CSCI 0010 - Introduction to Computing

Catalog Description Advisory: Completion of MATH A with grade of "C" or better Hours: 72 (54 lecture, 18 laboratory) Description: Survey of computer science technologies and methods. Introduction to computer hardware and software, structured programming, operating system concepts, communications and social impacts of computer technology. Explore current and emerging topics such as robotics, computer security and artificial intelligence. (CSU, UC) Course Student Learning Outcomes CSLO #1: Describe the software development life-cycle. CSLO #2: Describe the principles of structured programming and be able to describe, design, implement, and test structured programs using currently accepted methodology. CSLO #3: Explain what an algorithm is and its importance in computer programming. CSLO #4: Explain moral and ethical issues in computer science. Effective Term Fall 2020 Course Type Credit - Degree-applicable Contact Hours 72 Outside of Class Hours 90 Total Student Learning Hours 162 Course Objectives Lecture Objectives: 1. Identify at least three places computers can be found in our society, other than personal computers. 2. Compare and contrast data input and storage mechanisms from previous generations of computers to those in current use. 3. Compare and contrast the specifications of at least two commercially-available computer systems and associated common peripherals. 4. Describe the binary and hexadecimal counting systems. 5. Solve mathematical problems that are expressed in the decimal, binary, and hexadecimal counting systems. 6. Describe the relationship between bits and bytes. 7. Identify and describe the function of major computer components in a von Neumann architecture: CPU, CU, ALU, Bus, Disk Drive, RAM, ROM, Clock, and Input/Output Peripherals. 8. Identify the major components of mass storage devices (platters, read/write heads, recording surface, interface) and describe the logical layout of data (tracks, sectors, blocks, cylinders). 9. Describe the use of "abstraction" and "layering" in operating systems and networking. 10. Describe the purpose of disk-based virtual memory (swap) and the process by which swap space is used to alleviate shortages of RAM. 11. Identify the major components of modern graphical user interfaces: buttons, scrollbars, menus, windows, dialogs, input fields, text, images, cursor, click, drag. 12. Define and describe the networking terms: protocol, host, client, server, IP Address, TCP, LAN, router, checksum. Identify examples of each. 13. Apply current computer science theories, models, and techniques that provide a basis for problem identification and analysis, software design, development, implementation, verification, and documentation. 14. Distinguish the tradeoffs computer scientists must balance in software and hardware design in terms of cost, speed, and resource limitations. 15. Compare the relative efficiencies of at least two of the following algorithms: binary search, linear search, bubble sort, insertion sort, quicksort, find min/max. Laboratory Objectives: 1. Design, write, and run without errors a simple computer program utilizing variables, conditionals, and loops using a current programming language. 2. Prepare at least two simple web pages in HTML utilizing basic formatting tags, lists, images, colors, and links. View the web pages in a web browser. 3. Write, print, and save a document using a word processor. 4. Use a spreadsheet or database to define data fields, input data, express mathematical calculations that manipulate the data, and save the data. General Education Information Approved College Associate Degree GE Applicability AA/AS - Comm & Analyt Thinking CSU GE Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU approval) Cal-GETC Applicability (Recommended - Requires External Approval) IGETC Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU/UC approval) Articulation Information CSU Transferable UC Transferable Methods of Evaluation Objective Examinations Example: Objective Examinations: 1. Q: Turnstiles often contain an odometer-like device that counts the number of persons who have passed through. Argue whether the counter is an analog or digital device. A: There is no correct answer. It can be argued that because the turnstile can only measure "whole" persons, it is a digital device. On the other hand, because the counter is a mechanical device whose dials must physically turn from one count to the next, it could be an analog device. 2. Q: All modern computers work with a system of numbers called ________ ______________. a) Octal numbering system b) Decimal numbering system c) Binary numbering system A: c 3. The use of binary circuitry corresponds to: a) the use of a rotary dial on a telephone b) making use of fingers and toes to count c) the OFF and ON states of a light bulb d) the use of a voice activated answering device A: c Problem Solving Examinations Example: 1. Design a small web site about your family. The web site should contain at least three pages: a top "home" page listing all the members of your family and two or more pages, one for each member of your family. The home page should be hyperlinked to each of the family member pages and vice-versa. Each family member page should contain the following information: * His or her name * A brief description of that person * A list of hobbies * A picture of the person or of one of their hobbies The web pages should make use of a variety of HTML tags, including headings, bold, italics, horizontal rules, centering, images, and colors. Upload your web site to a web server and view it in a browser. Solution: The web pages need to include at least the minimum required tags. It should load correctly in a web browser. Each of the pages should be linked to each other as described. Rubric grading. Skill Demonstrations Example: After doing the laboratory assignment about machine code and parts of the CPU, explain how a computer virus or worm can infect your computer without your knowledge by overwriting the contents of the PC (Program Counter) register. Solution: Because the PC register contains the address of the next instruction to be executed, a virus (or any other malicious program) can cause the computer to execute arbitrary instructions by replacing the contents of register with the address of one of its own instructions. The computer doesn't "know" it is about to execute unwanted instructions. To the computer, this is perfectly normal behavior. Often, the overwriting of the PC register is accomplished with a programming technique called "buffer overruns." Rubric grading. Repeatable No Methods of Instruction Laboratory Lecture/Discussion Distance Learning Lab: Use an online discussion forum to facilitate writing. Require each student to post a minimum number of messages, the substantive content of which demonstrates critical thinking about computer science theory. The messages may be in response to questions posed by the instructor or may be as write-ups at the completion of laboratory assignments. (Objective 13) Lecture: We help the students learn about and visualize various sorting algorithms by using playing cards. Prior to class, the students have read about the bubble and quicksort algorithms. Each student is given a deck of cards to shuffle. Students are then asked to apply the bubble sort algorithm to the shuffled deck. The students should keep a count of the number of iterations. The student shuffles the cards again and applies the quicksort algorithm, also counting the number of iterations. The students then analyze their results to determine which algorithm is faster. We further analyze the algorithms by formulating scenarios in which either algorithm works at its fastest and its slowest running times. Throughout the activity the instructor facilitates the activity. (Objective 15) Distance Learning The instructor will present a video lecture explaining the Bubble sort algorithm through multiple examples. Students will be given an unsorted list integer values to sort using the discussed Bubble sort algorithm. (Lecture Objective 15) Typical Out of Class Assignments Reading Assignments 1. Read the chapter on the history of computing and be prepared to discuss in class. 2. Read the website entitled "Beginner's Guide to HTML." Work through the examples shown by typing them into a text file editor, saving them, and viewing them in a web browser and be prepared to discuss in class. Writing, Problem Solving or Performance 1. Robots are becoming increasingly useful in our society. For example, one can buy a small robot to automatically vacuum a house. We can explore some of the technologies that make this possible using simple robot construction techniques. Design and write a program in Java or RCX to instruct a robot outfitted with individually powered wheels and light and touch sensors to wander around the floor, automatically avoiding obstacles. The robot should not go over any path more than once. The program is finished when the robot finds the black circle located in an arbitrary place. 2. Write a two-page essay describing your personal experiences with malware. Conclude your paper by describing at least two things you can do to remove malware from your computer and/or prevent it in the future. 3. Write a two-page paper tracing the evolution of input devices (punched cards, magnetic tape, disk drives), focusing on how the devices of yesterday have influenced the devices of today. Other (Term projects, research papers, portfolios, etc.) Required Materials Computer Science, An Overview Author: Brookshear, Glenn Publisher: Pearson Publication Date: 2018 Text Edition: 13th Classic Textbook?: No OER Link: OER: Computer Science: An Interdisciplinary Approach Author: Robert Sedgewick, Kevin Wayne Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional Publication Date: 2016 Text Edition: 1st Classic Textbook?: No OER Link: OER: Computer Science Illuminated Author: Dale & Lewis Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Publishers Publication Date: 2019 Text Edition: 7th Classic Textbook?: No OER Link: OER: Other materials and-or supplies required of students that contribute to the cost of the course.

PHIL 0010 - Philosophy of Religion

Catalog Description Advisory: Eligibility for ENGL 1A Hours: 54 lecture Description: Analysis of the major philosophical issues raised by, but not limited to traditional Western religion. Includes an examination of the arguments for God's existence and nature, immortality, the problem of evil, miracles, rationality of religious belief, the relation of faith to reason, and theories on the meaning of the religious language. (CSU, UC) Course Student Learning Outcomes CSLO #1: Identify and describe problems associated with knowledge claims about the Divine. CSLO #2: Describe and evaluate arguments for God’s existence in terms of their strengths and weaknesses. CSLO #3: Summarize and critically evaluate philosophical positions concerning the problem of evil. CSLO #4: Communicate effectively orally or in writing on a topic in philosophy of religion. Effective Term Fall 2022 Course Type Credit - Degree-applicable Contact Hours 54 Outside of Class Hours 108 Total Student Learning Hours 162 Course Objectives 1. Describe and evaluate philosophical problems associated with claims about the nature of the Divine. 2. Evaluate whether God's omniscience is compatible with human free will. 3. Explain traditional arguments for the existence of God and compare and contrast their weaknesses and strengths. 4. Explain and evaluate arguments that claim evil is problematic for the existence of God. 5. Illustrate either in writing or with a visual representation an explanation of both sides of the issue of immortality and miracles, as well as the strengths and weaknesses of each position. 6. Distinguish religious claims from scientific claims. 7. Describe the moral implications associated with faith claims. 8. Describe and evaluate arguments that assert that belief in God is properly basic. General Education Information Approved College Associate Degree GE Applicability AA/AS - Literature & Language CSU GE Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU approval) CSUGE - C2 Humanities Cal-GETC Applicability (Recommended - Requires External Approval) IGETC Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU/UC approval) IGETC - 3B Humanities Articulation Information CSU Transferable UC Transferable Methods of Evaluation Classroom Discussions Example: In an instructor led discussion prompt students to identify the difference between physical and logical possibilities/impossibilities. Have students describe: (a) three things that are physically impossible. (b) three things that are logically impossible. After the instructor determines that students have sufficiently mastered the above concepts and distinctions, an instructor will lead a discussion prompted by the following scenario: How would you respond? You are a math teacher and a student has made the mistake of thinking that 2+3=6. The student defends this answer by saying that while it might be humanly wrong, it might be correct according to God because in God's math anything is possible. The student adds that it could be right (i.e. correct) in God's mind. Essay Examinations Example: Select one of the following questions (a, b, or c) and write a three page, typed, double spaced, size 12 font essay thoroughly responding to your chosen question. (a) Explain Anselm’s classical ontological argument and how it is said to establish that God exists. Identify one or more potentially controversial premises of the argument and explain how it could be said to undermine the ontological argument’s strength. (b) If God’s omniscience entails knowledge by acquaintance of all things knowable such as lust and envy, explain how could it be said that God’s moral perfection contradicts the characteristic of omniscience? (c) Attorney for the defense in the Kitzmiller v. Dover case, Patrick Gillen, said, “Does science education have to be so narrow, so technical, so deferential to the existing paradigm that we can't even introduce students to what may be the next great theory?” Explain why the existing criteria of testability and falsifiability are important for demarcating whether a proposed causal hypothesis is scientific or not. Student essays will be assessed based upon a rubric that includes criteria such as correctness of response, thoroughness of explanation, relevance of quotes provided, and demonstration of "justification" by way of quote selection. Objective Examinations Example: Students will take a multiple-choice examination on their ability to recognize and differentiate between scientific claims and religious claims with respect to causal reasoning. Example: The Problem of Evil (PEO) can be addressed by way of a defense or a theodicy. What statement below describes the accurate difference between a defense and a theodicy? A. a defense tells us why God permits evil. B. a defense does not attempt to solve the POE, it only blocks the POE as a defeater of theism. C. a defense justifies why God does, in fact, permit certain types of evil. D. a defense explains why freedom does, in fact, add value to the world even if it permits evil. Projects Example: Working in student pairs, write a conversational dialogue based on Mackie's and Plantinga's arguments concerning the logical problem of evil. (1) In conversational language convey your evaluation on whether Plantinga refutes Mackie's claim that God could have prevented suffering by creating free creatures who always act morally. (2) Clarifying what exactly Plantinga's Free Will Defense needs to show to adequately refute the logical problem of evil. Repeatable No Methods of Instruction Lecture/Discussion Distance Learning Lecture: Instructor will lead students in a classroom or online discussion on the apparent conflict between free will, moral responsibility, and God's omniscience. Students will learn to evaluate whether the characteristic of Divine omniscience is compatible with human free will and determine whether Divine omniscience affects the concept of moral responsibility. Students will read J.L. Mackie's article, "Evil and Omnipotence," and the instructor will lead students in small in-person or online discussion group and (a) make a list of relevant concepts and define those concepts for clarity, then summarize one section of Mackie's critique of "fallacious solutions" to the problem of evil. Distance Learning Students will watch the documentary, "Judgment Day: Intelligent Design on Trial" and the instructor will lead students in an in-person or online discussion about how the idea of Intelligent Design relates to the Aquinas' argument for God's existence based on evidence of design. Students will learn to distinguish religious claims from scientific claims. Instructor will have students attempt to use the scientific method of testing and falsifying claims that assert a supernatural cause. Students will learn to recognize and differentiate between scientific claims and religious claims with respect to causation. Typical Out of Class Assignments Reading Assignments 1. Read Anselm's Classical Ontological Argument for God's existence, and come to class with a list of Anselm's premises. 2. Read Michael Martin's "Conflicts Between the Divine Attributes," and come to class prepared to describe and evaluate how Martin sees the existence of an omniscient being impossible. 3. Read Alvin Plantinga's "Free will Defense," and come to class prepared to summarize how he attempts to refute J.L. Mackie's claim about God's omnipotence. Writing, Problem Solving or Performance 1. Formal Paper: write a 3 page minimum length essay answering all parts of the question prompt that is typed, double-spaced, size 12 font paper. Explain (a) how the stone paradox could be said to undermine the God's omnipotence, and (b) whether the apparent paradox does, in fact, cause a problem for God's omniscience. (c) If yes, explain how so; and if no, explain why not. 2. Formal Paper: write a 3 page minimum length essay answering all parts of the question prompt that is typed, double-spaced, size 12 font paper. (a) Summarize Aquinas' argument from design for the existence of God. (b) Determine the argument's form and type, and (c) evaluate it in terms of its strength and weaknesses. Other (Term projects, research papers, portfolios, etc.) Required Materials Philosophy of Religion: Selected Readings Author: Michael Peterson, et al. Publisher: Oxford University Press Publication Date: 2014 Text Edition: 5th Classic Textbook?: OER Link: OER: Reason and Religious Belief: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion Author: Michael Peterson, et al. Publisher: Oxford University Press Publication Date: 2014 Text Edition: 5th Classic Textbook?: OER Link: OER: Philosophy of Religion: An Anthology Author: Louis Pojman and Michael Rea Publisher: Cengage Learning Publication Date: 2014 Text Edition: 1st Classic Textbook?: OER Link: OER: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion Author: Brian Davies Publisher: Oxford University Press Publication Date: 2020 Text Edition: 4th Classic Textbook?: OER Link: OER: Other materials and-or supplies required of students that contribute to the cost of the course.

