SPAN 0002. Elementary Spanish - Level II

Units: 5
Prerequisite: Completion of SPAN 1 or two years of high school Spanish with grade(s) of "C" or better
Hours: 90 lecture
Second of two semesters of Elementary Spanish. Provides further practice in speaking, understanding, reading and writing Spanish, along with exploration of cultural aspects of the Spanish-speaking world. (C-ID SPAN 110) (CSU, UC)

SPAN 0002 - Elementary Spanish - Level II

Catalog Description Prerequisite: Completion of SPAN 1 or two years of high school Spanish with grade(s) of "C" or better Hours: 90 lecture Description: Second of two semesters of Elementary Spanish. Provides further practice in speaking, understanding, reading and writing Spanish, along with exploration of cultural aspects of the Spanish-speaking world. (C-ID SPAN 110) (CSU, UC) Course Student Learning Outcomes CSLO #1: Recognize and paraphrase elementary Spanish spoken in simple past tense at moderate conversational speed. CSLO #2: Produce accurate pronunciation with grammatically correct sentences in Novice High level conversations. CSLO #3: Recognize and explain what is read in simple past tense from any elementary reading passage. CSLO #4: Write short sentences and paragraphs using appropriate syntax in the construction of sentences in simple past tense. CSLO #5: Compare and contrast cultural perspectives based on readings, discussions, and videos. Effective Term Fall 2019 Course Type Credit - Degree-applicable Contact Hours 90 Outside of Class Hours 180 Total Student Learning Hours 270 Course Objectives The content of this course will be taught within a cultural context with authentic language. Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to: - Understand cultural nuances of everyday life in the Spanish-speaking world; - Communicate orally and in writing in a variety of meaningful real-life activities moving toward the intermediate high level of proficiency on the ACTFL scale (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages) CULTURAL CONTENTS: 1. Continued study of the location and cultures of the Spanish-speaking countries around the world as well as those of the major Spanish-speaking populations in the United States. 2. Compare and contrast cultural aspects, both of high culture and low culture, of the U.S. Hispanic-American, Latin-American, and Peninsular cultures, including but not limited to geography, population, languages, foods, history, traditions and customs, current events, daily life and music. VOCABULARY DEVELOPMENT: 1. Correctly spell learned vocabulary words and expressions. 2. Apply words, construct phrases and discuss in written or oral expressions about given topics such as food, travel, leisure time, holidays, health, domestic chores, and emotions. PHONETIC DEVELOPMENT: 1. Continue to compare and contrast English and Spanish sounds and intonations. 2. Use correct pronunciation while speaking elementary level Spanish at moderate conversational speed in the present and past tenses. STRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT: 1. Compare and contrast grammatical structures in Spanish and English. 2. Influence friends and others by utilizing informal and formal commands. 3. Prepare and extend invitations. 4. Ask for and give directions. 5. Narrate and describe past real-life events from several perspectives using the preterit and imperfect. 6. Compare and contrast nuances of everyday life in the Hispanic world with those of the English-speaking U.S by applying grammar rules of comparisons and of superlatives to express extremes. 7. Talk about health issues, including accidents and stressful events, using culturally and linguistically appropriate inflections. 8. Use the subjunctive to influence others by understanding cultural aspects when using commands. 9. Express some personal attitudes towards events using the subjunctive. General Education Information Approved College Associate Degree GE Applicability AA/AS - Literature & Language CSU GE Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU approval) CSUGE - C2 Humanities Cal-GETC Applicability (Recommended - Requires External Approval) IGETC Applicability (Recommended-requires CSU/UC approval) IGETC - 6A Lang other than Eng Articulation Information CSU Transferable UC Transferable Methods of Evaluation Classroom Discussions Example: After reading an article and viewing a video about “El patio central” and common home styles of the Spanish-speaking world, the class is asked to compare and contrast what they learned with common home styles in their own culture. The instructor might have them speak in small groups before conducting a larger discussion among the whole class. Essay Examinations Example: Instructor prepares a writing prompt to elicit proper use of the