FASH 0012. Fashion History

Units: 3
Advisory: Completion of ENGL N with grade of "C" or better
Hours: 54 lecture
Fashion and adornment through the ages to the present. Emphasis on the historical flow and how fashion themes are reinterpreted or influence designs in later periods including the present. Provides a basis for understanding and appreciating fashion as well as how the times and environment affect styling, colors, fabric and details. Field trip may be required. (CSU)

FASH 0012 - Fashion History


Catalog Description Advisory: Completion of ENGL N with grade of "C" or better Hours: 54 lecture Description: Fashion and adornment through the ages to the present. Emphasis on the historical flow and how fashion themes are reinterpreted or influence designs in later periods including the present. Provides a basis for understanding and appreciating fashion as well as how the times and environment affect styling, colors, fabric and details. Field trip may be required. (CSU) Course Student Learning Outcomes CSLO #1: Analyze the different periods of fashion and their defining criteria for the time. CSLO #2: Compare and contrast particular historic styling with current fashions. CSLO #3: Manipulate fabric on forms to recreate ancient looks as active participants in the creative experience. Effective Term Fall 2017 Course Type Credit - Degree-applicable Contact Hours 54 Outside of Class Hours 108 Total Student Learning Hours 162 Course Objectives 1. identify and describe different periods of fashion and their defining criteria for the time periods from Ancient Middle East to present, discovering an awareness of the ways in which people throughout the ages have responded to themselves and the world around them; 2. compare and contrast particular historic period styling with current fashions. Explain how those historic influences are incorporated into contemporary fashion; 3. compare the relationship between fashions and the developments of the fine and applied arts of an era; 4. discuss and analyze clothing as a means of social communication; 5. investigate the cyclical nature of fashion through the decades and hypothesize about future trends; 6. analyze the cross cultural influences in dress and how they are interpreted in present and past cultures, creating an understanding of cultural authentication and mixtures; 7. evaluate the effects of historical events, politics, music, film and technological advances on fashion; 8. contrast the differences in Greek and Roman clothing and relate them to the cultural differences; 9. describe the layers of garments worn in the 10th, 11th, 12th and 13th centuries and any changes in their function and terminology through the centuries; 10. correlate the production of silk to the spread of Byzantine style to Western Europe; 11. assess the strengths and weaknesses of using portraits as a major source of information regarding Italian Renaissance mode of dress; 12. illustrate the "bottom-up" theory of fashion evolution with specific examples citing methods of communication and fashion flow; 13. demonstrate an understanding of the evolution of technology and natural resources as applied to fashion; 14. correlate upper and lower class distinctions to specific aspects of dress in the 17th century in appreciation of how societies and social subgroups operate; 15. assess the impact of women's participation in sports on clothing styles from 1870-1900. Cite clothing designed and worn for specific sports; 16. compare men's clothing pre-WWI with post-WWII, noting any differences that might be attributed to the war experience; 17. summarize the clothing restrictions due to rationing during WWII and the style changes as a result; 18. identify the effects that environmental concerns have had on styles from the mid-seventies to present gaining an appreciation of the values of the time and how they affected fashion choices. The knowledge of what has come before will help the students understand the world they live in. General Education Information Approved College Associate Degree GE Applicability AA/AS - Fine Arts CSU GE Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU approval) CSUGE - C1 Arts Cal-GETC Applicability (Recommended - Requires External Approval) IGETC Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU/UC approval) Articulation Information CSU Transferable Methods of Evaluation Classroom Discussions Example: Performance objective 6. "analyze the cross cultural influences in dress and how they are interpreted in present and past cultures, creating an understanding of cultural authentication and mixtures." Students discuss their selection of current fashion which exhibits cross cultural influences. In class all selections are shown and discussed. Online this is a Discussion Board assignment where students are required to post their selection explaining what cultures they have observed and reply to a minimum of 2 of their classmates. Objective Examinations Example: Performance objective 1: "recognize and describe different periods of fashion and their defining criteria for the time periods from Ancient Middle East to present." Students are provided with PowerPoint notes guides and a review sheet for each section of study. At the end of each section an objective quiz is given. Quizzes are scored and correct answers are reviewed in class. The portion of quiz scores on the overall grade is spelled out in the syllabus and the lowest quiz grade is dropped allowing for a poor score or missed quiz. Standard traditional grading is used and grades are posted to the learning management system. A cumulative final exam is given. Projects Example: Performance objective 1: "recognize and describe different periods of fashion and their defining criteria for the time periods from Ancient Middle East to present." Students are provided with PowerPoint notes guides and a review sheet for each section of study. At the end of each section an objective quiz is given. Quizzes are scored and correct answers are reviewed in class. The portion of quiz scores on the overall grade is spelled out in the syllabus and the lowest quiz grade is dropped allowing for a poor score or missed quiz. Standard traditional grading is used and grades are posted to the learning management system. A cumulative final exam is given. Repeatable No Methods of Instruction Lecture/Discussion Distance Learning Lecture: The instructor will show PowerPoint pictorials for each chapter as visual reinforcement to lecture and outside class reading. As a part of lecture presentations, instructor will include class discussions, either in class or through the use of a discussion board assignment, that encourage student observations and opinions. Discuss differences in clothing, ambiance and presentation between current fashion shows and past/historic fashion shows. Typical Out of Class Assignments Reading Assignments 1. Read the selection on the 20s and 30s in the assigned text and be prepared to discuss in class. 2. Research the fashion of the time, historical current events, fine and applied arts of a chosen era and their effects on fashion. Writing, Problem Solving or Performance 1. Reintroduction of a Designer: Based on research create a relaunch of a designer line as appropriate to our current fashion while maintaining the essence of the original using creativity and aesthetic understanding. 2. Curator: As a curator of a hypothetical fashion exhibit write the introduction to the catalog including the era, theme, highlights of the exhibit, the factors influencing that era, an idea of everyday life and other points of interest. Provide pictorial references in an oral presentation. Other (Term projects, research papers, portfolios, etc.) 1. Compile a notebook of contemporary clothing styles which feature elements taken from prior historical periods. Provide detailed pictures of reference style and terminology used in both eras. Compare and contrast the 2 eras. 2. Research concurrent Western and non-Western clothing styles and compare and contrast those, including the influences during that time specific to each area. Find a photo of a contemporary fashion which borrows from a non-Western source its feeling, design motif or element(s). 3. View a period film or television production and critique the accuracy with which the fashions of the day have been depicted compared to what is presented as fashion history. 4. Select a portrait of a historical figure. Describe the outfit fully including any undergarments used to create the silhouette. Include terminology and visual references to back up the description. Do biographic research on the person and discuss their clothing as it relates to their status in society and what it designates. Required Materials Survey of Historic Costume: A History of Western Dress Author: Phyllis Tortora and Sara B. Marcketti Publisher: Fairchild Books Bloomsbury Publications Publication Date: 2015 Text Edition: 6th Classic Textbook?: OER Link: OER: The Fairchild Dictionary of Fashion Author: Tortora Keiser Publisher: Fairchild Bloomsbury Publications Publication Date: 2014 Text Edition: 4th Classic Textbook?: OER Link: OER: Other materials and-or supplies required of students that contribute to the cost of the course. Fashion magazines or Internet access and a color printer.