MATH 0010 - Problem Solving

Catalog Description Prerequisite: Completion of Intermediate Algebra or appropriate placement Hours: 72 lecture Description: Individual and small-group problem solving geared toward real life situations and nontraditional problems. Problem solving strategies include: draw a diagram, eliminate possibilities, make a systematic list, look for a pattern, guess and check, solve an easier related problem, subproblems, use manipulatives, work backward, act it out, unit analysis, use algebra, finite differences, and many others. Divergent thinking and technical communication skills of writing and oral presentation are enhanced. Designed to teach students to think more effectively and vastly increase their problem solving ability. (CSU) Course Student Learning Outcomes CSLO #1: Apply divergent thinking to mathematical problems and solutions. CSLO #2: Design and implement solution strategies to mathematical problems. CSLO #3: Present logical, accurate, and detailed steps to communicate mathematical reasoning in the strategy and approach to solving problems. CSLO #4: Evaluate, improve, and correct the appropriateness and reasonableness of a solution to a problem. Effective Term Fall 2021 Course Type Credit - Degree-applicable Contact Hours 72 Outside of Class Hours 144 Total Student Learning Hours 216 Course Objectives Using homework assignments, reports/projects, classroom discussions, weekly problem sets, exams and quizzes, the student will: 1. Solve problems at a post-intermediate algebra level from a variety of different mathematical subject areas, especially topics not usually covered in a traditional mathematics course; 2. Analyze given information and develop strategies for solving problems involving mathematical and logical reasoning; 3. Recognize and apply the concepts of mathematics as a problem-solving tool in other disciplines and contexts; 4. Utilize linear, quadratic, exponential, and logarithmic equations, systems of equations, and their graphs to analyze mathematical applications from various disciplines; 5. Solve problems involving probability; 6. By generating lists and investigating patterns, formulate rules for permutations, combinations, and the basic counting principle; 7. Develop linear, quadratic, cubic, and/or exponential functions that model real world data. Use the function to predict future behavior of the model; 8. Select and correctly apply appropriate strategies to solve a new problem, and evaluate the appropriateness and effectiveness of their strategies; 9. Evaluate the appropriateness and reasonableness of a solution; 10. Work cooperatively in groups to solve problems, choosing an appropriate strategy, formulating a solution and comparing and contrasting their solution with the solutions of their classmates; 11. Compose detailed explanations of the thought processes used to solve problems; 12. Prepare and demonstrate problem solutions to the whole class; 13. Appraise the validity of an oral presentation of the solution to a problem; 14. Read a math text and evaluate written solutions to problems critically and with understanding; 15. Practice metacognition; 16. Use appropriate mathematical vocabulary in discussing problems with group members, presenting solutions to the class, and writing solutions to problems; 17. Think divergently, designing and evaluating a variety of approaches while brainstorming possible solutions to new problems; 18. Upon receiving a problem that is unusual and different from any previous problem, students will compare and contrast the problem to problems solved previously, assess previous methods of solution and determine their validity in this case, choose an appropriate strategy for the new problem, and construct a solution; 19. Solve problems of increasingly greater difficulty; 20. Work toward alleviating the fear caused by problems with words, and experience success in solving difficult problems while developing greater confidence in problem solving ability; 21. Apply problem solving skills to life by relating problem solving skills to real-life issues. General Education Information Approved College Associate Degree GE Applicability AA/AS - Comm & Analyt Thinking AA/AS - Mathematical Skills CSU GE Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU approval) CSUGE - B4 Math/Quantitative Reasoning Cal-GETC Applicability (Recommended - Requires External Approval) IGETC Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU/UC approval) Articulation Information CSU Transferable Methods of Evaluation Objective Examinations Example: 1. Students will be graded on their weekly problem sets, which include a thorough written explanation of their work. Example: Dionne can run around a circular track in 120 seconds. Basha, running in the opposite direction as Dionne, meets Dionne every 48 seconds. Sandra, running in the same direction as Basha, passes Basha every 240 seconds. How often does Sandra meet Dionne? 2. Students will complete a group final and be evaluated on their communication, presentation, and accuracy of their work. Example: 3. Students will take individual quizzes on one or two strategies per quiz. 4. Students will take a midterm where they have to set problems up using a predetermined strategy. Performance will be based on demonstrating mastery of each strategy. Repeatable No Methods of Instruction Lecture/Discussion Distance Learning Lecture: Every week the students will learn a new problem solving strategy. They will learn the strategy by solving a series of problems in small groups, with the teacher roving between the groups offering assistance as needed. Occasionally the teacher will demonstrate the new strategy by doing one example on the board. Here is an example of the above from the chapter on finite differences: Students will be given functions charts from functions that are either: linear, quadratic or cubic. With the instructors assistance, the students will work in small groups to determine which type of function is represented by the data, and then use the strategy of finite differences to determine the equation of the function. (Objective 4) Working in small groups with the instructor's assistance, the students will analyze a set of five problems to determine the most effective strategy to solve each problem. They will work through the solutions to each problem in class in small groups and outside of class working on their own. They will write up detailed solutions to each problem which include the name of their strategy, all of their computations, and a written explanation of their thought process. The instructor will grade these write ups using a rubric which awards points for different parts of the solution process. These parts include: did the student understand the problem, did the student choose an appropriate strategy, did the student execute the strategy in an effective way, did the student get the right answer and state it clearly using appropriate units, and did the student explain the solution in a clear coherent complete manner? (Objectives 1 & 2) Distance Learning Every week the students will learn a new problem solving strategy. They will learn the strategy by solving a series of problems in small virtual groups, with the teacher moderating, offering assistance as needed. Occasionally the teacher will demonstrate the new strategy by doing one example. Here is an example of the above from the chapter on finite differences: Students will be given functions charts from functions that are either: linear, quadratic or cubic. With the instructors assistance, the students will work in small virtual groups to determine which type of function is represented by the data, and then use the strategy of finite differences to determine the equation of the function. (Objective 4) Working in small virtual groups with the instructor's assistance, the students will analyze a set of five problems to determine the most effective strategy to solve each problem. They will work through the solutions to each problem in small virtual groups and on their own. They will write up detailed solutions to each problem which include the name of their strategy, all of their computations, and a written explanation of their thought process. The instructor will grade these write ups using a rubric which awards points for different parts of the solution process. These parts include: did the student understand the problem, did the student choose an appropriate strategy, did the student execute the strategy in an effective way, did the student get the right answer and state it clearly using appropriate units, and did the student explain the solution in a clear coherent complete manner? (Objectives 1 & 2) Typical Out of Class Assignments Reading Assignments 1. Read a word problem and understand what is being asked. For example: A grocer was stacking oranges one day. She decided to stack them in a triangular pyramid. She put one orange in the top layer, three oranges in the second layer, six oranges in the third layer, and so on. Each layer except the top formed an equilateral triangle. How many oranges would it take to build such a pyramid 50 layers high? 2. Given the textbook problem, "In how many ways can you give change for 25 cents?" Students will describe and use the four different systematic lists presented in the textbook for this problem. They will then compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of each system. 3. Read a fellow classmate's explanation of a problem's solution and understand and critique it. Writing, Problem Solving or Performance 1. Solve problems in small groups. 2. Present the solution to a problem on the board to the entire class. 3. Solve a word problem and write a thorough explanation of the solution process. The following are a small sample of problems solved in the class. These particular problems were selected for inclusion here mainly for brevity. Most of the problems solved in the class are much longer than these. The problems listed are a mixture of difficulties and strategies. 1. Find three numbers between 11 and 30 such that the squares of the three numbers contain all the digits 1 to 9 exactly once. 2. A group of students went to the pub after the football game on Saturday, and all ordered from the menu. The bill totaled $162. They decided to split the bill evenly, but then three people said they had no money. The rest of the people each had to chip in $2.70 extra to cover the tab. How many people were in the group? 3. You have 12 identical looking coins, one of which is counterfeit. The counterfeit coin is either heavier or lighter than the rest. The only scale available is a simple balance. Using the scale only three times, find the counterfeit coin. 4. The volunteer firefighters decided to teach fire safety techniques to the citizens. They set up a plan where the 8 firefighters would each teach two people. Then the teacher would retire, but each of the pupils would teach two people. Those people, in turn, would teach two others. The teaching lasted for one month. How many people would know the fire safety basics after 10 months? 5. There are nine points on a piece of paper. No three of the points are in the same straight line. How many different triangles can be formed by using three of the nine points as vertices? 6. What is the sum of all ten-digit numbers? 7. Dionne can run around a circular track in 120 seconds. Basha, running in the opposite direction as Dionne, meets Dionne every 48 seconds. Sandra, running in the same direction as Basha, passes Basha every 240 seconds. How often does Sandra meet Dionne? 8. A number is called a decreasing number if it has two or more digits and each digit is less than the digit to its left. For example: 73; 421; 964,310; and 52 are decreasing numbers but 3,421; 6,642; 89; and 963,861 are not. How many decreasing numbers are there? 9. At one family reunion, every niece was a cousin. Half of all aunts were cousins. Half of all cousins were nieces. There were 50 aunts and 30 nieces. No aunt was a niece. How many cousins were neither nieces nor aunts. 10. The expression n! is read "n factorial" and means n(n-1)(n-2)(n-3)(n-4)...(3)(2)(1). Thus 6! means (6)(5)(4)(3)(2)(1) which equals 720. And 10! means (10)(9)(8)(7)(6)(5)(4)(3)(2)(1) = 3,628,800. Notice that 6! ends with one digit of zero and 10! ends with two digits of zero. How many digits of zero does 5000! end with? 11. A grocer was stacking oranges one day. She decided to stack them in a triangular pyramid. She put one orange in the top layer, three oranges in the second layer, six oranges in the third layer, and so on. Each layer except the top formed an equilateral triangle. How many oranges would it take to build such a pyramid 50 layers high? Other (Term projects, research papers, portfolios, etc.) Every week, after week 4, the students are required to complete a problem set of 5 problems requiring a mixture of strategies. Their assignment is to solve each of the problems, and then write up an explanation of their solution. Write-ups include their thought process, a written explanation of their work in paragraph form, the name of the strategy used to solve the problem, and a clearly stated answer, including any appropriate units. Each problem set requires 6-8 hours of work, and is approximately 3-5 pages long. Required Materials Crossing the River with Dogs: Problem Solving for College Students Author: Johnson, Herr, Kysh Publisher: John Wiley and Sons Publication Date: 2018 Text Edition: 3rd Classic Textbook?: No OER Link: OER: Other materials and-or supplies required of students that contribute to the cost of the course.

PHYS 0010 - Basic Concepts in Physics

Catalog Description Prerequisite: Eligibility for Math D Advisory: Eligibility for ENGL 11 strongly recommended Hours: 54 lecture Description: Introduction to the laws of motion, properties of matter, heat, sound, electricity, magnetism, light, atomic and nuclear physics, and relativity. Emphasis on familiar phenomena in everyday life. Intended for nonscience majors. (CSU, UC-with unit limitation) Course Student Learning Outcomes CSLO #1: Apply basic algebra to associate physical concepts with fundamental physical equations of Newtonian mechanics, electricity, magnetism, thermodynamics, and waves. CSLO #2: Identify physical concepts in Newtonian mechanics, electricity, magnetism, and thermodynamics, and modern physics that are evident in common everyday physical phenomena. CSLO #3: Explain simple physical systems in terms of physical concepts in Newtonian mechanics, electricity, magnetism, and thermodynamics, and modern physics. Effective Term Fall 2022 Course Type Credit - Degree-applicable Contact Hours 54 Outside of Class Hours 108 Total Student Learning Hours 162 Course Objectives Upon completion of Physics 10, the student will be able to: Mechanics: 1. Apply Newton’s Laws and Newton's Universal Law of gravitation to describe and explain the motion of objects. 2. Explain mechanical phenomena in terms of the concepts of work and energy. 3. Apply the concepts of conservation of energy and momentum describe and explain elastic and inelastic collisions. 4. Apply concepts in rotational motion to explain the circular motion of point particles and the rotational motion of rigid bodies. Properties of Matter: 1. Describe the parts of the atom. 2. Define and explain density. 3. Apply and explain the law of scaling. 4. Describe the variation of pressure in a liquid. 5. Apply Pascal's and Archimedes’ principles to explain common fluid phenomena. 6. Apply a conceptual model to explain the effects of temperature and volume on the pressure of a gas. Heat: 1. Define temperature and heat. 2. Apply the concept of specific heat to describe temperature changes in various substances. 3. Apply a conceptual model to explain thermal expansion processes. 4. Apply the concepts of convection, conduction, and radiation to explain common processes involving heat transfer. 5. Apply a conceptual model to explain phase changes. 6. Explain the laws of thermodynamics and entropy. 7. Describe heat engines and explain their limited efficiencies. Sound: 1. Describe the properties of waves in terms of frequency, wavelength and amplitude. 2. Describe the difference between transverse and longitudinal waves. 3. Describe the concept of interference. 4. Apply the concept of the Doppler effect to explain the change in pitch of a sound wave due to the motion of the observer or the source. 5. Apply a conceptual model that explains the variation of the speed of sound due to materials or temperature variations. 6. Apply the concept of interference to explain standing waves and common phenomena involving standing waves. 7. Apply the concept of interference to explain phenomena such as beats. Electricity and Magnetism: 1. Apply Coulomb's law to describe how the electric force varies with distance and charge. 2. Explain the difference between an insulator and a conductor. 3. Explain the concept of the electric field and compare it to the gravitational field. 4. Describe electric potential and the electrical potential difference. 5. Describe the concepts of current and resistance. 6. Apply Ohm's law to explain the behavior of series and parallel electric circuits. 7. Describe the magnetic field, its sources and compare it to the electric field. 8. Explain the magnetic force on a moving particle. 9. Apply Faraday's Law to explain common phenomena involving induced electromagnetic fields. Light: 1. Explain the wave nature of light. 2. Describe the electromagnetic spectrum and color. 3. Describe by selective reflection and selective transmission, and scattering. 4. Describe color mixing for transmitted and reflected waves. 5. Apply items 3 and 4 to explain observed colors in the sky. 6. Describe and explain the laws of reflection and refraction. 7. Apply the law of reflection to explain image formation with mirrors. 8. Apply the law of refraction to explain image formation with lenses. 9. Apply the laws of reflection and refraction to explain commonly observed phenomena in our daily lives (e.g rainbows, mirages, corrective lenses, telescopes etc). 10. Apply interference to explain commonly observed phenomena in our daily lives. 11. Define polarization and use it to explain commonly observed phenomena or commonly used items in our daily lives. 12. Apply the atomic theory of matter to explain the stimulated emission of light and lasers. 13. Apply the particle theory of light to explain the photoelectric effect. 14. Describe wave/particle duality and its implications on our understanding of nature. Atomic and Nuclear Physics: 1. Describe the Bohr model of the atom and use it to explain the shell model. 2. Describe the parts of the nucleus. 3. Describe radioactivity and explain the processes of alpha decay, beta decay, and gamma decay. 4. Explain nuclear fission and describe an example of this process (e.g. atomic bomb, nuclear reactors etc) 5. Explain nuclear fusion and describe an example of this process (e.g. hydrogen bomb, controlled thermonuclear fusion, stellar evolution etc) General Education Information Approved College Associate Degree GE Applicability AA/AS - Physical Sciences CSU GE Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU approval) CSUGE - B1 Physical Science Cal-GETC Applicability (Recommended - Requires External Approval) IGETC Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU/UC approval) IGETC - 5A Physical Science Articulation Information CSU Transferable UC Transferable Methods of Evaluation Objective Examinations Example: 1. A NEGATIVELY charged rod will __________ a stream of water. a. attract b repel c. neither attract or repel 2. When salt is added to ice, the temperature drops, since the salt a. interferes with freezing of water b. interferes with melting of ice c. is colder than the ice d. lowers the freezing point of water e. lowers the melting point of ice Problem Solving Examinations Example: 1. If 100 volts AC are put across a 200-turn transformer primary, the voltage across the 1000-turn secondary will be _______ volts. a. 100 b. 200 c. 500 d. 1000 e. 20 Repeatable No Methods of Instruction Lecture/Discussion Distance Learning Lecture: A class or online multimedia presentation is used to discuss magnetic fields and forces. The presentation includes graphics and video clips for emphasis and clarity. The instructor includes numerous demonstrations throughout the lecture/discussion or online module. Students are encouraged to participate in the discussion with probing questions regarding the concepts with requests to participate in offering solutions to examples. Demonstrations are used to both illustrate principles and to challenge students' critical thinking skills. (Objectives: 7 and 8 in category Electricity and Magnetism) Distance Learning A class or online multimedia presentation is used to discuss the nucleus and its properties. The presentation includes graphics and video clips for emphasis and clarity. The instructor includes numerous live and video demonstrations throughout the lecture/discussion or online module. Students are encouraged to participate in the discussion (either in class or through a Discussion board for online students) with probing questions regarding the concepts with requests to participate in offering solutions to examples. Live demonstrations or online videos are used to both illustrate principles and to challenge students' critical thinking skills. (Objectives: 2 thru 5 in category Atomic and Nuclear Physics) Typical Out of Class Assignments Reading Assignments 1. Read the assigned chapter on "Newton's Second Law of Motion" and be prepared for a discussion. 2. Read the assigned chapter on "Light Waves" and be prepared for discussion. Writing, Problem Solving or Performance 1. For Homework: Answer or solve selected questions or problems at the end of the chapter on force. For example: A stone is suspended at rest by a string. Draw the force vectors for all the forces that act on the stone. 2. Answer selected questions from the study guide, for example: Timmy Tommer is the town's top teeter totterer. He weighs 200 pounds. When he sits 4 feet from the pivot of a teeter totter, he exactly balances Sally Soupy, who is crying for no good reason and who weighs 80 pounds. How far from the pivot is silly sobbing Sally Soupy sitting? (Ans:10 feet) Other (Term projects, research papers, portfolios, etc.) Required Materials Conceptual Physics Author: Hewitt Publisher: Pearson Publication Date: 2015 Text Edition: 12th Classic Textbook?: OER Link: OER: How Things Work: The Physics of Everyday Life Author: Bloomfield Publisher: Wiley Publication Date: 2015 Text Edition: 6th Classic Textbook?: OER Link: OER: Inquiry into Physics Author: Vern J. Ostdiek and Donald J. Bord Publisher: Cengage Publication Date: 2018 Text Edition: 8th Classic Textbook?: OER Link: OER: Other materials and-or supplies required of students that contribute to the cost of the course.

HUM 0010 - World Religions

Catalog Description Advisory: Eligibility for ENGL 1A Hours: 54 lecture Description: Interdisciplinary survey of the beliefs and practices of the world's major religious traditions; focuses on primal religions, Hinduism, Judaism, Taoism, Confucianism, Buddhism, Christianity and Islam. (CSU, UC) Course Student Learning Outcomes CSLO #1: Identify and describe key elements of major religious traditions. CSLO #2: Analyze and explain key elements of major religious traditions. CSLO #3: Communicate effectively orally or in writing on important figures or topics within various religious traditions. Effective Term Fall 2022 Course Type Credit - Degree-applicable Contact Hours 54 Outside of Class Hours 108 Total Student Learning Hours 162 Course Objectives Through oral and written work: 1. Describe and compare the common motifs and patterns of tribal religions; 2. Describe, compare and contrast the doctrines and ethical systems of Confucianism, Taoism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity and Islam; 3. Describe, compare and contrast the originating myths and subsequent interpretations of these myths in the religions of Confucianism, Taoism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity and Islam; 4. Read and analyze various sacred texts from Confucianism, Taoism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity and Islam; 5. Describe, chart and interpret the rituals and celebrations found in Confucianism, Taoism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity and Islam; 6. Analyze the relationship between the institutional structures and the cultures of Confucianism, Taoism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity and Islam. General Education Information Approved College Associate Degree GE Applicability AA/AS - Literature & Language AA/AS - Multicultural Studies CSU GE Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU approval) CSUGE - C2 Humanities Cal-GETC Applicability (Recommended - Requires External Approval) IGETC Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU/UC approval) IGETC - 3B Humanities Articulation Information CSU Transferable UC Transferable Methods of Evaluation Classroom Discussions Example: After learning about the various etiological narratives, students will be prompted to compare and contrast the various themes found in these originating myths. Based on these discussions, students will write a short paragraph identifying which story is most appealing to them, and explain their choice. Submitted paragraphs will be evaluated by whether they include relevant concepts and coherent reasoning. Essay Examinations Example: In a short essay, students describe the beliefs, practices, and ethics Buddhism. Compare and contrast the ethics of Buddhism with your conception of what it means to be a good person. Use examples and passages from relevant primary texts to help explain and support your ideas. Objective Examinations Example: A. Students will take a multiple-choice examination that identifies religions with its religious leaders. For example: Siddharth Gautama is this religions major leader. (A) Hinduism, (B) Jainism, (3) Buddhism, (D) Islam Projects Example: Create a poster board that presents compares and contrasts the rituals and celebrations of Judaism and Islam. Repeatable No Methods of Instruction Lecture/Discussion Distance Learning Lecture: Using a slide-presentation for an on-ground lecture, the instructor will present the various themes present in several etiological narratives. Through an interactive discussion, students will be asked to compare and contrast the themes found in originating myths. Distance Learning The instructor will assign and mediate an online discussion that asks students to describe, compare and contrast the doctrines of ethical systems of Buddhism and Judaism. Students will be asked to reply to at least one other peer's post reviewing it for accuracy of interpretation and the use of supporting quotes from instructional material. Typical Out of Class Assignments Reading Assignments 1. Read excerpts from Bhagavad-Gita and be prepared to discuss the meaning and significance of Jiva. 2. Read excerpts from Upanishads and be prepared to discuss the meaning Karma compared to its common use in Western culture. Writing, Problem Solving or Performance 1. Pick a topic related to world religions and write a 6-8 page research paper on that topic. 2. Based upon your comparative readings of the excerpts from Jewish and Christian Sacred texts, compare and contrast the "nature of woman" according to these two Prophetic religions. 3. After reading excerpts from Hindu writers (the Upanishads, Shankara, Ramana Maharshi) in the anthology "The Enlightened Mind", write a 1-2 page response paper; some questions you might ponder in response to these readings are: Did you enjoy the reading? Why or why not? Do you agree with the author? Why or why not? Did you find their ideas moving, or crazy, or profound, or ridiculous? Why or why not? Other (Term projects, research papers, portfolios, etc.) Required Materials Experiencing World Religions Author: Michael Molloy Publisher: McGraw Hill Publication Date: 2012 Text Edition: 6th Classic Textbook?: OER Link: OER: World Religions Today Author: John L. Esposito, Darrell Fasching and Todd Lewis Publisher: Oxford University Press Publication Date: 2014 Text Edition: 5th Classic Textbook?: OER Link: OER: A Concise Introduction to World Religions Author: Roy C. Amore, Amir Hussain, and Willard G. Oxtoby Publisher: Oxford University Press Publication Date: 2019 Text Edition: 4th Classic Textbook?: OER Link: OER: The Enlightened Mind Author: Stephen Mitchell Publisher: Harper Perennial Publication Date: 1993 Text Edition: Classic Textbook?: OER Link: OER: The World's Wisdom: Sacred Texts of the World's Religions Author: Philip Novak Publisher: HarperOne Publication Date: 1995 Text Edition: 1st Classic Textbook?: OER Link: OER: Other materials and-or supplies required of students that contribute to the cost of the course.

