BUS 0251. Creating Business Documents with Word

Units: 3
Formerly known as IT 20
Advisory: Completion of BUS 250 and SKDV 10 with grades of "C" or better
Hours: 72 (54 lecture, 18 laboratory)
Advanced word processing techniques, including styles and outlines, generating form letters, mailing labels and envelopes using mail merge, working with master documents, indexes and tables of content, creating reports using wizards and templates, applying macros, integrating software, creating web pages and online forms. (CSU)

BUS 0251 - Creating Business Documents with Word


Catalog Description Formerly known as IT 20 Advisory: Completion of BUS 250 and SKDV 10 with grades of "C" or better Hours: 72 (54 lecture, 18 laboratory) Description: Advanced word processing techniques, including styles and outlines, generating form letters, mailing labels and envelopes using mail merge, working with master documents, indexes and tables of content, creating reports using wizards and templates, applying macros, integrating software, creating web pages and online forms. (CSU) Course Student Learning Outcomes CSLO #1: Research, analyze and evaluate information to solve business problems using a word processing application. CSLO #2: Design and produce word processing solutions incorporating current trends, security, and best practices. CSLO #3: Employ word processing concepts and terminology in professional communication. CSLO #4: Demonstrate marketable word processing career skills. Effective Term Fall 2020 Course Type Credit - Degree-applicable Contact Hours 72 Outside of Class Hours 90 Total Student Learning Hours 162 Course Objectives Lecture Objectives: 1. Identify proper formatting and design techniques for creating flyers and/or announcements. 2. Identify proper citation methods for use in academic/research papers. 3. Evaluate content and layout techniques for cover letters and resumes. 4. Describe the components of a multi-page/multi-section document that has a title page and headers/footers. 5. Identify how Mail merge is used in a business environment. 6. Identify and describe desktop publishing features and considerations for creating a professional-style newsletter. 7. Use and compare Object Linking and Embedding techniques used in word processing. 8. Compare and contrast the use of multi-level lists with outline view; and tabbed lists with tables. 9. Describe the use of forms in a business environment. 10. Identify appropriate use of collaborative tools available in Word Processing software. Laboratory Objectives: 1. Develop design and editing skills by creating a fully-formatted flyer or announcement for a business application. 2. Apply the MLA or APA style of documentation to an existing or newly created multi-page/multi-section research paper. 3. Produce a professional resume and cover letter applying various word processing tools and techniques. 4. Develop mail merge skills to create and edit the main document for form letters, mailing labels, envelopes, and directories. Bring data from an Access table or email contacts list into a mail merge document. 5. Apply word-processing and design techniques to create a professional-style newsletter (including columns, banner, and graphics). 6. Illustrate a concept in outline format using Word's outline view. Display same information in tabbed list and/or a table. 7. Apply the basics of linking an Excel worksheet/chart to a Word document. 8. Investigate and access various sources of information, especially the Internet to enhance business documents. Properly cite Internet resources. 9. Create and properly protect a form. 10. Employ Word's collaborative tools to mark up documents with comments, review/track changes/edit from comments, and compare and contrast versions of files. Add digital signatures. 11. Demonstrate problem-solving and troubleshooting skills as they relate to using software applications, Windows, and the web. 12. Proofread, and consistently employ the use of spellchecking and grammar checking functions to assure error-free documents. General Education Information Approved College Associate Degree GE Applicability CSU GE Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU approval) Cal-GETC Applicability (Recommended - Requires External Approval) IGETC Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU/UC approval) Articulation Information CSU Transferable Methods of Evaluation Classroom Discussions Example: Using the course discussion board, discuss the situations for use of Word's MultiLevel Lists vs. Word's Outline View. Both online and on ground classes will use LMS discussion boards for discussions. These will be hand-graded by instructor using a LMS rubric. Instructor also assigns points for participation during on-ground course meeting. Objective Examinations Example: Using LMS - take the midterm exam covering chapters 1-4 topics: resumes, cover letters, multi-page/multisection documents, flyers, etc. Questions include multiple choice, true false, fill-in-the-blank, matching, and short answer. Exams in online classes are given and graded using LMS Exams. Exams in on ground classes are written directly on the paper exam sheets and hand-graded by instructor. Example: The shortcut for paste is CTRL C - True or False Problem Solving Examinations Example: Complete the skills-assessment capstone exercise covering chapters 1-4 (Creating, Editing Formatting and Customizing documents. Working with reports and Multipage documents. Using Tables, columns and graphics) Submit completed document/s through LMS for detailed grading by instructor using a rubric. Exercises are checked for both accuracy and completion. Projects Example: Create an online form to fill a need for a campus organization such as the Veteran's Center. Forms will be tested for functionality, design criteria, accuracy, and completion, and hand-graded by instructor in LMS using a rubric. Reports Example: Use proper MLA/APA formatting on an existing or newly created report. Include sections, table of contents, and index. Reports are submitted via LMS and hand-graded by instructor using a rubric. Skill Demonstrations Example: Complete the publisher-provided "Let Me Try" exercises for each chapter. Completion of each skill simulation is captured and automatically recorded in grade book by publisher’s LMS. Repeatable No Methods of Instruction Laboratory Lecture/Discussion Distance Learning Lab: Instructor assigns chapter reading from textbook. As students read each chapter - they are required to complete a step-by-step tutorial that reinforces each skill taught. For example: create a multilevel outline using the Bullet and Numbering dialog box and wizard. (Lab Objective 5) Lecture: Instructor has students respond to classroom discussion topics enabling students to strengthen critical thinking, problem-solving and troubleshooting-skills, share information and enhance written and verbal communications. Example: Given the data shown - which SmartArt Diagram would be best used to graphically convey the data meaning. (Lecture Objective 1) Distance Learning Through the LMS Instructor posts text and multimedia-based lectures of concepts covered. After reviewing the posted lecture materials, students will apply a series of hands-on skills to create, edit, and format specialized business documents, such as resumes, newsletters, flyers, reports, and online forms. Students will submit the documents via the LMS for grading. (Lecture Objective 3) Typical Out of Class Assignments Reading Assignments 1. Read and study the textbook chapter and online lecture materials on "Working Collaboratively and Integrating Applications." 2. After reading the chapter and online lecture materials on "Using Desktop Publishing and Graphic Features," participate in a discussion board assignment. Writing, Problem Solving or Performance 1. Complete an end-of-chapter skill assessment project which would involve opening an existing word processing file and following a series of detailed steps to apply skills and concepts reviewed in the chapter. 2. Go to the interactive training web site that belongs with the textbook and complete the Performance Assessment project for a particular chapter. Other (Term projects, research papers, portfolios, etc.) 1. In addition to chapter projects, students complete hands-on capstone/case projects covering 3-4 chapters. 2. Students will also be creating a portfolio of professional and personal documents (resume, forms, web pages, etc.). Required Materials New Perspectives Microsoft® Office 365 & Word 2016 Author: Shaffer Publisher: Cengage Learning Publication Date: 2017 Text Edition: 1st Classic Textbook?: No OER Link: OER: Other materials and-or supplies required of students that contribute to the cost of the course. Access to a computer running current version of word processing software.