ESLĀ 0812T. ESL Through Basic Computer Technology

Units: 0
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ESL 810 or 820 levels
Hours: 27 (9 lecture, 18 activity)
Introduction for non-native speakers of English to basic computer vocabulary, keyboarding, mySierra basics, Learning Management System (LMS) basics, Microsoft Word basics and use of ESL software and internet sites. Supports coursework at the ESL 810 and 820 levels. (pass/no pass grading) (noncredit)

ESL 0812T - ESL Through Basic Computer Technology

Catalog Description Prerequisite: Eligibility for ESL 810 or 820 levels Hours: 27 (9 lecture, 18 activity) Description: Introduction for non-native speakers of English to basic computer vocabulary, keyboarding, mySierra basics, Learning Management System (LMS) basics, Microsoft Word basics and use of ESL software and internet sites. Supports coursework at the ESL 810 and 820 levels. (pass/no pass grading) (noncredit) Course Student Learning Outcomes CSLO #1: Differentiate, define and utilize basic language for technology components, functions, tasks, programs and online resources. CSLO #2: Synthesize basic technological knowledge of college tools, college course management system, internet resources and some office programs to create documents, presentations, communications and other products. Effective Term Fall 2022 Course Type Noncredit Contact Hours 27 Outside of Class Hours 27 Total Student Learning Hours 54 Course Objectives Students will through multi-skill language practice: Lecture Objectives: 1. Identify and employ basic English vocabulary for computer components, computer functions, course assignments and course tasks; 2. Analyze Microsoft Windows screen organization and apply navigation skills; 3. Develop keyboarding skills by recalling finger placement on keyboard and applying to basic keyboarding tasks; 4. Differentiate and utilize basic MySierra functions for: registration, grades, GPA and address change; 5. Differentiate and utilize basic LMS functions for: logging in, locating class materials and assignments, checking grades and e-mailing faculty; 6. Create basic Microsoft Word documents through Outlook 365 using capitals, punctuation, font, indenting, centering, bolding, underlining, italicizing, spacing and saving; 7. Demonstrate navigation of ESL software and internet sites using icons, prompts, and exercise and scoring formats; 8. Demonstrate use of search engines for basic internet searches; and 9. Identify and use effective strategies for success in American academic and vocational settings (e.g.; academic honesty, study skills, politeness, participation). Activity Objectives: 1. Use basic computer vocabulary and Microsoft screen organization by following oral and written instructor directions to perform basic computer functions; 2. Differentiate 10-finger keyboarding patterns and practice through the use of basic English language sentences and paragraphs; 3. Utilize MySierra and LMS to locate basic information and files and to contact faculty through e-mail; 4. Compose and save basic documents utilizing Microsoft Word; 5. Demonstrate navigation of ESL software programs and internet sites using icons, prompts and exercise and scoring formats to complete assignments; 6. Demonstrate use of search engines (e.g.; Google) for basic searches for information on an assigned topic; and 7. Use strategies for success in American academic and vocational settings (e.g.; academic honesty, study skills, politeness, participation). General Education Information Approved College Associate Degree GE Applicability CSU GE Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU approval) Cal-GETC Applicability (Recommended - Requires External Approval) IGETC Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU/UC approval) Articulation Information Not Transferable Methods of Evaluation Objective Examinations Example: Students will take a quiz over computer vocabulary (e.g.; multiple choice, match up or open-ended definition questions). Exam will show an image of a computer and students will label the computer components (eg. monitor, mouse, keyboard, etc.) Problem Solving Examinations Example: Students will use LMS to locate a course document such as the course syllabi and complete a simple task such as finding the date of the final exam. Students will report the final exam date to the instructor via email. Grade based on completion. Projects Example: Students will 1.Use a search engine to locate information on an assigned topic (e.g.; Veteran's Day) 2. Copy and paste information into a Word document 3. Write several sentences explaining their opinion on the holiday using correct formatting 4. Save the document 5. E-mail it to their instructor through LMS Skill Demonstrations Example: Students will produce a paragraph on an assigned topic (e.g.; hometown) in a designated amount of time. Repeatable Yes Methods of Instruction Activity Lecture/Discussion Distance Learning Activity: Instructor will demonstrate correct finger placement for keyboarding then students will practice using a car racing game on the site. Instructor will provide detailed directions for students to produce a basic Word document then e-mail it to their instructor as an attachment using the LMS. Lecture: Instructor will explain and demonstrate new material. Instructor will explain and demonstrate basic functions for Microsoft Word. Students will then demonstrate how to utilize Microsoft Word. Instructor will explain and demonstrate how to locate a search engine and how to phrase a successful search. Students will outline the sequence of steps during the lecture demonstration. Distance Learning By video, the instructor will explain and demonstrate how to create an email. Students will take notes about the steps, noticing new vocabulary necessary for sending an email and compose an email to the instructor which includes the required criteria. The instructor will guide students to answer a series of the basic, level-appropriate questions both by written and video-based instruction. Students will send an email from their MySierra account by following the steps from the instructor's written and video-based directions. The email will include the answers to the series of questions that the instructor prompted. Typical Out of Class Assignments Reading Assignments 1. Read textbook sections or handouts on course topics such as Microsoft Word basics and be prepared to discuss in class. 2. Read glossary and make flashcards for computer vocabulary. 3. Read assignment directions such as for a task involving manipulating a Word document to demonstrate Word skills. Writing, Problem Solving or Performance 1. Write an e-mail to your instructor explaining why your homework will be late. 2. Write a paragraph describing your hometown in Microsoft Word. Use 12-point font in Ariel, a centered title, double spacing and indented first word. Check your spelling and grammar with the checkers. Save your document and e-mail it to me as an attachment. Other (Term projects, research papers, portfolios, etc.) Required Materials Other materials and-or supplies required of students that contribute to the cost of the course.