imperfect and preterit aspects of the past tense (separately in this case). Example (prompt will be presented in Spanish): In ten to twelve sentences explain what you were like as a child (creative/mischievous/cautious), what you used to do on the weekends, how you and your family used to celebrate birthdays or another holiday, and who was responsible for which household chores. Finally, what happened on the best or worst day of your childhood? Objective Examinations Example: Instructor will play a recording about a patient’s visit to the doctor. After listening to the recording, students will answer short questions about the patient/doctor conversation. Then students will write a brief paragraph recounting the visit using the Preterit and the Imperfect past aspects. Projects Example: Students will prepare a 3-4-minute oral presentation (in Spanish) that includes visuals to teach the class about a famous native speaker of Spanish (living or historical). Students will also create a follow-up activity to check class comprehension. Students are encouraged to include any visual or auditory examples that they can (music samples from musicians, art from artists, video clips, maps of the places where a statesman served, etc...). Reports Example: To help students prepare the oral presentation mentioned in D above, they will be required to research and write a biography of a famous native speaker of Spanish (living or historical). They must include a minimum of three scholarly sources and document their research in a bibliography. Skill Demonstrations Example: Instructor provides written prompts and asks students to work in pairs to role-play, in Spanish, setting up an appointment with the doctor. Example: You have not been feeling well and decide to see your doctor. Call your doctor’s office and speak to the receptionist (played by your partner). The receptionist will ask you about your symptoms, and how long you have been feeling poorly. Explain, using vocabulary from the chapter, how you have been feeling and arrange for an appointment as soon as possible. The receptionist may also have some advice for you until you are able to see the doctor. Repeatable No Methods of Instruction Lecture/Discussion Distance Learning Lecture: Course Objective: Apply words, construct phrases and create expressions to meet and greet others appropriately, and compare and contrast formal and informal situations, and discuss likes, dislikes and preferences. To introduce vocabulary related to the human body and health habits the instructor projects images on a screen to demonstrate body parts, healthy activities such as the different forms of exercise, and other issues related to health such as eating habits. As the vocabulary is introduced the instructor checks student comprehension by asking a series of questions such as "¿Quién hace yoga?" ("Who practices yoga?") and waiting for a show of hands. Students then stand up to repeat the vocabulary while touching their own corresponding body part. Finally, in pairs or small groups they discuss in Spanish whether or not they lead a healthy lifestyle. Course Objective: Influence friends and others by utilizing informal and formal commands; Prepare and extend invitations. After students have acquired vocabulary about traveling they will be asked to work in pairs to plan an enticing travel brochure to the Spanish-speaking city or region of their choice. With the help of the internet and any other appropriate resources they will investigate what mode of travel they will use (air/train/boat/car), choose housing accommodations, design an itinerary for the duration of the trip, and finally, establish a budget. They will submit a creative and inviting brochure or video outlaying all the details, including cost. The brochure must include the subjunctive to influence the reader and/or formal commands. Distance Learning This activity can be adapted for the online environment with an introductory presentation of the body and health vocabulary in the target language. After viewing the presentation, students will be asked to complete two assignments. First, they will be asked to correctly label the parts of the body on an image, and second, they will read about the habits and health symptoms of three different people and then describe the general health of those same people. This activity can be adapted for the online environment by asking the students to post their enticing travel video to a discussion board. They would be required to view the videos of three other students and post comments or questions to the corresponding students. Typical Out of Class Assignments Reading Assignments 1. Students will complete several pre-reading activities before reading the Lifestyles section of a Spanish-language newspaper. Then they will be asked to scan the announcements for a wedding, a baptism, a funeral, and a quiceñera (15th birthday celebration of young women). After scanning the articles, they will complete a quick True/False basic comprehension activity. Finally, they will be encouraged to read the articles again more deeply before answering the following questions in complete sentences. 