MATH 0010. Problem Solving

Units: 4
Prerequisite: Completion of Intermediate Algebra or equivalent with grade of "C" or better, or appropriate placement
Hours: 72 lecture
Individual and small-group problem solving geared toward real life situations and nontraditional problems. Problem solving strategies include: draw a diagram, eliminate possibilities, make a systematic list, look for a pattern, guess and check, solve an easier related problem, subproblems, use manipulatives, work backward, act it out, unit analysis, use algebra, finite differences, and many others. Divergent thinking and technical communication skills of writing and oral presentation are enhanced. Designed to teach students to think more effectively and vastly increase their problem solving ability. (CSU)

MATH 0010 - Problem Solving

Catalog Description Prerequisite: Completion of Intermediate Algebra or equivalent with grade of "C" or better, or appropriate placement Hours: 72 lecture Description: Individual and small-group problem solving geared toward real life situations and nontraditional problems. Problem solving strategies include: draw a diagram, eliminate possibilities, make a systematic list, look for a pattern, guess and check, solve an easier related problem, subproblems, use manipulatives, work backward, act it out, unit analysis, use algebra, finite differences, and many others. Divergent thinking and technical communication skills of writing and oral presentation are enhanced. Designed to teach students to think more effectively and vastly increase their problem solving ability. (CSU) Course Student Learning Outcomes CSLO #1: Apply divergent thinking to mathematical problems and solutions. CSLO #2: Design and implement solution strategies to mathematical problems. CSLO #3: Present logical, accurate, and detailed steps to communicate mathematical reasoning in the strategy and approach to solving problems. CSLO #4: Evaluate, improve, and correct the appropriateness and reasonableness of a solution to a problem. Effective Term Fall 2024 Course Type Credit - Degree-applicable Contact Hours 72 Outside of Class Hours 144 Total Student Learning Hours 216 Course Objectives Using homework assignments, reports/projects, classroom discussions, weekly problem sets, exams and quizzes, the student will: 1. Solve problems at a post-intermediate algebra level from a variety of different mathematical subject areas, especially topics not usually covered in a traditional mathematics course; 2. Analyze given information and develop strategies for solving problems involving mathematical and logical reasoning; 3. Recognize and apply the concepts of mathematics as a problem-solving tool in other disciplines and contexts; 4. Utilize linear, quadratic, exponential, and logarithmic equations, systems of equations, and their graphs to analyze mathematical applications from various disciplines; 5. Solve problems involving probability; 6. By generating lists and investigating patterns, formulate rules for permutations, combinations, and the basic counting principle; 7. Develop linear, quadratic, cubic, and/or exponential functions that model real world data. Use the function to predict future behavior of the model; 8. Select and correctly apply appropriate strategies to solve a new problem, and evaluate the appropriateness and effectiveness of their strategies; 9. Evaluate the appropriateness and reasonableness of a solution; 10. Work cooperatively in groups to solve problems, choosing an appropriate strategy, formulating a solution and comparing and contrasting their solution with the solutions of their classmates; 11. Compose detailed explanations of the thought processes used to solve problems; 12. Prepare and demonstrate problem solutions to the whole class; 13. Appraise the validity of an oral presentation of the solution to a problem; 14. Read a math text and evaluate written solutions to problems critically and with understanding; 15. Practice metacognition; 16. Use appropriate mathematical vocabulary in discussing problems with group members, presenting solutions to the class, and writing solutions to problems; 17. Think divergently, designing and evaluating a variety of approaches while brainstorming possible solutions to new problems; 18. Upon receiving a problem that is unusual and different from any previous problem, students will compare and contrast the problem to problems solved previously, assess previous methods of solution and determine their validity in this case, choose an appropriate strategy for the new problem, and construct a solution; 19. Solve problems of increasingly greater difficulty; 20. Work toward alleviating the fear caused by problems with words, and experience success in solving difficult problems while developing greater confidence in problem solving ability; 21. Apply problem solving skills to life by relating problem solving skills to real-life issues. General Education Information Approved College Associate Degree GE Applicability AA/AS - Comm & Analyt Thinking AA/AS - Mathematical Skills CSU GE Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU approval) CSUGE - B4 Math/Quantitative Reasoning Cal-GETC Applicability (Recommended - Requires External Approval) IGETC Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU/UC approval) Articulation Information CSU Transferable Methods of Evaluation Objective Examinations Example: 1. Students will be graded on their weekly problem sets, which include a thorough written explanation of their work. Example: Dionne can run around a circular track in 120 seconds. Basha, running in the opposite direction as Dionne, meets Dionne every 48 seconds. Sandra, running in the same direction as Basha, passes Basha every 240 seconds. How often does Sandra meet Dionne? 