NUTF 0010 - Principles of Nutrition

Catalog Description Advisory: Eligibility for ENGL 1A Hours: 54 lecture Description: Scientific concepts of nutrition related to the function of nutrients in basic life processes and current health issues with emphasis on individual needs. The specific nutrient needs throughout the lifespan will also be examined. (C-ID NUTR 110) (CSU, UC) Course Student Learning Outcomes CSLO #1: Analyze the structures and functions of the six essential nutrients as they relate to the human body through the life cycle. CSLO #2: Evaluate the components of a healthy diet using product food labels, the Dietary Guidelines for Americans and the Dietary Reference Intakes. CSLO #3: Critique individual nutrient and energy needs based on analysis of dietary intake. CSLO #4: Identify dietary and lifestyle modifications for improving health throughout the life cycle. Effective Term Fall 2020 Course Type Credit - Degree-applicable Contact Hours 54 Outside of Class Hours 108 Total Student Learning Hours 162 Course Objectives 1. Identify functions and sources of nutrients. 2. Explain nutrient digestion, absorption, and metabolism. 3. Apply dietary guidelines and current nutrition recommendations. 4. Utilize scientific principles to analyze and evaluate nutrition information. 5. Describe how nutrition affects health, fitness, and disease. 6. Evaluate an individual food record using a diet analysis program. 7. Identify the environmental and social factors that impact food access and intake. General Education Information Approved College Associate Degree GE Applicability AA/AS - Behavioral Sciences AA/AS - Health Ed/Physical Ed CSU GE Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU approval) CSUGE - D7 Interdisciplinary Soc/Behav CSUGE - E1 Lifelong Learning and Self-Development Cal-GETC Applicability (Recommended - Requires External Approval) IGETC Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU/UC approval) Articulation Information Methods of Evaluation Classroom Discussions Example: Following a lecture on the etiology, prognosis, and treatment of Diabetes Mellitus Type I and II, the instructor will lead a discussion on how diet, lifestyle, and genetics may influence the risk of this disease. Students are evaluated on participation and engagement in the discussion and accuracy of their responses. Essay Examinations Example: Students will be provided with a child nutrition case study and will write an essay analyzing and evaluating the subject’s nutrient intake to identify areas needing improvement and make recommendations to improve health. Essays will be evaluated base on an instructor created rubric. Objective Examinations Example: Students will take a multiple choice examination on carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and alcohol. Standard grading. Example questions: Which of the following foods does not contain dietary fiber? 1. A. Fruit and vegetables B. Breads, cereals, pasta C. Milk, fish, and vegetable oils D. Nuts and seeds 2. A major function of fat in the body is to: A. Build muscle B. Protect vital organs C. Regulate blood glucose levels D. Make glucose Problem Solving Examinations Example: Students will complete a series of calculations to determine the energy content of carbohydrate, lipid, protein, and alcohol in a food product and in an individual’s diet. Standard grading based on correct calculation. Projects Example: Students will identify strengths and weaknesses within their eating pattern by preparing a diet analysis of dietary intakes of foods and beverages for three to five days and comparing the results to current dietary guidelines for energy and nutrient recommendations. Projects will be evaluated based on an instructor created rubric. Reports Example: Students will research a current fad diet and write a report evaluating its nutritional efficacy and impact on health and disease. Reports will be evaluated based upon an instructor created rubric. Repeatable No Methods of Instruction Laboratory Lecture/Discussion Distance Learning Lab: Instructor will divide the class into small groups and assign each with a vitamin or mineral. Students will research their micronutrient and create a poster displaying its functions, food sources, and associated deficiency and toxicity risks. Students will then report their findings to the class and the instructor will guide a discussion concerning each. Lecture: Instructor leads a presentation on the chemical structure of alcohol, its digestion, absorption and metabolism, recommended intake guidelines, and its short and long term effects on the body. After the presentation, the instructor will facilitate a class discussion regarding how current drinking culture may influence alcohol consumption and future risk of chronic disease. Distance Learning The instructor will conduct an on-line lecture on how nutrition affects health, fitness, and disease. Students will then create a list of specific questions regarding one of the specific areas covered and post the questions for other students to review and reply to. Students are required to review and comment on a minimum of 5 other students comments/posts. Typical Out of Class Assignments Reading Assignments 1. Students will read a current nutrition article, analyze and evaluate the information for accuracy regarding health-related nutrition claims, and report findings to the class. 2. Students will read five food packaging labels and complete a worksheet to analyze the nutrient content, identify product claims, and calculate the percentage of energy from fat, carbohydrate and protein in each product. Writing, Problem Solving or Performance 1. Students will research a vitamin or mineral deficiency disease and write a summary article on their findings. 2. Students will interview someone who lived in a decade prior to their birth, formulate questions regarding food availability, food cost, meal composition, and usual eating patterns. The student will compose a report comparing this information to their current lifestyle. Other (Term projects, research papers, portfolios, etc.) 1. Students will identify strengths and weaknesses within their eating pattern by preparing a diet analysis of dietary intakes of foods and beverages for three to five days and comparing the results to current dietary guidelines for energy and nutrient recommendations. 2. Students will be provided with a worksheet used to survey a local supermarket to identify and analyze the nutrient content of fat, sugar, fibers, sodium, additives, and product claims of various foods. Required Materials Contemporary Nutrition Author: Wardlaw Publisher: McGraw-Hill Publication Date: 2018 Text Edition: 11th Classic Textbook?: OER Link: OER: Understanding Nutrition Author: Whitney and Rolfes Publisher: Cengage Publication Date: 2018 Text Edition: 15th Classic Textbook?: OER Link: OER: Nutrition: Concepts and Controversies Author: Sizer and Whitney Publisher: Cengage Publication Date: 2019 Text Edition: 15th Classic Textbook?: OER Link: OER: Other materials and-or supplies required of students that contribute to the cost of the course. Access to a dietary analysis program.

SKDV 0010 - How to be a Successful Online Student

Catalog Description Hours: 18 lecture Description: Designed to develop the skills for success in the online classroom. Includes defining online learning and uncovering its myths; online readiness; netiquette; learning styles; time management, study habits, goal setting and motivational techniques; the importance of fostering online community; use of emerging technologies including wikis, blogs and VoiceThreads; student services and resources. Exploration of the use of the campus course management system, completion of basic computer tasks and effective use of Internet tools. (CSU) Course Student Learning Outcomes CSLO #1: Demonstrate competence in navigating Sierra College distance learning course management system. CSLO #2: Develop effective time management techniques. CSLO #3: Apply techniques necessary for effective online community participation. Effective Term Fall 2018 Course Type Credit - Degree-applicable Contact Hours 18 Outside of Class Hours 36 Total Student Learning Hours 54 Course Objectives Through a variety of assignments, assessments and collaborative experiences students will be able to: 1. navigate the online course management system 2. demonstrate Internet/email skills by opening browser, locating a specific URL, and using campus email system 3. assess ability to be successful in the online classroom and evaluate tips to being a successful online student 4. differentiate between synchronous and asynchronous learning environments 5. distinguish between myths of online learning and the expectations of an online course 6. summarize and demonstrate netiquette guidelines and appropriate behavior in the online classroom 7. identify various learning styles, determine own style and demonstrate ways to effectively retain information based on learning style 8. identify and evaluate time management elements necessary for the online classroom 9. evaluate the importance of establishing an online community and its role in the learning process 10. actively participate in the online community utilizing online communication tools 11. identify and evaluate online student service resources provided by the institution 12. contribute to a list of useful information provided by current students for future online students General Education Information Approved College Associate Degree GE Applicability CSU GE Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU approval) Cal-GETC Applicability (Recommended - Requires External Approval) IGETC Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU/UC approval) Articulation Information CSU Transferable Methods of Evaluation Classroom Discussions Example: Active participation in a weekly discussion board will be required to ensure that the student recognizes the importance of the online community. Contributions to the board will be assigned twenty percent of the total points possible for the final course grade. Following is an example of a discussion board prompt during the first week of class: What do you foresee as being the single most challenging element for you in an online course? Objective Examinations Example: A weekly multiple choice and short answer quiz will be used to determine whether the student mastered the performance objectives presented in each module. Correct responses will be immediately available to multiple choice questions while short answer questions will be reviewed and graded individually based upon a rubric. Following is an example of a short answer question: Describe one of the myths regarding the online learning environment. Repeatable No Methods of Instruction Lecture/Discussion Distance Learning Lecture: The instructor will provide the students with a text-based and/or audio lecture discussing the various student services available on campus. After reviewing the link to all of the Student Resources on campus the students will then have to access at least one of the online services, forward proof of access to the instructor, and submit written description and evaluation of their experience. Distance Learning The instructor will provide the students with a text-based and/or audio lecture with transcript discussing the importance of proper etiquette in the online classroom. This is referred to as Netiquette. The instructor will then have students establish a set of Netiquette guidelines that they will all adhere to in this class by using a wiki. They must first read the Netiquette guidelines at Then students will collaborate with classmates to create their own netiquette guidelines at the wiki within the class. Each student will post to the wiki by clicking on the Edit Wiki Content button to begin typing their comment. They will then be instructed to contribute two guidelines that should be included in the overall set. After everyone has submitted their guidelines the instructor will compile the list and the guidelines will be posted at the discussion board. Once the guidelines have been established the students will participate in the discussion board topic on Netiquette Guidelines. They will need to identify the guideline or guidelines that they feel will be the most difficult for them to adhere to. Typical Out of Class Assignments Reading Assignments 1. Locate and read an article on the Internet defining the characteristics of a successful online student. In a one page document provide me with a summary of the characteristics identified and describe which ones you strongly identify with. What characteristics will be a challenge for you to develop and what will you do to overcome this? 2. For this assignment, go to the Purdue OWL site and review the following from the Purdue OWL Plagiarism area: "Overview," "Is It Plagiarism," and "Safe Practices." (Look to the left menu on the OWL to find links). After completing all of the reading material, identify and describe at least three of the strategies that can be used to avoid plagiarism. Also, discuss how to use these strategies in upcoming term papers for other classes. Make sure to address all parts of this assignment clearly. Writing, Problem Solving or Performance 1. Complete the VARK Questionnaire found under the website button within the week two folder. After you complete the questionnaire and identify your own learning style, I want you to go back to the VARK link and open up the Helpsheets. Then open the link to the type of learner the questionnaire identified you as being. Read the recommended study strategies on your particular style. I want you then to submit to me through the Completed Homework button an explanation of your learning style and what study strategies work best for your style. Next, I want you to assume that your instructor will be providing you with only text based material in an online course. Based upon your learning style what study strategies will you need to incorporate in order for you to learn the material as it is presented by the instructor? 2. Describe to me your current study habits. After reviewing the various websites posted in the lecture for this module, identify the areas that you think you need to improve. What are the greatest obstacles that prevent you from meeting the demands of an online class? Do you feel you will be able to overcome these challenges? How do you intend to do this? Other (Term projects, research papers, portfolios, etc.) Required Materials Success As An Online Student: Strategies for Effective Online Learning Author: Kevin J. Fandl, Jamie D. Smith Publisher: Taylor & Francis Publication Date: 2013 Text Edition: 1st Classic Textbook?: OER Link: OER: Other materials and-or supplies required of students that contribute to the cost of the course.

COMM 0010 - Communication Theory, Methods, and Practice

Catalog Description Advisory: Eligibility for ENGL 1A; completion with grade of "C" or better or concurrent enrollment in COMM 1 or 5 Hours: 54 lecture Description: The study of human communication through hands-on research methods that serve as specializations to the field of Communication Studies. This course explores human communication patterns through an examination of critical approaches, key concepts, and founding theories. Students engage in original inquiry, research and data gathering, analysis and discovery. (C-ID COMM 180) (CSU, UC) Course Student Learning Outcomes CSLO #1: Develop an original research question and/or hypothesis to investigate that reflects a communication concept or theory of interest.\\n CSLO #2: Engage in social scientific research methods that function as specializations to the communication studies discipline (e.g., interviews, survey, ethnography) in order to collect data. CSLO #3: Apply key concepts to the analysis of research data and connect the data (i.e., findings) to one or more communication studies theories.\\n CSLO #4: Present findings from the social scientific research process to a public audience (e.g., peers, professional, community).\\n Effective Term Fall 2024 Course Type Credit - Degree-applicable Contact Hours 54 Outside of Class Hours 108 Total Student Learning Hours 162 Course Objectives Explain and apply key concepts within the field of communication. Discuss the history and trajectory of the study of communication. Critically discuss and write about human communication theories and contexts. Compare and contrast the social scientific research methods for the evaluation of human communication patterns. Explain the contextual, cultural, social and political implications of various types of communication (e.g., mediated, interpersonal, intercultural). Describe specializations within the communication discipline. Explain ethical perspectives in communication, including the influence of cultural diversity, inclusion, and equity perspectives. Identify and describe a range of viewpoints representative of diverse individuals and communities. General Education Information Approved College Associate Degree GE Applicability AA/AS - Behavioral Sciences AA/AS - Comm & Analyt Thinking AA/AS - Literature & Language AA/AS - Multicultural Studies CSU GE Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU approval) CSUGE - D Social Sciences CSUGE - D7 Interdisciplinary Soc/Behav Cal-GETC Applicability (Recommended - Requires External Approval) IGETC Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU/UC approval) IGETC - 4 Soc./Behav Sciences IGETC - 4G Intrdis Social/Beha Articulation Information CSU Transferable UC Transferable Methods of Evaluation Classroom Discussions Example: Consider the ways that your upbringing and/or cultural identity (memberships) influence your ways of knowing. After discussing your ideas with a group, make a list of communication topics that you are interested in exploring this semester, and discuss why they are interesting to you. Essay Examinations Example: Example: Write a “Me Search” Paper - oftentimes, social scientific researchers investigate topics of personal interest. In preparation for this paper, reflect on 3 memorable communication events that stand out to you in important ways. Be sure to select communication events that represent a variety of contexts, such as relational, workplace or mediated communication. Next, compose a narrative essay connecting your communication events to key concepts and/or theories that we have discussed in class. Example: Write a synopsis of three academic resources related to your topic of study. Be sure to use in-text citations where appropriate. Objective Examinations Example: Students take unit or chapter quizzes showcasing their understanding of key concepts and theories. Example exam question: Consider the role of sensitizing concepts when undergoing ethnographic research. At what stage should/does a researcher identify sensitizing concepts and what purpose does this process serve? Example quiz question: True of False? Communication Accommodation Theory examines the way that individuals adjust their style of speech toward or away from one another. Problem Solving Examinations Example: Students are given two ethical scenarios, each demonstrating a potential breach in communication ethics. Students are asked to explain the breaches, compare and contrast the implications of the ethical breach to the communication context, and to determine the best course of action. Projects Example: Students will be guided through the steps of a semester-long original research project. Students will start by writing an original research question and/or hypothesis to examine a communication phenomenon of personal interest. Next, students will select one research method covered in class to use in order to collect and analyze data. Students will connect their findings to communication research and theory in efforts to draw conclusions and discuss the implications of their research. Skill Demonstrations Example: After reading about ethnographic fieldwork methods, students will engage in non-participant observations by taking detailed field notes of various communication phenomenon they observe in their local surroundings (e.g., campus, work, online). Students will work in teams to create a formal interview guide showcasing various learned question types (e.g., narrative, touring, hypothetical, etc). They will then use this guide to interview a communication practitioner. Students will demonstrate their skills in visual thematic analysis by participating in an activity whereby they are first asked to draw “what it means to be a college student today.” After 3 minutes of silent drawing, students will share their creative interpretations with the class by posting them to a shared space. Finally, students will use the collection of class drawings to search for meaningful patterns and themes that emerge from the visual data. Repeatable No Methods of Instruction Lecture/Discussion Distance Learning Lecture: The instructor will lead a class discussion that goes over the steps of the social scientific research process, including writing a guiding research question or hypothesis, selecting and using an appropriate method for data collection, analyzing the data to draw relevant conclusions, and making connections to current communication research. Students will discuss the various steps using their own interests/experiences to select a communication topic and design an original semester-long research project. The instructor will use a variety of mediated clips to showcase a critical theory in action (e.g., The Surveillance of Hidden Amazon Tribes to teach about Muted Group Theory). The instructor will next facilitate a classroom discussion that challenges perspectives of agency, ethics, and equity. Students will view the clip(s), discuss who is muted and by whom, share their perspectives, and in doing so, apply key terms. Distance Learning Using the course management system recording studio or other, students will create a dynamic and informative presentation showcasing their research project from start to finish. The presentation will include their original research question or hypothesis, a short discussion of academic research connected to their topic of study, a brief overview of their data collection and analysis methods, as well as relevant findings and conclusions. Students will participate in an online discussion board where they 1) share their visual analysis drawings in teams, and 2) respond to peers’ drawings by identifying similarities and differences in the data re: themes and patterns. Students will watch an online video showcasing a social experiment (e.g., Brown Eyes vs. Blue Eyes experiment, CNA Insiders Race and Privilege Social Experiment, What would you do?) After watching the video, students will post their immediate reactions and discuss any one of the following: a) what they believe the purpose of the social experiment was at the time it was conducted, b) which communication pattern is best identified/explored in the video, c) if a norm was violated, what was it and what are the implications of violating this norm? and/or d) what they would do differently if they were to recreate this social experiment today. Typical Out of Class Assignments Reading Assignments Locate an academic and popular press reading about how to develop a research question. Feel free to use the assigned chapter reading(s), online videos, OER lessons, or business/commercial publication(s). Write a paragraph detailing the similarities and differences you identified between the sources. Writing, Problem Solving or Performance 1. Create an annotated bibliography with 7 academic sources, relevant to your topic, method and 1 communication theory that you think is well-suited and connected to your project. Select articles and sources that relate to your research question or hypothesis; then summarize and analyze the article. 2. Using the SOAPSTone method of rhetorical analysis (worksheet or similar), watch a modern film that challenges social justice themes (e.g., I am Simon, Selma, He Named Me Malala, Crash, Nope, etc.) Be prepared to discuss your findings in connection to learned theories. Other (Term projects, research papers, portfolios, etc.) 1. Develop a portfolio showcasing each step of your research process. Be sure to include: early brainstorming notes, your original research question/hypothesis drafts, research project timeline, notes on method, the data you collected (digital or hard copy), data analysis, and early conclusions. 2. Poster session - much like a poster session at an academic or professional conferences, students will take their research public by participating in a poster session that highlights their most relevant findings. Students will create a creative and informative visual (digital or poster) display to be showcased to peers and the public. Required Materials Survey of Communication Study Author: Hahn & Payton Publisher: Merlot (OER) Publication Date: 2019 Text Edition: Classic Textbook?: No OER Link: OER: Yes Communication in the Real World: An introduction to Communication Studies Author: Anonymous (Author removed at request of original publisher) Publisher: University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing Publication Date: 2016 (currently being revised) Text Edition: Classic Textbook?: No OER Link: OER: Yes A First Look at Communication Theory Author: Griffin, Ledbetter, Sparks Publisher: McGraw Hill Publication Date: 2019 Text Edition: 10th Classic Textbook?: No OER Link: OER: Communication Mosaics: An Introduction to the Field of Communication Author: Wood, Julia T. Publisher: Cengage Learning Publication Date: 2019 Text Edition: Classic Textbook?: No OER Link: OER: Other materials and-or supplies required of students that contribute to the cost of the course.

