SOC 0001. Introduction to Sociology

Units: 3
Hours: 54 lecture
Sociological analysis of social institutions, social interaction and behavior, collective behavior, social change, deviance, conformity, and social stratification. (C-ID SOCI 110) (CSU, UC)

SOC 0001 - Introduction to Sociology

Catalog Description Hours: 54 lecture Description: Sociological analysis of social institutions, social interaction and behavior, collective behavior, social change, deviance, conformity, and social stratification. (C-ID SOCI 110) (CSU, UC) Course Student Learning Outcomes CSLO #1: Apply sociological theory, research and critical analysis to the study of society. CSLO #2: Apply the sociological imagination in evaluating social issues across history and culture. CSLO #3: Evaluate major concepts in the structure and change of society and analyze the impact on social interaction across time and place. Effective Term Fall 2024 Course Type Credit - Degree-applicable Contact Hours 54 Outside of Class Hours 108 Total Student Learning Hours 162 Course Objectives The student will be able to, through oral and written work: 1. define sociology and apply sociological models to social phenomena; 2. apply the sociological imagination to their own lives; 3. evaluate personal experiences and current events through a lens of sociological analysis; 4. describe the current paradigms and their relevance for studying the dynamic nature of society; 5. define major concepts of sociology and explain their interrelationships; 6. define and investigate factors that impact the social system; 7. define, describe and analyze the interrelationships between major social groups and institutions, social stratification, inequality, and the manipulation of social power; and 8. analyze the reasons for, and the implications of, collective behavior, social change, and social movements. General Education Information Approved College Associate Degree GE Applicability AA/AS - Behavioral Sciences CSU GE Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU approval) CSUGE - D7 Interdisciplinary Soc/Behav CSUGE-D0 Sociology/Criminology Cal-GETC Applicability (Recommended - Requires External Approval) IGETC Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU/UC approval) IGETC - 4J Sociology/Criminlgy Articulation Information CSU Transferable UC Transferable Methods of Evaluation Classroom Discussions Example: Instructor will divide students into small groups and hand out puzzles at various stages in the activity (1st only the inside pieces will be given, then the edges, then the picture box cover). In groups, students will put the puzzle together discussing how the new information at each stage of the activity impacted their strategy for putting the puzzle together. After the puzzles are complete, the instructor will engage students in a discussion on the use of puzzles and the strategies they created as an analogy for sociological theory and macro-and microsociology. Essay Examinations Example: Explain the difference between microsociology and macrosociology. Give an example of each in your response. Objective Examinations Example: Objective Examinations: In the following hypotheses, identify the independent variable and dependent variable. "Retired populations have a higher rate of suicide than employed populations." The Independent Variable is ___________. The Dependent Variable is _____________. Projects Example: Students will explore deviance by practicing deviant elevator ride activities and the analyzing the impact on conformity and social control in small group discussions/discussion board or in a written or digital report. Reports Example: Student will choose a book—nonfiction or fiction—that relates to the study of sociology. Student will write an analysis of the book as it relates to sociology. Student will tie in sociological concepts and theory in their analysis of the book, including a brief overview/summary of the book and focusing on sociological analysis of related, core sociological concepts. Repeatable No Methods of Instruction Lecture/Discussion Distance Learning Lecture: Sociopoly Instructor will put students into groups of seven (six players and one observer) and then hand out monopoly games. Instructor has altered the game, dividing players into various socio-economic groups via envelopes on information, coupons, properties, money, and playing pieces. Each playing piece has resources connected to their socio-economic status. Groups play the game and begin to discover they are in varied statuses. Observers observe response to players. After the duration of the play, observers first lead the discussion about player responses, then class discuss this activity. Instructor facilitates this discussion gathering responses and experiences and leading students into a discussion on the game's relevance to social stratification, life chances, access to valued resources, social