2. Students will complete a group final and be evaluated on their communication, presentation, and accuracy of their work. Example: 3. Students will take individual quizzes on one or two strategies per quiz. 4. Students will take a midterm where they have to set problems up using a predetermined strategy. Performance will be based on demonstrating mastery of each strategy. Repeatable No Methods of Instruction Lecture/Discussion Distance Learning Lecture: Every week the students will learn a new problem solving strategy. They will learn the strategy by solving a series of problems in small groups, with the teacher roving between the groups offering assistance as needed. Occasionally the teacher will demonstrate the new strategy by doing one example on the board. Here is an example of the above from the chapter on finite differences: Students will be given functions charts from functions that are either: linear, quadratic or cubic. With the instructors assistance, the students will work in small groups to determine which type of function is represented by the data, and then use the strategy of finite differences to determine the equation of the function. (Objective 4) Working in small groups with the instructor's assistance, the students will analyze a set of five problems to determine the most effective strategy to solve each problem. They will work through the solutions to each problem in class in small groups and outside of class working on their own. They will write up detailed solutions to each problem which include the name of their strategy, all of their computations, and a written explanation of their thought process. The instructor will grade these write ups using a rubric which awards points for different parts of the solution process. These parts include: did the student understand the problem, did the student choose an appropriate strategy, did the student execute the strategy in an effective way, did the student get the right answer and state it clearly using appropriate units, and did the student explain the solution in a clear coherent complete manner? (Objectives 1 & 2) Distance Learning Every week the students will learn a new problem solving strategy. They will learn the strategy by solving a series of problems in small virtual groups, with the teacher moderating, offering assistance as needed. Occasionally the teacher will demonstrate the new strategy by doing one example. Here is an example of the above from the chapter on finite differences: Students will be given functions charts from functions that are either: linear, quadratic or cubic. With the instructors assistance, the students will work in small virtual groups to determine which type of function is represented by the data, and then use the strategy of finite differences to determine the equation of the function. (Objective 4) Working in small virtual groups with the instructor's assistance, the students will analyze a set of five problems to determine the most effective strategy to solve each problem. They will work through the solutions to each problem in small virtual groups and on their own. They will write up detailed solutions to each problem which include the name of their strategy, all of their computations, and a written explanation of their thought process. The instructor will grade these write ups using a rubric which awards points for different parts of the solution process. These parts include: did the student understand the problem, did the student choose an appropriate strategy, did the student execute the strategy in an effective way, did the student get the right answer and state it clearly using appropriate units, and did the student explain the solution in a clear coherent complete manner? (Objectives 1 & 2) Typical Out of Class Assignments Reading Assignments 1. Read a word problem and understand what is being asked. For example: A grocer was stacking oranges one day. She decided to stack them in a triangular pyramid. She put one orange in the top layer, three oranges in the second layer, six oranges in the third layer, and so on. Each layer except the top formed an equilateral triangle. How many oranges would it take to build such a pyramid 50 layers high? 2. Given the textbook problem, "In how many ways can you give change for 25 cents?" Students will describe and use the four different systematic lists presented in the textbook for this problem. They will then compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of each system. 3. Read a fellow classmate's explanation of a problem's solution and understand and critique it. Writing, Problem Solving or Performance 1. Solve problems in small groups. 2. Present the solution to a problem on the board to the entire class. 3. Solve a word problem and write a thorough explanation of the solution process. The following are a small sample of problems solved in the class. These particular problems were selected for inclusion here mainly for brevity. Most of the problems solved in the class are much longer than these. The problems listed are a mixture of difficulties and strategies. 1. Find three numbers between 11 and 30 such that the squares of the three numbers contain all the digits 1 to 9 exactly once. 2. A group of students went to the pub after the football game on Saturday, and all ordered from the menu. The bill totaled $162. They decided to split the bill evenly, but then three people said they had no money. The rest of the people each had to chip in $2.70 extra to cover the tab. How many people were in the group? 3. You have 12 identical looking coins, one of which is counterfeit. The counterfeit coin is either heavier or lighter than the rest. The only scale available is a simple balance. Using the scale only three times, find the counterfeit coin. 4. The volunteer firefighters decided to teach fire safety techniques to the citizens. They set up a plan where the 8 firefighters would each teach two people. Then the teacher would retire, but each of the pupils would teach two people. Those people, in turn, would teach two others. The teaching lasted for one month. How many people would know the fire safety basics after 10 months? 