FIREĀ 0178. Wildland Incident Operations for Company Officers - CO 2E

Unit: 1.5
Prerequisite: Completion of California State Firefighter II educational requirements; completion of FIRE 172 and FIRE 177 with grades of "C" or better or provide copies of S-290 (classroom delivery only) and HAZ MAT Incident Commander certifications, or equivalent as determined by the instructor
Hours: 40 (24 lecture, 16 laboratory)
Designed for the working firefighter, this course provides information on evaluating and reporting incident conditions, analyzing incident needs, developing and implementing a plan of action to deploy incident resources completing all operations to suppress a wildland fire, establishing an incident command post, creating an incident action plan, and completing incident records and reports. This Company Officer course is one of a series required for Company Officer certification by California State Fire Training. (CSU-with unit limitation)

FIRE 0178 - Wildland Incident Operations for Company Officers - CO 2E

Catalog Description Prerequisite: Completion of California State Firefighter II educational requirements; completion of FIRE 172 and FIRE 177 with grades of "C" or better or provide copies of S-290 (classroom delivery only) and HAZ MAT Incident Commander certifications, or equivalent as determined by the instructor Hours: 40 (24 lecture, 16 laboratory) Description: Designed for the working firefighter, this course provides information on evaluating and reporting incident conditions, analyzing incident needs, developing and implementing a plan of action to deploy incident resources completing all operations to suppress a wildland fire, establishing an incident command post, creating an incident action plan, and completing incident records and reports. This Company Officer course is one of a series required for Company Officer certification by California State Fire Training. (CSU-with unit limitation) Course Student Learning Outcomes CSLO #1: Analyze and size-up a wildland incident. CSLO #2: Formulate an incident action plan. CSLO #3: Determine appropriate fire suppression actions when deploying resources. CSLO #4: Explain mop-up and extinguishment procedures. CSLO #5: Demonstrate, through simulation, the ability to implement a plan of action and to manage initial actions at a WUI incident. Effective Term Fall 2019 Course Type Credit - Degree-applicable Contact Hours 40 Outside of Class Hours 48 Total Student Learning Hours 88 Course Objectives Lecture Objectives: 1. Assemble information regarding travel route, assignment, time needed and point of contact from a dispatch agency when responding to a wildland incident. 2. Apply initial wildland report of conditions. 3. Analyze and size-up a wildland incident. 4. Formulate an incident action plan. 5. Apply objectives, strategies and tactics to mitigate a wildland emergency. 6. Evaluate wildland incident conditions, progress, changes in fuels, topography, weather, fire behavior, and significant events. 7. Describe communicating wildland conditions to supervisor and adjoining personnel. 8. Outline appropriate medical treatment, making notifications and completing reports for an injured wildland firefighter. 9. Determine appropriate fire suppression actions when deploying resources ensuring safety. 10. Summarize communication needs regarding progress updates, changes in conditions, fire behavior, and other significant events. 11. Analyze incident needs, ordering additional resources and releasing resources. 12. Identify need for logistical service and support. 13. Outline transfer of command. 14. Explain mop-up and extinguishment procedures. 15. Distinguish completion of wildland suppression operations and returning resources to service. 16. Outline need for evaluating assigned personnel on a wildland incident. 17. Support personnel qualification system. 18. Defend need for conducting personnel performance evaluation after a wildland incident. 19. Justify maintaining wildland incident records and documenting required information. 20. Support completion of personnel time and equipment use records; 21. Prepare final incident reports. 22. Outline procedure for responding to requests for incident information. Laboratory Objectives: 1. Analyze and compare fire suppression activities in the Wildland Urban Interface Environment. 2. Outline Jurisdictional Authority and Responsibility. 3. Analyze fire behavior forecasting for wildfire incident. 4. Demonstrate the ability to collect weather information using appropriate equipment. 5. Analyze the ability to manage risk at a WUI fire. 6. Evaluate pre-incident considerations, including personnel readiness. 7. Demonstrate knowledge of radio use during a WUI incident. 8. Demonstrate the ability to conduct a size-up of a WUI incident. 9. Demonstrate, through simulation, the ability implement a plan of action and to manage initial actions at a WUI incident. General Education Information Approved College Associate Degree GE Applicability CSU GE Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU approval) Cal-GETC Applicability (Recommended - Requires External Approval) IGETC Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU/UC approval) Articulation Information CSU Transferable Methods of Evaluation Essay Examinations Example: Students will write an essay profiling a firefighter line-of-duty death. Essay shall include actions prior to, during and after the incident. Rubric Grading. Objective Examinations Example: Students will take a multiple-choice examination on sizing up a wildland incident. Standard Grading: Example Question: Which of the following are considered part of a CAN report? A. Coordination B. Conditions C. Communication D. None of the Above. Repeatable No Methods of Instruction Laboratory Lecture/Discussion Distance Learning Lab: The instructor will show a video on proper fire shelter deployment in safety zones and inside of vehicles and the students will discuss and evaluate the merits of deployment in provided case studies. Lecture: The instructor will lecture about firefighter fatality and near-miss incidents. Students will then work in small groups to identify which of the Standard Fire Orders or Watch Out situations were violated and present their findings to the class. Distance Learning Following an instructor demonstration, students will demonstrate, through simulation, the ability implement a plan of action and to manage initial actions at a WUI incident. Typical Out of Class Assignments Reading Assignments 1. The student will read the material on fire prediction systems and prepare a prediction of fire spread using the scenario and system provided by the instructor. 2. The student will read the material in the textbook on the risk management process and then complete a risk assessment worksheet for a provided fire scenario. Writing, Problem Solving or Performance 1. Given a set of fire line conditions, estimate the minimum safety zone size. 2. Using the provided scenario, prepare an Incident Action Plan. Other (Term projects, research papers, portfolios, etc.) Required Materials Command 1C Student Manual Author: California State Fire Marshal Publisher: State Fire Training Publication Date: 2013 Text Edition: 1st Classic Textbook?: OER Link: OER: Incident Response Pocket Guide (NFES 1077) Author: National Wildfire Coordinating Group Publisher: U.S. Government Publication Date: 2010 Text Edition: Classic Textbook?: OER Link: OER: Fireline Handbook (NFES 65) Author: National Wildfire Coordinating Group Publisher: U.S. Government Publication Date: 2004 Text Edition: NWCG Handbook 3 Classic Textbook?: OER Link: OER: ICS 420-1 Field Operations Guide Author: National Wildfire Coordinating Group Publisher: U.S. Government Publication Date: 2012 Text Edition: Classic Textbook?: OER Link: OER: Other materials and-or supplies required of students that contribute to the cost of the course.

Fire Technology

The Fire Technology program prepares students for a career in the fire service and provides educational and training opportunities for employed and volunteer firefighters.