1. ¿Quién murió el 28 de junio? 2. ¿Dónde tuvo lugar el funeral? 3. ¿Dónde fue la fiesta de bautismo de José María? 4. ¿Qué hicieron los recién casados y sus invitados después de la ceremonia? 5. ¿Quién estuvo a cargo de la música en la fiesta de quince años de Ana Ester? 2. To begin students' exposure to literature of the Spanish-speaking world, the students will be given El viaje, a short story by the Uruguayan author Cristina Peri Rossi. First, they will do several pre-reading activities, then they will read the one-page story and answer the following short answer comprehension questions: 1. La persona que narra el cuento, ¿es hombre o mujer? 2. El regalo, la felicidad, ¿fue fácil o difícil de conseguir? 3. ¿Dónde compró la persona la felicidad, en la calle o en una tienda? 4. Según la persona que la dio, ¿esta felicidad es de mejor o de peor calidad que la que tenía de joven? 5. Según ella, ¿hay mucho o poco riesgo (risk) de perder la felicidad? 6. ¿Por qué no puede abrir la caja la narradora? 7. Al final, ¿qué hace la narradora con la felicidad? The students could also be asked to write a reaction to the short story, or they could answer a series of analysis questions. Writing, Problem Solving or Performance 1. Instructions would be in Spanish – Try to remember a typical summer in your childhood. Write a paragraph of eight to ten sentences about what you used to do in your free time, how much time you spent with your grandparents, whom you used to play with, what chores you were responsible for, etc... 2. Instructions would be in Spanish – Read the email from your friend Tomás where he explains all the problems he is dealing with, then respond to him in eight to ten sentences with recommendations for how he should take care of himself and solve his problems. Remember to include the command forms as well as the subjunctive mood for any recommendations or reactions you have. Other (Term projects, research papers, portfolios, etc.) Students are asked to select a famous Hispanic person (artist, politician, athlete, etc...), living or dead, for a 3-5-minute oral presentation for the class. The students may have visuals, but their information must be expressed orally. They must also have a follow-up comprehension activity for their classmates. When designing their oral presentation, they are asked to keep the following questions in mind while including any additional facts or demonstrations related to their famous person. 1. ¿Quién es? 2. ¿De dónde es? 3. ¿Cómo era su niñez? 4. ¿Por qué es una persona famosa? 5. ¿Qué influencia tiene (o tenía) en su época Required Materials Aventuras Author: Blanco and Donley Publisher: Vista Higher Learning Publication Date: 2018 Text Edition: 5th Classic Textbook?: OER Link: OER: En familia: An Introduction to Spanish Author: Lazzara Publisher: Fountainhead Press Publication Date: 2017 Text Edition: 1st Classic Textbook?: OER Link: OER: Tu mundo: español sin fronteras Author: Andrade, Egasse, Muñoz, and Cabrera Puche Publisher: McGraw-Hill Publication Date: 2019 Text Edition: 2nd Classic Textbook?: OER Link: OER: ¡Anda! Author: Cowell, Heining-Boynton Publisher: Pearson Publication Date: 2016 Text Edition: 3rd Classic Textbook?: OER Link: OER: Entornos: Primer cursos de lengua española Author: Bembire, Cabeza, et al Publisher: Cambridge University Press Publication Date: 2016 Text Edition: 1st Classic Textbook?: OER Link: OER: Other materials and-or supplies required of students that contribute to the cost of the course.


The active part that the United States is now taking in world affairs makes it desirable that a greater number of Americans than ever before have knowledge of foreign languages and cultures. In the most recent census of California, 43.5% of our population speaks a language other than English at home; U.S. census projections show the Hispanic community growing across the nation. For this reason, students will benefit from learning Spanish in preparation for any career. The acquisition of desired practical communication skills is the primary objective of the Spanish program at Sierra College. Courses are organized around grammatical themes imbedded in cultural topics, requiring critical thinking, analysis and practical application. Instruction in the Communicative Method integrates the five key learning objectives of Speaking, Listening, Reading, Writing and Cultural Competence.