5. There are nine points on a piece of paper. No three of the points are in the same straight line. How many different triangles can be formed by using three of the nine points as vertices? 6. What is the sum of all ten-digit numbers? 7. Dionne can run around a circular track in 120 seconds. Basha, running in the opposite direction as Dionne, meets Dionne every 48 seconds. Sandra, running in the same direction as Basha, passes Basha every 240 seconds. How often does Sandra meet Dionne? 8. A number is called a decreasing number if it has two or more digits and each digit is less than the digit to its left. For example: 73; 421; 964,310; and 52 are decreasing numbers but 3,421; 6,642; 89; and 963,861 are not. How many decreasing numbers are there? 9. At one family reunion, every niece was a cousin. Half of all aunts were cousins. Half of all cousins were nieces. There were 50 aunts and 30 nieces. No aunt was a niece. How many cousins were neither nieces nor aunts. 10. The expression n! is read "n factorial" and means n(n-1)(n-2)(n-3)(n-4)...(3)(2)(1). Thus 6! means (6)(5)(4)(3)(2)(1) which equals 720. And 10! means (10)(9)(8)(7)(6)(5)(4)(3)(2)(1) = 3,628,800. Notice that 6! ends with one digit of zero and 10! ends with two digits of zero. How many digits of zero does 5000! end with? 11. A grocer was stacking oranges one day. She decided to stack them in a triangular pyramid. She put one orange in the top layer, three oranges in the second layer, six oranges in the third layer, and so on. Each layer except the top formed an equilateral triangle. How many oranges would it take to build such a pyramid 50 layers high? Other (Term projects, research papers, portfolios, etc.) Every week, after week 4, the students are required to complete a problem set of 5 problems requiring a mixture of strategies. Their assignment is to solve each of the problems, and then write up an explanation of their solution. Write-ups include their thought process, a written explanation of their work in paragraph form, the name of the strategy used to solve the problem, and a clearly stated answer, including any appropriate units. Each problem set requires 6-8 hours of work, and is approximately 3-5 pages long. Required Materials Crossing the River with Dogs: Problem Solving for College Students Author: Johnson, Herr, Kysh Publisher: John Wiley and Sons Publication Date: 2018 Text Edition: 3rd Classic Textbook?: No OER Link: OER: Other materials and-or supplies required of students that contribute to the cost of the course.

PHIL 0010 - Philosophy of Religion

Catalog Description Advisory: Eligibility for ENGL 1A Hours: 54 lecture Description: Analysis of the major philosophical issues raised by, but not limited to traditional Western religion. Includes an examination of the arguments for God's existence and nature, immortality, the problem of evil, miracles, rationality of religious belief, the relation of faith to reason, and theories on the meaning of the religious language. (CSU, UC) Course Student Learning Outcomes CSLO #1: Identify and describe problems associated with knowledge claims about the Divine. CSLO #2: Describe and evaluate arguments for God’s existence in terms of their strengths and weaknesses. CSLO #3: Summarize and critically evaluate philosophical positions concerning the problem of evil. CSLO #4: Communicate effectively orally or in writing on a topic in philosophy of religion. Effective Term Fall 2022 Course Type Credit - Degree-applicable Contact Hours 54 Outside of Class Hours 108 Total Student Learning Hours 162 Course Objectives 1. Describe and evaluate philosophical problems associated with claims about the nature of the Divine. 2. Evaluate whether God's omniscience is compatible with human free will. 3. Explain traditional arguments for the existence of God and compare and contrast their weaknesses and strengths. 4. Explain and evaluate arguments that claim evil is problematic for the existence of God. 5. Illustrate either in writing or with a visual representation an explanation of both sides of the issue of immortality and miracles, as well as the strengths and weaknesses of each position. 6. Distinguish religious claims from scientific claims. 7. Describe the moral implications associated with faith claims. 8. Describe and evaluate arguments that assert that belief in God is properly basic. General Education Information Approved College Associate Degree GE Applicability AA/AS - Literature & Language CSU GE Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU approval) CSUGE - C2 Humanities Cal-GETC Applicability (Recommended - Requires External Approval) IGETC Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU/UC approval) IGETC - 3B Humanities Articulation Information CSU Transferable UC Transferable Methods of Evaluation Classroom Discussions Example: In an instructor led discussion prompt students to identify the difference between physical and logical possibilities/impossibilities. Have students describe: (a) three things that are physically impossible. (b) three things that are logically impossible. After the instructor determines that students have sufficiently mastered the above concepts and distinctions, an instructor will lead a discussion prompted by the following scenario: How would you respond? You are a math teacher and a student has made the mistake of thinking that 2+3=6. The student defends this answer by saying that while it might be humanly wrong, it might be correct according to God because in God's math anything is possible. The student adds that it could be right (i.e. correct) in God's mind. Essay Examinations Example: Select one of the following questions (a, b, or c) and write a three page, typed, double spaced, size 12 font essay thoroughly