ESL 0810S. Novice-High Level Skills for Success

Units: 0
Prerequisite: Placement by matriculation assessment process or completion of ESL 800 with grade of "Pass" and completion with grade of "C" or better or concurrent enrollment in ESL 510C or completion with grade of "Pass" or concurrent enrollment in 810C
Hours: 18 lecture
Integrated skills course for non-native English speakers to support student success in ESL 510C. Topics include writing and editing, grammar improvement, support services, technology, and success strategies. (pass/no pass grading) (noncredit)

ESL 0810S - ESL Novice-High Skills for Success

Catalog Description Prerequisite: Placement by matriculation assessment process or completion of ESL 800 with grade of "Pass" and completion with grade of "C" or better or concurrent enrollment in ESL 510C or completion with grade of "Pass" or concurrent enrollment in 810C Hours: 18 lecture Description: Integrated skills course for non-native English speakers to support student success in ESL 510C. Topics include writing and editing, grammar improvement, support services, technology, and success strategies. (pass/no pass grading) (noncredit) Course Student Learning Outcomes CSLO #1: Apply process writing steps to compose and improve paragraphs. CSLO #2: Distinguish and apply appropriate grammar in novice-high writing. CSLO #3: Identify and utilize campus academic and vocational support services and apply novice-high success strategies. CSLO #4: Employ novice-high usage of technology skills to complete course requirements. Effective Term Fall 2024 Course Type Noncredit Contact Hours 18 Outside of Class Hours 36 Total Student Learning Hours 54 Course Objectives Content will be taught with authentic language that focuses on U.S. culture and history and novice-high level situations and functions for college, career and community. Through integrated skills study and practice at a novice-high level, students will: 1. Use the process writing steps to formulate components of the paragraph; 2. Edit writing for grammar, spelling, and punctuation; 3. Apply grammar rules correctly for novice-high level; 4. Utilize technology for college success and language acquisition; 5. Identify key campus support services (e.g., library ESL collection, Tutoring Center); and 6. Demonstrate appropriate American classroom etiquette (e.g., homework, first language use, participation, academic honesty),and socio-linguistic competence at a novice-high level for academic, vocational and community situations (e.g., courtesy, appointment making, timeliness). General Education Information Approved College Associate Degree GE Applicability CSU GE Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU approval) Cal-GETC Applicability (Recommended - Requires External Approval) IGETC Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU/UC approval) Articulation Information Not Transferable Methods of Evaluation Objective Examinations Example: Students complete exercises and tasks in a software or internet program for key grammar concepts for 510C. They then complete a quiz on that area. An example might be editing for present and past tenses using do/does/did and third person singular "s" in present. The quiz is computer or instructor scored and recorded. Sample Question: ______________ Hector and Martin _______________(study) yesterday? Skill Demonstrations Example: Students will research support resources on the Sierra College website such as the Tutor Center or the hub. They will make a plan to visit the resource of their choice to obtain information or assistance. Students will complete a worksheet detailing the resource they used. Grading will be complete/incomplete. Repeatable Yes Methods of Instruction Lecture/Discussion Distance Learning Lecture: The instructor will solicit student ideas on a class topic (e.g., how to save water) and compile a visible list for students using the document camera. Students will pick their 2 or 3 favorites individually. The instructor will model a basic novice-high topic sentences (e.g., The 3 best ways to save water are...). Students will add their own topic sentence to an instructor-created outline. Students will then complete their outline with details and examples for each point. The instructor will circulate providing input and assistance. The instructor will explain basic English word order: Subject-Verb-Complement/Subject-Verb-Object using the document camera. Instructor will then write a scrambled sentence on the whiteboard. The class will provide input to move the words to the correct order. After several samples have been done as a whole class, students will practice word order using an on-line program. The instructor circulates guiding students as needed. Distance Learning The instructor will post a video showing students how to join a video conference, use the mute feature, and use the Chat feature. Students will then join a scheduled video conference. Students will have several days/times to choose from. Once the students join a video conference, they will mute themselves and then unmute to respond to a question. Students will post a comment in the Chat in response to a prompt. Typical Out of Class Assignments Reading Assignments 1. Students will read a passage provided by the instructor and provide the missing verb correctly to complete the passage. 2. Students will utilize skimming and scanning skills as they read pages from the Student Services section of the college website to find information about various resources. (e.g., Counseling Center, Tutor Center). Students will complete a worksheet of key information about these resources (e.g., location, hours, services provided). Writing, Problem Solving or Performance 1. After brainstorming as a whole class, students will draft a topic sentence on the assigned topic such as “habits for student success.” 2. Students will revise their own paragraph (e.g., why Rosa Parks is a hero) using instructor feedback and their grammar editing guides. Other (Term projects, research papers, portfolios, etc.) Required Materials Other materials and-or supplies required of students that contribute to the cost of the course.