interaction, group dynamics, and other sociological concepts (introducing these concepts via lecture content as the class moves through the discussion). Distance Learning After watching a film on culture, instructor will facilitate small groups (via discussion board or voice recording app) in which students share a photo they took representing culture and engage in a discussion of key concepts from the film as they apply to their experiences with culture, culture shock, ethnocentrism, and cultural relativity. Typical Out of Class Assignments Reading Assignments Students will have weekly reading assignments in college-level texts. Sample Assignment: 1. Read chapter 1 in your textbook and be prepared to discuss the impact of the Industrial Revolution on the creation of the field and study of sociology. 2. Read the chapter on Deviance and Conformity and apply concepts to your experience during the Elevator Ride experiment. Writing, Problem Solving or Performance Students will regularly write formal, college level, essays on Sociological issues. Examples: 1. Following the guidelines for field research, conduct a social observation in a highly populated area for 45 minutes. Upon completion of your observation, write a reaction paper detailing your observations including your discussion and analysis on social stratification, deviance, conformity, and any additional sociological concepts you observe 'in action.' 2. Following the instructions for the Un-TV assignment, write a summary of your experiment. Summarize your observations, impressions, and reactions. Be sure to include an analysis of how your observations relate to the social construction of reality. For example: What did you observe about television, the role it plays in your life, our social lives, how does TV impact the social construction of reality? Other (Term projects, research papers, portfolios, etc.) Example: Elevator Ride Experiment "Like all aspects of interaction in day-to-day life, normal appearances have to be managed with immense care, even though the seeming absence of such care is precisely a key feature of them."—Anthony Giddens This experience is designed to give you the opportunity to explore the concepts of norms and deviance—by conducting your own little sociological experience and altering a simple, seemingly insignificant piece of behavior—the way you ride the elevator. Follow these steps: 1. Enter the elevator as usual. (NOTE: the elevator should be populated) 2. Go to the rear and DO NOT turn around and look up at the floor numbers. 3. Do this as a daily practice for 3 days (every elevator you ride in for 3 days — if you don't have much occasion to ride elevators, make a point of it for the 3 days of your observation) 4. Observe what went on within you and what went on in the environment. In 2-3 pages, summarize your experience. What were the challenges to altering your behavior? How did it feel to go against the norm? What concerns, if any, entered your mind? What were the reactions of others entering, leaving and/or sharing the elevator with you? How did your own experiences serve to reinforce social control? Consider the key concepts of deviance, social control, norms, socialization, etc. Make sure to note the location of each of your elevator rides and how the location impacted your experience/impressions. Be sure to include an analysis of how your elevator ride experience(s) relate to the concepts of deviance and social control. Required Materials The Real World: An Introduction to Sociology Author: Kerry Ferris and Jill Stein Publisher: WW Norton Publication Date: 2024 Text Edition: 9th Classic Textbook?: No OER Link: OER: SOC Author: Jon Witt Publisher: McGraw Hill Publication Date: 2020 Text Edition: 6th Classic Textbook?: No OER Link: OER: Sociology Author: John J. Macionis Publisher: Pearson Publication Date: 2024 Text Edition: 18 Classic Textbook?: No OER Link: OER: Intro to Sociology Author: Publisher: Lumen Learning Publication Date: Text Edition: Classic Textbook?: OER Link: OER: Introduction to Sociology Author: Conerly, Tonya R., Holmes, Kathleeen, Tamang, Asha Lal, et al. Publisher: OpenStax Publication Date: Jun 27, 2023 Text Edition: 3e Classic Textbook?: OER Link: OER: Other materials and-or supplies required of students that contribute to the cost of the course.


Sociology is a disciplined quest for the understanding of human behavior—particularly in post-industrial society. Through a systematic analysis of society, its groups, institutions and processes, sociologists hope to better understand and predict human behavior. The introductory course provides a foundation in sociological concepts, with the goal of having students acquire the perspective in sociology and the ability to see their personal position in a societal context. Other sociology courses focus on social problems, race and ethnic relations, gender and gender identity, and the family.