responding to your chosen question. (a) Explain Anselm’s classical ontological argument and how it is said to establish that God exists. Identify one or more potentially controversial premises of the argument and explain how it could be said to undermine the ontological argument’s strength. (b) If God’s omniscience entails knowledge by acquaintance of all things knowable such as lust and envy, explain how could it be said that God’s moral perfection contradicts the characteristic of omniscience? (c) Attorney for the defense in the Kitzmiller v. Dover case, Patrick Gillen, said, “Does science education have to be so narrow, so technical, so deferential to the existing paradigm that we can't even introduce students to what may be the next great theory?” Explain why the existing criteria of testability and falsifiability are important for demarcating whether a proposed causal hypothesis is scientific or not. Student essays will be assessed based upon a rubric that includes criteria such as correctness of response, thoroughness of explanation, relevance of quotes provided, and demonstration of "justification" by way of quote selection. Objective Examinations Example: Students will take a multiple-choice examination on their ability to recognize and differentiate between scientific claims and religious claims with respect to causal reasoning. Example: The Problem of Evil (PEO) can be addressed by way of a defense or a theodicy. What statement below describes the accurate difference between a defense and a theodicy? A. a defense tells us why God permits evil. B. a defense does not attempt to solve the POE, it only blocks the POE as a defeater of theism. C. a defense justifies why God does, in fact, permit certain types of evil. D. a defense explains why freedom does, in fact, add value to the world even if it permits evil. Projects Example: Working in student pairs, write a conversational dialogue based on Mackie's and Plantinga's arguments concerning the logical problem of evil. (1) In conversational language convey your evaluation on whether Plantinga refutes Mackie's claim that God could have prevented suffering by creating free creatures who always act morally. (2) Clarifying what exactly Plantinga's Free Will Defense needs to show to adequately refute the logical problem of evil. Repeatable No Methods of Instruction Lecture/Discussion Distance Learning Lecture: Instructor will lead students in a classroom or online discussion on the apparent conflict between free will, moral responsibility, and God's omniscience. Students will learn to evaluate whether the characteristic of Divine omniscience is compatible with human free will and determine whether Divine omniscience affects the concept of moral responsibility. Students will read J.L. Mackie's article, "Evil and Omnipotence," and the instructor will lead students in small in-person or online discussion group and (a) make a list of relevant concepts and define those concepts for clarity, then summarize one section of Mackie's critique of "fallacious solutions" to the problem of evil. Distance Learning Students will watch the documentary, "Judgment Day: Intelligent Design on Trial" and the instructor will lead students in an in-person or online discussion about how the idea of Intelligent Design relates to the Aquinas' argument for God's existence based on evidence of design. Students will learn to distinguish religious claims from scientific claims. Instructor will have students attempt to use the scientific method of testing and falsifying claims that assert a supernatural cause. Students will learn to recognize and differentiate between scientific claims and religious claims with respect to causation. Typical Out of Class Assignments Reading Assignments 1. Read Anselm's Classical Ontological Argument for God's existence, and come to class with a list of Anselm's premises. 2. Read Michael Martin's "Conflicts Between the Divine Attributes," and come to class prepared to describe and evaluate how Martin sees the existence of an omniscient being impossible. 3. Read Alvin Plantinga's "Free will Defense," and come to class prepared to summarize how he attempts to refute J.L. Mackie's claim about God's omnipotence. Writing, Problem Solving or Performance 1. Formal Paper: write a 3 page minimum length essay answering all parts of the question prompt that is typed, double-spaced, size 12 font paper. Explain (a) how the stone paradox could be said to undermine the God's omnipotence, and (b) whether the apparent paradox does, in fact, cause a problem for God's omniscience. (c) If yes, explain how so; and if no, explain why not. 2. Formal Paper: write a 3 page minimum length essay answering all parts of the question prompt that is typed, double-spaced, size 12 font paper. (a) Summarize Aquinas' argument from design for the existence of God. (b) Determine the argument's form and type, and (c) evaluate it in terms of its strength and weaknesses. Other (Term projects, research papers, portfolios, etc.) Required Materials Philosophy of Religion: Selected Readings Author: Michael Peterson, et al. Publisher: Oxford University Press Publication Date: 2014 Text Edition: 5th Classic Textbook?: OER Link: OER: Reason and Religious Belief: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion Author: Michael Peterson, et al. Publisher: Oxford University Press Publication Date: 2014 Text Edition: 5th Classic Textbook?: OER Link: OER: Philosophy of Religion: An Anthology Author: Louis Pojman and Michael Rea Publisher: Cengage Learning Publication Date: 2014 Text Edition: 1st Classic Textbook?: OER Link: OER: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion Author: Brian Davies Publisher: Oxford University Press Publication Date: 2020 Text Edition: 4th Classic Textbook?: OER Link: OER: Other materials and-or supplies required of students that contribute to the cost of the course.

