PHYS 0105L. General Physics I Laboratory

Unit: 1
Formerly known as PHYS 2A (PHYS 105 and 105L, combined)
Prerequisite: Completion of MATH 27 or high school trigonometry with grade of "C" or better
Corequisite: Concurrent enrollment in PHYS 105
Advisory: Eligibility for ENGL 11 strongly recommended
Hours: 54 laboratory
Laboratory portion of PHYS 105. Noncalculus introduction to the principles of mechanics, properties of matter and heat. Emphasis on applications relevant to several majors, including premedical, predental, optometry, forestry, architecture, and biological science. (combined with PHYS 105, C-ID PHYS 105) (CSU, UC-with unit limitation)

PHYS 0105L - General Physics I Laboratory

Catalog Description Formerly known as PHYS 2A (PHYS 105 and 105L, combined) Prerequisite: Completion of MATH 27 or high school trigonometry with grade of "C" or better Corequisite: Concurrent enrollment in PHYS 105 Advisory: Eligibility for ENGL 11 strongly recommended Hours: 54 laboratory Description: Laboratory portion of PHYS 105. Noncalculus introduction to the principles of mechanics, properties of matter and heat. Emphasis on applications relevant to several majors, including premedical, predental, optometry, forestry, architecture, and biological science. (combined with PHYS 105, C-ID PHYS 105) (CSU, UC-with unit limitation) Course Student Learning Outcomes CSLO #1: Use the appropriate lab equipment to achieve successful measurements associated with Newtonian mechanics and thermodynamics. CSLO #2: Use the appropriate software and numerical calculations to perform data analysis on measurements associated with Newtonian mechanics and thermodynamics. CSLO #3: Communicate experimental results in written and oral form. CSLO #4: Integrate theoretical constructs of Newtonian mechanics and thermodynamics from Physics 105 into concrete applications via experimental methodology. Effective Term Fall 2022 Course Type Credit - Degree-applicable Contact Hours 54 Outside of Class Hours 0 Total Student Learning Hours 54 Course Objectives The objectives listed below are aligned with the recommendations for introductory laboratories developed by the American Association of Physics Committee on Laboratories in 2014 ( and are based on the current state of physics education research and the following six focus areas: constructing knowledge, modeling, designing of experiments, developing technical and practical laboratory skills analyzing and visualizing data, and communicating physics. These objectives are intended for both major and non-major introductory courses as such they are evaluated at a level commensurate with the curriculum of the lecture course. Thus, students are expected to: 1. Explain the importance of experimental evidence as one of the main byways of physics knowledge. 2. Devise falsifiable models or hypotheses to explain observable features of nature as a means to construct knowledge without relying on outside authority (constructing knowledge). 3. Apply the appropriate framework for the physical situation being modeled in an experiment (modeling). 4. Integrate abstract concepts from Physics 105 into their concrete applications through experimentation (modeling and developing technical and practical laboratory skills). 5. Apply multiple model representations to a given investigation (e.g mathematical, conceptual or diagrammatical modeling). 6. Explain the limitations, assumptions and approximations inherent in the models used in an experimental investigation (modeling). 7. Design a procedure to test a model or hypothesis or to make a measurement of something unknown while accounting for the types, amount, range, and accuracy of data needed to give reproducible results (designing experiments). 8. Apply basic troubleshooting as needed in an experimental investigation (designing experiments). 9. Explain the difference between precision and accuracy (designing experiments and developing technical and practical laboratory skills). 10. Explain the limitations of experimental equipment or an experiment design including sources of error and experimental uncertainties (designing experiments and developing technical and practical laboratory skills). 11. Apply standard instruments used in measuring and observing phenomena involving concepts covered in Physics 105 (developing technical and practical laboratory skills). 12. Apply basic practical, hands-on laboratory skills such as safe practices, experimental construction and setup, the alignment and leveling of laboratory apparatus and the taring and calibration of sensors (developing technical and practical laboratory skills). 13. Identify environmental factors that affect the integrity of experimental data or observations (analyzing and visualizing data). 14. Use computers for the collection, analysis, and graphical display of data (developing technical and practical laboratory skills and analyzing and visualizing data). 15. Manipulate data and apply standard quantitative techniques involving data visualization and statistical analysis (analyzing and visualizing data). 16. Evaluate the validity of experimental data (analyzing and visualizing data). 17. Express, characterize, and communicate the effect of experimental error on measured values (analyzing and visualizing data and communication). 18. Develop clearly stated scientific arguments that proceed from a clearly stated question or hypothesis to the presentation of data-driven evidence-based conclusions (communication). 