EDU 0010 - Introduction to Elementary Education with Field Experience

Catalog Description Advisory: Completion of HDEV 1 with grade of "C" or better; eligibility for ENGL 1A Hours: 90 (36 lecture, 54 laboratory) Description: Introduction to the concepts and issues related to teaching diverse learners in contemporary K-12 schools. Topics include teaching as a profession and career, historical and philosophical foundations of the American education system, contemporary educational issues, California's content standards and frameworks, and teacher performance standards. In addition to class time, requires a minimum of 45 hours of structured field work in public school elementary classroom that represent California's diverse student population. Fulfills one of the early field experiences for the CSUS Liberal Studies major. Negative TB test and fingerprint screening required. (C-ID EDUC 200) (CSU, UC) Course Student Learning Outcomes CSLO #1: Explain the role and function of the teacher in the public elementary school setting and the requirements and experiences needed to obtain a teaching credential. CSLO #2: Apply principles that underlie effective relationships with other teachers, students, and families and examine and assess issues concerning culture and diversity. CSLO #3: Demonstrate and apply basic observation tools and design basic lesson plans in content areas. CSLO #4: Interpret and apply theories related to child development and learning in a field placement setting. Effective Term Fall 2016 Course Type Credit - Degree-applicable Contact Hours 90 Outside of Class Hours 72 Total Student Learning Hours 162 Course Objectives Lecture Objectives: 1. Define the role and function of the teacher in the public elementary school setting, and identify personal meanings related to teaching. 2. Articulate basic purposes of schooling and trace the history of the development of public education in the United States. 3. Describe the multiple roles and functions of teachers and other school personnel in meeting the diverse needs of students. 4. Identify academic requirements and experiences needed to obtain a teaching credential. 5. Design basic lesson plans in content areas. 6. Demonstrate knowledge of the impact of cultural contexts on learning. 7. Demonstrate knowledge of professional standards, ethics and professionalism in classroom and school visits. 8. Demonstrate an understanding of educational issues in a global context. 9. Analyze ecological challenges outside the classroom that impact student learning, and identify school and community resources that address these challenges. Laboratory Objectives: 1. Interpret and apply theories related to child development and learning in a field placement setting. 2. Present basic lesson plans in content areas. 3. Relate course content to real classrooms through satisfactory completion of approved field work including structured assignments, observations, and reflections that demonstrate the observers ability to: a. recognize and describe examples of teaching events that implement some elements of the CSTP and TPEs; b. observe the use of state adopted academic content and performance standards; c. compare and contrast classroom environments; d. recognize and describe individual difference among students and identify strategies and accommodations used to address these differences. 4. Demonstrate skill in implementing established protocols for visiting schools and classrooms and in implementing observation protocols. General Education Information Approved College Associate Degree GE Applicability CSU GE Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU approval) Cal-GETC Applicability (Recommended - Requires External Approval) IGETC Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU/UC approval) Articulation Information CSU Transferable UC Transferable Methods of Evaluation Classroom Discussions Example: Reflection questions - this will include their reflection questions, and their own responses to their experiences in the elementary school, readings, projects. Projects Example: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the role of a teacher by completing, writing about, and presenting a service learning project. Students will develop, plan, implement, and evaluate a project of their choice or in conjunction with staff at the elementary school which will benefit the school. The entire project plan will be chronicled in writing and completed by the end of the semester. Students will orally report and individually present the project to the class. All projects must be approved by the instructor. Reports Example: Students will demonstrate their understanding of becoming a teacher by turning in a portfolio at the end of the semester. During the semester, and as students continue their journey to becoming a teacher, they will revisit many concepts covered in the class. They will view issues from different perspectives, different opinions, or with an added dimension. To reflect their growth, they will keep their work in a portfolio throughout the semester. Repeatable No Methods of Instruction Laboratory Lecture/Discussion Distance Learning Lab: Instructor will ask students to reflect in writing on the reading that they do, and also to write a reflective essay about their classroom experiences at the elementary school, particularly what they learned from the classroom participation and how it impacted their career plans. Instructor will also ask students to write about the role of the teacher outside the classroom based on their experience at the school and in the school setting. Lecture: The instructor will ask students to read their textbooks about teaching and analyze the issues the text raises. For example, after reading a chapter on diversity, students will be asked to analyze ways that they might differ from their students and identify personal biases that could affect their effectiveness working with students. The instructor will ask students to read their text, discuss the points raised in the text, and keep a reflective journal. For example, the students will read about "reflective teaching" and keep a field work log based on formats explained in the text that helps them reflect on their teaching and their goals. Typical Out of Class Assignments Reading Assignments 1. Instructor assigns the textbook's first chapter, "Introduction to Teaching: Becoming a Professional." Students will write a brief reflection in response to the question "What are your motivations for wanting to become a teacher?" 2. Instructor will assign the chapter, "Why Teach?" in the textbook, Introduction to Teaching: Making a Difference in Student Learning. After reading, students will review the reflection they previously wrote along with their teaching experiences to date. Then they will examine these in terms of developing their own philosophy of teaching. Writing, Problem Solving or Performance 1. Students will keep a reflective journal that records their experiences at the elementary school. Students should recognize that journals are not just a chronology of activities, but a place to think and write about the types of interactions they have had, such as questions or concerns about a child, insights or thoughts about their feelings or ideas. Students may also include thoughts about the textbook readings, especially as it applies to field work. 2. Students will write a 2-3 page reflective essay about the classroom experiences at the elementary school. The paper should also include what was learned from the classroom participation and how it may impact career plans. 3. Students will attend a School in Action observation - an activity not part of the school day, such as a school board meeting, staff meeting, curriculum committee meeting, and write a brief reflection about their observations. Other (Term projects, research papers, portfolios, etc.) 1. Service learning project: Students will plan and develop a project, submit project plan in writing, present an oral report about the project. Required Materials Teaching Today: An Introduction to Education Author: Armstrong, Henson, & Savage Publisher: Pearson Publication Date: 2014 Text Edition: 9th Classic Textbook?: OER Link: OER: Foundations of American Education Author: Webb, Metha, Jordin Publisher: Pearson Publication Date: 2017 Text Edition: 8th Classic Textbook?: OER Link: OER: Introduction to Teaching: Becoming a Professional Author: Kauchak & Eggen Publisher: Pearson Publication Date: 2017 Text Edition: 6th Classic Textbook?: OER Link: OER: Introduction to Teaching: Making a Difference in Student Learning Author: Hall, Quinn, Gollnick Publisher: Sage Publication Date: 2017 Text Edition: 2nd Classic Textbook?: OER Link: OER: Savage Inequalities Author: Kozol Publisher: Crown; Broadway Paperbacks Publication Date: 1991 Text Edition: 1st Classic Textbook?: OER Link: OER: Other materials and-or supplies required of students that contribute to the cost of the course.

BIOL 0010 - Introduction to Biology

Catalog Description Advisory: Eligibility for ENGL 1A Hours: 54 lecture Description: Designed for non-life science majors desiring an introductory biology course without a lab. Introduces the main concepts of biology, covering molecular and cell biology, heredity and nature of genes, biotechnology, evolution, diversity of life, and principles of ecology. Students enrolling in BIOL 11 after having taken BIOL 10 will lose credit for BIOL 10. Not recommended for students who have already completed BIOL 56. (CSU, UC-with unit limitation) Course Student Learning Outcomes CSLO #1: Develop, utilize and evaluate scientific hypotheses. CSLO #2: Appraise the relationship between cellular respiration and photosynthesis. CSLO #3: Formulate the correct structure of the main types of cells and diagnose the hypotheses regarding the evolutionary development of those cells. CSLO #4: Assess the role of DNA in living things, construct methods to analyze the patterns of inheritance, and judge the impact of genetic engineering on living things. CSLO #5: Justify the role of evolution in the development of living things, the diversity of living things and judge the effects of humans on living things on earth. Effective Term Fall 2022 Course Type Credit - Degree-applicable Contact Hours 54 Outside of Class Hours 108 Total Student Learning Hours 162 Course Objectives 1. Apply the main steps of the scientific method to develop a scientific hypothesis. (Lecture Ia) 2. Identify the variables found in scientific experiments and the roles that they play in testing hypotheses. (Lecture outline Ia) 3. Outline the levels of organization of life from molecular to ecosystem level in a diagram. (Lecture outline I) 4. Apply knowledge of the parts of an atom to construct molecules with a lower energy state than the atoms that entered into the bond. (Lecture outline Ib) 5. Describe characteristics of the main organic compounds and consider roles of various organic molecules in living organisms (Lecture outline 1c) 6. Outline the functions of the main components of prokaryotic and the components and organelles of eukaryotic cells. (Lecture outline Id) 7. Defend why a living cell is the basic unit of life. (Lecture outline Id) 8. Describe the behavior of molecules during diffusion both within the solution itself and across a membrane. (Lecture outline Id) 9. Hypothesize how the structure of the cellular membrane enables cells to function. (Lecture outline Id) 10. Differentiate between the first two laws of thermodynamics and apply them to living systems. (Lecture outline IIa) 11. Diagram how enzymes work and how they can be shut down. (Lecture outline IIb) 12. Identify the role of enzymes in organisms (Lecture outline IIb) 13. Compare and contrast the processes of photosynthesis and cellular respiration, and recognize their role in energy flow in ecosystems. (Lecture outline IIc and IId) 14. Compare and contrast the processes of bacterial fission, mitosis and meiosis, and recognize their role in the life cycles of organisms. (Lecture outline IIIa) 15. Explain the correlation between errors in the cell cycle and cancer (Lecture outline IIIa). 16. Describe the structure of a DNA molecule and the process by which it replicated. (Lecture outline IIIb) 17. Analyze the main steps of protein synthesis. (Lecture outline IIIb) 18. Critique the role that mutations play in protein synthesis and evolution. (Lecture outline IIIb) 19. Identify the main implications of DNA technology in the lives of human and other living things. (Lecture outline IIIb) 20. Judge ethical issues associated with the use of biotechnology. (Lecture outline IIIb) 21. Critique the adaptive significance of sexual reproduction and situations in which asexual reproduction would be preferable. (Lecture outline IIIc) 22. Outline the ways by which meiosis and random fertilization contribute to biological adaptation and diversity. 
(Lecture outline IIIc) 23. Formulate the main Mendelian rules of inheritance and utilize these rules to solve simple genetic problems (involving monohybrid and dihybrid crosses). (Lecture outline IIIc) 24. Analyze the connection between genetics, heredity, epigenetics and the environment. (Lecture outline IIIc) 25. Evaluate natural selection as the main mechanism of biological evolution. (Lecture outline IVa) 26. Defend the importance of variation, overproduction, and heritability in natural populations. (Lecture outline
IVa) 27. Describe the history of evolutionary thought. 
(Lecture outline IVa) 28. Compare and contrast microevolution and macroevolution. (Lecture outline IVa) 29. Evaluate the Oparin/Miller theory of the origin of life as suggested by geological and biochemical evidence. (Lecture outline IVb) 30. Identify the Domains and Kingdoms recognized by modern taxonomy, list the main characteristics of each domain and kingdom, and give examples of the main representatives of each. (Lecture outline 
IV) 31. Evaluate the role that microorganisms, plants, fungi and animals play in ecosystems and in the lives of humans. (Lecture outline IV) 32. Investigate the main evolutionary adaptations found in microorganisms, plants, fungi and animals. (Lecture outline IV) 33. Examine the main components of an ecosystem and diagnose the ecological roles that organisms play within them. (Lecture outline IVf) 34. Evaluate the effect of human activities on the diversity of life on and the geological processes of Earth. (Lecture outline
IV) 35. Diagnose the long-term effect of human population growth on the fate of our planet. (Lecture outline IV) General Education Information Approved College Associate Degree GE Applicability AA/AS - Life Sciences CSU GE Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU approval) CSUGE - B2 Life Science Cal-GETC Applicability (Recommended - Requires External Approval) IGETC Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU/UC approval) IGETC - 5B Biological Science Articulation Information CSU Transferable UC Transferable Methods of Evaluation Essay Examinations Example: Answer in a one page, double-spaced essay which will be evaluated based on accuracy and development of response. Rubric grading. 1. Genetically modified organisms are those which have had their genes altered. This is not the same as selective breeding. In selective breeding agriculturalists select the plants or animals that produce the most food and then breed them together to produce offspring that produce a high amount of food. For example, due to selective breeding cows are able to produce more milk per day today than they were in the past. Genetically modified organisms, however are something different. Genetically modified organisms, or GMOs as they are commonly referred to, have genes from other species of organisms inserted into their own genome. For example, Bt corn is a type of corn that has had a gene from a bacterial species called Bacillus thuringiensis inserted into it. This gene makes the corn resistant to a particular corn pest species called the European corn borer. This means that farmers who grow this corn no longer need to spray their corn with pesticides to eliminate this pest. However, there are many who worry about the impact of GMOs on the environment, on humans and on other crop species. What do you think of GMOs? Find some research on-line (from an .org or .edu source) both in support and against the use of these organisms. What do you think of their arguments? Do you agree or disagree? What do you think the global impact of these organisms could be? What percentage of the average American diet is composed of GMOs? - Objectives being assessed: 1. Identify the main implications of DNA technology for the medical field and agriculture. (Lecture outline IIIb, Objective 19) 2. Judge ethical issues associated with the use of biotechnology. (Lecture outline IIIb, Objective 20) 2. What are the main lines of evidence that support current evolutionary theory? Answer in a one page, double-spaced essay which will be evaluated based on accuracy and development of response. - Objectives being assessed: 1. Describe the history of evolutionary thought.
(Lecture outline IVa, Objective 27) 2. Compare and contrast microevolution and macroevolution (Lecture outline IVa, Objective 28) Objective Examinations Example: 1. Hypertrichosis, hairiness of the outer ear, is inherited as a Y-linked recessive in humans, If a man with hypertrichosis marries a woman without the trait, what might be the phenotypes of their children? A. All of their children have hypertrichosis B. All of the sons have hypertrichosis, but none of the daughters C. All of the daughters have hypertrichosis, but none of the sons D. None of their children have hypertrichosis 2. Tube feet of sea stars are used primarily for: A. Reproduction B. Circulation C. Movement D. Sensation Repeatable No Methods of Instruction Lecture/Discussion Distance Learning Lecture: Instructor will lecture on atoms and molecules. The students will be asked to form molecules based upon the arrangement of electrons in the atom. Those molecules will need to be at a low energy state. The students will be asked to reason why those molecules are lower energy. The students will also be asked to demonstrate how the molecule will be effected by atoms that are highly electronegative. Apply knowledge of the parts of an atom to construct molecules with a lower energy state than the atoms that entered into the bond. Following a lecture on transcription and translation, the students will be given a segment of DNA to transcribe into mRNA and then translate into protein. This assignment will be given as a hypothetical exercise in rebuilding a dinosaur. The students will then reflect on the issues surrounding the cloning of living things. The instructor provides feedback on common errors and facilitates students toward better understanding of concepts. Analyze the main steps of protein synthesis. Distance Learning Following a live-recorded lecture on the limitations to colonization of land, students will research reputable websites about an adaptation. They will present what they learned in a class discussion and include a link to the article. Other students will read the article and give commentary to the original poster about what they learned. The instructor will give feedback and elaborate on the discovery as needed. Investigate the main evolutionary adaptations found in microorganisms, plants, fungi and animals. Typical Out of Class Assignments Reading Assignments 1. Discover something new in science. In the tradition of a "Today I learned" post, read about a new discovery in science. Evaluate what you read and be prepared to discuss the implications for humans and the environment of that work. 2. Review the data collected and results from a scientific experiment provided by the instructor (e.g. science surrounding vaccine acceptance). Evaluate the outcome of the experiment. Identify the hypothesis and variables that were part of that experiment. Writing, Problem Solving or Performance 1. Complete word problems in genetics that are based in genetic terminology. 2. Evaluate the size of the human population on earth today. Use this information to determine the effects that humans have on the natural world and project their future effects. Detail your findings in a two-page essay that demonstrates critical thought. Other (Term projects, research papers, portfolios, etc.) 1. Case Studies: Should we clone mammoths? Evaluate what the potential barriers are to cloning mammoths. Discuss the potential effects on the ecosystem of the reintroduction of mammoths into the ecosystem. Use this information to debate issues surrounding the reintroduction of mammoths or other extinct animals back into the ecosystem. Required Materials Concepts of Biology Author: Fowler, Roush, Wise Publisher: Open Stax Publication Date: 2019 Text Edition: Classic Textbook?: OER Link: OER: Campbell Essential Biology Author: Reece, Simon, Dickey Publisher: Benjamin Cummings Publication Date: 2018 Text Edition: 7th Classic Textbook?: OER Link: OER: Other materials and-or supplies required of students that contribute to the cost of the course.