CSCI 0010 - Introduction to Computing

Catalog Description Advisory: Completion of MATH A with grade of "C" or better Hours: 72 (54 lecture, 18 laboratory) Description: Survey of computer science technologies and methods. Introduction to computer hardware and software, structured programming, operating system concepts, communications and social impacts of computer technology. Explore current and emerging topics such as robotics, computer security and artificial intelligence. (CSU, UC) Course Student Learning Outcomes CSLO #1: Describe the software development life-cycle. CSLO #2: Describe the principles of structured programming and be able to describe, design, implement, and test structured programs using currently accepted methodology. CSLO #3: Explain what an algorithm is and its importance in computer programming. CSLO #4: Explain moral and ethical issues in computer science. Effective Term Fall 2020 Course Type Credit - Degree-applicable Contact Hours 72 Outside of Class Hours 90 Total Student Learning Hours 162 Course Objectives Lecture Objectives: 1. Identify at least three places computers can be found in our society, other than personal computers. 2. Compare and contrast data input and storage mechanisms from previous generations of computers to those in current use. 3. Compare and contrast the specifications of at least two commercially-available computer systems and associated common peripherals. 4. Describe the binary and hexadecimal counting systems. 5. Solve mathematical problems that are expressed in the decimal, binary, and hexadecimal counting systems. 6. Describe the relationship between bits and bytes. 7. Identify and describe the function of major computer components in a von Neumann architecture: CPU, CU, ALU, Bus, Disk Drive, RAM, ROM, Clock, and Input/Output Peripherals. 8. Identify the major components of mass storage devices (platters, read/write heads, recording surface, interface) and describe the logical layout of data (tracks, sectors, blocks, cylinders). 9. Describe the use of "abstraction" and "layering" in operating systems and networking. 10. Describe the purpose of disk-based virtual memory (swap) and the process by which swap space is used to alleviate shortages of RAM. 11. Identify the major components of modern graphical user interfaces: buttons, scrollbars, menus, windows, dialogs, input fields, text, images, cursor, click, drag. 12. Define and describe the networking terms: protocol, host, client, server, IP Address, TCP, LAN, router, checksum. Identify examples of each. 13. Apply current computer science theories, models, and techniques that provide a basis for problem identification and analysis, software design, development, implementation, verification, and documentation. 14. Distinguish the tradeoffs computer scientists must balance in software and hardware design in terms of cost, speed, and resource limitations. 15. Compare the relative efficiencies of at least two of the following algorithms: binary search, linear search, bubble sort, insertion sort, quicksort, find min/max. Laboratory Objectives: 1. Design, write, and run without errors a simple computer program utilizing variables, conditionals, and loops using a current programming language. 2. Prepare at least two simple web pages in HTML utilizing basic formatting tags, lists, images, colors, and links. View the web pages in a web browser. 3. Write, print, and save a document using a word processor. 4. Use a spreadsheet or database to define data fields, input data, express mathematical calculations that manipulate the data, and save the data. General Education Information Approved College Associate Degree GE Applicability AA/AS - Comm & Analyt Thinking CSU GE Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU approval) Cal-GETC Applicability (Recommended - Requires External Approval) IGETC Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU/UC approval) Articulation Information CSU Transferable UC Transferable Methods of Evaluation Objective Examinations Example: Objective Examinations: 1. Q: Turnstiles often contain an odometer-like device that counts the number of persons who have passed through. Argue whether the counter is an analog or digital device. A: There is no correct answer. It can be argued that because the turnstile can only measure "whole" persons, it is a digital device. On the other hand, because the counter is a mechanical device whose dials must physically turn from one count to the next, it could be an analog device. 