MUS 0029. Audiovisual Event Production

Units: 3
Advisory: Completion of MUS 16 with grade of "C" or better
Hours: 72 (36 lecture, 36 activity)
Training in audiovisual technical support for public events. Students will receive introductory training in multimedia presentation, meeting/conference support system components and configuration, venue and event needs evaluation, production logistics, in-house system design and integration, and audiovisual related business practices. Students will engage in hands-on training in system design, setup, transport, installation, operation, maintenance, troubleshooting, and repair procedures. (CSU)

MUS 0029 - Audiovisual Event Production

Catalog Description Advisory: Completion of MUS 16 with grade of "C" or better Hours: 72 (36 lecture, 36 activity) Description: Training in audiovisual technical support for public events. Students will receive introductory training in multimedia presentation, meeting/conference support system components and configuration, venue and event needs evaluation, production logistics, in-house system design and integration, and audiovisual related business practices. Students will engage in hands-on training in system design, setup, transport, installation, operation, maintenance, troubleshooting, and repair procedures. (CSU) Course Student Learning Outcomes CSLO #1: Assess the needs of diverse clientele in varied venue/production scenarios in order to tailor equipment choices and technical staffing strategies to event requirements. CSLO #2: Identify a range of audio signal sources encountered in the scenario of a public event in order to specify appropriate signal capture and/or sound reinforcement equipment to support content delivery. CSLO #3: Flexibly interface multiple audio-video devices and signal sources, allowing for the successful interface of multiple source mixing, switching, scaling, and distribution systems. Effective Term Fall 2024 Course Type Credit - Degree-applicable Contact Hours 72 Outside of Class Hours 90 Total Student Learning Hours 162 Course Objectives Upon successful completion of this course, a student will be able to: Lecture Objectives: I. Evaluate and determine specialized production needs for an upcoming public event addressing A. Venue characteristics 1. Performance/presentation/meeting area size 2. Performance/presentation/meeting area configuration 3. Participant/audience member seating configuration 4. Anticipated attendance B. Nature of event 1. Public audio/video/multimedia presentations II. Assess the production requirements for an upcoming public event and specify appropriate equipment choices A. Analogue or digital audio production systems B. Video/data presentation systems C. Communications systems D. Media capture and playback systems E. Stand-alone (proprietary hardware-based) F. Software-based III. Specify the appropriate deployment of technical labor resources to address the technical production needs an upcoming public event A. Sound designers & technicians B. Data/video presentation support technicians/ display/projection support technicians C. Lighting designers and technicians D. Architectural engineers and building contractors E. Acousticians IV. Create a comprehensive AV equipment rental / technical labor package (event contract) to address a venue/client’s needs and the production requirements of a public event Activity Objectives: I. Identify and explain typical component, configuration, and operating techniques. A. AV-specialized analogue and digital audio production systems 1. Mixing systems 2. Signal processing 3. Amplification 4. Loudspeaker systems 5. Power, loudspeaker, line, microphone, and data cabling B. AV-specialized video/data presentation systems 1. Flat panel video/data presentation monitors/screens 2. Large-format, modular “video wall” systems 3. Digital signage 4. Projection systems 5. Data video signal management C. Signal distribution systems D. Scalers & switchers E. Video signal delivery 1. Composite 2. Component 3. VGA/SVGA 4. DVI 5. HDMI 6. Display port 7. SDI 8. Network-based signal transfer and distribution systems II. Demonstrate ability to actively address challenges encountered in public event technical support scenarios A. Working with specialized personnel at an event 1. Sound designers & technicians 2. Data/video presentation support technicians/ display/projection support technicians 3. Lighting designers and technicians 4. Architectural engineers and building contractors 5. Acousticians 6. Electrical engineers and electrical contractors B. Working proactively with other personnel encountered at a given event/venue 1. Event aesthetics personnel (e.g. decorators) 2. Event design personnel (e.g. event planners, promoters) 3. Other event support entities (e.g. vendors, food service providers) C. Maintaining awareness of event production logistics at all stages of AV event production 1. Event scheduling 2. Venue booking 3. Systems pre-configuration 4. Load-in 5. Systems configuration & calibration 6. Event operation and technical support 7. Load-out General Education Information Approved College Associate Degree GE Applicability CSU GE Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU approval) Cal-GETC Applicability (Recommended - Requires External Approval) IGETC Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU/UC approval) Articulation Information CSU Transferable Methods of Evaluation Objective Examinations Example: 1. Students will be given periodic spot quizzes where retention of course content will be evaluated. Sample question: Define two different video signal delivery systems. 