DFST 0010 - Introduction to Deaf Studies

Catalog Description Hours: 54 lecture Description: Introduces topics central to the Deaf and Deaf community, including audiology, interpreting, education, culture, history, linguistics, sociology, and psychology. Designed to introduce basic information regarding the American Deaf experience in the United States: Deaf Community, Deaf Culture and American Sign Language. (CSU, UC) Course Student Learning Outcomes CSLO #1: Identify the significance of Deaf Culture/community. CSLO #2: Explain how the Deaf Community was formed in America and construct a timeline of significant developments relating to the Deaf Community. CSLO #3: Identify and interpret basic concepts of oppression and laws protecting Deaf people and Deaf movements. CSLO #4: Compare and contrast major historical and current issues surrounding the Deaf Community. Effective Term Fall 2020 Course Type Credit - Degree-applicable Contact Hours 54 Outside of Class Hours 108 Total Student Learning Hours 162 Course Objectives 1. Debate the communicative and educational options for Deaf/Deaf and hard of hearing people. 2. Identify the significance of Deaf culture/community. 3. Explain how the Deaf community was formed in America and construct a timeline of significant developments relating to the Deaf community. 4. Identify and interpret basic concepts of oppression, laws protecting Deaf people, and Deaf movements. 5. Compare and contrast major historical and current issues surrounding the Deaf community. 6. Compare the difference between medical and cultural perspectives of Deaf people. 7. Differentiate interpreting methods and explain the code of ethics. 8. Describe the past and present psychological and sociological perspectives on the Deaf. General Education Information Approved College Associate Degree GE Applicability AA/AS - Multicultural Studies CSU GE Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU approval) CSUGE - C2 Humanities Cal-GETC Applicability (Recommended - Requires External Approval) IGETC Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU/UC approval) IGETC - 3B Humanities Articulation Information CSU Transferable UC Transferable Methods of Evaluation Classroom Discussions Example: Students will actively participate signing with peers and instructor on a given topic. Essay Examinations Example: Students summarize the significant developments relating to the Deaf community in an essay. Objective Examinations Example: "Differentiate interpreting methods." Students match each interpreting method with the correct terms. Standard grading. Projects Example: Students will break into groups and make a poster of the time-line milestone (related to the Deaf community) they have been given by the instructor. Skill Demonstrations Example: In class, students demonstrate the interpreting method they have been assigned. Repeatable No Methods of Instruction Lecture/Discussion Distance Learning Lecture: The instructor will give a lecture on the time-line of history showing visual pictures from each mile stone in Deaf History. Instructor will prepare the lecture and select the visual demonstrations to show to class. Instructor will provide poster boards and pens for the project activity. Instructor will grade all essays and exams and return to students checking for understanding and mastery of the objective. After exams are passed back the instructor will review the lesson again for further clarity. Instructor will lecture on the different interpreting methods. Each method will be explained and also shown visually through video examples. Instructor will prepare the lecture and create the written exam. Instructor will grade the exam and check for the understanding of the objective. Instructor will also prepare the group activity explaining the project and grouping the students together for their "acting out" project. After the exam and group activity the objective will be reviewed again for further clarity. Distance Learning Lecture/Video: Instructor will provide a series of lecture videos that discusses the chapter of the book: “Deaf Culture: Exploring Deaf Communities in the United States by Irene W. Leigh, Jean F. Andrews, and Raychelle L. Harris. Students will read 2 chapters, they student will write a formal essay in APA format with questions the instructor provided to the students. Students will turn their work in the drop box. Quizzes: Students will first watch the lecture video then have them complete an online quiz for clear understanding of the content. There are 10 quizzes throughout the semester. Assignments: On top of the lectures and online quizzes, the students will have to write 5 papers (2 chapters) in APA format and 3 movies to watch as well: “Through Deaf Eyes”, “See What I Mean: Deaf Culture talking”, and “Audism Unveiled”. After each movie they have to write an essay and complete/answer questions I have provided. Final Project: The students will have 4 different phases to complete their final project. Each phase is a step that completes different requirements that all adds up to the finished product, their final project. Typical Out of Class Assignments Reading Assignments Students will be assigned reading material of no less than one chapter per week from required text, including handouts. 1. Read a current article about Deaf culture and bring it to class for group discussion. 2. Read a book about Deaf Studies and write a research paper about the topic. 3. Students will read a book then discuss it in class along with supplemental materials provided by the instructor. Writing, Problem Solving or Performance 1. Students are required to watch 3 videos. They are responsible for watching the videos and completing the various assignments. The class will be discussing the videos in a group discussion. Students will be expected to dialogue about each video and to fill out a worksheet or write a comparative reaction paper to each video. Video examples could be: "Through Deaf Eyes," "See What I Mean," "Audism Unveiled." 2. Evaluate the different teaching methods for deaf students through writing an essay. Other (Term projects, research papers, portfolios, etc.) 1. Students are expected to develop a research paper on a topic related to the Deaf, such as education, rehabilitation, parent-child or Deaf-hearing relations, and the Deaf community. Papers should be at least 5 pages in length (double-spaced) plus a reference page. Citations must be given. At least five references must be from printed sources such as books, peer reviewed journals, etc., plus two Internet sources (seven references total). Students must select their topic by the date given and check with the instructor to be sure the topic is appropriate. Required Materials Open Your Eyes: Deaf Studies Talking Author: Dirksen, H & Bauman, L. Publisher: Minneapolis, MN. University of Minnesota Press. Publication Date: 2008 Text Edition: 1st Classic Textbook?: OER Link: OER: History of Deaf People Author: Eriksson, Per. Publisher: Orebro, Sweden. SIH Läromedel Publication Date: 1998 Text Edition: 1st Classic Textbook?: OER Link: OER: Deaf Culture: Exploring Deaf Communities in the United States Author: I. Leigh, j. Andrew, R. Harris Publisher: Plural Publishing Publication Date: 2016 Text Edition: 1st Classic Textbook?: OER Link: OER: Oxford Handbook of Deaf Studies, Language and Education Author: Marschark, Marc Publisher: Oxford University Press Publication Date: 2011 Text Edition: Classic Textbook?: OER Link: OER: Other materials and-or supplies required of students that contribute to the cost of the course.

ESS 0010 - Conservation of Natural Resources

Catalog Description Formerly known as AGRI 190 and NATR 10 Advisory: Eligibility for ENGL 1A Hours: 54 lecture Description: Use and protection of natural resources, including soil, water, forest, mineral, plant, and animal life. Ecological principles, history of the conservation movement, modern problems in resource use, and the citizen's role in conservation. (CSU, UC) Course Student Learning Outcomes CSLO #1: Identify and describe natural resources, distinguishing between renewable and non-renewable and between resources of the land, air, water or energy. CSLO #2: Explain the conservation of matter using biogeochemical cycles (e.g., carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus). CSLO #3: Describe how humans extract, process and utilize natural resources and analyze requirements and impacts of each process. CSLO #4: Outline historical environmental ethics and analyze impacts of each ethic on natural resources and sustainability. Effective Term Fall 2020 Course Type Credit - Degree-applicable Contact Hours 54 Outside of Class Hours 108 Total Student Learning Hours 162 Course Objectives 1. Identify and classify natural resources and ecosystem services. 2. Compare and contrast renewable and nonrenewable energy sources, relating them to natural resource conservation and utilization. 3. Describe and evaluate differing approaches to natural resource exploitation, utilization, conservation and preservation. 4. Apply sustainability principles to natural resource conservation. 5. Assess the human impact on natural resources. 6. Analyze the difference between conservation and preservation of natural resources. 7. Analyze the perception of the environment by different cultures. 8. Analyze and cite examples of how humans shape the environment. 9. Compare natural resources that are endemic to those that are imported. 10. Analyze how people impact their environment through resource use. 11. Describe the cycling of matter and the movement and change of energy through the ecosystem. 12. Illustrate the conservation of matter using biogeochemical cycles (e.g., carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus). 13. Compare and contrast interactions among organisms or populations of organisms. 14. Diagram the specifics of energy flow, describing accurately at least some of the actual species involved in these processes and their roles. 15. Analyze how only a fraction of the available energy is used for growth and incorporated in the plant or animal itself at each trophic level. 16. Analyze the plant and animal use of organic compounds for growth, maintenance, and reproduction (include respiration and photosynthesis) and illustrate how these compounds are broken down (decomposers) and cycled through the living and non-living parts of the environment. 17. Analyze the dynamic equilibrium of ecosystems, including interactions among living and nonliving components (for example, tropical deforestation linked to decreased global precipitation). 18. Inventory possible interactions between two biotic and abiotic factors. 19. Analyze the physiological needs of individual organisms and relate these to the habitat requirements of populations in an ecosystem. 20. Describe how an environment's ability to provide food, water, space, and essential nutrients determines carrying capacity. 21. Explain and relate the roles of mortality, natality, emigration, immigration, intrinsic factors and extrinsic factors in the changes in population sizes over time. 22. Compare and contrast major ecosystems of the world. 23. Analyze and provide examples of species interactions including: competition, predation, parasitism, commensalisms, and mutualism. 24. Predict how specific changes within the environment may increase/decrease a population’s size. 25. Explain how changes in an ecosystem can affect biodiversity and how biodiversity contributes to an ecosystem's stability (organisms can adapt, migrate, or die). 26. Analyze the effects of threatened, endangered or extinct species on human and natural systems and identify and explain how a species' increase, decline, or elimination affects the ecosystem and/or human social, cultural and economic structures. 27. Identify laws, agreements or treaties at national or international levels regarding threatened or endangered species. 28. Distinguish between habitat management and population management and differentiate between managing for a featured species and managing for biodiversity. 29. Evaluate economic, environmental, and other factors that impact resource availability and explain why certain resources are becoming depleted. 30. Assess how human resource use impacts environment (erosion, burning fossil fuels). 31. Differentiate natural soil erosion from soil erosion caused by humans. 32. Analyze the major sources of soil erosion (both agricultural and non-agricultural). 33. Analyze some important techniques used in controlling agricultural and non-agricultural soil erosion. 34. Analyze the distribution and circulation of the world's water through oceans, glaciers, rivers, groundwater, and atmosphere. 35. Analyze how land use variations in a watershed can affect the runoff of water and explain factors that affect water quality and flow through a watershed. 36. Predict how human activities at one location often have adverse affects on other locations. 37. Identify and analyze the costs, benefits, and consequences of using water resources. 38. Analyze the properties of surface water and ground water and how contaminants move and react in water. 39. Analyze soil properties and how they affect water quality. 40. Describe wetlands in terms of their effects (e.g., habitats, floods, buffer zones, prevention areas, nurseries, food production areas). 41. Explain how the speed of water and vegetation cover relates to erosion. 42. Identify the three major water pollution groups. 43. Distinguish between point and non-point source pollution. 44. Explain important biological, chemical, and biogeochemical processes in wastewater treatment. 45. Analyze what is meant by air quality and identify major air pollutants and their sources. 46. Classify types of waste, their sources and methods of waste reduction. 47. Compare practices and alternatives in solid and hazardous waste management and their environmental impacts. 48. Describe situations where prescribed burning would help achieve desired habitat management goals. 49. Given a habitat management goal, suggest appropriate vegetation management techniques that will help achieve that goal or, given a description of an area and landowner goals, suggest appropriate habitat enhancement projects to achieve those goals. 50. Analyze how technology has changed and impacted efficient use of natural resources by business and industry. 51. Identify careers related to natural resources and environmental issues. 52. Analyze how environment and resource availability can affect the economic, political, and social development of a culture, community or region. 53. Compare and contrast the roles of government and non-governmental agencies in natural resource management, sustainability and conservation as well as public policy development. General Education Information Approved College Associate Degree GE Applicability AA/AS - Life Sciences AA/AS - Physical Sciences CSU GE Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU approval) CSUGE - B1 Physical Science CSUGE - B2 Life Science Cal-GETC Applicability (Recommended - Requires External Approval) IGETC Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU/UC approval) Articulation Information CSU Transferable UC Transferable Methods of Evaluation Classroom Discussions Example: 1. Classroom discussion about impacts of environmental policy on resource extraction. Student will be evaluated based upon ability to synthesize and articulate a wide range of course information, demonstrating understanding of complex topics. Essay Examinations Example: 1. (short essay question) Compare and contrast two (given) soils in terms of their drainage capacity and nutrient content. Apply the analysis to shallow groundwater movement, deeper groundwater recharge, ability to support plant growth and movement of dissolved nutrients and pollutants. (Students must analyze soil texture, particle size, pore space, and ratio and type of mineral and organic matter. Student responses will be evaluated based upon accuracy and critical thinking. Points will be provided for completeness, accuracy and synthesis.) 2. (essay question) Explain the effects of creating artificial barriers (i.e.: dams) along water courses. Describe at least three impacts to the local system and one effect on downstream coastal systems. (Students must demonstrate knowledge by listing impacts, but must also go beyond listing by synthesizing course information and demonstrating an understanding of the impacts of dams on hydrology, species migration, upland ecosystem inundation, upstream sediment impediment, downstream loss of nutrient and material input, etc. Points will be provided for completeness, accuracy and synthesis.)1. (short essay question) Compare and contrast two (given) soils in terms of their drainage capacity and nutrient content. Apply the analysis to shallow groundwater movement, deeper groundwater recharge, ability to support plant growth and movement of dissolved nutrients and pollutants. (Students must analyze soil texture, particle size, pore space, and ratio and type of mineral and organic matter. Student responses will be evaluated based upon accuracy and critical thinking. Points will be provided for completeness, accuracy and synthesis.) 2. (essay question) Explain the effects of creating artificial barriers (i.e.: dams) along water courses. Describe at least three impacts to the local system and one effect on downstream coastal systems. (Students must demonstrate knowledge by listing impacts, but must also go beyond listing by synthesizing course information and demonstrating an understanding of the impacts of dams on hydrology, species migration, upland ecosystem inundation, upstream sediment impediment, downstream loss of nutrient and material input, etc. Points will be provided for completeness, accuracy and synthesis.) Objective Examinations Example: 1. Multiple choice, true/false, and short-answer examination about a course topic such as land resources. True or False: The United States is currently losing fertile top soil faster than it is renewing. Projects Example: 1. Group poster assignment or term paper about a natural resource topic. Student responses will be evaluated based upon accuracy and critical thinking. Points will be provided for completeness, accuracy and synthesis. Repeatable No Methods of Instruction Lecture/Discussion Distance Learning Lecture: Instructor will first present the construction of a ternary soil diagram for textures, and then discuss several classification examples (e.g., how does the texture of a loam differ from that of a sandy loam). Next, students will be given a handout with the ternary diagram, and asked to work collaboratively in classifying several soils based on percentage values of textural components. The results will be discussed as a class activity. Last, students will be given parameters to design their own ternary classification system. (Objective 31) Instructor will present information on the Endangered Species Act and threatened and endangered species. Students will choose and analyze a piece of state or national legislation related to an endangered specie(s) and assess its impact (negative or positive). Distance Learning Following an online instructor lecture on organisms, students will write a report to compare and contrast interactions among organisms or populations of organisms. Reports will be posted on LMS for students to review and provide comment. Students shall comment on a minimum of 5 other students reports. Typical Out of Class Assignments Reading Assignments 1. Read (Fisheries Conservation) from Chiras and Reganold "Natural Resource Conservation" textbook and supplemental peer-reviewed metadata article "Fisheries: Hope or despair?" (Pitcher and Cheung; Marine Pollution Bulletin; 2013). Be prepared to discuss in class. 2. Read (Creating a Sustainable System of Energy: Efficiency and Renewable Energy) from Chiras and Reganold "Natural Resource Conservation" textbook and "Climate 2030: a national blueprint for a clean energy economy" (Union of Concerned Scientists, 2019). Be prepared to discuss in class. Writing, Problem Solving or Performance Critical Thinking Writing/Discussion Assignment 1: Based on what you have learned in your textbook reading, "The End of the Line" film (Docurama Films 2009), the article "Fisheries: hope or despair" (Pitcher and Cheung 2013), and lecture/discussion, do you have hope or despair for global fisheries? Support your answer using abundant and specific evidence. Critical Thinking Writing/Discussion Assignment 2: Suppose that all commercial synthetic fertilizers were banned for agricultural use, world-wide. Critically analyze the advantages and disadvantages for this development. Include impacts (positive or negative) to not only the agricultural system and food supply, but each of the five interacting subsystems of the earth. Other (Term projects, research papers, portfolios, etc.) 1. Students will complete a research project on a specific natural resource issue (e.g.: Hydraulic Fracturing for Natural Gas in the San Joaquin Valley of California: uses, impacts and implications). Students will present their findings in a research paper and in a class presentation. 2. Students will work in groups to prepare a joint poster (exhibit) on a natural resource issue to be displayed during appropriate times on campus (Earth Week, People and Culture Days, etc.) Required Materials Natural Resource Conservation Author: Chiras & Reganold Publisher: Benjamin Cummings Publication Date: 2009 Text Edition: 10th Classic Textbook?: OER Link: OER: Environmental Science: A Global Concern Author: William Cunningham and Mary Cunningham Publisher: McGraw Hill Publication Date: 2017 Text Edition: 14th Classic Textbook?: OER Link: OER: The Post Carbon Reader Author: Heinberg & Lerch (editors) Publisher: Watershed Media Publication Date: 2010 Text Edition: Classic Textbook?: OER Link: OER: Protecting Life on Earth Author: Marchetti & Moyle Publisher: University of California Publication Date: 2010 Text Edition: Classic Textbook?: OER Link: OER: Other materials and-or supplies required of students that contribute to the cost of the course.