ESS 0001 - Introduction to Environmental Sciences and Sustainability

Catalog Description Formerly known as INT 1 Advisory: Eligibility for ENGL 1A Hours: 54 lecture Description: A study of the natural world and how it is influenced by human activity. This course will introduce and analyze the scientific basis of major environmental issues and evaluate potential solutions within the context of diverse human cultures and societies. Topics include principles of physical and biological systems, biogeochemical cycles, global climate, natural laws, land, air and water resources, consumption and waste, pollution, toxicology, human population growth, and sustainability on a local, regional and global level. (C-ID ENVS 100) (CSU, UC) Course Student Learning Outcomes CSLO #1: Identify and describe the five interacting subsystems of the earth (biosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere and anthrosphere) and explain how a change in one system will affect the others. CSLO #2: Apply scientific principles & social science concepts in evaluating environmental issues and solutions regarding the biodiversity crisis, global climate change, exponential human population growth, resource depletion and pollution. CSLO #3: Interpret and analyze scientific data and effectively make evidence-based claims about scientific questions. CSLO #4: Articulate the concept of ecological sustainability and assess whether or not human particular activities are truly sustainable. Effective Term Fall 2024 Course Type Credit - Degree-applicable Contact Hours 54 Outside of Class Hours 108 Total Student Learning Hours 162 Course Objectives Through examinations, written work, group projects, and oral presentations, students will: I. Introduction A. Define the term environment and describe the field of environmental science B. Characterize the nature of environmental science C. Describe the scientific method and the process of science D. Analyze and interpret quantitative data and visual representations of data (throughout the course) E. Evaluate the importance of natural resources and ecosystem services to living organisms F. Distinguish between renewable and nonrenewable natural resources and energy G. Evaluate the consequences of human population growth and resource consumption H. Diagnose and illustrate some of the pressures on the global environment I. Articulate the concept of sustainability II. Earth’s Physical System A. Apply the fundamentals of matter and chemistry to real-world situations B. Differentiate among forms of energy and articulate the basics of energy flow in the earth system C. Apply Natural Laws (matter & energy) to photosynthesis, cellular respiration, and chemosynthesis, and summarize their importance to living things D. Explain how plate tectonics and the rock cycle shape the landscape and impact environmental systems E. List major types of geologic hazards and describe ways to mitigate their impacts III. Earth’s Biological System A. List the levels of ecological organization B. Assess logistic growth, carrying capacity, limiting factors, and other fundamental concepts in population ecology C. Explain natural selection and cite evidence for this process D. Describe how evolution influences biodiversity E. Discuss reasons for species extinction and mass extinction events F. Compare and contrast the major types of species interactions G. Characterize feeding relationships and energy flow, using them to construct trophic levels and food webs H. Distinguish characteristics of keystone species I. Characterize disturbance, succession, and notions of community change J. Perceive and predict the potential impacts of invasive species in communities K. Explain the goals and the methods of restoration ecology L. Describe biomes and identify the terrestrial biomes of the world M. Define ecosystems and evaluate how living and nonliving entities interact N. Compare and contrast how water, carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus cycle through the environment (biogeochemical cycles) O. Evaluate human impacts on biogeochemical cycles P. Characterize the scope and importance of biodiversity on Earth Q. Evaluate primary causes of biodiversity loss: habitat destruction, invasive species, pollution, population growth, climate change, overconsumption (HIPPCO) R. Assess the science and practice of conservation biology IV. The Atmosphere A. Describe the composition, structure, and function of Earth’s atmosphere B. Relate weather and climate to atmospheric conditions C. Identify major pollutants, D. Evaluate the scope of outdoor and indoor air pollution, and assess solutions E. Apply Natural Laws to stratospheric ozone depletion V. Climate Change A. Describe Earth’s climate system B. Construct a visual model and written or verbal description of how radiation and gasses interact in the troposphere C. Explain the factors influencing global climate D. Describe how global climate has changed historically E. Characterize human influences on the atmosphere and on climate F. Summarize how researchers study climate G. Compare climate models and scenarios to predict future trends and impacts of global climate