2. A midterm and comprehensive final will be administered where students will be assessed on their grasp of key concepts introduced during instruction. Sample question: What is the difference between an analogue and digital audio production systems Projects Example: 1. Students will produce an Equipment Rental Agreement addressing the needs of a hypothetical public event requiring the following: A. A compliment of professional equipment adequate to fulfill the audio & video/data requirements of a multi-presentation multimedia event (example: a spoken word event with multimedia support): 1. Podium/panel/audience response microphones 2. Audio mixing and signal processing 3. Amplification and loudspeaker system configuration 4. On-location documentation recording 5. Video display configuration a. Flat-panel display systems b. Projection systems 6. Media playback. Example: audio/video/data feeds from multiple computers / tablets, etc.. 2. Students will produce an Event Service Contract addressing the hypothetical public event requiring the following: A. Appropriate event staffing: 1. Appropriate choice and deployment of technical personnel to address the technical support requirements of the event: a. Event design staff 1) Sound design 2) Lighting design 3) Video/data display design b. Event technical staff 1) Lead (A1) and assistant, (A2) audio technicians 2) Lead (L1) and assistant, (L2) lighting technicians Skill Demonstrations Example: Under instructor supervision, small student groups (maximum – 5) will set up, tune, test, and dismantle a small-format AV system. Repeatable No Methods of Instruction Activity Lecture/Discussion Distance Learning Activity: Instructor will set up a particular scenario at an event involving configuration of an AV system, its transport, setup, tuning, operation and tear-down, and maintenance. Students will execute those requirements in a participatory role in that scenario that demonstrates best practices for event production. Under instructor supervision, scenarios requiring system troubleshooting will be introduced – Small groups of students will address the challenge of correcting issues as they are encountered. Lecture: Instructor lecture on the nature of various presentation/meeting/conference venue characteristics and event production scenarios. Student will evaluate production needs of the event based on the scenario and venue characteristics. Instructor will offer integrated lecture and demonstration on both established, and emerging professional practices employed to tailor: 1) an equipment rental agreement and 2) a public event technical support service contract to varying venues and event scenarios. Student will create an equipment rental agreement and support service contract based on possible event scenarios. Distance Learning Students will receive video and written lecture material detailing issues related to current curriculum topics including AV system components, venue and event evaluation, production logistics, and best AV related business practices. Instructor may provide a video demonstration of setup and tear down procedures for specific AV equipment and provide a written summary of things to consider when evaluating a particular venue for AV support system needs. Students will outline and prioritize steps for effective load in, setup, tear down and load out of appropriate AV support system gear for a selected AV venue event scenario. Typical Out of Class Assignments Reading Assignments 1. Students will be required to read and report on an article or technical publication on a current problem or issue related to AV event technical support or systems integration. 2. Students will read and make comparisons of spec sheet data on comparable professional audio, video, or multimedia production/presentation system components. Writing, Problem Solving or Performance 1. Students will attend three public events that require audio, video, or multimedia production support and submit an evaluative report on event content, venue characteristics, and effectiveness of production support. 2. Students will be given a budget and asked to create a comprehensive equipment rental and technical service package addressing the needs of a hypothetical public event requiring audio, video, multimedia presentation, and/or meeting/conference technology support. Students will be required to 1) match specified technology resources to event requirements and 2) provide a rationale for equipment choices and labor deployment. Other (Term projects, research papers, portfolios, etc.) Required Materials Networked AV Systems Author: Brad Grimes Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education Publication Date: 2014 Text Edition: 1st Classic Textbook?: No OER Link: OER: Master Handbook of Acoustics Author: F. Alton Everest, Ken C. Pohlmann Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education Publication Date: 2021 Text Edition: 7th Classic Textbook?: No OER Link: OER: Music Business Handbook and Career Guide Author: David Baskerville Publisher: Sage Publisher Publication Date: 2019 Text Edition: 12th Classic Textbook?: No OER Link: OER: Electricity for the Entertainment Electrician and Technician Author: Richard Cadena Publisher: Routledge Publication Date: 2021 Text Edition: 3rd Classic Textbook?: No OER Link: OER: Other materials and-or supplies required of students that contribute to the cost of the course.


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