ALH 0010 - Introduction to Phlebotomy

Catalog Description Hours: 91 (43 lecture, 48 laboratory) Description: Introduction to the principles of Phlebotomy. Emphasis on phlebotomy techniques, infection control, safety, specimen collection and handling, medical and legal considerations, patient care and preparation and performance in venipunctures, capillary punctures, and basic laboratory tests expected of the entry level phlebotomy position (CPT 1). Upon successful completion of ALH 10 and ALH 11, students will be eligible to sit for the phlebotomy exam to become a Certified Phlebotomy Technician I (CPT 1) with the state of California. (letter grade only) (CSU) Course Student Learning Outcomes CSLO #1: Employ basic infection control, universal precautions and safety techniques, and dispose of sharps, needles and waste using the appropriate disposal techniques. CSLO #2: Apply principles of anatomy, physiology and medical terminology of the circulatory system in the practice of phlebotomy. CSLO #3: Perform venipuncture procedures safely and professionally on patients of a variety of ages and health conditions within the scope of practice of a phlebotomist. CSLO #4: Perform proper identification of patient and specimens, and explain the importance of accuracy in overall patient care. CSLO #5: Perform proper site selection and preparation of skin. CSLO #6: Identify and utilize blood collection equipment, types of tubes and additives, draw in proper order of draw when additives are required and identify special precautions. CSLO #7: Perform proper post-puncture care. Effective Term Fall 2020 Course Type Credit - Degree-applicable Contact Hours 91 Outside of Class Hours 86 Total Student Learning Hours 177 Course Objectives Lecture Objectives: 1. Explain what Phlebotomy Technicians job requirements are. 2. List and describe the various components of blood. 3. Distinguish between various types of blood vessels. 4. Identify and apply knowledge of rules and regulations in regards to blood collection and patient care. 5. Demonstrate ability to properly follow and understand infection control procedures and use of Personal Protective Equipment properly. 6. Demonstrate ability to identify and collect various blood tests. 7. Identify anatomical and physiological landmarks in relation to phlebotomy procedures. 8. Apply the fundamentals of anatomy and physiology to perform phlebotomy. 9. Analyze and apply the appropriate OSHA regulations, standard precautions and safety techniques in obtaining and handling blood specimens. Lab Objectives: 1. Demonstrate and list the principles of basic clinical lab techniques. 2. Demonstrate and apply proper technique in specimen collection and handling. 3. Demonstrate and describe the professional behavior necessary to perform phlebotomy procedures. 4. Demonstrate safe and correct phlebotomy techniques and procedures in order to perform venipunctures and capillary punctures on a patient. 5. Maintain patient confidentiality at all times. General Education Information Approved College Associate Degree GE Applicability CSU GE Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU approval) Cal-GETC Applicability (Recommended - Requires External Approval) IGETC Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU/UC approval) Articulation Information CSU Transferable Methods of Evaluation Classroom Discussions Example: After completion of specific chapter and instructor lecture, students will be required to discuss and respond to critical thinking exercises. Standard Grading. Example question: Char, the hematology supervisor, notices that many of the blood specimens collected by dermal puncture are hemolyzed. Char schedules a continuing education in-service session for the Phlebotomy team. a. Why should preparation of the collection site be stressed? b. Why is it important for the phlebotomist to obtain rounded drops of blood to prevent hemolysis? Explain your answer. Objective Examinations Example: After completion of specific chapter, students will be required to take weekly quizzes and submit via LMS for grade. The students will then take Unit Tests in class. These quizzes and tests will be designed to prepare students for the certification exam. Standard Grading. Example: Point of Care Testing 1. What is the recommended specimen for urine pregnancy testing? Reports Example: Students will be required to complete a disease project based on the various purposes of chemistry, plasma, serum, microbiology, hematology and medication lab testing. Portfolio: Completion of Phlebotomy course Clinical Handbook including: 1. Signed statement of confidentiality 2. Acknowledgment of student responsibilities 3. Record of each successful venipuncture with preceptor verification 4. Evaluation of Behavioral Objectives on the California Phlebotomy Practical Training Form (required by California Department of Public Health Note: This provides proof of completion of the Practical Training completed by the student and is mailed to California Department of Public Health). Skill Demonstrations Example: 1. Students will demonstrate correct selection of equipment for selected phlebotomy procedure. 2. Students will demonstrate proper site selection and mode of blood collection for test requested. 3. Students will demonstrate compliance with OSHA and HIPPA regulations during performance of clinical procedure. Standard Grading. Repeatable No Methods of Instruction Laboratory Lecture/Discussion Lab: Following lecture and discussion, instructor will demonstrate how to properly place fingers along radial artery. Students will then work with lab partners to complete discovery activity on taking and recording radial pulse and locating carotid artery, femoral artery. Following lecture and discussion, instructor will instruct student to draw with different color highlighters the various vessels of the arm identifying the Brachial artery, Basilic Vein, Cephalic Vein, Median Cubital Vein and Median Cephalic Vein as well as identifying the lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve. Students will then refer to figure 8-10 and 8-11 before they are prompted to apply tourniquet to assess correct locations and blindly feel possible venipuncture sites. Lecture: Instructor PowerPoint presentation on Circulatory System. This will be followed by discussion distinguishing various types of blood vessels. Students will then be able to break down the various components of the blood utilizing Figure 6-1 Instructor PowerPoint presentation on Routine Venipuncture. This will be followed by discussion on how to apply and demonstrate proper phlebotomy techniques in order to perform venipunctures and capillary punctures on a patient. Typical Out of Class Assignments Reading Assignments 1. Read section from textbook on venipuncture procedures. Be prepared to summarize and discuss procedure for tourniquet application and vein selection. 2. Read section from textbook on infectious disease exposure. Be prepared to discuss both prevention and management and demonstrate proper PPE. Writing, Problem Solving or Performance 1. Read section on Variables and Venipuncture Complications and respond to a critical thinking clinical application question. For example: Tania, an outpatient, enters the blood drawing station, properly identifies herself, and states that she had a mastectomy 3 months ago. She holds her left hand out for Trevor,the phlebotomist. a. What should Trevor Ask Tania? b. If blood is drawn from the incorrect arm, state two possible dangers to Tania. c. If blood is drawn from the incorrect arm, state two possible effects on laboratory tests. 2. Read section on The Clinical Laboratory and answer critical thinking exercises for section in the textbook. For example: A phlebotomist delivering a specimen to the UA section is instructed to place the specimen in the refrigerator. Is this an acceptable procedure? Please explain and support with information from the text. Other (Term projects, research papers, portfolios, etc.) 1. Write short research paper utilizing online resources on general lab safety and OSHA regulations. Required Materials The Phlebotomy Textbook Author: Susan King Strasinger and Marjorie Schaub Di Lorenzo Publisher: FA Davis Publication Date: 2019 Text Edition: 4th Classic Textbook?: OER Link: OER: Other materials and-or supplies required of students that contribute to the cost of the course.

ANTH 0010 - Introduction to Forensic Anthropology

Catalog Description Hours: 54 lecture Description: Overview of forensic anthropology, an applied field of physical anthropology. Emphasis on current techniques used in the analysis of human skeletal remains, medico-legal procedures, and the role of the anthropologist in the investigative process. Examines the basics of bone biology, methods of skeletal analysis, and recognition of bone trauma and pathological processes. (CSU, UC) Course Student Learning Outcomes CSLO #1: Compare and contrast cultural, archaeology, linguistic and biological anthropology. CSLO #2: Describe the scientific method and theories used by anthropologists within a forensic context. CSLO #3: Articulate the legal and ethical responsibilities involved with working with human remains in various forensic contexts. CSLO #4: Explain in detail variation in human skeletal remains over time due to various biological and behavioral influences. CSLO #5: Evaluate large-scale applications of forensic anthropology. Effective Term Fall 2022 Course Type Credit - Degree-applicable Contact Hours 54 Outside of Class Hours 108 Total Student Learning Hours 162 Course Objectives 1. Assess the history, methods and approaches of forensic anthropology and explain the role of the anthropologist in a criminal or crime scene investigation. 2. Analyze the legal and ethical issues of working with human remains. 3. Discriminate between human and nonhuman remains and contemporary and non-contemporary burial situations. 4. Identify postmortem and taphonomic changes to human remains. 5. Apply anthroposcopic and osteometric techniques for determining sex, age, ancestry, stature, and handedness from human skeletal remains. 6. Interpret trauma and pathological processes in human skeletal remains. 7. Apply techniques for establishing positive identification using human skeletal remains. 8. Describe field techniques to locate human remains and conduct a forensic excavation. 9. Evaluate large-scale applications of forensic anthropology to disasters, human rights and POW/MIA recovery. General Education Information Approved College Associate Degree GE Applicability AA/AS - Life Sciences CSU GE Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU approval) CSUGE - B2 Life Science Cal-GETC Applicability (Recommended - Requires External Approval) IGETC Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU/UC approval) IGETC - 5B Biological Science Articulation Information CSU Transferable UC Transferable Methods of Evaluation Classroom Discussions Example: Assigned reading of the text, case studies, images and in-class discussion will provide information related to determining discriminating between ballistic, sharp and blunt trauma. Given a set of human remains, students will work collaboratively to make inferences about the possible cause, manner and mechanism of death of an individual with specific reference to the type of trauma. Once they have established the qualities, each group will present their ideas to the class where all will either agree (if they have arrived at the same assessment) or disagree with specific reference as to the points of contention. Rubric grading. Essay Examinations Example: Using information from the Burns manual, class discussion and any other information you learned from your case readings, describe: (A) How might an individual find a clandestine burial? (What surface features to look for; what are effective techniques to use to initially locate the burial?) and (B) What are the equipment and supplies and/or methods used to actually excavate it? Rubric grading. Objective Examinations Example: True or False: Typically, when a criminal hides the body of his/her victim, they go to an unknown place so that, when questioned, they will be unable to provide a precise location for the burial. Please explain why this is either true or false. Problem Solving Examinations Example: Assigned reading of the text, case studies, images and in-class discussion will provide information related to estimating the sex of a set of human remains. Using human skeletal materials, students will work collaboratively in small groups to determine the sex of an unknown individual using as many elements as possible. The groups will present their conclusions to the class. Projects Example: The capstone project for the course is for each group to be given (by way of random assignment) a box of bones belonging to a single individual. They will fill out a case report with reference to all of the case study elements (bone and dental inventory, sex, age, ancestry, handedness, stature, pathological processes, trauma, and methods of identification). After analyzing the materials within a single class period, they will submit their final assessment to the instructor. Rubric grading. Reports Example: The capstone project for the course is for each group to be given (by way of random assignment) a box of bones belonging to a single individual. They will fill out a case report with reference to all of the case study elements (bone and dental inventory, sex, age, ancestry, handedness, stature, pathological processes, trauma, and methods of identification). After analyzing the materials within a single class period, they will submit their final assessment to the instructor. Rubric grading. Repeatable No Methods of Instruction Lecture/Discussion Distance Learning Lecture: During the subadult age-estimation section, the teacher will assign relevant case study readings to prepare students before class. During the class meeting s/he will explain the application of bone fusion and dental eruption using images and skeletal samples. Students will be asked to discuss the relevancy of each technique to a set of human remains, and to collaborate to estimate the likely ages of the individuals in the images/samples presented. After clarifying any questions, the teacher will distribute sets of human remains for each group and facilitate their work at establishing each individual’s age at death. Activity: During the trauma interpretation section, the teacher will assign relevant case study readings to prepare students before class. During the class meeting s/he will explain information related to discriminating between ballistic, sharp and blunt trauma using skeletal elements and images. Students will be asked to make a list of wound characteristics in bone and collaborate to determine the wound types presented by the teacher. After answering any questions, students will visit stations with sets of human remains and work collaboratively to make inferences about the possible cause and manner of death of an individual with specific reference to the type of trauma. Distance Learning During the sex estimation section, the teacher will provide a lecture presentation with content, images, video clips and audio voice-over. This will help students prepare for the in-class meeting related to the same topic. Distance Leaning (online): During the identification section, the teacher will assign the podcast “Bear Brook.” Students will be asked to note various contemporary techniques to establish tentative, presumptive and positive identification of the victims in this case. Through asynchronous Zoom meetings, discussion board, and written assignments, students will not only explain the techniques, but find current cold cases in which the same techniques could be applied, and which levels of identification could be established in each. Typical Out of Class Assignments Reading Assignments 1. Read "An Incidental Finding" from the Case Studies textbook and be prepared to discuss why the author uses the phrase "above all do no harm" in reference to the recovery of the child's skeletal remains. 2. Read and review Dawnie Wolf Steadman's "The Marty Miller Case" and be prepared to discuss the methods used in determining his cause of death and personal identification. Writing, Problem Solving or Performance 1. Explain techniques to determine the age, sex, ancestry, individual features, and ante, peri and postmortem trauma on a set of human remains. 2. Strategize and create a plan for conducting fieldwork in areas of mass disasters. Use specific references to case studies from recent mass disasters. Other (Term projects, research papers, portfolios, etc.) Students may research a relevant topic of their choice throughout the semester, culminating in an annotated bibliography. Possible topics include photographic superimposition, interpretation of trauma, estimating time since death, and mass disasters. Required Materials Introduction to Forensic Anthropology Author: Steven N. Byers Publisher: Allyn and Bacon Publication Date: 2017 Text Edition: 5th Classic Textbook?: No OER Link: OER: Forensic Anthropology Training Manual Author: Karen Ramey Burns Publisher: Prentice Hall Publication Date: 2012 Text Edition: 3rd Classic Textbook?: No OER Link: OER: Hard Evidence: Case Studies in Forensic Anthropology Author: Dawnie Wolfe Steadman Publisher: Prentice Hall Publication Date: 2009 Text Edition: 2nd Classic Textbook?: No OER Link: OER: Forensic Anthropology: A Comprehensive Introduction Author: Myriam Nafte Publisher: CRC Press Publication Date: 2017 Text Edition: 2nd Classic Textbook?: No OER Link: OER: Other materials and-or supplies required of students that contribute to the cost of the course.

ESCI 0010 - Introduction to Earth Science

Catalog Description Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL 1A Hours: 54 lecture Description: Introduction to concepts of geology, oceanography, meteorology, and astronomy for science or nonscience majors. (C-ID GEOL 120) (CSU, UC) Course Student Learning Outcomes CSLO #1: Describe the characteristics and origins of stars and planetary systems. CSLO #2: Explain the basics of atmospheric and oceanic circulation. CSLO #3: Describe the processes and features of the plate tectonic system. Effective Term Fall 2018 Course Type Credit - Degree-applicable Contact Hours 54 Outside of Class Hours 108 Total Student Learning Hours 162 Course Objectives 1. describe the basic natural processes that take place on our planet (atmosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere) and beyond (solar system, universe); 2. relate the concepts presented during class sessions with real events (current or past) such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and severe weather patterns; 3. evaluate the validity of the information in reports on Earth Science aspects from their community, county, or state; 4. illustrate (by means of charts, graphs, or diagrams) the concepts discussed during class sessions, such as the rock cycle; 5. interpret information given by means of graphs, charts or diagrams, such as the distribution of water on the planet; 6. formulate hypotheses based on information from the natural environment and test their validity; 7. compare and contrast natural features as they relate to their formation process, such as glacial vs. stream landscape features of erosion (or deposition); 8. distinguish between different categories of minerals, rocks, structures, and environments; 9. calculate basic information related to natural processes such as the age of a rock, the depth of an ocean or the difference in strength between two earthquakes; 10. interpret the history of an area based on principles of relative dating; 11. evaluate the evidence presented by the scientific community to support or reject the hypothesis of continental drift; 12. compare and contrast the hypothesis of continental drift and the theory of plate tectonics; 13. integrate the concept of plate tectonic boundaries with geologic processes; 14. relate seismic activity to damage associated to earthquakes and other natural disasters triggered by them; 15. illustrate atomic bonding leading to viable chemical compounds, such as the ionic transfer between sodium and chlorine for sodium chloride; 16. assess the damage of human activities on the landscape, such as contamination of our water sources; 17. assess the relevance of the steps that lead to changing scientific paradigms within the Earth Sciences; 18. compare and contrast the components of our solar system in terms of mass, density, diameter, and composition; 19. compare and contrast stars on the basis of physical properties; 20. compare and contrast the life cycles of stars of different masses; 21. relate the larger scale structure of the universe to concepts of its origin; 22. evaluate the causes of global climate change; 23. analyze the changes in temperature and pressure vs. altitude in our planet's atmosphere; 24. relate solar energy and the Earth's orbital parameters to insolation differences; and 25. apply the basic elements of climate to interpret weather. General Education Information Approved College Associate Degree GE Applicability AA/AS - Physical Sciences CSU GE Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU approval) CSUGE - B1 Physical Science Cal-GETC Applicability (Recommended - Requires External Approval) IGETC Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU/UC approval) IGETC - 5A Physical Science Articulation Information CSU Transferable UC Transferable Methods of Evaluation Classroom Discussions Example: Example: Discuss the evidence presented by Wegener to support his hypothesis and the reaction of the scientific community. Essay Examinations Example: Example: Explain the mechanism and driving force in Plate tectonics. Objective Examinations Example: Example: Compare and contrast dissolution and hydrolysis. Problem Solving Examinations Example: Example: Assess the volcanic hazard for several sites based on information on volcano type, history of eruptive events, and prevailing winds Reports Example: Example: Read a journal or periodical article and summarize in two pages. Summary will be graded based upon accuracy, level of analysis, and presentation of writing. Repeatable No Methods of Instruction Lecture/Discussion Distance Learning Lecture: Instructor leads an in-session discussion (either in class or online) on how the scientific community has resolved the issues that prevented the hypothesis of continental drift from becoming a scientific theory, merging the lines of evidence presented by the hypothesis with seafloor spreading and mantle convection to elevate plate tectonics to scientific theory status. Distance Learning Instructor facilitates group work on classifying igneous rock samples based on in-session discussion (either in class or online) on their textures and mineralogy. Typical Out of Class Assignments Reading Assignments 1. Read about igneous rocks in the textbook and classify a set of given samples during class session. 2. Read and analyze a newspaper article on a current event such as an earthquake. Writing, Problem Solving or Performance 1. Using the information obtained in a public source (newspaper, online news) on a current event, write a 200-word essay introducing the topic, listing the details of the event (e.g., the destruction caused by an earthquake), relating the event to the concepts or processes discussed during class sessions. 2. Given a cross-section of an area, interpret the geologic history by applying relative dating methods. Other (Term projects, research papers, portfolios, etc.) Required Materials Earth Science Author: Tarbuck, Lutgens & Tasa Publisher: Prentice Hall Publication Date: 2014 Text Edition: 14th Classic Textbook?: OER Link: OER: Other materials and-or supplies required of students that contribute to the cost of the course.

