Contact Information

- Division
- Sciences and Mathematics
- Dean
- Randy Lehr
- Associate Dean
- Megan D'Errico

- Division Office
- V 211, Rocklin Campus
The Environmental Sciences and Sustainability program at Sierra College provides students with the opportunity to meet the requirements to transfer to four-year colleges in the environmental fields including Environmental Studies and Environmental Science. The program provides students with a common interdisciplinary base with which to address issues of environmental health, sustainability and global stewardship. Students will have the opportunity to apply principles from a range of fields including the physical and life sciences, social sciences and philosophy, as well as technical skills utilized in ecosystem assessment and the expanding field of solar energy.
Kristine D. Gilbert
Professor, Environmental Sciences and Sustainability
B.A., University of California, Davis
M.S., California State University, Chico
Associate Degree for Transfer
Associate Degrees
Environmental Science for Transfer
AS-T Degree
This program provides students with a strong foundation in environmental sciences. Upon completion of this degree, students will be able to identify and describe the essential components of earth's natural environment - its physical, biological, energy-related, and ecological elements; describe and analyze core environmental problems, their causes and consequences, and practical solutions; evaluate and apply principles of sustainability to human activity on earth; apply the scientific method to design, conduct experiments, and test hypotheses; critically evaluate and interpret environmental information; and, as informed and responsible individuals, evaluate contemporary environmental issues that have social and/or ethical implications.
The Associate in Science in Environmental Science for Transfer degree (AS-T) prepares students to transfer into the CSU system to complete a bachelor’s degree in environmental sciences, or a major deemed similar by a CSU campus. Students earning an associate degree for transfer and meeting the CSU minimum transfer admission requirements are guaranteed admission with junior standing within the CSU system. Students are also given priority admission consideration to their local CSU campus but not to a particular campus or major. Upon transfer, students will be required to complete no more than 60 additional prescribed units to earn a bachelor’s degree.
Successful completion of the Environmental Science for Transfer curriculum will prepare students for transfer to four-year colleges or universities. The major has been designed to meet lower-division requirements for certain majors at transfer institutions. In all cases, students should consult with a counselor for more information on university admission and transfer requirements.
To earn the Associate in Science in Environmental Science for Transfer degree, students must complete 60 CSU-transferable semester units with a minimum grade point average of 2.0, including both of the following:
- completion of all courses required for the major with grades of “C” or better; and
- completion of the Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (IGETC for STEM) pattern.1 (Students transferring to a CSU campus must complete Area 1C Oral Communication to be eligible for admission.)
NOTE: The California State University General Education Breadth pattern (CSU GE) is NOT an option for this degree.
The exact wording of the law pertaining to associate degrees for transfer may be found in Education Code Section 66746.
It is highly recommended that, prior to transferring, students complete courses that satisfy the CSU United States History, Constitution and American Ideals graduation requirement. In all cases, students should consult with a counselor for more information on university admission and transfer requirements.
RESTRICTION: International coursework from non-United States regionally accredited institutions cannot be applied to associate degrees for transfer.
Required Courses
Code | Title | Units |
BIOL 0001 | General Biology | 4 |
CHEM 0001A | General Chemistry I | 5-6 |
or CHEM 0003A & CHEM 0003B | General Chemistry I - Part 1 and General Chemistry I - Part 2 | |
CHEM 0001B | General Chemistry II | 5 |
ECON 0001B | Principles of Microeconomics | 3 |
ESS 0001 | Introduction to Environmental Sciences and Sustainability | 3 |
PHYS 0105 | General Physics I | 4 |
PHYS 0105L | General Physics I Laboratory | 1 |
PHYS 0110 | General Physics II | 4 |
PHYS 0110L | General Physics II Laboratory | 1 |
Select an Earth Science or Geography option: | 4 | |
Physical Geology and Physical Geology Laboratory | ||
Physical Geography and Physical Geography Laboratory | ||
Select a Statistics and Calculus option: | 7-10 | |
Elementary Statistics and Analytical Geometry and Calculus I | ||
Elementary Statistics with Support (Part 1) and Elementary Statistics with Support (Part 2) and Analytical Geometry and Calculus I | ||
Introduction to Psychological Statistics and Analytical Geometry and Calculus I | ||
Total Units | 41-45 |
Environmental Sciences
AS Degree
Successful completion of the Environmental Sciences curriculum will prepare students for transfer to four-year colleges or universities in areas including environmental studies and sciences, wildlife conservation biology, ecology, forestry, toxicology, waste management, and others. Environmental Sciences is the combination of biological, chemical, geological, and mathematical principles as they apply to the environment and environmental problems. Commonly, environmental science is thought of as the study of solving these problems, such as degradation and pollution of the environment, that may have been caused by humans. Environmental science also focuses on preserving and managing natural resources. The major has been designed to meet lower-division requirements for Environmental Sciences majors at transfer institutions. In all cases, students should consult with a counselor for more information on university admission and transfer requirements. Students must fulfill the following major requirements with grades of “C” or better, complete a minimum of 60 degree-applicable semester units (12 of which must be completed at Sierra College) with a grade point average of at least 2.0 and complete one of the following three general education patterns:
- Sierra College Associate Degree Requirements;
- California State University General Education Breadth pattern;
- Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC).