change H. Suggest ways humans may respond to climate change, differentiating between mitigation and adaptation VI. Ocean Systems A. Describe where water resources are located on earth. B. Utilizing data, determine percentage of water found in oceans, glaciers, groundwater, rivers, lakes, soil, the atmosphere and living organisms C. Evaluate how the oceans influence and are influenced by climate D. Assess impacts from HIPPCO on marine systems and determine solutions VII. Human Population A. Calculate human population growth B. Evaluate how human population, affluence, and technology affect environmental impact (I=PAT) D. Explain and apply the fundamentals of demography to human population growth models E. Outline and assess the concept of demographic transition F. Assess how social factors and environmental conditions impact population growth H. Describe the scale of urbanization, locally and globally C. Outline city and regional planning and land use strategies D. Evaluate sustainable development options VIII. Agriculture A. Evaluate the importance of natural resources and ecosystem services to agriculture B. Outline the goals, methods, and consequences of major developments in the history of agriculture, including the agricultural and green revolutions C. Summarize pathways to sustainable agriculture IX. Consumption & Waste A. Evaluate the rate of human resource consumption and degradation B. Summarize and compare the types of waste humans generate C. List the major approaches to managing waste D. Evaluate efficacy of approaches for reducing waste: source reduction, reuse, composting, and recycling X. Environmental Health & Toxicology A. Explain the goals of environmental health and identify major environmental health hazards B. Evaluate impacts of toxicants on human and environmental systems C. Describe the types of toxic substances in the environment and the factors that affect their toxicity C. Compare philosophical approaches to risk and how they relate to regulatory policy XI. Ethics, Economics, Policy & Sustainable Development A. Compare major approaches in environmental ethics B. Characterize the influences of culture and worldview on resource utilization and environmental impact C. Articulate how human economic systems exist within environmental systems D. Differentiate how classical, neoclassical, environmental and ecological economics view, utilize and impact natural capital E. Evaluate how/if environmental protection can enhance economic well-being by analyzing case studies such as the economic and environmental impacts of the Clean Air Act F. Describe environmental policy and assess its societal context by analyzing case studies such as the exemptions made to fracking companies exempting them from certain environmental laws G. Outline the environmental history of the United States H. Categorize the different approaches to environmental policy I. Analyze the role of science in policymaking J. Identify the institutions important to U.S. environmental policy and recognize major U.S. environmental laws K. Describe ways nations handle transboundary and international environmental issues XII. Sustainable Solutions (throughout course) A. Identify and brainstorm local and global approaches to sustainability B. Assess key approaches to designing sustainable solutions, identifying challenges and opportunities. (examples: environmental policy and law based upon sound science, conservation, land use planning, restoration, alternative and renewable energy and technology, public lands, zero waste, cradle to cradle, biomimicry, environmental heroes and heroines, NGOs, etc) C. Evaluate the scientific basis for proposed solutions General Education Information Approved College Associate Degree GE Applicability AA/AS - Behavioral Sciences AA/AS - Life Sciences AA/AS - Physical Sciences CSU GE Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU approval) CSUGE - B1 Physical Science CSUGE - B2 Life Science CSUGE - D7 Interdisciplinary Soc/Behav Cal-GETC Applicability (Recommended - Requires External Approval) IGETC Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU/UC approval) IGETC - 4G Intrdis Social/Beha IGETC - 5A Physical Science IGETC - 5B Biological Science Articulation Information CSU Transferable UC Transferable Methods of Evaluation Classroom Discussions Example: In small groups or with the whole class, discuss the differences of climate mitigation and adaptation, providing several examples of each, and evaluating the challenges and opportunities of each example. Essay Examinations Example: Answer an essay question addressing a major environmental problem (e.g.: ocean pollution), detailing several aspects of the problem (geographic, economic, ecologic, etc.). Identify the sources of the problem and identify solutions and practical (economic and otherwise) applications of such solutions. Objective Examinations Example: Take standard examination consisting of a variety of question formats, evaluating all levels of performance according to Bloom’s taxonomy, such as: "List the four types of biological diversity. Utilizing the photo and the description of the ecosystem provided, identify and