2. Q: All modern computers work with a system of numbers called ________ ______________. a) Octal numbering system b) Decimal numbering system c) Binary numbering system A: c 3. The use of binary circuitry corresponds to: a) the use of a rotary dial on a telephone b) making use of fingers and toes to count c) the OFF and ON states of a light bulb d) the use of a voice activated answering device A: c Problem Solving Examinations Example: 1. Design a small web site about your family. The web site should contain at least three pages: a top "home" page listing all the members of your family and two or more pages, one for each member of your family. The home page should be hyperlinked to each of the family member pages and vice-versa. Each family member page should contain the following information: * His or her name * A brief description of that person * A list of hobbies * A picture of the person or of one of their hobbies The web pages should make use of a variety of HTML tags, including headings, bold, italics, horizontal rules, centering, images, and colors. Upload your web site to a web server and view it in a browser. Solution: The web pages need to include at least the minimum required tags. It should load correctly in a web browser. Each of the pages should be linked to each other as described. Rubric grading. Skill Demonstrations Example: After doing the laboratory assignment about machine code and parts of the CPU, explain how a computer virus or worm can infect your computer without your knowledge by overwriting the contents of the PC (Program Counter) register. Solution: Because the PC register contains the address of the next instruction to be executed, a virus (or any other malicious program) can cause the computer to execute arbitrary instructions by replacing the contents of register with the address of one of its own instructions. The computer doesn't "know" it is about to execute unwanted instructions. To the computer, this is perfectly normal behavior. Often, the overwriting of the PC register is accomplished with a programming technique called "buffer overruns." Rubric grading. Repeatable No Methods of Instruction Laboratory Lecture/Discussion Distance Learning Lab: Use an online discussion forum to facilitate writing. Require each student to post a minimum number of messages, the substantive content of which demonstrates critical thinking about computer science theory. The messages may be in response to questions posed by the instructor or may be as write-ups at the completion of laboratory assignments. (Objective 13) Lecture: We help the students learn about and visualize various sorting algorithms by using playing cards. Prior to class, the students have read about the bubble and quicksort algorithms. Each student is given a deck of cards to shuffle. Students are then asked to apply the bubble sort algorithm to the shuffled deck. The students should keep a count of the number of iterations. The student shuffles the cards again and applies the quicksort algorithm, also counting the number of iterations. The students then analyze their results to determine which algorithm is faster. We further analyze the algorithms by formulating scenarios in which either algorithm works at its fastest and its slowest running times. Throughout the activity the instructor facilitates the activity. (Objective 15) Distance Learning The instructor will present a video lecture explaining the Bubble sort algorithm through multiple examples. Students will be given an unsorted list integer values to sort using the discussed Bubble sort algorithm. (Lecture Objective 15) Typical Out of Class Assignments Reading Assignments 1. Read the chapter on the history of computing and be prepared to discuss in class. 2. Read the website entitled "Beginner's Guide to HTML." Work through the examples shown by typing them into a text file editor, saving them, and viewing them in a web browser and be prepared to discuss in class. Writing, Problem Solving or Performance 1. Robots are becoming increasingly useful in our society. For example, one can buy a small robot to automatically vacuum a house. We can explore some of the technologies that make this possible using simple robot construction techniques. Design and write a program in Java or RCX to instruct a robot outfitted with individually powered wheels and light and touch sensors to wander around the floor, automatically avoiding obstacles. The robot should not go over any path more than once. The program is finished when the robot finds the black circle located in an arbitrary place. 2. Write a two-page essay describing your personal experiences with malware. Conclude your paper by describing at least two things you can do to remove malware from your computer and/or prevent it in the future. 3. Write a two-page paper tracing the evolution of input devices (punched cards, magnetic tape, disk drives), focusing on how the devices of yesterday have influenced the devices of today. Other (Term projects, research papers, portfolios, etc.) Required Materials Computer Science, An Overview Author: Brookshear, Glenn Publisher: Pearson Publication Date: 2018 Text Edition: 13th Classic Textbook?: No OER Link: OER: Computer Science: An Interdisciplinary Approach Author: Robert Sedgewick, Kevin Wayne Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional Publication Date: 2016 Text Edition: 1st Classic Textbook?: No OER Link: OER: Computer Science Illuminated Author: Dale & Lewis Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Publishers Publication Date: 2019 Text Edition: 7th Classic Textbook?: No OER Link: OER: Other materials and-or supplies required of students that contribute to the cost of the course.

