ITAL 0002. Elementary Italian - Level II

Units: 4
Prerequisite: Completion of ITAL 1 or two years of high school Italian with grade(s) of "C" or better
Hours: 72 lecture
Intensive basic grammar, greater emphasis on speaking and writing. Emphasis on culture and events of the areas where Italian is spoken. (CSU, UC)

ITAL 0002 - Elementary Italian - Level II

Catalog Description Prerequisite: Completion of ITAL 1 or two years of high school Italian with grade(s) of "C" or better Hours: 72 lecture Description: Intensive basic grammar, greater emphasis on speaking and writing. Emphasis on culture and events of the areas where Italian is spoken. (CSU, UC) Course Student Learning Outcomes CSLO #1: Recognize and paraphrase elementary Italian spoken in simple past tense at moderate conversational speed. CSLO #2: Produce accurate pronunciation with grammatically correct sentences in Novice High level conversations. CSLO #3: Recognize and explain what is read in simple past tense from any elementary reading passage. CSLO #4: Write short sentences and paragraphs using appropriate syntax in the construction of sentences in simple past tense. CSLO #5: Compare and contrast cultural perspectives based on reading, discussions and videos. Effective Term Fall 2020 Course Type Credit - Degree-applicable Contact Hours 72 Outside of Class Hours 144 Total Student Learning Hours 216 Course Objectives Through oral and written exercises, activities and assignments, students will: I. a.Conjugate and appropriately use verbs in the PASSATO PROSSIMO. b.Distinguish between verbs that require ESSERE and verbs that require AVERE. c.Recall and use direct object pronouns with PASSATO PROSSIMO. d.Recall indirect object pronouns and use them appropriately. e.Describe personal and other people's likes and dislikes. f.Describe a typical Italian meal and compare differences in Italian and American eating habits. II. a.Conjugate reflexive verbs in the present tense and use them to describe daily routines. b.Apply the reflexive constructions to non-reflexive verbs to express mutual actions. c.Recall adverbs and properly construct sentences to describe usual activities, using simple adverbs and adverbs ending in -mente. d.Recall numbers past 100 and solve simple math problems using large numbers. e.Describe past events using reflexive verbs and/ or reciprocal construction in PASSATO PROSSIMO. III. a.Conjugate verbs in IMPERFETTO and use IMPERFETTO for description of people, places, and events in the past. b.Evaluate when past events should be narrated using the PASSATO PROSSIMO and when using the IMPERFETTO. c.Conjugate verbs in TRAPASSATO PROSSIMO and use this tense to describe an action that took place prior to another action in the past. d.Identify meaning of nouns and adjectives with added suffixes. e.Discuss the role of the family in Italy and in the United States and the advantages and disadvantages of traditional versus nontraditional family units. IV. a.Apply grammar rules to express comparisons between two items or two people or between two qualities. b.Identify and use superlatives adjectives. c.Recall and use vocabulary related to hobbies and sports. d.Discuss issues related to sports and other physical activities. e.Conjugate verbs in future tenses and use future tenses to describe events and formulate questions about future events. f.Recall and apply rules to use future tense to express the probability of an event in the present. g.Recall and use impersonal SI to express present events. h.Discuss and appraise distinction between American and Italian holidays. General Education Information Approved College Associate Degree GE Applicability AA/AS - Literature & Language CSU GE Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU approval) CSUGE - C2 Humanities Cal-GETC Applicability (Recommended - Requires External Approval) IGETC Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU/UC approval) IGETC - 6A Lang other than Eng Articulation Information CSU Transferable UC Transferable Methods of Evaluation Classroom Discussions Example: In groups, answer the following questions orally then report back to the class and be ready to compare. 1.Ti piace il vino rosso? 2.Hai mai assaggiato il tiramisu? 3.Sei stato/a in Italia 4.Sai cucinare gli spaghetti? Objective Examinations Example: A. Use the proper direct object and answer the questions using a past tense. 1. Diana, hai offerto il gelato? _____________________ 2. Piero e Paolo hanno pulito la casa?___________________ 3. Luisa ti ha salutato? _________________________ 4. Mamma, hai comprato la torta? ___________________ 5. Ferdinando ha lavato i piatti? ______________ B. Choose your answers. 1. Capuccetto Rosso ha incontrato il lupo? Sì, lo/mi/le/la/ ____ ha incontrat___ O/A/I/E? 2. Il lupo ha parlato a Capuccetto Rosso?Sì, Gli/lo/le/mi/la/____ ha parlat ___a/o/i/e 3. Avete telefonato agli amici di Carlo? No, non li/lo/ci/gli/ abbiamo telefonat____o/a/e/i 4. Il lupo ha mangiato la nonna? Si lo/la/le/ ____ha mangiat____ o/a/i/e C. Complete the story using the pronouns LO/LA/LI/LE/GLI/LE: Quando va al supermercato Maria compra il pane e ___ mette nel carrello poi compra lo zucchero e gli spaghetti e ___ mette nel carrello. Poi va al banco del pesce e compra tre belle trote fresche e ___ mette nel carrello. Poi prende il prosciutto e il gelato e ___ mette nel carrello. Finalmente va alla cassa , paga e mette tutto in macchina e va a casa. A casa parla a suo marito e ___ dice : Sono stanca e adesso devo cucinare. Il marito ___ dice : Non ti preoccupare cucino