ITAL 0001. Elementary Italian - Level I

Units: 4
Hours: 72 lecture
Intensive instruction in understanding, speaking, reading, and writing elementary Italian. Basic grammar, regular and some irregular verbs in the present tense of the indicative mood. Daily practice in speaking and writing. Corresponds to two years of high school study. (CSU, UC)

ITAL 0001 - Elementary Italian - Level I

Catalog Description Hours: 72 lecture Description: Intensive instruction in understanding, speaking, reading, and writing elementary Italian. Basic grammar, regular and some irregular verbs in the present tense of the indicative mood. Daily practice in speaking and writing. Corresponds to two years of high school study. (CSU, UC) Course Student Learning Outcomes CSLO #1: Recognize and paraphrase elementary Italian spoken in simple present and past tenses at moderate conversational speed. CSLO #2: Produce accurate pronunciation with grammatically correct sentences in Novice Mid level conversations. CSLO #3: Recognize and explain what is read in simple present and past tenses from any elementary reading passage. CSLO #4: Write short sentences and paragraphs in simple present and past tenses using correct syntax. CSLO #5: Compare and contrast cultural perspectives based on reading, discussions and videos. Effective Term Fall 2020 Course Type Credit - Degree-applicable Contact Hours 72 Outside of Class Hours 144 Total Student Learning Hours 216 Course Objectives Through oral and written exercises, activities and assignments, students will: 1. Distinguish between feminine and masculine nouns. 2. Identify formal and informal language. 3. Use expressions of greeting and introduction. 4. Describe classes, classroom objects and the Italian school system. 5. Talk about the weather, days of the week, months and seasons. 6. Describe pastimes and activities. 7. Conjugate and use the present tense of verbs ending in -ARE and -ERE. 8. Talk about family. 9. Use possessive adjectives to express ownership. 10. Compare and contrast prepositions. 11. Describe people. 12. Ask questions. 13. Use demonstrative adjectives and pronouns. 14. Talk about technology 15. Express willingness, obligation and ability. 16. Use disjunctive pronouns. 17. Recognize and use the verbs dire, uscire and venire. 18. Describe clothing and fashion. 19. Talk about shopping 20. Express the past using the passato prossimo with avere 21. Differentiate between sapere and conoscere 22. Identify English and Italian cognates. 23. Identify major regions and cities in Italy. General Education Information Approved College Associate Degree GE Applicability AA/AS - Literature & Language CSU GE Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU approval) CSUGE - C2 Humanities Cal-GETC Applicability (Recommended - Requires External Approval) IGETC Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU/UC approval) IGETC - 6A Lang other than Eng Articulation Information CSU Transferable UC Transferable Methods of Evaluation Essay Examinations Example: At the end of the semester, students will write about themselves, their family, their town, their friends and to discuss their interests. They will use the vocabulary and major grammar points and structures from units 1-4 to discuss present events and daily activities in a coherent way. Objective Examinations Example: A. Fill in the blanks with the correct article (uno, una, un’) 1.______dottore 2._____gatto 3.________zoo 4.________amica 5. ______bar 6.______supermercato 7. _______stazione 8. _______cinema B.How do you say the following? 1. Come si dice "excuse me" ad un signore?:___________________ 2. Come si dice "excuse me" ad un’amica?:_____________________ 3. Come si dice "thank you"?__________________________________ 4. Come si dice "you are welcome"_____________________________ 5. Come si dice "pleased to meet you"?_________________________ Grade based on accuracy. Problem Solving Examinations Example: Answer the following questions in Italian: 1.Come stai?_____________________________ 2.Come ti chiami?__________________________________ 3.Dove sei Oggi?