Required Courses
Code | Title | Units |
BIOL 0001 | General Biology | 4 |
BIOL 0002 | Botany | 4.5 |
BIOL 0003 | General Zoology | 4.5 |
CHEM 0001A | General Chemistry I | 5-6 |
or CHEM 0003A & CHEM 0003B | General Chemistry I - Part 1 and General Chemistry I - Part 2 | |
ESCI 0001 | Physical Geology | 3 |
or GEOG 0001 | Physical Geography | |
ESS 0001 | Introduction to Environmental Sciences and Sustainability | 3 |
Select 4-6 units from the following: | 4-6 | |
Food, Society and the Environment | ||
Introduction to Soil Science | ||
Cultural Anthropology | ||
Global Problems | ||
Field Methods in Ecology | ||
Natural History, Ecology and Conservation (also ESS 0014) | ||
Local Ecosystems of Placer County 1 | ||
Local Ecosystems of Nevada County 1 | ||
Vernal Pools and the California Prairie 1 | ||
Biology of Waterfowl and Marsh Birds 1 | ||
Ecology of the Sierran Conifer Forest 1 | ||
Weekend Field Paleontology and Ancient Environments (also ESCI 0016G) 1 | ||
Ecology of the Mendocino Coast 1 | ||
Biology of Mono Lake and the Great Basin 1 | ||
Ecology of Point Reyes National Seashore 1 | ||
Foothill Ecology of the Sierra Nevada 1 | ||
Aquatic and Riparian Environments of California Waterways 1 | ||
Marine Mammals and Birds 1 | ||
Ecology of the Modoc Plateau 1 | ||
Ecology of the High Sierra and White Mountain 1 | ||
Death Valley and Desert Ecosystems 1 | ||
Ecology of Mid-Western North America 1 | ||
Canyon Lands of the Southwest 1 | ||
Coastal Habitats of Northern California 1 | ||
Coastal Habitats of Central California 1 | ||
Deserts of Southern California 1 | ||
Biology/Ecology of the Klamath and the Southern Cascade 1 | ||
Ecology of Selected Wilderness Ecosystems 1 | ||
Ecology of the American River 1 | ||
Ecology of the Sutter Buttes 1 | ||
Wildflower Identification | ||
Wildland Trees and Shrubs (Dendrology) | ||
Principles of Macroeconomics | ||
or ECON 0001B | Principles of Microeconomics | |
Physical Geology Laboratory | ||
Introduction to Earth Science | ||
Sierra Nevada and Western Basin and Range Provinces 1 | ||
Great Valley and Coast Range Provinces 1 | ||
Great Valley, Coast Ranges, and Sutter Buttes 1 | ||
Western Sierra Nevada and the Mother Lode 1 | ||
Major Rock Units of the Northern Sierra 1 | ||
Weekend Field Geology - Point Reyes 1 | ||
Weekend Field Geology 1 | ||
Introduction to Environmental Science Laboratory | ||
The Sierra Nevada | ||
Sierra Nevada Field Trip | ||
Energy, Environment, and Climate (also ESCI 0007) | ||
California Water | ||
Conservation of Natural Resources | ||
Environmental Regulations | ||
Physical Geography | ||
Physical Geography Laboratory | ||
Cultural Geography | ||
Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (GIS) | ||
Beginning Geospatial Design | ||
Intermediate Geospatial Design | ||
Elementary Statistics | ||
Elementary Statistics with Support (Part 1) and Elementary Statistics with Support (Part 2) | ||
Introduction to Environmental Ethics | ||
Environmental Psychology | ||
Total Units | 28-31 |
1 | A maximum of 2 units may be taken from the BIOL 0016, BIOL 0017, BIOL 0023 and ESCI 0016, 0054 and 0055 field studies courses. |
Environmental Studies
AA Degree
Successful completion of the Environmental Studies curriculum will prepare students for transfer to four-year colleges or universities in areas including sustainability, environmental policy, regulations and law, land use planning, environmental education, environmental justice, and others, or entry level positions in related fields. While there is a required foundation of environmental science, ecology and conservation, the environmental studies degree includes more emphasis on the political, economic, and social aspects related to the environment and sustainability rather than the biological, chemical geological and mathematical aspects. In all cases, students should consult with a counselor for more information on university admission and transfer requirements. Students must fulfill the following major requirements with grades of “C” or better, complete a minimum of 60 degree-applicable semester units (12 of which must be completed at Sierra College) with a grade point average of at least 2.0 and complete one of the following three general education patterns:
- Sierra College Associate Degree Requirements;
- California State University General Education Breadth pattern;
- Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC).
