FREN 0004. Intermediate French - Level II

Units: 4
Prerequisite: Completion of FREN 3 or four years of high school French with grade(s) of "C" or better
Hours: 72 lecture
Designed for those who have had previous training in the French language. Study of advanced grammar with increased emphasis upon the skills of reading and interpreting works of French literature. Greater focus upon writing and speaking skills. (CSU, UC)

FREN 0004 - Intermediate French - Level II

Catalog Description Prerequisite: Completion of FREN 3 or four years of high school French with grade(s) of "C" or better Hours: 72 lecture Description: Designed for those who have had previous training in the French language. Study of advanced grammar with increased emphasis upon the skills of reading and interpreting works of French literature. Greater focus upon writing and speaking skills. (CSU, UC) Course Student Learning Outcomes CSLO #1: Paraphrase intermediate level French spoken at regular conversational speed. CSLO #2: Produce accurate pronunciation with grammatically correct sentences in Intermediate Mid-level conversations. CSLO #3: Explain what is read in any Intermediate Mid-level literary materials. CSLO #4: Write compositions and short reports using appropriate syntax for the Intermediate Mid-level. CSLO #5: Compare and contrast cultural perspectives based on reading, discussions and videos. Effective Term Fall 2020 Course Type Credit - Degree-applicable Contact Hours 72 Outside of Class Hours 144 Total Student Learning Hours 216 Course Objectives 1. Identify and discuss topics relevant to the francophone world such as: personal relationships, city life, medias, justice and politics, modern society, family life, food, science, technology, leisure, shopping, workplace, and nature. 2. Demonstrate mastery in writing and orally while using present, past, future, conditional and subjunctive verb tenses. 3. Read critically with ability to summarize and analyze main ideas and writer's perspective in a variety of reading materials in French including essays, short stories, poems, magazines and informative reading. 4. Identify and apply basic principles of literary analysis related to narrative genre such as narrator, characters and plot; dramatic genre such as dramatic conflict and resolution; and poetry such as speaker, theme, simile, metaphor, personification, versification and rhyme. 5. Recognize and compare authors representing various genres, periods and literary tendencies from France and the francophone world, such as: Guillaume Apollinaire, Dany Laferrière, Frédéric Beigbeder, Victor Hugo, Ghislaine Sathoud, Maryse Condé, Didier Daeninckx, Sempé-Goscinny, Marie Le Drian, and Jean-Baptiste Tati-Loutard. 6. Write at an intermediate level in French various types of compositions and essays such as: descriptive, persuasive, informative and creative. General Education Information Approved College Associate Degree GE Applicability AA/AS - Literature & Language AA/AS - Multicultural Studies CSU GE Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU approval) CSUGE - C2 Humanities Cal-GETC Applicability (Recommended - Requires External Approval) IGETC Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU/UC approval) IGETC - 3B Humanities IGETC - 6A Lang other than Eng Articulation Information CSU Transferable UC Transferable Methods of Evaluation Essay Examinations Example: In the target language, students will write a 30 phrases short-essay on a citation such as: "La musique adoucit les moeurs". Pensez-vous que la musique puisse réellement avoir un effet sur les émotions et les comportements? Expliquez votre point de vue et donnez quelques exemples. Graded on a rubric provided to students. Objective Examinations Example: Will be done in the target language. After watching the short film "Un héro de la nature gabonaise" by Yann Arthus-Bertrand, students will answer comprehension questions using complete sentences. Ex: Quel est le but du voyage de Yann Arthus-Bertrand au Gabon? Comment les arbres abattus sont-ils transportés? Projects Example: In the target language, each student will chose a topic related to Francophonie such as a historical figure, a landmark, an art movement, a type of food, a celebrity, a book,...etc. and present it to the class. The other students will have to ask one question in the target language. The presentation will be graded with a rubric previously given to the students. Repeatable No Methods of Instruction Lecture/Discussion Distance Learning Lecture: Lecture/discussion will be done in the target language. The instructor will show pictures of family members and ask questions related to generational differences using the new vocabulary. Students will then interview a classmate and report back to the class. Following an instructor lecture on generation gaps, students will answer a series of questions related to their family and the differences in generations. They will use the newly acquired vocabulary and give 2 examples of generation gaps. They will then get into groups and brainstorm ideas to close those gaps using the newly acquired vocabulary and the subjunctive mood. Distance Learning Following an instructor lead lecture on generation gap, students will post a problem related to generation gap. In a discussion board, they will respond and comment to 3 other posts. Typical Out of Class Assignments Reading Assignments 1. Read the assigned selection from the text and answer the reading comprehension questions. Essaouira est un petit port marocain connu pour la douceur de son climat et la gentillesse de ses habitants. Les touristes aiment aussi visiter ses fortifications, sa medina et ses “riads”, maisons marocaines traditionnelles, car la ville possède un patrimoine architectural bien conservé. Ses rues, où se rencontrent petits pêcheurs, commerçants, artisans et artistes du monde entier, offrent une atmosphère unique. Students will answer the following questions in French: 1. Où se situe Essaouira? 2. Donne 2 raisons pour lesquelles les touristes aiment la visiter. 3. Que peut-on trouver dans les rues? 2. Read the text “Les richesses du Pacifique” and summarize and analyze the main ideas. Then answer the following questions in French: 1. Quelles sont les deux plus grandes barriers de corail du monde? 2. Quelle est la caractéristique du lagon de la Nouvelle-Calédonie? 3. Que sait-on de la tortue verte? 4. Quel est le premier produit d’exportation de Tahiti? 5. La perliculture est-elle facile? 6. Comment obtient-on une perle? Writing, Problem Solving or Performance I. The focus of this assignment is writing a paper in which you express your point of view. Choose one from the three topics. After you've chosen your topic, make a list of related vocabulary that might be useful for your paper. Write a list of arguments supporting your point of view. To make sure you've listed all the possible positions, show your list to at least one classmate to help you develop your topic. Graded on a rubric. 1. La censure. Deux des films d'Ousmane Sembène ont étés censurés. Que pensez-vous de la censure? Est-elle toujours une atteinte à la liberté personnelle et au droit d'expression ou bien est-elle parfois nécessaire? Expliquez votre opinion personnelle en utilisant quelques exemples précis. 2. L'art de Keïta. Décrivez la photo de Seydou Keïta. Que révèle celle-ci sur les modes de vie et les coutumes de la population malienne? 3. Avis personnel. Que pensez-vous de la sculpture d'Ousmane Sow? Son style vous plaît-il? Décrivez la sculpture sur cette page, puis faites-en la critique. II. Read the text “Le Marché de l’espoir” by Ghislaine Sathoud. Make a timeline of the events and a list of how the locals overcame the tragedy. Then, imagine that you are a journalist who witnessed a violent act against an individual or a group of people. Use a map to organize your thoughts and ideas then write an article on this tragedy. Use partitive adjectives and pronouns in your article. Graded on a rubric. Other (Term projects, research papers, portfolios, etc.) 1. Class debate about environmental issues, generation differences and relationships. 2. Presentation of an influential French-speaking person to the class. Required Materials Imaginez Author: Séverine Champeny Publisher: Vista Higher Learning Publication Date: 2020 Text Edition: 4th Classic Textbook?: OER Link: OER: Other materials and-or supplies required of students that contribute to the cost of the course. Pass code for online homework