FIRE 0010 - Principles of Fire and Emergency Services Safety and Survival

Catalog Description Hours: 54 lecture Description: Introduces the basic principles and history related to the national firefighter life safety initiatives, focusing on the need for cultural and behavior change throughout the emergency services. (C-ID FIRE 150X) (CSU-with unit limitation) Course Student Learning Outcomes CSLO #1: Defend the need for cultural and behavioral change within the emergency services relating to safety, incorporating leadership, supervision, accountability and personal responsibility. CSLO #2: Assess the need for enhancements of personal and organizational accountability for health and safety. CSLO #3: Justify the need for annual medical evaluations and the establishment of physical fitness criteria for personnel throughout their careers. CSLO #4: Discuss the importance of investigating all near misses, injuries and fatalities. Effective Term Fall 2019 Course Type Credit - Degree-applicable Contact Hours 54 Outside of Class Hours 108 Total Student Learning Hours 162 Course Objectives 1. Identify and explain the 16 life safety initiatives; 2. Understand the concepts of risk management and mitigation as it pertains to emergency services; 3. Define and describe the need for cultural and behavioral change within the emergency services relating to safety, incorporating leadership, supervision, accountability and personal responsibility; 4. Explain the need for enhancements of personal and organizational accountability for health and safety; 5. Define how the concepts of risk management affect strategic and tactical decision-making; 6. Describe and evaluate circumstances that might constitute and unsafe act; 7. Explain the concept of empowering all emergency services personnel to stop unsafe acts; 8. Validate the need for national training standards as they correlate to professional development inclusive of qualifications, certifications, and re-certifications; 9. Defend the need for annual medical evaluations and the establishment of physical fitness criteria for emergency services personnel throughout their careers; 10. Explain the vital role of local departments in national research and data collection systems; 11. Illustrate how technological advancements can produce higher levels or emergency services safety and survival; 12. Explain the importance of investigating all near-misses, injuries and fatalities; 13. Discuss how incorporating the lessons learned from investigations can support cultural change throughout the emergency services; 14. Describe how obtaining grants can support safety and survival initiatives; 15. Formulate an awareness of how adopting standardized policies for responding to emergency scenes can minimize near-misses, injuries and deaths; 16. Explain how the increase in violent incidents impacts safety for emergency services personnel when responding to emergency scenes; 17. Recognize the need for counseling and psychological support for emergency services personnel, their families, as well as, identify access to local resources and services; 18. Describe the importance of public education as a critical component of life safety programs; 19. Discuss the importance of fire sprinklers and code enforcement; 20. Explain the importance of safety in the design of apparatus and equipment. General Education Information Approved College Associate Degree GE Applicability CSU GE Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU approval) Cal-GETC Applicability (Recommended - Requires External Approval) IGETC Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU/UC approval) Articulation Information CSU Transferable Methods of Evaluation Classroom Discussions Example: Following a lecture on critical incident stress debriefing, the instructor will lead a discussion on the why critical incident stress debriefing is so important. Students are evaluated on participation, their ability to actively engage in the discussion and the correctness of their responses. Objective Examinations Example: Students will take a multiple choice examination on firefighter fatalities. Standard grading. Example questions: How many firefighters die annually in the line-of-duty? What are the three components of the "Safety Triad"? Reports Example: Students will research a firefighter line-of-duty death and write a report on how the firefighter died and what contributed to the death. Reports will be evaluated based upon an instructor provided rubric. Repeatable No Methods of Instruction Lecture/Discussion Distance Learning Lecture: The instructor will lead a discussion of current statistics relating to firefighter injuries and fatalities as reported by FEMA. Specific cases of injuries/fatalities will be examined and any violations of nationally recognized safety standards or orders will be identified and discussed. Distance Learning Following a brief introduction video and reading assignment of how fire departments implement and maintain health and wellness programs, the students will research a fire department of their choice, and describe how that particular agency accomplishes their health and wellness program as part of their term paper. Following a brief intro video and reading assignment on developing medical and fitness standards; the students shall discuss this subject in a discussion board both with the instructor and other students with in the class. Typical Out of Class Assignments Reading Assignments 1. Read the chapter in the textbook on medical fitness and physical fitness and be prepared to discuss in class how proper fitness benefits the individual, the department and the public. 2. Read case histories involving firefighter line of duty injuries (LODI) and line of duty deaths (LODD) and analyze how they could have been prevented. Writing, Problem Solving or Performance 1. Research and fill out a provided grant application form to institute an on duty physical fitness training program for your local fire department. 2. Create a Standard Operational Procedure for responding to a violent incident. Other (Term projects, research papers, portfolios, etc.) Required Materials Fire Fighter Safety and Survival Author: Don Zimmerman Publisher: Jones and Bartlett Learning Publication Date: 2015 Text Edition: 2nd Classic Textbook?: OER Link: OER: Other materials and-or supplies required of students that contribute to the cost of the course.

HDEV 0010 - Practicum Experience in Early Childhood Education

Catalog Description Prerequisite: Completion of HDEV 3 and 5 with grades of "C" or better Corequisite: Concurrent enrollment in HDEV 10L Advisory: Completion of HDEV 25 with grade of "C" or better Hours: 54 lecture Description: Focuses on child centered, play-oriented approaches to teaching, learning, and assessment. Knowledge of developmentally appropriate curriculum content areas will also be emphasized as students design and evaluate experiences that promote development and learning for all young children. Students must co-enroll in HDEV 10L to secure their practicum/student teaching space in a local high quality child development program. (combined with HDEV 0010L C-ID ECE 210) (CSU) Course Student Learning Outcomes CSLO #1: Plan, implement, and evaluate curriculum using various techniques and teaching strategies based on the needs and interests of young children. CSLO #2: Analyze classroom space and daily routines and their effect on behavior and interactions of children and teachers. CSLO #3: Describe various family involvement strategies. CSLO #4: Analyze student teaching experiences to inform and guide future teaching and collaborative practices. Effective Term Fall 2018 Course Type Credit - Degree-applicable Contact Hours 54 Outside of Class Hours 108 Total Student Learning Hours 162 Course Objectives 1. Plan, implement, and evaluate curriculum using various techniques and teaching strategies based on the needs and interests of young children. 2. Analyze classroom space and daily routines and their effect on behavior and interactions of children and teachers. 3. Describe various family involvement strategies. 4. Analyze student teaching experiences to inform and guide future teaching and collaborative practices. 5. Utilize the California Preschool Learning Foundations and Curriculum Frameworks to create curriculum. 6. Analyze instructional support using the CLASS assessment tool. General Education Information Approved College Associate Degree GE Applicability CSU GE Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU approval) Cal-GETC Applicability (Recommended - Requires External Approval) IGETC Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU/UC approval) Articulation Information CSU Transferable Methods of Evaluation Classroom Discussions Example: Students will discuss program philosophies, daily schedules, curriculum, etc., in small groups. Students can compare and contrast what they see in lab settings. Evaluated on a rubric developed by the instructor and shared with the students. Essay Examinations Example: Students will write an essay on reflective practices as they relate to the field of Early Childhood Education today. Essay evaluated on a rubric developed by the instructor and shared with the students. Objective Examinations Example: Students will take online or in class multiple choice exams on assigned reading. Example: When defining ethical behaviors in Early Childhood Education settings, what document is used as a guide? a. Creative Curriculum b. High Scope Methods c. NAEYC Code Problem Solving Examinations Example: Students will be given an activity and then presented with a child with a special need/disability who will not be able to participate in the activity as it is written. Students must use problem-solving skills to adjust the activity for that child. Graded on a rubric developed by the instructor and shared with the students. Projects Example: Projects will consist of activity plans that students will implement with the children. Students must provide a rationale based on children’s interest and using anecdotal notes from assessment. They must link the activity to the Desired Results Assessment tool and include intentional teaching strategies. Self-evaluation will be required along with an evaluation from the supervising teacher. Evaluated on a rubric developed by the instructor and shared with the students Reports Example: Student may write reports on current curriculum models. Evaluated on a rubric developed by the instructor and shared with the students. Repeatable No Methods of Instruction Lecture/Discussion Distance Learning Lecture: Instructor will lecture on reflective practices, and then students can discuss how what was presented in lecture is demonstrated in lab settings. Distance Learning Students will participate in a discussion board sharing their laboratory experiences with regards to a focus such as environments, curriculum areas, meal preparation, etc. Typical Out of Class Assignments Reading Assignments 1. Read professional articles on the classroom responsibilities of a lead teacher (parent-teacher relationships, lapses in supervision, coordinating classroom events), list the top 5 responsibilities and be prepared to discuss in class. 2. Read text material on reflective practices in teaching and prepare a summary of the material. Writing, Problem Solving or Performance 1. Utilize developmentally appropriate curriculum models in planning for children. 2. Develop a personalized teaching philosophy to add to professional portfolio. Other (Term projects, research papers, portfolios, etc.) 1. Update and revise career portfolio 2. Complete California Preschool Learning Foundations and Curriculum Frameworks CECO Modules Required Materials CLASS Dimensions Guide Author: Teachstone Publisher: Teachstone Publication Date: 2016 Text Edition: Classic Textbook?: OER Link: OER: California Preschool Learning Foundations Author: Child Development Division California Department of Education Publisher: CDE Press Publication Date: 2008 Text Edition: Classic Textbook?: OER Link: OER: Anti-Bias Education for Young Children and Ourselves Author: Derman-Sparks Publisher: NAEYC Publication Date: 2010 Text Edition: 1st Classic Textbook?: OER Link: OER: Developmentally Appropriate Practice in Early Childhood Programs Author: S. Bredekamp & C. Copple Publisher: NAEYC Publication Date: 2009 Text Edition: 3rd Classic Textbook?: OER Link: OER: Carter, M., and Carter, D. Author: Reflective Teaching Publisher: Redleaf Press Publication Date: 2015 Text Edition: 1st Classic Textbook?: OER Link: OER: Other materials and-or supplies required of students that contribute to the cost of the course. Bullard, J. Creating Environments for Children (carryover from HDEV 5) Class booklet

HED 0010 - Health and Aging

Catalog Description Hours: 54 lecture Description: Basic principles and concepts of the aging process; includes the physical, social, emotional, and mental components of health. Benefits of health promotion and preventive action for the aging are also explored. (CSU) Course Student Learning Outcomes CSLO #1: Discuss the impact of health promotion and preventative action for aging populations. CSLO #2: Analyze the health status and aging process of populations in the U.S. by race, ethnicity, gender, and sexual orientation and discuss the role of health determinants. CSLO #3: Summarize the recommendations for nutrition and exercise programming for older adults. CSLO #4: Discuss mental health issues in aging populations and the preventative and therapeutic options. Effective Term Fall 2022 Course Type Credit - Degree-applicable Contact Hours 54 Outside of Class Hours 108 Total Student Learning Hours 162 Course Objectives 1. Compare and contrast the cost of living in several different types of senior facilities. 2. Explain the role of culture and society in how the elderly are viewed and taken care of during the latter stages of life. 3. Chart the appropriate health screenings after age 35 as they correlate to gender, age and disease prevention. 4. Discuss the lifestyle factors that enable aging Americans to live a fulfilling life related to their physical, social, emotional, mental and sexual health. 5. Discuss the specific nutrition and exercise program guidelines for aging Americans with consideration for potential challenges to mobility or arthritis. 6. Define Alzheimer's disease and explain the hardships of this disease on the lead caretaker. 7. Compare and contrast the issues that men and women have during midlife when there is a reduction or change of hormones. 8. Outline the various symptoms, tests, treatments, and necessary behavior changes that are associated with major diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer 9. Summarize the issues regarding abuse of prescription medicines and the role of the physician. 10. Outline effects that grief has on a person's health and how to mitigate the effects. General Education Information Approved College Associate Degree GE Applicability AA/AS - Health Ed/Physical Ed CSU GE Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU approval) CSUGE - E1 Lifelong Learning and Self-Development Cal-GETC Applicability (Recommended - Requires External Approval) IGETC Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU/UC approval) Articulation Information CSU Transferable Methods of Evaluation Essay Examinations Example: Students will be required to take an essay exam that assesses an understanding of the issues involved with cardiovascular disease in regards to symptoms, detection, possible medical procedures, lifestyle changes and treatment. Objective Examinations Example: Students will be given an exam that evaluates their knowledge on the leading causes of death in the U.S. and the factors that contribute to the development. Sample question: List four behavioral factors that increase your risk of developing heart disease. Projects Example: Students will submit a chart that represents the appropriate health screenings as it correlates to gender, age (35-75) and disease prevention. Along with the chart the student will compose a paper that addresses some of the barriers that prevent people from participating in these life saving tests. The second part of the paper will formulate ideas on how to problem solve some of the access or apprehension issues that are associated with the various medical tests. Repeatable No Methods of Instruction Lecture/Discussion Distance Learning Lecture: Instructor will lecture on an action plan that a 35 year old female should employ when she discovers breast and ovarian cancer and diabetes in her immediate family tree. Students will then create an action plan. Following an instructor lecture on memory and cognitive function, students will research games to improve memory and cognitive function in seniors. Students will then work in small groups sharing the games and participating. Distance Learning Following an online lecture on nutritional plans, students will complete a nutritional plan giving recommendations for a senior using an approved online program. Typical Out of Class Assignments Reading Assignments 1. Read two different articles that emphasize health issues for seniors from newspapers, magazines or journals and compare the main points of the articles and be prepared to discuss in class. 2. Read about the side effects of three different medications for the same health issue that are prescribed for aging Americans. Rank the medicines from best to worst by their side effects and be prepared to discuss in class. Writing, Problem Solving or Performance 1. Present five interview questions for a fifty year old woman that is trying to improve her strength, lose weight and deter osteoporosis. She belongs to a health club. Her physician is asking her to strength train 60 minutes a week and do something cardiovascular most days of the week for thirty minutes. Construct the program after interviewing her using that specific information. Keep in mind gender, age and physician's request. 2. Write a three page paper on a disease that has affected someone in your family that is over the age of 50. In the paper discuss the disease in terms of prevention, symptoms/detection, tests, treatment and future outlook for your family member. Other (Term projects, research papers, portfolios, etc.) 1. Interview someone whom you think has aged well. Design the interview to show some of the lifestyle behaviors that have contributed to a healthy life. Include in your interview a question that identifies something they would change if they knew what they know now about their health. An example would be wearing sunscreen when they golfed during their earlier years. The interview should include a minimum of eight questions. Please comment on their responses and if this might have any impact on how you view your life presently. Required Materials Health Promotion and Aging Author: David Haber Publisher: Springer Publishing Publication Date: 2019 Text Edition: 8th Classic Textbook?: OER Link: OER: Annual Editions: Aging Author: Elaina Osterbur Publisher: McGraw Hill Publication Date: 2019 Text Edition: Classic Textbook?: OER Link: OER: Health in the Later Years Author: Ferrini, A and Ferrini, R Publisher: McGraw-Hill Publication Date: 2012 Text Edition: 5th Classic Textbook?: OER Link: OER: Other materials and-or supplies required of students that contribute to the cost of the course.