describe why this ecosystem does or does not exhibit each type of biological diversity that you listed." Projects Example: Working in small groups, analyze biodiversity data, comparing the relationship between rainfall and amphibian species richness in ecosystems throughout California. Graph your data and develop a poster that displays background, methods, data and discussion. Present your poster to the class. Posters should include images, text and visual representations of data. All resources must be from robust, credible sources and cited properly. Reports Example: Conduct a field study of a protected ecosystem, and submit a written report that details physical and biological system present, human impacts observed, etc. Repeatable No Methods of Instruction Lecture/Discussion Distance Learning Lecture: Instructor will lecture and demonstrate topics (e.g.: Biological Diversity) as they relate to required readings by students. Time will be provided during each session for student reaction, review, evaluation and discussion of each topic. Instructor will provide students with a current events topic that relates to course topics, such as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, the sailing of the Plastiki, and efforts to clean up plastic pollution in the oceans. Instructor will facilitate a discussion where students will be challenged to relate the current events to course topics including use of petroleum, solid waste management, water pollution, biodiversity crisis, and law of conservation of matter. Distance Learning After synthesizing the information from the textbook reading and the instructor-recorded lecture on climate change, students will participate in an online discussion. Some students will answer the following set of questions, and all students will comment on at least two student responses, providing constructive feedback based on the arguments provided. Instructor will assess posts and comments. (Post Topic, Climate Change. Address all aspects of the following: Define mitigation with regards to climate change. Provide three specific and feasible steps you think we should take to mitigate climate change. Support your answer. Define adaptation with regards to climate change? Provide three specific and feasible steps you think should take now to be better adapted for climate change. Support your answer. Do you think mitigation or adaptation is more important? Why? Support your claim, providing evidence and discussing certainty.) Typical Out of Class Assignments Reading Assignments 1. Read the chapter in your textbook: “Earth’s Physical Systems: Matter, Energy, and Geology.” Take notes and be prepared to discuss topics and ask questions during lecture. 2. Read the following peer-reviewed scientific journal article, take notes, and be prepared to discuss in class and complete an assignment based on the reading: Olsen, C., Kline, J., Ager, A., Olsen, K., & Short, K. (2017) Examining the influence of biophysical conditions on wildland-urban interface homeowners' wildfire risk mitigation activities in fire-prone landscapes. Ecology and Society, 22(1). Writing, Problem Solving or Performance Example #1. A written assignment: Scientific argumentation is the practice of making evidence-based claims about scientific questions. Throughout this assignment, you will engage in scientific argumentation as you explore the distribution of fresh water on Earth and learn about how various factors affect Earth's water supplies. You will watch videos, complete simulations, and interpret data. To complete this assignment, type your answers to the following questions: 1. What is the difference between a scientific argument and a regular argument? 2. Why do you think there is uncertainty in science? 3. Is talking about uncertainty important in science? Why or why not? 4. Scientific Claim: Based on the graph above, when was the the salinity of the water near Lee's Ferry the highest? (Tip: a good claim is based on evidence from charts, graphs and models provided by reliable resources) 5. Support the claim you made in the previous question. (Tip: A good explanation will cite specific evidence that backs up the claim. When there is a graph or table, you can cite evidence directly from the source. When there is a model, you can describe what happened in the model. A good explanation combines evidence with scientific knowledge.) 6. Certainty: Explain how certain you are (ranging from not certain at all to very certain) about the scientific claim you stated in question 4. (Tip: A good certainty explanation will explain why you are certain or uncertain about your response. This may be based on how well the scientific knowledge fits the evidence from models, charts, or graphs. It may also reflect on the source and quality of the evidence or investigation that produced the evidence. Some topics are more certain than others. Consider the completeness of the evidence, biases in the evidence, and changes that could affect the trends over time.) Example #2. A Written Assignment (Excerpt from a larger climate change assignment) The Sun, Earth's atmosphere, and other systems interact to create conditions favorable to life on Earth. This model shows a simplified Earth system with land, atmosphere, and solar radiation. The yellow arrows show ultraviolet and visible energy originating from the Sun and the red arrows show infrared energy radiating from the Earth system. As we begin this section, run the computer model, and experiment with the controls to see how the model works. Then manipulate the variables and answer the following questions. 