PDEV 0021. Career Exploration through Self Assessment

Units: 0.5-1
Hours: 9 lecture per .5 unit
Introduction to the career decision making process using career assessment and educational planning tools. Includes self assessment of personality, values, interests and skills; analysis and exploration of course of study and career options; development of a career action plan; and creation of a student educational plan. (CSU)

PDEV 0021 - Career Exploration through Self Assessment


Catalog Description Hours: 9 lecture per .5 unit Description: Introduction to the career decision making process using career assessment and educational planning tools. Includes self assessment of personality, values, interests and skills; analysis and exploration of course of study and career options; development of a career action plan; and creation of a student educational plan. (CSU) Course Student Learning Outcomes CSLO #1: Apply critical thinking and problem-solving strategies to make academic, career and/or personal decisions. CSLO #2: Formulate academic, career and/or personal goals and create an action plan to achieve them. CSLO #3: Develop career and academic goals through self-assessment of values, interests and skills. Effective Term Fall 2019 Course Type Credit - Degree-applicable Contact Hours 9-18 Outside of Class Hours 18-36 Total Student Learning Hours 36-54 Course Objectives Lecture Objectives: 1. Identify and articulate their own personality, values, interests and skills after completing computerized assessment; 2. Identify and apply priorities in specific areas of interests through matching and prioritizing personal profile to occupational areas of interest; 3. Create the components of a career action plan matching values, skills, and personality; and 4. Analyze the components of a Student Education Plan. 5. Create a profile which reflects and integrates personality, values, skills and interests; 6. Analyze and explore career options resulting from the information obtained in the profile; 7. Discuss and analyze appropriate career options after conducting informational interviews and evaluating results; 8. Develop a career action plan matching values, skills, and personality; and 9. Create a Student Education Plan that maps the course sequence appropriate to the student's affirmed course of study and educational goal that are supported by their career plan. General Education Information Approved College Associate Degree GE Applicability CSU GE Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU approval) Cal-GETC Applicability (Recommended - Requires External Approval) IGETC Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU/UC approval) Articulation Information CSU Transferable Methods of Evaluation Essay Examinations Example: In essay format, create a dream career that integrates the results of your assessments. Assessment based upon rubric developed by instructor and shared with students. Reports Example: A final written report on the student's educational and career goals incorporating multiple steps, timeline and details including relevant educational level and course of study will be submitted. Grade based upon completeness, college level writing and incorporation of all required information. Repeatable No Methods of Instruction Lecture/Discussion Distance Learning Lecture: The instructor will facilitate integration, meaning and analysis of the various aspects of career assessments and assignments through specific prompts and assignments. The instructor will engage the student in a discussion of long term goals and specific action plans. Distance Learning Discuss and analyze appropriate career options after conducting informational interviews and evaluating results: Students will research 10 essential pieces of information about both their Plan A and Plan B careers, and then provide a written evaluation of each based against their career profile. Outcome is to support an informed career decision. The research is from various types of research, including online and in-person, and the written project is submitted electronically through the LMS. Typical Out of Class Assignments Reading Assignments 1. Read relevant sections of website MyPersonality.com and outline points of congruence and dissonance between the information and personal experience. 2. Read a career or industry specific book or trade magazine related to your career profile and be prepared to discuss in class. Writing, Problem Solving or Performance 1. In essay format, create a dream career that integrates your ideal values and skills and includes your personality traits. Add any interests ideas or details that you want included but may not have emerged in the assessment process. 2. Using Eureka, obtain a set of 15 points of information about a potential career choice and catalogue in a report. Compare and contrast the information to your career profile to determine the level of fit. 3. Formulate and write a career development plan including educational goals and course of study. Other (Term projects, research papers, portfolios, etc.) 1. Make an appointment for an informational interview with a person in a career area of interest determined by your career profile. Complete a reflection paper of your experience. Required Materials Other materials and-or supplies required of students that contribute to the cost of the course. Access to internet for assessments and research. Instructor provided course packet.