io. Evaluation based on right or wrong answers. Projects Example: In pairs, research a region of Italy and present it to the class using visual support. The class will take notes and ask one question on the presentation. Repeatable No Methods of Instruction Lecture/Discussion Distance Learning Lecture: Students will be asked to look at different pictures showing individuals in different contexts (for example a boy crying, a man happily looking at a picture of a family, a man in a kitchen); in pairs, the students will have to create a short explanation of what previously happened to these individuals that explains how they look or what they are doing now. The instructor will be monitoring students and guiding them as needed. Students will look at Italian magazines' pictures. They will explain the events presented in the pictures. Cultural explanation regarding the pictures will then be given by the teacher. The instructor will be monitoring students and guiding them as needed. Distance Learning The instructor will create discussion board forums featuring online videos showcasing past tense verbs in natural Italian conversation. Students will watch the videos and draw on their prior/new knowledge to post a response to the prompts. For example, when studying the past tense, students will record themselves talking about past events in their life in Italian. Objectives: I a, b The instructor will create discussion board forums featuring detailed dialogue guidelines for two partners to work together utilizing Zoom synchronous recording for posting in the discussion forum. The instructor also includes a dialogue video example. For example, Unit 5 Lesson 5A teaches about past tense usage. Students will watch the textbook video and learn the vocabulary and work with a partner to talk about some past events in Italian. Typical Out of Class Assignments Reading Assignments 1. With a partner, read and summarize the following text: Gino è avvocato. Lavora tutto il giorno e mangia spesso in buoni ristoranti con i clienti. Gli piace il vino italiano, come antipasto gli piacciono i crostini, ma non gli piacciono i salumi. Dopo cena, gli piace fumare una sigaretta. Nel week end quando non deve lavorare gli piace stare a casa, leggere libri ed ascoltare musica. Gina invece è artista e musicista. Ha gusti semplici. La mattina le piace bere un caffelatte e mangiare una brioche. Le piacciono molto i panini al prosciutto. La sera le piace cenare al lume di candela e poi giocare a carte. Nel week end le piace giocare a tennis e pattinare. 2. With a partner, read the following dialogue, and identify its components such as verbs and their tenses, subject pronouns, adverbs, prepositions...: Giovanni: Rocco, vieni al cinema con noi domani sera? Rocco: Non ci vengo, preferisco stare a casa a leggere un libro. Giovanni: Ma domenica esci con noi vero? Rocco: No, domenica devo vedere i miei zii e poi sono uscito la scorsa settimana con voi. Giovanni: Scusa Rocco, ma che cosa succede, ti sei forse arrabiato per qualcosa? Rocco: Certo! Non l'avevi capito, sono molto infastidito perchè ti sei fidanzato con Gabriella e lo sai bene che io ero innamorato di lei. Writing, Problem Solving or Performance Example 1: ESERCIZI A. Cosa farò? Restate each paragraph with the italicized verbs in the future tense 1. Io passo un sabato molto tranquillo. Mi alzo tardi, faccio una bella colazione, ed esco per fare le spese (shopping). il pomeriggio prendo l''autobus e vado a trovare la nonna. Mangiamo insieme in una trattoria, vicino a casa sua; se abbiamo tempo, andiamo a vedere un bel film o facciamo una passeggiata nel parco. 2. La sera, gli amici mi vengono a trovare. Portano qualcosa da mangiare (something to eat): fanno dei panini o comprano una pizza. Pino porta dei dischi nuovi e Maurizio suona la chitarra. Forse Anna vuole giocare a carte; se no, stiamo tutti intorno al camino (fireplace) e prepariamo un itinerario per le prossime vacanze. Finalmente una serata piacevole e rilassante. B. Cosa avete fatto in vacanza? Working with a partner, prepare questions and answer them ESEMPIO: mangiare sempre in trattoria - S1: Io ho mangiato sempre in trattoria. E voi ? S2: Anche noi abbiamo mangiato sempre in trattoria. 1. fare un giro dell''Italia (tu) 2. noleggiare una macchina (i suoi cugini) 3. andare al mare quest''estate (la tua famiglia) 4. Cinzia/passare un mese in Germania 5. i miei genitori/restare a casa, purtroppo 6. io e Franco/stare in un albergo economico (Objective: IV e) Example 2: ESERCIZI A. Probabilmente... Restate each sentence, using the future to express probability. ESEMPIO: Devono essere le undici. Saranno le undici. 1. Devono essere ancora all''estero. 2. Deve essere affollato quell''albergo. 3. Dovete avere degli splendidi progetti per le vacanze! 4. Quell'ottima guida deve ricevere molti complimenti. 5. Dovete aver gia prenotato il posto in albergo. 6. Deve essere contento di visitare la Calabria. Other (Term projects, research papers, portfolios, etc.) 1. Together with a classmate prepare a dialogue related to the topic of one of the lessons, have it checked by your teacher and then learn it by heart for the following class. You will be asked to perform it for your classmates and if necessary you will be asked to provide them with a translation of it. Required Materials Sentieri Author: Cozzarelli Publisher: Vista Higher Learning Publication Date: 2019 Text Edition: 3rd Classic Textbook?: OER Link: OER: Other materials and-or supplies required of students that contribute to the cost of the course.