1. Based on this model, what two things can happen when energy from the Sun interacts with the ground? 2. How does carbon dioxide (CO2) interact with the two types of radiation (sunlight and infrared) shown in this model? 3. How does atmospheric carbon dioxide affect global temperature? 4. What happens if you remove all of the carbon dioxide from the atmosphere? Explain your claim. 5. How certain are you of this claim? Explain why. (Tip: recall the "Scientific Argumentation" assignment) Other (Term projects, research papers, portfolios, etc.) 1. Students may write a field report based upon research, visitation, and observation of an appropriate facility, park, preserve, etc. The report will include: 1) description of the physical environment based upon research, 2) description of the biological environment based upon research, 3) personal observations of the environment, including field notes, 4)description of the type of legal protection afforded the area including management agency obligations, 5) analysis of direct and indirect human impacts on the system, and 6) reflection on values of public land. Formatting will follow scientific paper guidelines, with abstract, introduction, etc. 2. Students may research and write a term paper on a major environmental issue (problems, location, costs, solutions, etc.). Formatting will follow scientific paper guidelines, with abstract, introduction, etc. Required Materials Environment: The Science Behind the Stories, 6th ed Author: Withgott, Jay; Laposata, Matthew Publisher: Pearson Publication Date: 2017 Text Edition: 6th Classic Textbook?: OER Link: OER: Environmental Biology Author: Alexandra Geddes, Jonathan Tomkin, Kamala Doršner, Matthew R. Fisher, OpenStax, Tom Theis Publisher: OpenOregon Publication Date: 2017 Text Edition: Classic Textbook?: OER Link: OER: Other materials and-or supplies required of students that contribute to the cost of the course.

HDEV 0001 - Human Development Through the Lifespan

Catalog Description Hours: 54 lecture Description: Study of the physical, cognitive, psychosocial and emotional changes in development through the life span. Focuses on practical application of developmental principles and patterns of growth from conception through late adulthood, including death and bereavement processes. Designed as a foundation course for careers in social service, psychological, health and medical fields. (CSU, UC-with unit limitation) Course Student Learning Outcomes CSLO #1: Analyze major developmental milestones for children from conception through the lifespan in the areas of physical, psychosocial, cognitive, and language development. CSLO #2: Distinguish environmental and hereditary influences that affect development throughout the lifespan. CSLO #3: Identify and compare major theoretical frameworks related to the study of human development. CSLO #4: Apply developmental theory to practical real world situations. Effective Term Fall 2018 Course Type Credit - Degree-applicable Contact Hours 54 Outside of Class Hours 108 Total Student Learning Hours 162 Course Objectives The student will, through class discussions, collaborative learning activities, observations, essays, and examinations: 1. Identify eight periods of the lifespan, from prenatal to late adulthood, and evaluate the outstanding characteristics of each that include physical, cognitive, and social/emotional development; 2. Analyze the differences between hereditary and environmental influences (nature/nurture) on development throughout the lifespan and the ways these interrelate; 3. Summarize the outstanding developments during the prenatal stage and correlate how environmental factors impact this stage; 4. Analyze the features of each stage of childbirth, the option for settings, and interventions; 5. Investigate theoretical perspectives on human development from infancy through late adulthood, including Erikson, Piaget, and Vygotsky; 6. Assess the influence of culture, ethnicity, race, and family structure, including parenting styles, on human development; 7. Compare and contrast strategies that promote optimal individual development and health throughout the lifespan, based on theoretical perspectives and current research; 8. Summarize Kubler-Ross's theory, citing factors that influence dying patients' responses and compare these reactions to the phases of grieving; 9. Evaluate how nursing homes, hospitals and the hospice approach can optimally meet the needs of dying people and their families. General Education Information Approved College Associate Degree GE Applicability AA/AS - Behavioral Sciences CSU GE Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU approval) CSUGE - D7 Interdisciplinary Soc/Behav CSUGE - E1 Lifelong Learning