PHYS 0010 - Basic Concepts in Physics

Catalog Description Prerequisite: Eligibility for Math D Advisory: Eligibility for ENGL 11 strongly recommended Hours: 54 lecture Description: Introduction to the laws of motion, properties of matter, heat, sound, electricity, magnetism, light, atomic and nuclear physics, and relativity. Emphasis on familiar phenomena in everyday life. Intended for nonscience majors. (CSU, UC-with unit limitation) Course Student Learning Outcomes CSLO #1: Apply basic algebra to associate physical concepts with fundamental physical equations of Newtonian mechanics, electricity, magnetism, thermodynamics, and waves. CSLO #2: Identify physical concepts in Newtonian mechanics, electricity, magnetism, and thermodynamics, and modern physics that are evident in common everyday physical phenomena. CSLO #3: Explain simple physical systems in terms of physical concepts in Newtonian mechanics, electricity, magnetism, and thermodynamics, and modern physics. Effective Term Fall 2022 Course Type Credit - Degree-applicable Contact Hours 54 Outside of Class Hours 108 Total Student Learning Hours 162 Course Objectives Upon completion of Physics 10, the student will be able to: Mechanics: 1. Apply Newton’s Laws and Newton's Universal Law of gravitation to describe and explain the motion of objects. 2. Explain mechanical phenomena in terms of the concepts of work and energy. 3. Apply the concepts of conservation of energy and momentum describe and explain elastic and inelastic collisions. 4. Apply concepts in rotational motion to explain the circular motion of point particles and the rotational motion of rigid bodies. Properties of Matter: 1. Describe the parts of the atom. 2. Define and explain density. 3. Apply and explain the law of scaling. 4. Describe the variation of pressure in a liquid. 5. Apply Pascal's and Archimedes’ principles to explain common fluid phenomena. 6. Apply a conceptual model to explain the effects of temperature and volume on the pressure of a gas. Heat: 1. Define temperature and heat. 2. Apply the concept of specific heat to describe temperature changes in various substances. 3. Apply a conceptual model to explain thermal expansion processes. 4. Apply the concepts of convection, conduction, and radiation to explain common processes involving heat transfer. 5. Apply a conceptual model to explain phase changes. 6. Explain the laws of thermodynamics and entropy. 7. Describe heat engines and explain their limited efficiencies. Sound: 1. Describe the properties of waves in terms of frequency, wavelength and amplitude. 2. Describe the difference between transverse and longitudinal waves. 3. Describe the concept of interference. 4. Apply the concept of the Doppler effect to explain the change in pitch of a sound wave due to the motion of the observer or the source. 5. Apply a conceptual model that explains the variation of the speed of sound due to materials or temperature variations. 6. Apply the concept of interference to explain standing waves and common phenomena involving standing waves. 7. Apply the concept of interference to explain phenomena such as beats. Electricity and Magnetism: 1. Apply Coulomb's law to describe how the electric force varies with distance and charge. 2. Explain the difference between an insulator and a conductor. 3. Explain the concept of the electric field and compare it to the gravitational field. 4. Describe electric potential and the electrical potential difference. 5. Describe the concepts of current and resistance. 6. Apply Ohm's law to explain the behavior of series and parallel electric circuits. 7. Describe the magnetic field, its sources and compare it to the electric field. 8. Explain the magnetic force on a moving particle. 9. Apply Faraday's Law to explain common phenomena involving induced electromagnetic fields. Light: 1. Explain the wave nature of light. 2. Describe the electromagnetic spectrum and color. 3. Describe by selective reflection and selective transmission, and scattering. 4. Describe color mixing for transmitted and reflected waves. 5. Apply items 3 and 4 to explain observed colors in the sky. 6. Describe and explain the laws of reflection and refraction. 7. Apply the law of reflection to explain image formation with mirrors. 8. Apply the law of refraction to explain image formation with lenses. 9. Apply the laws of reflection and refraction to explain commonly observed phenomena in our daily lives (e.g rainbows, mirages, corrective lenses, telescopes etc). 10. Apply interference to explain commonly observed phenomena in our daily lives. 11. Define polarization and use it to explain commonly observed phenomena or commonly used items in our daily lives. 12. Apply the atomic theory of matter to explain the stimulated emission of light and lasers. 