PDEV 0001. College and Life Success

Units: 3
Hours: 54 lecture
Strategies for creating success in college, life and career. Apply psychological, social, and physiological principles of development, learning, motivation and wellness to support success. Explore personality, interests, and values to increase self-understanding and support informed educational, career and life decisions. Strengthen academic study strategies such as note taking, memorizing and test taking skills. Apply life management techniques to accomplish goals. Develop a plan for wellness and living a long and healthy life. Practice creative and critical thinking techniques, problem-solving, and decision-making. (CSU, UC-with unit limitation)

PDEV 0001 - College and Life Success


Catalog Description Hours: 54 lecture Description: Strategies for creating success in college, life and career. Apply psychological, social, and physiological principles of development, learning, motivation and wellness to support success. Explore personality, interests, and values to increase self-understanding and support informed educational, career and life decisions. Strengthen academic study strategies such as note taking, memorizing and test taking skills. Apply life management techniques to accomplish goals. Develop a plan for wellness and living a long and healthy life. Practice creative and critical thinking techniques, problem-solving, and decision-making. (CSU, UC-with unit limitation) Course Student Learning Outcomes CSLO #1: Demonstrate the ability to access college and/or community resources that can help students achieve their educational and life goals. CSLO #2: Apply critical thinking and problem-solving strategies to make academic and personal decisions. CSLO #3: Formulate academic and personal goals and create an action plan to achieve them. CSLO #4: Apply theories of learning, communication and/or psychology that are relevant to college and life success. CSLO #5: Demonstrate appreciation and understanding of the importance and influence of social and cultural diversity in academic and life planning. Effective Term Fall 2019 Course Type Credit - Degree-applicable Contact Hours 54 Outside of Class Hours 108 Total Student Learning Hours 162 Course Objectives Students will, through oral and written work: Personal Growth and Life Management 1. Develop a learner self-profile by assessing their personality types, interests, values, learning style, multiple intelligences, personal strengths and challenges; 2. Develop personally compelling short and long term goals and an action plan to achieve them; 3. Use time management strategies and tools to manage procrastination, reduce stress and enhance self-efficacy; 4. Apply theories of change, motivation and behavior modification to change and/or adopt new behaviors to enhance success; 5. Apply principles of positive psychology to enhance resilience, optimism and grit; 6. Demonstrate effective interpersonal and intercultural communication techniques; 7. Demonstrate an awareness and appreciation of social and cultural diversity; 8. Describe life stage based on psychological theories and relate to college and career success Education and Career Planning 9. Apply models of career development to identify possible majors/careers; 10. Develop a comprehensive educational plan consistent with major/career goals; 11. Apply life transition principles to learn the culture, vocabulary and expectations of higher education; Lifelong Learning 12. Apply memory techniques to college reading, note taking, studying, and test preparation; 13. Use a variety of study strategies to enhance reading, note taking, writing, and test-taking skills; 14. Apply psychological and behavioral modification techniques to enhance concentration and focus; 15. Apply criteria to evaluate online and other information sources; 16. Identify library resources and formulate a plan for a research paper; 17. Identify and access appropriate college and community resources; 18. Develop personal learning strategies based on learner self-profile; 19. Describe their life stage based on theories of Erikson, Levinson, and Sheehy and relate to college success; Critical and Creative Thinking 20. Describe the critical thinking process; 21. Apply creativity techniques to generate ideas for solving problems; 22. Apply decision making and problem solving models to identify a problem, weigh choices, anticipate likely outcomes, make a decision, and evaluate the outcome of that decision; 23. Apply criteria to evaluate online and other information sources; Health and Wellness 24. Identify strategies for maintaining health in college and over a lifetime; 25. Manage negative emotions effectively and apply stress management strategies; 26. Describe concepts of positive psychology and apply techniques for positive thinking; 27. Develop and maintain an effective social support network; 28. Describe emotional intelligence, stress psycho-physiology, and the effects of stress on health and learning; 29. Assess physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health and correlate to college and life success; and 30. Identify strategies for maintaining optimal lifelong health. 31. Provide overview of money management strategies and apply them to personal financial situation. Discuss and assist with financial aid process to support educational expenses. General Education Information Approved College Associate Degree GE Applicability AA/AS - Health Ed/Physical Ed CSU GE Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU approval) CSUGE - E1 Lifelong Learning and Self-Development Cal-GETC Applicability (Recommended - Requires External Approval) IGETC Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU/UC approval) Articulation Information CSU Transferable UC Transferable Methods of Evaluation Classroom Discussions Example: After presentation on positive psychology and aspects of positive thinking, the class breaks into smaller groups to compile lists of positive approaches they currently use and identify new ways to incorporate these ideas. Essay Examinations Example: Discuss learning strategies and develop a plan of personal strategies to increase text comprehension. Essay evaluated based upon a rubric developed by instructor and shared with students. Objective Examinations Example: Read short case studies about procrastination and identify which of four multiple choice responses best reflects an effective self-motivational strategy using criteria learned in class. Graded based on correct application of criteria. Repeatable No Methods of Instruction Lecture/Discussion Distance Learning Lecture: Lecture by instructor on various learning styles and environmental elements that affect learning. Student will complete individual assessments of learning styles using multiple measures e.g., VARK (Fleming), True Colors, Gardner's Intelligences; analyze the results; and create their own learner profile. Distance Learning After presentation and discussion on elements of academic planning including types of awards/degrees, researching majors appropriate to career goals, and transfer requirements (if applicable), students will compile a draft comprehensive education plan to address their educational goals and post in the discussion board for feedback and comments. Typical Out of Class Assignments Reading Assignments 1. After reading the chapter in your text on note taking, choose one of the note taking formats and related note taking techniques to take notes in class. Exchange notes with two classmates. Review and discuss each. Write a two-page, typed, doubled-spaced paper identifying the characteristics of effective note taking and evaluating the quality of your notes. What note taking techniques were most helpful? What techniques would improve your note taking? 2. Based on your readings of test taking strategies, develop a personal test taking strategy for essay, multiple choice and true/false exams employing techniques discussed in the text. Write a two-page, typed, doubled-spaced paper describing your techniques and post it on the class web site. Writing, Problem Solving or Performance 1. After reading the chapter in your text on critical thinking, identify a challenging decision or problem you are currently facing. Use the 6-Step Wise Choice Process to help you reach a decision or resolve the problem. Write a two-page, typed, doubled-spaced paper evaluating the results. 2. Interview a friend, family member, neighbor, instructor or supervisor who earned a bachelor degree or higher. Write a two-page, typed, doubled-spaced paper identifying the personal characteristics, beliefs, values and strategies they used to persist and achieve their educational goal. Post your work on the class web site. Other (Term projects, research papers, portfolios, etc.) Keep a journal and note all distractions that occur while you are studying. Note where you are, what time it is and what else is going on in your environment. Do this for one week and review your journal for any recurring patterns. Be prepared to share your insights with the class. Required Materials College & Career Success Author: Marsha Fralick Publisher: Kendall Hunt Publication Date: 2017 Text Edition: 8th Classic Textbook?: OER Link: OER: Becoming a Master Student Author: Dave Ellis Publisher: Cengage Learning Publication Date: 2017 Text Edition: 16th Classic Textbook?: OER Link: OER: Other materials and-or supplies required of students that contribute to the cost of the course.