and Self-Development Cal-GETC Applicability (Recommended - Requires External Approval) IGETC Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU/UC approval) IGETC - 4G Intrdis Social/Beha Articulation Information CSU Transferable UC Transferable Methods of Evaluation Classroom Discussions Example: Debate the plausibility of major theories of development as outlined in class. Teams will be assigned "pro" and "con" stance. Grading to be based on accuracy as well as breadth of presentation. Essay Examinations Example: Discuss the idea of an additional stage of development between adolescence and early adulthood. Do you believe there is in fact a stage of prolonged exploration where one is neither an adolescent nor an early adult? Essay evaluated based on a rubric developed by the instructor and shared with students. Objective Examinations Example: Answer multiple choice questions on characteristics of stages of development and choose which response best reflects criteria outline in lecture and text. Graded based on correct application of criteria. Problem Solving Examinations Example: Apply a theory of development, such as Vygotsky, to a case study. For example what would be the best way to teach a child to learn how to swim given this theory of development? Graded based on accuracy and completeness, as well as application of theory. Projects Example: Develop a list of physical, cognitive, and social and emotional milestones for children birth to one to use with new parents with no Human Development background. Project would be graded on completeness, accuracy of milestones chosen, and how easily understood this might be for new parents. Reports Example: Research a topic in Human Development such as anorexia, autism, bullying, or obesity. Write a two page report including current research and initiatives, and present a 3 minute summary to the class for discussion. Rubric grading. Skill Demonstrations Example: Per the developmental concepts learned in class, demonstrate the best way to approach a baby who does not know you. Grading will be based on developmental appropriateness. Repeatable No Methods of Instruction Lecture/Discussion Distance Learning Lecture: Instructor will lecture on various aspects of developmental theories, including Erikson, Piaget, and Vygotsky, and provide practical application scenarios for small groups. Students are expected to actively engage in the lecture. Instructor will assign reading of an article from a professional periodical that illustrates a real-life application of a concept discussed in class (For example: childbirth interventions; biological and environmental influences; autism; eating disorders; or prevention/treatment strategies for Alzheimer's), and students will summarize the material in writing and include a comparison of the article with text material. Distance Learning Instructor will provide case studies involving middle-aged adults to small groups and assist groups through distance learning via LMS as they analyze how Levinson's Tasks are being demonstrated. Students will list findings on-line and respond to 2 other student postings to provide feedback. Typical Out of Class Assignments Reading Assignments 1. Read articles from professional periodicals that illustrate growth and developmental milestones throughout the human lifespan and compare this information to the material presented in the text. 2. Read current events that address human development issues (i.e., medical breakthroughs in assisted conception ["two biological mothers, two biological dads"], ADD/ADHD, autism, alternative care of Alzheimer's patients, etc., and report their findings. Writing, Problem Solving or Performance 1. Write a comparative analysis of a chosen article focusing on a timely human development issue, with material presented through course text, class discussion groups, and video segments. 2. Work individually and in groups in assessing the practical application of developmental theories to real life events and human behavior via case studies. Other (Term projects, research papers, portfolios, etc.) 1. Students will utilize a Virtual Life computer program to apply course concepts in a simulation. 2. Students will write a term paper analyzing childrearing styles and compare/contrast predicted outcomes according to the research, with their own experiences. 3. Students will interview new parents and analyze choices made with regard to promoting optimal development of the baby. Required Materials Exploring Lifespan Development Author: Berk, L. Publisher: Allyn & Bacon Publication Date: 2014 Text Edition: 3rd Classic Textbook?: OER Link: OER: The Developing Person through the Lifespan Author: Berger, Kathleen Publisher: Worth Publication Date: 2014 Text Edition: 9th Classic Textbook?: OER Link: OER: Lifespan Development Lives in Context Author: Kuther Publisher: Sage Publication Date: 2016 Text Edition: Classic Textbook?: OER Link: OER: Other materials and-or supplies required of students that contribute to the cost of the course.

Administration of Justice

...0100 General Principles of Psychology SOC 0001 Introduction to Sociology SOC 0015 Introduction to Statistics...