19. Develop and present scientific arguments using a number of standard elements of technical communication (e.g. graphs, sketches and diagrams, proper technical vocabulary, evaluation of experimental uncertainty etc.) 20. Communicate results ethically and effectively in variety of formats ranging from informal discussion and oral presentations to formal laboratory papers and reports that adhere to accepted guidelines for formal presentation (communication). 21. Critique the student’s own presentations for both the quality of the scientific arguments and the scientific style (communication). 22. Exhibit cooperative skills in the collection and analysis data (communication, designing of experiments, developing technical and practical laboratory skills). General Education Information Approved College Associate Degree GE Applicability AA/AS - Physical Sciences AS - Physical Science Lab CSU GE Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU approval) CSUGE - B3 Lab Activity Cal-GETC Applicability (Recommended - Requires External Approval) IGETC Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU/UC approval) IGETC - 5C Laboratory Science Articulation Information CSU Transferable UC Transferable Methods of Evaluation Reports Example: Write a formal lab report for the "Forces" lab. Formal laboratory reports are graded using a rubric based on proper format, proper data analysis techniques, proper use of instrumentation, correct interpretation of results, identification, prevention, and assessment of sources of experimental error, and the ability to evaluate the integrity of laboratory data. Skill Demonstrations Example: Complete the "Hit the Target" skill demonstration for 2-d kinematics. This skill demonstration is graded using a rubric based on proper use of instrumentation, proper applications of kinematic equations, correct interpretation of results, identification, prevention, and assessment of sources of experimental error, and the ability to evaluate the integrity of laboratory data. Repeatable No Methods of Instruction Lecture/Discussion Distance Learning Lecture: The faculty member introduces the laboratory experiment “One Dimensional Motion” using a multimedia presentation. Detailed guidelines for the experiment are provided by the instructor with some information omitted to encourage critical thinking. The faculty member then oversees students perform laboratory experiments based on oral and written guidelines. An important part of the laboratory experience is the proper analysis of data which includes the proper application of significant figures and the identification of random and systematic errors. Students are then required to write a formal laboratory report. Formal reports are written using a word processor. Students are required to use graphing software to plot and analyze data. On occasion, students are required to use spreadsheet software to organize and analyze their data. Finally, students are evaluated for proficiency on important laboratory equipment such as Vernier calipers, micrometers, electronic sensors, triple beam balances and computer-based data acquisition systems (Lab Objectives 1-22). The experiments are chosen to provide students with 1) "Hands-on" experience with difficult concepts. 2) Experience with scientific equipment. 3) Exposure to the scientific method of investigation. 4) Problem solving skills necessary to troubleshoot experiments or experimental apparatus. 5) Experience with the communication of technical information.” Distance Learning The faculty member introduces the laboratory experiment “The Atwood Machine” using a multimedia presentation. Detailed guidelines for the experiment are provided by the instructor with some information omitted to encourage critical thinking. The faculty member then oversees students perform laboratory experiments based on oral and written guidelines. An important part of the laboratory experience is the proper analysis of data which includes the proper application of significant figures and the identification of random and systematic errors. Students are then required to write a formal laboratory report. In the online modality, the faculty member introduces the experiment and provides guidelines through a recorded synchronous lecture. The students then carry out experiments with lab kits that are either purchased through the bookstore of provided by the department. Formal lab reports are submitted the college’s LMS. While the in-class version of this experiment utilizes pulley sensors and a data acquisition system for accurate timing, the distance learning version utilizes simple pulleys and stopwatches for timing. Typical Out of Class Assignments Reading Assignments 1. Read "Lab 1: Forces" in preparation of completing the experiment and lab report. 2. Read the lab handout on error analysis in preparation for performing data analysis required for the lab. Writing, Problem Solving or Performance 1. Complete the pre-lab for Experiment 3. 1-d Kinematics. Example question: Explain the difference between instantaneous speed and instantaneous velocity. 2. Write formal laboratory report on Experiment 5: The Atwood Machine, using a word processor and the report guidelines. Other (Term projects, research papers, portfolios, etc.) Required Materials College Physics Author: Serway and Vuille Publisher: Cengage Publication Date: 2018 Text Edition: 11th Classic Textbook?: OER Link: OER: Physics Lab Manual Author: David Loyd Publisher: Cengage Publication Date: 2014 Text Edition: 4th Classic Textbook?: OER Link: OER: PHYS 105L Lab Manual Author: Shackell Publisher: Sierra College Publication Date: 2017 Text Edition: Classic Textbook?: OER Link: OER: Other materials and-or supplies required of students that contribute to the cost of the course.