_______________________________ Grade based on accuracy. Skill Demonstrations Example: As part of the final, each student has a 5-minute interview with the instructor in which each student is asked to talk in the target language i.e., Italian. In this interview each student must talk to the instructor about a his/her life using adequate vocabulary, present tense verbs, and the proper time expressions associated with the present tense. The students can bring in a few notes, but they cannot ‘read’ their presentation. At the end of the interview the instructor asks a few questions about the talk and the students are expected to answer coherently. Grade based on: fluency, grammar use, vocabulary, pronunciation, and comprehension using a rubric. Repeatable No Methods of Instruction Lecture/Discussion Distance Learning Lecture: Instructor will have students look at a picture and consider what is happening in the picture. Instructor will provide an example of a short description of the picture in Italian. Instructor will show students another picture and have them write their own description. Students will be paired up with other students to read their descriptions aloud. Working in pairs, instructors will have students add written comments that cannot be supported by the picture. Instructor will lead a class discussion on what is supported and what is not supported by the picture they have been shown. Grade based on rubric. Following an instructor on vocabulary and grammar, instructor will have students sit in pairs and write a dialogue based on a topic which has been discussed and studied in class. Students will write the dialogue using the correct vocabulary and grammar. After the students edit their own work, they will read the dialogue to the class and later give the written work to the instructor for a grade. Grade based on a rubric. Distance Learning The instructor will create discussion board forums featuring online videos showcasing Italian pronunciation and Italian conversation. Students will watch the videos and draw on their prior/new knowledge to post a response to the prompts. For example, when studying numbers and time, students will record themselves telling the class their schedule in Italian. Students can respond to each other comparing their schedules. The instructor will create discussion board forums featuring detailed dialogue guidelines for two partners to work together utilizing synchronous recording for posting in the discussion forum. The instructor also includes a dialogue video example. For example, Unit 1 Lesson 1B teaches about talking about personal schedules. Students will watch the textbook video and learn the vocabulary and work with a partner to talk about their schedules in Italian. Typical Out of Class Assignments Reading Assignments 1. Read aloud the following passage and translate it into English. Andrea: Oh che caldo. Ho proprio sete adesso.Hai voglia di una birra? Silvia: No, ma ho fame. Ho voglia di un buon panino e di un gelato Andrea: Chissa se c'è un bar in questa stazione. Silvia: Sì, c'è, ma non abbiamo tempo solo cinque minuti. Andrea: Hai ragione, ma guarda c'è un venditore..... Grade based on accuracy. 2. Read aloud the following dialogue with a classmate and identify verbs, subject pronouns, interrogative adjectives... Andrea: Silvia... cosa prendi? Silvia: un cappuccino Andrea: Non mangi? non fare complimenti. Io mangio sempre! Silvia: No di solito non faccio colazione la mattina Andrea: Bene allora.. un cappuccino e una pasta. Silvia: Allora, dove andiamo poi? Vuoi andare in gita o preferisci andare da Maria? Andrea:Andiamo da Maria e poi se vuoi andiamo a visitare Verona. Silvia: Va bene però prima mi accompagni alla Rinascente a comprare un regalo per Maria. Cameriera: Ecco il cappuccino e la pasta. Grade based on accuracy. Writing, Problem Solving or Performance A. Answer the following questions regarding your hometown 1. Come sono gli abitanti della tua città? 2. Dove abitano? Abitano in belle case? 3. Cosa fanno durante il week end? 4. Come sono le case della tua città? 5. Gli abitanti della della tua città hanno belle macchine? 6. Hanno bei giardini? 7. Hanno begli animali? 8. Hanno una vita facile o difficile? 9. C’è il problema dell’acqua nella tua città? C’è un problema? 10. Sei contento di abitare nella tua città? Grade based on accuracy. B. Use the plural form of the following words: 1. un albergo Tre _______________ 2. una lezione Quattro_______________ 3. uno studente Cinque_______________ 4. un’amica Sei_______________ 5. un bicchiere Sette _________________ Grade based on accuracy. Other (Term projects, research papers, portfolios, etc.) 1. With a classmate, prepare a dialogue, have it checked by your teacher and learn it by heart. At the appointed time perform the dialogue for the class and if necessary for their understanding translate it. Required Materials Sentieri Author: Julia M. Cozzarelli Publisher: Vista Higher Learning Publication Date: 2020 Text Edition: 3rd Classic Textbook?: OER Link: OER: Other materials and-or supplies required of students that contribute to the cost of the course.