KIN 0010 - Fitness and Weight Management Boot Camp

Catalog Description Formerly known as PHED 22 Hours: 54 (18 lecture, 36 activity) 2 units; 72 (36 lecture, 36 activity) 3 units Description: Encourages a healthy attitude toward exercise, wellness and weight management. Topics include assessing and improving fitness levels, as well as nutrition, healthy living, and active lifestyle strategies that are involved in attaining and maintaining appropriate levels of wellness. Students with body mass indexes of 25 or over are best suited for this course because of the emphasis on weight management. (CSU, UC-with unit limitation) Course Student Learning Outcomes CSLO #1: Create a goal setting plan to improve Body Composition by transitioning fitness standards. CSLO #2: Examine and calculate the appropriate intake of nutritional foods through an understanding of the new USDA guidelines. CSLO #3: Design a cardio-respiratory, muscular endurance/strength and flexibility training program that will increase metabolism and change body composition through advanced weight training and aerobic techniques. CSLO #4: Explain the psychological factors that challenge adherence to exercise and weight management. Effective Term Fall 2019 Course Type Credit - Degree-applicable Contact Hours 54-72 Outside of Class Hours 54-90 Total Student Learning Hours 108-162 Course Objectives 1. The student will document food intake in a food diary for 7 days. The student will construct a plan to eliminate 250 calories of food per day and at the same time, increase the consumption of fiber to 25 grams a day (female) or 35 grams (male). The student will be required to determine the empty calories that may be replaced with complex carbohydrates or high fiber vegetables. 2. The student will compare and contrast four different forms of protein and determine which protein sources are the healthiest by looking at percentages of saturated fat, total grams of protein by ounce and the monetary cost per ounce. 3. The student will select 3 preferred breakfasts that will supply sufficient amounts of complex carbohydrates, protein and low sugar for less than 300 calories. The breakfast must still provide 25-30% of vitamins and minerals that are appropriate for the gender, age and activity levels. General Education Information Approved College Associate Degree GE Applicability AA/AS - Health Ed/Physical Ed CSU GE Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU approval) CSUGE - E2 Physical Activity Cal-GETC Applicability (Recommended - Requires External Approval) IGETC Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU/UC approval) Articulation Information CSU Transferable UC Transferable Methods of Evaluation Objective Examinations Example: Pass an objective exam with proficiency that will assess knowledge of label reading and basic nutrition. Example question: What fats listed in the ingredients list will translate to saturated fat? Projects Example: Design, plan, shop and execute a meal for two people that will include three servings of vegetables, a lean protein and have a caloric intake of less than 800 calories. Three courses must be included in the meal. Post a picture of the meal on canvas under discussion. Skill Demonstrations Example: Demonstrate to the class the proper techniques involved in doing a drop set for the quadriceps in the weight room. Show on the white board the plan repetitions and sets and execute the drill. Repeatable No Methods of Instruction Activity Lecture/Discussion Distance Learning Activity: The instructor will assign students to demonstrate super sets in groups that challenge the major muscles of the legs. Students will write down a super set for the quadriceps and the name of the exercise. Lecture: The instructor will facilitate a class discussion comparing the nutritional values of different energy bars that the students bring to class from home. Discussion will include price, nutritional values, sugar, fiber, protein, fat and calories. Students will select an energy bar and describe why is it important to look at calories and sugar? Distance Learning The instructor will conduct an on-line lecture on the five components of fitness. Following the lecture, students will summarize the 5 components in a report and post their report for other students to review and comment. Typical Out of Class Assignments Reading Assignments 1. The student will read and outline text chapter of Dr. Pratt's Health styles-Super Foods regarding the four threads of health. The student will choose one thread by which to try to improve and submit a written action plan for that thread that will help achieve the goal. 2. The student will read an article from a current fitness and health magazine that addresses dietary hints that are reasonable for college students to implement into a dietary plan. The student will select three hints and share them with the class during current event discussions. 3. The student will submit two recipes to share on the discussion board that includes at least 3 foods that are considered super foods by Dr. Pratt. The serving sizes, calories, grams of fiber and fat must be noted. Writing, Problem Solving or Performance 1. The student will document food intake in a food diary for 7 days. The student will construct a plan to eliminate 250 calories of food per day and at the same time, increase the consumption of fiber to 25 grams a day (female) or 35 grams (male). The student will be required to determine the empty calories that may be replaced with complex carbohydrates or high fiber vegetables. 2. The student will compare and contrast four different forms of protein and determine which protein sources are the healthiest by looking at percentages of saturated fat, total grams of protein by ounce and the monetary cost per ounce. 3. The student will select 3 preferred breakfasts that will supply sufficient amounts of complex carbohydrates, protein and low sugar for less than 300 calories. The breakfast must still provide 25-30% of vitamins and minerals that are appropriate for the gender, age and activity levels. Other (Term projects, research papers, portfolios, etc.) Required Materials Nutrition, Exercise, and Behavior: An Integrated Approach to Weight Management Author: Liane Summerfield Publisher: Brooks Cole Publication Date: 2014 Text Edition: 4th Classic Textbook?: OER Link: OER: Other materials and-or supplies required of students that contribute to the cost of the course.

MECH 0010 - Fundamentals of Electronics

Catalog Description Formerly known as CIE 10 Advisory: Concurrent enrollment in MECH 14 Hours: 126 (54 lecture, 72 laboratory) Description: A fundamental study of electronic devices, circuits, and systems as applied to robotics, computers and industrial automation. Presented through hands-on, project-based experiments. (CSU) Course Student Learning Outcomes CSLO #1: Construct and analyze functional electronic circuits from schematic diagrams. CSLO #2: Evaluate results from electronic multimeters and oscilloscopes. CSLO #3: Construct and evaluate electronic circuits built using solder. Effective Term Fall 2021 Course Type Credit - Degree-applicable Contact Hours 126 Outside of Class Hours 108 Total Student Learning Hours 234 Course Objectives Lecture Objectives: 1. Evaluate how atomic theory contributes to electricity and magnetism; 2. Contrast the relationship between static charge and electromotive force (EMF). 3. Apply Ohm's Law and Watt's Law in simple DC circuits. 4. Apply Kirchhoff's voltage law and the ground concept in making simple measurements. 5. Identify circuits as series, parallel, or combination. 6. Apply Kirchhoff's current law as applied to series, parallel, and combination circuits. 7. Apply circuit laws to calculate and characterize voltage dividers. 8. Compare the characteristics of common cells and batteries. 9. Differentiate the characteristics associated with permanent magnets and electromagnets. 10. Evaluate the effect of capacitive reactance on AC circuit currents. 11. Design a simple transformer. 12. Analyze a timing circuit that depends on an RC time constant. 13. Evaluate the effect of inductive reactance on AC circuit currents. 14. Distinguish between semiconductor crystalline structures and the solid state devices that use them. 15. Design circuits to use semiconductor devices as electronic switches. 16. Analyze the performance of integrated circuits as small-signal amplifiers. 17. Summarize the truth tables for simple digital logic gates. 18. Analyze and extrapolate the behavior of digital-to-analog and analog-to-digital conversion. Laboratory Objectives: 1. Demonstrate measurement of the basic quantities of voltage, current, and resistance in DC circuits. 2. Calculate Ohm's Law and Watt's Law results in simple DC circuits. 3. Validate by direct measurement Kirchhoff's voltage law and the ground concept in making simple measurements. 4. Validate by direct measurement Kirchhoff's current law as applied to series, parallel, and combination circuits. 5. Perform calculations and measurements of circuit elements in voltage divider circuits. 6. Construct and test simple applications of voltage dividers. 7. Construct and analyze the characteristics of common cells and batteries. 8. Measure simple AC signals with an oscilloscope. 9. Build and test a simple transformer. 10. Build and test a timing circuit that depends on an RC time constant. 11. Simulate, build, measure and test simple filter circuits made with resistors, capacitors, and inductors. 12. Build and test simple circuits with diodes. 13. Build and test a simple linear power supply using a transformer, diodes, and a filter capacitor. 14. Measure simple bipolar transistor parameters such as beta. 15. Build and test simple transistor switch and transistor amplifier circuits. 16. Build and test a simple field effect transistor circuit. 17. Build and test a simple thyristor circuit. 18. Build and test simple non-inverting and inverting operational amplifier circuits. 19. Build and test a simple RC timer circuit using a 555 timer. 20. Measure the truth tables for simple digital logic gates. General Education Information Approved College Associate Degree GE Applicability CSU GE Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU approval) Cal-GETC Applicability (Recommended - Requires External Approval) IGETC Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU/UC approval) Articulation Information CSU Transferable Methods of Evaluation Objective Examinations Example: Students will complete a true/false quiz on battery characteristics, e.g. A wet-cell can deliver more current then a dry-cell? T/F. Standard Grading. Problem Solving Examinations Example: Students will calculate power dissipated in a circuit given its voltage and current. Grading based on industry standard. Projects Example: Students will construct, test and optimize a magnetic levitation circuit (Objective 19) Grading based on industry standard. Reports Example: Students will write a report explaining the behavior of variable-resistor divider circuits. Skill Demonstrations Example: Students will use proper soldering technique to construct a linear power supply. Grading based on industry standard. Repeatable No Methods of Instruction Laboratory Lecture/Discussion Distance Learning Lab: Following an instructor lecture, discussion, and explicit instruction on how to build basic Boolean logic gates, students will build and test multi-stage logic gates from these basic principles. Lecture: Instructor lecture on theory and application of Ohm's law, including relevant formulas. Students are expected to actively participate in the lecture by using circuit simulation software to verify calculations and unit relationships and visualizing results. Distance Learning The instructor will post a video demonstrating how to build and simulate circuits in an online simulator. Students will simulate and analyze circuit diagrams and schematics, using circuit simulators available on the internet. Instructor will review circuits and compare calculations to virtually measured results and evaluate student understanding thru questions following each laboratory experiment. Typical Out of Class Assignments Reading Assignments 1. Read the textbook chapter on diode fundamentals and be prepared to discuss in class. 2. Read about transistor operation at website, and be prepared to apply in lab. Writing, Problem Solving or Performance Sample question to be answered in lab: 1. Calculate and measure voltage, current, or resistance in a simple circuit when you are given the other two quantities. Sample exam question: 2. Calculate total capacitive reactance when given circuit frequency and capacitance. Other (Term projects, research papers, portfolios, etc.) Build, test and evaluate performance of a full-wave rectification circuit utilizing a bridge rectifier. Required Materials TAB Electronics Guide to Understanding Electricity and Electronics Author: G. Randy Slone Publisher: McGraw-Hill Publication Date: 2000 Text Edition: 2nd Classic Textbook?: OER Link: OER: Make: Electronics Learning by Discovery Author: Charles Platt Publisher: Make Books Publication Date: 2015 Text Edition: 2nd Classic Textbook?: OER Link: OER: Practical Electronics Handbook Author: Ian Sinclair and John Dunton Publisher: NEWNES Publication Date: 2007 Text Edition: 6th Classic Textbook?: OER Link: OER: Lessons in Electric Circuits Author: Kuphaldt, Tony R. Publisher: - Design Science License Publication Date: Text Edition: Classic Textbook?: OER Link: OER: Other materials and-or supplies required of students that contribute to the cost of the course. 1. Scientific Calculator, including number conversions and engineering units. 2. Safety Glasses (meeting national Z-87 standard).

MUS 0010 - Music Fundamentals

Catalog Description Hours: 54 lecture Description: An elementary course designed to provide the basic musical skills, knowledge, and competencies necessary for reading or listening to music. Covers elements of music, scales, notation, rhythm, and sight reading. No prior musical training necessary. Note: Not open to students who are taking or have successfully completed MUS 3A-3B or MUS 6A-6B. (CSU, UC-with unit limitation) Course Student Learning Outcomes CSLO #1: Sight-sing various melodies with solfege syllables. CSLO #2: Create and/or identify major, minor augmented and diminished intervals in major and minor keys. CSLO #3: Analyze a musical example for the chord tones and non-chord tones in the melody. Effective Term Fall 2018 Course Type Credit - Degree-applicable Contact Hours 54 Outside of Class Hours 108 Total Student Learning Hours 162 Course Objectives 1. Identify music notation and terms in a given musical score. 2. Distinguish and define the difference between various rhythmic meters. 3. Identify and demonstrate the correct rhythm of a musical example through counting and clapping the rhythm. 4. Identify and/or construct major and minor scales and their key signatures. 5. Relate various scale types to various World music. 6. Sight-sing various melodies with solfege syllables. 7. Create and/or identify major, minor augmented and diminished intervals. 8. Create and/or identify major, minor, augmented and diminished chords. 9. Analyze a musical example for the chord tones and non-chord tones in the melody. 10. Harmonize simple melodies with primary chords. 11. Analyze a short musical score and identify all musical terms and symbols to determine the composition's tonal center (major or minor) and basic formal structure. 12. Create a short composition that correctly applies notational and harmonic practices that are level appropriate. General Education Information Approved College Associate Degree GE Applicability AA/AS - Fine Arts CSU GE Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU approval) CSUGE - C1 Arts Cal-GETC Applicability (Recommended - Requires External Approval) IGETC Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU/UC approval) IGETC - 3A Arts Articulation Information CSU Transferable UC Transferable Methods of Evaluation Objective Examinations Example: 1) Put scale degree names in correct order. 2) Accurately write the rhythm counting below a musical example. Problem Solving Examinations Example: 1) Correctly create requested key signatures. 2) Create three forms of the minor scale in requested key. Projects Example: 1) Compose a piece for piano of at least 16 measures in requested key and time signature. 2) Analyze a simple score noting key and time signature, harmony melodic elements and present findings in class. Repeatable No Methods of Instruction Lecture/Discussion Distance Learning Lecture: Instructor will present the topic of major scales and their construction followed by key signature formation based on the major scale after which students will draw requested scales and their consequent key signatures on a white board. Instructor will present the topic of compound meter, demonstrating through counting out loud and clapping the differences between simple and compound meters. The class will be given several musical examples in various rhythmic meters to write the counting under the notes, clap the rhythm and finally sing the melody with solfege syllables. Distance Learning In the online discussion forum, a prompt will ask the students to consider the scale degrees of the first and last note of Mary Had A Little Lamb, in any key they want to sing it in. The ensuing discussion will usually prompt answers related to C major, and the instructor will then ask what notes are involved if this song were to be sung in other majors, such as D major, or Eb major. In this way, students gain a transference of knowledge regarding both scale degrees and transposition. Typical Out of Class Assignments Reading Assignments 1. Students will read the chapter on melody from the textbook and discuss various melodies presented in class. 2. Students will research examples of topics (like dominant seventh chords) discussed in class by reading musical examples from a lead sheet, score or other music available from outside sources such as piano music, vocal scores, fake book, etc., and share their findings with the class. Writing, Problem Solving or Performance 1. Students will analyze scale examples and musical excerpts to determine whether the music is written in a major key, or in a minor key. If in minor, be able to determine which three forms of the minor scale are present. 2. Students will write a critical evaluation of a performance using appropriate musical terminology. Other (Term projects, research papers, portfolios, etc.) 1. Students will compose an original composition in piano score with appropriate key signature, pitch spectrum, harmonization, meter and rhythms. 2. Students will compose a composition in a lead sheet format with appropriate chords to harmonize the melody. Required Materials Music Fundamentals: A Balanced Approach Author: Takesue, Sumy Publisher: Rutledge Publication Date: 2017 Text Edition: 3rd Classic Textbook?: No OER Link: OER: Musician's Guide to Music Fundamentals Author: Jane Piper Clendenning, Elizabeth West Marvin, Joel Phillips Publisher: W.W Norton & Co. Publication Date: 2018 Text Edition: 3rd Classic Textbook?: No OER Link: OER: Other materials and-or supplies required of students that contribute to the cost of the course.

PHOT 0010 - History and Aesthetics of Photography

Catalog Description Also known as ARHI 134 Hours: 54 lecture Description: Historical and thematic survey of photography as an art form and communication tool from its invention to the present. Explores various critical perspectives including aesthetic and design principles, influential themes, periods, and photographers. Investigates technical considerations, photography's role in the development of mass culture and other societal influences. (CSU, UC) Course Student Learning Outcomes Effective Term Course Type Contact Hours Outside of Class Hours Total Student Learning Hours Course Objectives General Education Information Approved College Associate Degree GE Applicability CSU GE Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU approval) Cal-GETC Applicability (Recommended - Requires External Approval) IGETC Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU/UC approval) Articulation Information Methods of Evaluation Repeatable Methods of Instruction Typical Out of Class Assignments Reading Assignments Writing, Problem Solving or Performance Other (Term projects, research papers, portfolios, etc.) Required Materials Other materials and-or supplies required of students that contribute to the cost of the course.

RECM 0010 - Foundations of Recreation, Parks, and Tourism Management

Catalog Description Hours: 54 lecture Description: A foundational course focusing on the history, nature, scope and social aspects of leisure services in Western and international cultures. Includes philosophical and ethical issues as well as exploration of possible career paths. (CSU) Course Student Learning Outcomes CSLO #1: Analyze the role of cultural, socioeconomic, and other diversities as it relates to recreation and leisure activities. CSLO #2: Compare and contrast local, state, and national delivery of leisure services. CSLO #3: Analyze the role that recreation plays in health, wellness and quality of life. Effective Term Fall 2020 Course Type Credit - Degree-applicable Contact Hours 54 Outside of Class Hours 108 Total Student Learning Hours 162 Course Objectives 1. Compare and contrast the shared professions of parks, recreation, leisure service and tourism; 2. Identify the personal, social and economic context in which these professions and professionals operate; 3. Create an educational course of study and career path for professional success; 4. Identify and improve professional competencies in recreation, parks, and tourism professional organizations; 5. Compare and contrast local, state and national delivery of leisure services; 6. Identify three future trends as they relate to local, state, and national delivery of leisure services; 7. Identify the key elements of a recreation, parks, and tourism program in a variety of settings; 8. Differentiate between ethical issues common in recreation, parks, and tourism; 9. Compare and contrast different cultural, socio-economic, and diversity backgrounds and how they affect choices in recreation and leisure activities; and 10. Appraise how the historical perspective of leisure programs has impacted today's planning, structure, and funding of such programs. General Education Information Approved College Associate Degree GE Applicability CSU GE Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU approval) Cal-GETC Applicability (Recommended - Requires External Approval) IGETC Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU/UC approval) Articulation Information CSU Transferable Methods of Evaluation Essay Examinations Example: In an essay, explain the various theories about the funding of public recreation programs on the local level. Compare and contrast the funding methods used locally with those used in nearby communities. In a class discussion, students will compare and critique responses. Projects Example: Assemble a career exploration portfolio that will identify a career path for professional success. Portfolio will be evaluated based upon a rubric shared with students. Reports Example: In a report, list four historical movements from the past century that have continued to have an influence on recreation programs today. Answer will be graded based upon accuracy and development of ideas. Repeatable No Methods of Instruction Lecture/Discussion Distance Learning Lecture: Instructor will facilitate a discussion in class on socio-economic, cultural, and diversity issues based on the student's reading of Chapter on International Perspectives on Recreation and Leisure. As a part of the discussion, the instructor will introduce critical thinking exercises using assigned case studies. During class sessions, students discuss and analyze the cases discussing causes, preventions, and solutions. Distance Learning The instructor will facilitate a group project in which students (in dyads) will present a selected topic, of their choosing, to their classmates. Classmates, presenters, and instructor will do an evaluation and appraisal of the presentation. Example: Identify three future trends as they relate to local, state, and national delivery of leisure services. Typical Out of Class Assignments Reading Assignments 1. Read selected articles from credible media sources, such as industry related magazines, newspapers, and internet websites on "Outdoor and Adventure Recreation. Submit a reflection comparing the articles to a topic or subject matter discussed in class. 2. Read chapter "Leisure and Recreation for Individuals in Society," and then complete a worksheet where you will identify two specific target audiences, identify their unique physical, mental, and socio-emotional needs and then develop a recreational or leisure activity for each specific target audience. Writing, Problem Solving or Performance 1. Students will sign-up for a group based on different professional sectors of the field of recreation (nonprofit, for-profit, tourism, therapeutic recreation, and outdoor recreation). As a group they will prepare and present to their classmates information on the specifics within that career area of recreation. 2. Students will identify two future trends within the recreation, parks, and tourism arena. They will explain and describe trends in detail. They will also explain how the profession will have to react or adapt to this future trend. Other (Term projects, research papers, portfolios, etc.) Assemble a career exploration portfolio which will include sections on career possibilities, interview techniques, "real life" employment information and how to construct a professional resume. Required Materials Introduction to Recreation and Leisure Author: Tyler Tapps & Sara Wells Publisher: Human Kinetics Publication Date: 2018 Text Edition: 3rd Classic Textbook?: OER Link: OER: Other materials and-or supplies required of students that contribute to the cost of the course.


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