BUSĀ 0281. Advertising

Units: 3
Formerly known as BUS 121
Hours: 54 lecture
Analyze the principles and practices of effective advertising. Marketing research, consumer behavior, target marketing, and media strategy are examined as tools for effective advertising. Creative methods and strategies are examined for the development of various types of advertising. (CSU)

BUS 0281 - Advertising


Catalog Description Formerly known as BUS 121 Hours: 54 lecture Description: Analyze the principles and practices of effective advertising. Marketing research, consumer behavior, target marketing, and media strategy are examined as tools for effective advertising. Creative methods and strategies are examined for the development of various types of advertising. (CSU) Course Student Learning Outcomes CSLO #1: Evaluate target markets and critique how that evaluation impacts advertising. CSLO #2: Evaluate how demographics, geographics, consumer behavior and psychographics impact both media selection and advertising development. CSLO #3: Develop and present an advertising campaign. Effective Term Fall 2020 Course Type Credit - Degree-applicable Contact Hours 54 Outside of Class Hours 108 Total Student Learning Hours 162 Course Objectives Through written and/or oral activities the student will: 1. Compare and contrast how economic, social, and legal environments impact advertising and are impacted by advertising. 2. Create a media plan that demonstrates how knowledge of consumer behavior and target marketing have an impact on media selection. 3. Evaluate a firm's and/or industry's advertising effectiveness through a written paper and oral presentation. 4. Develop several types of advertising that demonstrates how knowledge of consumer behavior and target marketing has an impact on the creative execution of the advertising. 5. Create an advertising campaign for a product that demonstrates how advertising, sales promotions, personal selling, direct marketing, and public relations should work together to promote your product. Present the plan as a written report and an oral presentation. General Education Information Approved College Associate Degree GE Applicability CSU GE Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU approval) Cal-GETC Applicability (Recommended - Requires External Approval) IGETC Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU/UC approval) Articulation Information CSU Transferable Methods of Evaluation Objective Examinations Example: Example Question: Define advertising. Define sales promotion. Describe the objective of advertising and the objective of sales promotion. Discuss how advertising and sales promotion should function in a complementary fashion (how they should work together). Evaluation: Students are evaluated on their ability to clearly explain the differences between advertising and sales promotion and provide examples that demonstrate how these two concepts can be effectively applied in the business world. Projects Example: Investigate and analyze a relevant course topic eg consumer behavior. Write a short paper and present to the class that summarizes the advertising situation and evaluate the firm's and/or industry's advertising effectiveness. Evaluation: Students are evaluated on their ability to summarize the information, their analysis and evaluation of the situation and their ability to communicate those thoughts in their paper and oral presentation. Students are instructed to visit the Writing Center; spelling and proper sentence structure count as part of the evaluation. Organization, body language, expressiveness, and the use of visual aids are part of the oral presentation evaluation. Repeatable No Methods of Instruction Lecture/Discussion Distance Learning Lecture: Class is part lecture and part interactive dialog with the students. Probing questions are asked and answered, by both the instructor and the students, to encourage critical thinking. Emphasis is placed on how the concepts apply to the "real world". Reading and writing assignments encourage this "real world" approach. The group projects bring all the learned knowledge into a practical application. The interactive nature of the class, student presentations and group projects, facilitates students' learning from each other. Lecture/Discussion: Group discussion on advertising effectiveness using Super Bowl advertisements. Instructor moderates discussion and has students apply critical thinking skills to the evaluation of advertisements. (Objective 3) After reading the textbook (written by Professor Read) about the Creative Mix (product/service, target market, message/execution of the ad, and media selection) professor shows several examples of how all 4 parts of the Creative Mix need to work to gether in PowerPoint and several videos produced by Professor Read. Class then has an interactive dialog to see how the same product (Toyota Corolla) ---may have 3 different target markets (1-students, 2-commuters/young professionals and 3-low income families), ---may have different messages or execution of the advertising (1-listening to cool music while driving to college, 2-sharing a ride with other young professionals so you can be in the car pool lane, listening to the news/business report, wearing business attire or 3-driving kids to school, going to the grocery store, taking kids to band and soccer practice and getting in the drive thru lane to pick up dinner, all driving past several gas stations), and ---may have different media selections on where to place the ad (1-YouTube, Social Media, Sirus radio 2-news/business radio, Newsweek, Fortune 500, CNN 3- Family magazine, pop radio, family TV). Students need to give specific descriptions of their ideas. (Objective 2) Distance Learning After reading the textbook (written by Professor Read) about the Creative Mix (product/service, target market, message/execution of the ad, and media selection) students review several examples of how all 4 parts of the Creative Mix need to work to gether in PowerPoint and several videos produced by Professor Read (PowerPoint and videos are located in LMS). Students then have an interactive dialog in a Discussion Question to see how the same product (Toyota Corolla) ---may have 3 different target markets (1-students, 2-commuters/young professionals and 3-low income families), ---may have different messages or execution of the advertising (1-listening to cool music while driving to college, 2-sharing a ride with other young professionals so you can be in the car pool lane, listening to the news/business report, wearing business attire or 3-driving kids to school, going to the grocery store, taking kids to band and soccer practice and getting in the drive thru lane to pick up dinner, all driving past several gas stations), and ---may have different media selections on where to place the ad (1-YouTube, Social Media, Sirus radio 2-news/business radio, Newsweek, Fortune 500, CNN 3- Family magazine, pop radio, family TV). Students need to give specific descriptions of their ideas. Then students submit a homework in LMS where students produce 3 different print ads to demonstrate they understand the concept of Creative Mix. (Objective 3) Typical Out of Class Assignments Reading Assignments 1. Read the chapter on consumer behavior and be prepared to discuss how you can use knowledge of consumer behavior to produce more effective advertising. 2. Read the chapter on media strategy and be prepared to discuss why it is important to understand your target audience when selecting the media to deliver your advertising. Writing, Problem Solving or Performance 1. Investigate and analyze a relevant course topic. Write a short paper that summarizes the advertising situation and evaluate the firm's and/or industry's advertising effectiveness. 2. Exam Question: Define advertising. Define sales promotion. Describe the objective of advertising and the objective of sales promotion. Discuss how advertising and sales promotion should function in a complementary fashion (how they should work together). Other (Term projects, research papers, portfolios, etc.) 1. Students will work together in groups of four; "invent" a product and complete an advertising campaign for that product. The group's advertising plan will be 15-18 pages long and presented to the class in a 20-30 minute oral presentation. Required Materials Advertising & IMS: Principals and Practice Author: Moriaty, Mitchell, Wood and Wells Publisher: Pearson Publication Date: 2018 Text Edition: 11th Classic Textbook?: No OER Link: OER: Other materials and-or supplies required of students that contribute to the cost of the course.