13. Apply the particle theory of light to explain the photoelectric effect. 14. Describe wave/particle duality and its implications on our understanding of nature. Atomic and Nuclear Physics: 1. Describe the Bohr model of the atom and use it to explain the shell model. 2. Describe the parts of the nucleus. 3. Describe radioactivity and explain the processes of alpha decay, beta decay, and gamma decay. 4. Explain nuclear fission and describe an example of this process (e.g. atomic bomb, nuclear reactors etc) 5. Explain nuclear fusion and describe an example of this process (e.g. hydrogen bomb, controlled thermonuclear fusion, stellar evolution etc) General Education Information Approved College Associate Degree GE Applicability AA/AS - Physical Sciences CSU GE Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU approval) CSUGE - B1 Physical Science Cal-GETC Applicability (Recommended - Requires External Approval) IGETC Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU/UC approval) IGETC - 5A Physical Science Articulation Information CSU Transferable UC Transferable Methods of Evaluation Objective Examinations Example: 1. A NEGATIVELY charged rod will __________ a stream of water. a. attract b repel c. neither attract or repel 2. When salt is added to ice, the temperature drops, since the salt a. interferes with freezing of water b. interferes with melting of ice c. is colder than the ice d. lowers the freezing point of water e. lowers the melting point of ice Problem Solving Examinations Example: 1. If 100 volts AC are put across a 200-turn transformer primary, the voltage across the 1000-turn secondary will be _______ volts. a. 100 b. 200 c. 500 d. 1000 e. 20 Repeatable No Methods of Instruction Lecture/Discussion Distance Learning Lecture: A class or online multimedia presentation is used to discuss magnetic fields and forces. The presentation includes graphics and video clips for emphasis and clarity. The instructor includes numerous demonstrations throughout the lecture/discussion or online module. Students are encouraged to participate in the discussion with probing questions regarding the concepts with requests to participate in offering solutions to examples. Demonstrations are used to both illustrate principles and to challenge students' critical thinking skills. (Objectives: 7 and 8 in category Electricity and Magnetism) Distance Learning A class or online multimedia presentation is used to discuss the nucleus and its properties. The presentation includes graphics and video clips for emphasis and clarity. The instructor includes numerous live and video demonstrations throughout the lecture/discussion or online module. Students are encouraged to participate in the discussion (either in class or through a Discussion board for online students) with probing questions regarding the concepts with requests to participate in offering solutions to examples. Live demonstrations or online videos are used to both illustrate principles and to challenge students' critical thinking skills. (Objectives: 2 thru 5 in category Atomic and Nuclear Physics) Typical Out of Class Assignments Reading Assignments 1. Read the assigned chapter on "Newton's Second Law of Motion" and be prepared for a discussion. 2. Read the assigned chapter on "Light Waves" and be prepared for discussion. Writing, Problem Solving or Performance 1. For Homework: Answer or solve selected questions or problems at the end of the chapter on force. For example: A stone is suspended at rest by a string. Draw the force vectors for all the forces that act on the stone. 2. Answer selected questions from the study guide, for example: Timmy Tommer is the town's top teeter totterer. He weighs 200 pounds. When he sits 4 feet from the pivot of a teeter totter, he exactly balances Sally Soupy, who is crying for no good reason and who weighs 80 pounds. How far from the pivot is silly sobbing Sally Soupy sitting? (Ans:10 feet) Other (Term projects, research papers, portfolios, etc.) Required Materials Conceptual Physics Author: Hewitt Publisher: Pearson Publication Date: 2015 Text Edition: 12th Classic Textbook?: OER Link: OER: How Things Work: The Physics of Everyday Life Author: Bloomfield Publisher: Wiley Publication Date: 2015 Text Edition: 6th Classic Textbook?: OER Link: OER: Inquiry into Physics Author: Vern J. Ostdiek and Donald J. Bord Publisher: Cengage Publication Date: 2018 Text Edition: 8th Classic Textbook?: OER Link: OER: Other materials and-or supplies required of students that contribute to the cost of the course.

HDEV 0010L - Practicum Experience in Early Childhood Education Lab

...requirements. (combined with HDEV 0010 C-ID ECE...children in various areas (math, science, literacy, puppetry...