PDEV 0008. Introduction to College

Units: 0.5-2
Hours: 9 lecture per .5 unit
Introduction to higher education, college terms, student resources, student success practices, steps to choosing a career direction, related interest area, program and/or major, the college catalog, degree/certificate requirements, and an overview of the transfer process to four-year colleges/universities. Students formulate an educational plan to increase success in reaching educational goals. (CSU, UC-with unit limitation)

PDEV 0008 - Introduction to College


Catalog Description Hours: 9 lecture per .5 unit Description: Introduction to higher education, college terms, student resources, student success practices, steps to choosing a career direction, related interest area, program and/or major, the college catalog, degree/certificate requirements, and an overview of the transfer process to four-year colleges/universities. Students formulate an educational plan to increase success in reaching educational goals. (CSU, UC-with unit limitation) Course Student Learning Outcomes CSLO #1: Demonstrate the ability to access college and/or community resources that can help students achieve their goals. CSLO #2: Apply critical thinking and problem-solving strategies to make academic decisions. CSLO #3: Formulate academic goals and create an action plan to achieve them. CSLO #4: Apply theories of learning, communication and/or psychology that are relevant to college and life success. CSLO #5: Identify and apply learning preferences to academic success. Effective Term Fall 2019 Course Type Credit - Degree-applicable Contact Hours 9-36 Outside of Class Hours 18-54 Total Student Learning Hours 36-90 Course Objectives Through oral and written exercises and activities, students will: 1. Differentiate past educational experiences from current college opportunity; 2. Identify and locate specific services on the campus for meeting academic needs; 3. Identify and locate campus programs and/or services needed for completing goals and objectives; 4. Analyze current level of preparedness for academic work; 5. Develop strategies to strengthen course preparation, study skills, and class participation; 6. Identify steps in effective decision-making process and apply to choosing an interest area, career direction, program and/or major 7. Develop short and long term career and educational goals; 8. Analyze barriers and develop solutions for reaching career and educational goals; 9. Identify academic requirements related to educational goal; 10. Develop an individual student educational plan using academic and student success resources. General Education Information Approved College Associate Degree GE Applicability CSU GE Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU approval) Cal-GETC Applicability (Recommended - Requires External Approval) IGETC Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU/UC approval) Articulation Information CSU Transferable UC Transferable Methods of Evaluation Classroom Discussions Example: Students will research and share key information on campus resources, taking questions from the class and instructor and post key details/contact info on LMS for reference by all. Essay Examinations Example: Two-page typed paper on specific learning strategies to increase success in college. Based upon a rubric developed by the instructor and shared with students. Objective Examinations Example: True/False, multiple choice and short answer exam on Associate Degree requirements. Will be graded upon accuracy. Repeatable No Methods of Instruction Lecture/Discussion Distance Learning Lecture: Lecture by instructor, accompanied by PowerPoint slides, on associate degree requirements. Students will map out a completed degree to include major, general education and learning skills requirements utilizing the Sierra College Catalog and DegreeWorks. Using result from in-class assessment on decision-making styles, instructor will lecture on strengths and weaknesses of key decision-making styles. In small groups, students will contribute personal stories about decisions and processes used to make them and collaborate on effective steps to take in future situations. Students will write a journal articulating one decision they need to make and a proposed plan to make it, incorporating the lecture and class discussion. Grading based on use of complete set of effective steps, comprehensiveness and high level of detail. Typical Out of Class Assignments Reading Assignments 1. Read the handout about time management. Using the form provided, document how you spend your time every day for one week. Using the Carnegie unit principle taught in class, estimate the time needed for study per week and, for the next week, schedule that amount of study time. Write a one-page paper comparing the two weeks in relation to the effectiveness of your time management regarding study. Post your paper on LMS and respond to two other students' papers on the same subject. (Obj. II.A.1) 2. Read the handout on learning styles and take the learning styles assessment provided in class. Complete the assignment on how you will apply what you have learned about your specific learning style in a classroom setting. Post your completed assignment on LMS, read two other responses by your classmates and respond to their assignments per instructions. (Obj. II.A.3) Writing, Problem Solving or Performance 1. Read the "Innovative Abstracts, Vol. X, Number 17", provided in class and write a two-page, double-spaced typed paper comparing and contrasting the elements of successful students with your own personal educational experience. Include how you plan to develop strategies to overcome any barriers you face regarding your education goal. Post your paper on Canvas and read and respond to two other student papers. (Obj. II.C.) 2. Attend the orientation at the Learning Resource Center and provide evidence that you can research topics in the library by listing 2 texts and 2 articles that deal with college level study strategies. (Objs. I.B,II.B) Other (Term projects, research papers, portfolios, etc.) Required Materials The College Handbook They Never Gave You Author: Stevens, D. Publisher: Creat Space Publication Date: 2015 Text Edition: 1st Classic Textbook?: OER Link: OER: Sierra College Author: Sierra College Catalog Publisher: 2019 Publication Date: Text Edition: Classic Textbook?: OER Link: OER: Other materials and-or supplies required of students that contribute to the cost of the course.