SKDV 0010. How to be a Successful Online Student

Unit: 1
Hours: 18 lecture
Designed to develop the skills for success in the online classroom. Includes defining online learning and uncovering its myths; online readiness; netiquette; learning styles; time management, study habits, goal setting and motivational techniques; the importance of fostering online community; use of emerging technologies including wikis, blogs and VoiceThreads; student services and resources. Exploration of the use of the campus course management system, completion of basic computer tasks and effective use of Internet tools. (CSU)

SKDV 0010 - How to be a Successful Online Student

Catalog Description Hours: 18 lecture Description: Designed to develop the skills for success in the online classroom. Includes defining online learning and uncovering its myths; online readiness; netiquette; learning styles; time management, study habits, goal setting and motivational techniques; the importance of fostering online community; use of emerging technologies including wikis, blogs and VoiceThreads; student services and resources. Exploration of the use of the campus course management system, completion of basic computer tasks and effective use of Internet tools. (CSU) Course Student Learning Outcomes CSLO #1: Demonstrate competence in navigating Sierra College distance learning course management system. CSLO #2: Develop effective time management techniques. CSLO #3: Apply techniques necessary for effective online community participation. Effective Term Fall 2018 Course Type Credit - Degree-applicable Contact Hours 18 Outside of Class Hours 36 Total Student Learning Hours 54 Course Objectives Through a variety of assignments, assessments and collaborative experiences students will be able to: 1. navigate the online course management system 2. demonstrate Internet/email skills by opening browser, locating a specific URL, and using campus email system 3. assess ability to be successful in the online classroom and evaluate tips to being a successful online student 4. differentiate between synchronous and asynchronous learning environments 5. distinguish between myths of online learning and the expectations of an online course 6. summarize and demonstrate netiquette guidelines and appropriate behavior in the online classroom 7. identify various learning styles, determine own style and demonstrate ways to effectively retain information based on learning style 8. identify and evaluate time management elements necessary for the online classroom 9. evaluate the importance of establishing an online community and its role in the learning process 10. actively participate in the online community utilizing online communication tools 11. identify and evaluate online student service resources provided by the institution 12. contribute to a list of useful information provided by current students for future online students General Education Information Approved College Associate Degree GE Applicability CSU GE Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU approval) Cal-GETC Applicability (Recommended - Requires External Approval) IGETC Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU/UC approval) Articulation Information CSU Transferable Methods of Evaluation Classroom Discussions Example: Active participation in a weekly discussion board will be required to ensure that the student recognizes the importance of the online community. Contributions to the board will be assigned twenty percent of the total points possible for the final course grade. Following is an example of a discussion board prompt during the first week of class: What do you foresee as being the single most challenging element for you in an online course? Objective Examinations Example: A weekly multiple choice and short answer quiz will be used to determine whether the student mastered the performance objectives presented in each module. Correct responses will be immediately available to multiple choice questions while short answer questions will be reviewed and graded individually based upon a rubric. Following is an example of a short answer question: Describe one of the myths regarding the online learning environment. Repeatable No Methods of Instruction Lecture/Discussion Distance Learning Lecture: The instructor will provide the students with a text-based and/or audio lecture discussing the various student services available on campus. After reviewing the link to all of the Student Resources on campus the students will then have to access at least one of the online services, forward proof of access to the instructor, and submit written description and evaluation of their experience. Distance Learning The instructor will provide the students with a text-based and/or audio lecture with transcript discussing the importance of proper etiquette in the online classroom. This is referred to as Netiquette. The instructor will then have students establish a set of Netiquette guidelines that they will all adhere to in this class by using a wiki. They must first read the Netiquette guidelines at Then students will collaborate with classmates to create their own netiquette guidelines at the wiki within the class. Each student will post to the wiki by clicking on the Edit Wiki Content button to begin typing their comment. They will then be instructed to contribute two guidelines that should be included in the overall set. After everyone has submitted their guidelines the instructor will compile the list and the guidelines will be posted at the discussion board. Once the guidelines have been established the students will participate in the discussion board topic on Netiquette Guidelines. They will need to identify the guideline or guidelines that they feel will be the most difficult for them to adhere to. Typical Out of Class Assignments Reading Assignments 1. Locate and read an article on the Internet defining the characteristics of a successful online student. In a one page document provide me with a summary of the characteristics identified and describe which ones you strongly identify with. What characteristics will be a challenge for you to develop and what will you do to overcome this? 2. For this assignment, go to the Purdue OWL site and review the following from the Purdue OWL Plagiarism area: "Overview," "Is It Plagiarism," and "Safe Practices." (Look to the left menu on the OWL to find links). After completing all of the reading material, identify and describe at least three of the strategies that can be used to avoid plagiarism. Also, discuss how to use these strategies in upcoming term papers for other classes. Make sure to address all parts of this assignment clearly. Writing, Problem Solving or Performance 1. Complete the VARK Questionnaire found under the website button within the week two folder. After you complete the questionnaire and identify your own learning style, I want you to go back to the VARK link and open up the Helpsheets. Then open the link to the type of learner the questionnaire identified you as being. Read the recommended study strategies on your particular style. I want you then to submit to me through the Completed Homework button an explanation of your learning style and what study strategies work best for your style. Next, I want you to assume that your instructor will be providing you with only text based material in an online course. Based upon your learning style what study strategies will you need to incorporate in order for you to learn the material as it is presented by the instructor? 2. Describe to me your current study habits. After reviewing the various websites posted in the lecture for this module, identify the areas that you think you need to improve. What are the greatest obstacles that prevent you from meeting the demands of an online class? Do you feel you will be able to overcome these challenges? How do you intend to do this? Other (Term projects, research papers, portfolios, etc.) Required Materials Success As An Online Student: Strategies for Effective Online Learning Author: Kevin J. Fandl, Jamie D. Smith Publisher: Taylor & Francis Publication Date: 2013 Text Edition: 1st Classic Textbook?: OER Link: OER: Other materials and-or supplies required of students that contribute to the cost of the course.