart is referred to as: ____________. The chart type that displays the relationship of parts to a whole is a _______________ chart. (Obj. 2) Distance Learning The instructor will conduct and online lecture on computers in society followed by students outlining the impact of computers on society, such as: e-commerce and ethical issues. Students are to post their outlines and comment on a minimum of five other student posts'. Obj. Typical Out of Class Assignments Reading Assignments Students are assigned to read/study textbook chapters. Students complete computer projects; instructions are provided to students in writing and require careful reading. Example: 1. Read and study first MS Word Chapter in the textbook. Study the end of chapter questions. Complete related simulated tasks to reinforce skills. 2. Read project requirements and complete the "Impact of Computers on Society" Newsletter project; making sure to include each item listed in the directions. Writing, Problem Solving or Performance Students complete computer projects. Example: 1. Following the written directions provided, use Word to create a properly formatted business letter. 2. Following the written directions provided, create a file/folder organization for this course. 3. Following the written directions provided, use Excel to create a worksheet for computing your grade in BUS 0250. Construct it so that you will be able to add future assignments, keep track of your grade and predict your final course grade. Other (Term projects, research papers, portfolios, etc.) 1. Study all the computer based training material about Integrating applications and Mail Merge. Then complete the project consisting of creating a merged letter, name tags and thank you post cards for a regional event. 2. Create your own presentation -Print the following 3 Help Topics: Adding Sound and/or Movies to a presentation, Linking or Embedding files, and Inserting Hyperlinks -Choose an appropriate topic that interests you to present to the class -Create a NEW presentation; do not recycle from a previous class -Create a presentation with 8-12 slides, maximum of 3 minutes to present -Create a Title slide with your name, topic, IT 10, and instructor’s name -Use a Design Template appropriate for the topic on two or more slides -Use at least 3 different standard slide layouts – ok to modify slightly -Font size: large enough to be read from back of classroom -Use the animation feature on two or more slides -Use the transition feature on two or more slides -Use at least 2 different bullet styles -Add appropriate clip art on two or more slides -Add appropriate WordArt to at lest one slide -Insert a photo from the Web related to your topic with the source credited (Google is not a source) -Insert sound: Enhance presentation without distracting from the message -Insert at least 2 different appropriate drawing objects to enhance your slides -Paste (or link) a Word table, an Excel Worksheet, a portion of a Worksheet or an Excel Chart to support your point -Add a footer to the slides -Insert a minimum of 2 Hyperlinks somewhere in the presentation -Create a summary slide -Spell check and proofread: accuracy, consistent formatting, capitalization and punctuation -Add your name to the upper right corner of your printouts - type your name in the Handout Header dialog box, in the date and time, fixed field -Think you may go over the time limit? Use Slide Show, Rehearse Timings to restrict the presentation to three minutes. -Print the title slide as a cover page -Print the entire presentation text as an outline -Print the entire presentation as handouts, 6 slides per page Required Materials Microsoft Office 2016: A Skills Approach Author: Manning Publisher: McGraw Hill Publication Date: 2017 Text Edition: Classic Textbook?: No OER Link: OER: Other materials and-or supplies required of students that contribute to the cost of the course. Computer based training access code bundled with text book or etext; USB Drive and cloud storage account.

Information Technology


...Required Courses: Course List Code Title Units BUS 0250 Computer Applications for Business - Microsoft 3...