SKDV 0001. Techniques of Tutoring

Unit: 1
Formerly known as SKDV 21A
Advisory: Eligibility for ENGL 1A
Hours: 18 lecture
Introduction to learning theories, styles and techniques as related to tutoring. Fundamentals of communication and motivation for effective tutoring. Strategies for planning tutoring sessions. Tutoring techniques and resources for addressing unique student needs. (CSU)

SKDV 0001 - Techniques of Tutoring

Catalog Description Formerly known as SKDV 21A Advisory: Eligibility for ENGL 1A Hours: 18 lecture Description: Introduction to learning theories, styles and techniques as related to tutoring. Fundamentals of communication and motivation for effective tutoring. Strategies for planning tutoring sessions. Tutoring techniques and resources for addressing unique student needs. (CSU) Course Student Learning Outcomes CSLO #1: Conduct tutoring sessions using standard tutoring practices and appropriate learning strategies. CSLO #2: Recommend study strategies and refer students to campus resources as needed. CSLO #3: Recognize the individual learning needs of each student, with sensitivity to special student populations, such as returning adults, culturally diverse students, first generation college students and students with disabilities. Effective Term Fall 2018 Course Type Credit - Degree-applicable Contact Hours 18 Outside of Class Hours 36 Total Student Learning Hours 54 Course Objectives 1. Define the goals of tutoring and the role of the tutor. 2. Analyze and solve potential problem tutoring situations. 3. Construct a tutoring session using standards of best tutoring practices. 4. Observe and analyze a tutoring session. 5. Apply learning strategies/techniques to student learning preferences. 6. Self-evaluate listening skills; identify poor listening habits. 7. Evaluate strategies for motivating students and apply to the tutoring scenario. 8. Evaluate metacognitive processes of both self and tutee in the tutoring experience. 9. Identify challenges of learning with disabilities and demonstrate sensitivity to learning differences. 10. Apply intercultural and diversity concepts to the learning and tutoring experience. 11. Identify strategies for conducting effective group tutoring sessions. 12. Describe the various student support services available at the college. General Education Information Approved College Associate Degree GE Applicability CSU GE Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU approval) Cal-GETC Applicability (Recommended - Requires External Approval) IGETC Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU/UC approval) Articulation Information CSU Transferable Methods of Evaluation Classroom Discussions Example: Students are asked to concisely relate how the material presented in this course has affected their thinking about learning and ability to tutor their fellow students. Students are given participation points based on their ability to be specific and cite which elements of the course were most useful and what particular approaches and strategies they will employ as a tutor. Objective Examinations Example: The students will be given a multiple choice quiz on the ethics of tutoring. Results will be scored and the correct answers discussed in small groups. Problem Solving Examinations Example: Students will give paragraph length answers to questions like the following: Based on the recommendations of the Learning Disability Association of America, explain how you would plan a tutoring session for a student with either dyscalculia or dyslexia. Students will be graded based on their ability to describe specific strategies they would use for the subject that they tutor. Skill Demonstrations Example: Students are asked to present on an effective study skill they think will be helpful for tutees studying in their subject area. Students are scored on their ability to describe in detail useful study methods. Repeatable No Methods of Instruction Lecture/Discussion Distance Learning Lecture: The instructor will lecture on the VARK learning styles inventory. The students will take the inventory and then discuss and evaluate the results and the efficacy of the VARK system. (Objective 5) The instructor will describe the 12 steps of the Tutoring Cycle. The students will then create in writing a fictional scenario incorporating at least 10 steps of the Tutoring Cycle. The students will then act out the scenarios in class. (Objective 3) Distance Learning Watch ten minute recorded discussion on common tutoring challenges, and then writi two tutoring challenges you have faced on the wiki for the lesson. Also, please write possible solutions to the challenges of other peer tutors on the Wiki. Typical Out of Class Assignments Reading Assignments 1. Read the following article and be prepared to discuss it: Dweck, Carol. "Growth Mindset, Revisited". Education Week. September 23, 2015. 2. Read the following journal article and be prepared to discuss it: Palardy, J Michael. "Some strategies for motivating students". National Association of Secondary School Principals. NAASP Bulletin. Feb. 1999. Vol.83, Iss.604; pg.116, 6pgs. Writing, Problem Solving or Performance 1. Go to, select a subject area you are familiar with and read through the resources presented. Choose one of the resources, write a review of it, and submit it for publishing online. 2. Go to, answer the Questionnaire found there, and then read the appropriate "Help" sheets. Answer the following questions: 1) Which strategies (if any), given on the help sheet, have you used successfully, as a student, in the past? 2) Are there any strategies that have worked for you that are NOT listed on the help sheet? Other (Term projects, research papers, portfolios, etc.) Required Materials A Training Guide for College Tutors and Peer Educators Author: Sally A. Lipsky Publisher: Pearson Publication Date: 2015 Text Edition: Classic Textbook?: OER Link: OER: Other materials and-or supplies required of students that contribute to the cost of the course.