Code | Title | Units |
BIOL 0014 | Natural History, Ecology and Conservation (Also ESS 0014) | 4 |
ECON 0001B | Principles of Microeconomics | 3 |
ESS 0001 | Introduction to Environmental Sciences and Sustainability | 3 |
ESS 0013 | Environmental Regulations | 1 |
MATH 0013 | Elementary Statistics | 4-6 |
or MATH 0013A & MATH 0013B | Elementary Statistics with Support (Part 1) and Elementary Statistics with Support (Part 2) | |
Select 6-9 units from the following: | 6-9 | |
Food, Society and the Environment | ||
Cultural Anthropology | ||
Global Problems | ||
Local Ecosystems of Placer County | ||
Local Ecosystems of Nevada County 1 | ||
Vernal Pools and the California Prairie 1 | ||
Biology of Waterfowl and Marsh Birds 1 | ||
Ecology of the Sierran Conifer Forest 1 | ||
Weekend Field Paleontology and Ancient Environments 1 | ||
Ecology of the Mendocino Coast 1 | ||
Biology of Mono Lake and the Great Basin 1 | ||
Ecology of Point Reyes National Seashore 1 | ||
Foothill Ecology of the Sierra Nevada 1 | ||
Aquatic and Riparian Environments of California Waterways 1 | ||
Marine Mammals and Birds 1 | ||
Ecology of the Modoc Plateau 1 | ||
Ecology of the High Sierra and White Mountain 1 | ||
Death Valley and Desert Ecosystems 1 | ||
Ecology of Mid-Western North America 1 | ||
Canyon Lands of the Southwest 1 | ||
Coastal Habitats of Northern California 1 | ||
Coastal Habitats of Central California 1 | ||
Deserts of Southern California 1 | ||
Biology/Ecology of the Klamath and the Southern Cascade 1 | ||
Ecology of Selected Wilderness Ecosystems 1 | ||
Ecology of the American River 1 | ||
Ecology of the Sutter Buttes 1 | ||
Wildflower Identification | ||
Principles of Macroeconomics | ||
Physical Geology | ||
or GEOG 0001 | Physical Geography | |
Great Valley and Coast Range Provinces 1 | ||
Great Valley, Coast Ranges, and Sutter Buttes 1 | ||
Western Sierra Nevada and the Mother Lode 1 | ||
Major Rock Units of the Northern Sierra 1 | ||
Weekend Field Geology - Point Reyes 1 | ||
Weekend Field Geology 1 | ||
Introduction to Environmental Science Laboratory | ||
The Sierra Nevada | ||
Sierra Nevada Field Trip | ||
Energy, Environment, and Climate | ||
California Water | ||
Conservation of Natural Resources | ||
Cultural Geography | ||
Introduction to Environmental Ethics | ||
Environmental Psychology | ||
Introduction to Social Justice | ||
Total Units | 21-26 |
1 | A maximum of 2 units may be taken from the BIOL 0016, BIOL 0017, BIOL 0023 and ESCI 0016, 0054 and 0055 field studies courses. |
Understanding course descriptions
ESS 0001. Introduction to Environmental Sciences and Sustainability
Units: 3
Formerly known as INT 1
Advisory: Eligibility for ENGL 1A
Hours: 54 lecture
A study of the natural world and how it is influenced by human activity. This course will introduce and analyze the scientific basis of major environmental issues and evaluate potential solutions within the context of diverse human cultures and societies. Topics include principles of physical and biological systems, biogeochemical cycles, global climate, natural laws, land, air and water resources, consumption and waste, pollution, toxicology, human population growth, and sustainability on a local, regional and global level. (CSU, UC)
ESS 0001L. Introduction to Environmental Science Laboratory
Unit: 1
Prerequisite: Completion with grade of "C" or better or concurrent enrollment in ESS 1
Hours: 54 laboratory
Hands-on, inquiry-based learning in topics associated with environmental science. Laboratory and field studies including applications of physical science principles, ecological studies, and exposure to sustainability issues related to human society. Promotes critical thinking, problem solving, scientific and environmental literacy. May include field trip(s) during or in lieu of lab time. (CSU, UC)
ESS 0006. The Sierra Nevada
Units: 3
Formerly known as INT 6
Advisory: Eligibility for ENGL 1A
Hours: 54 lecture
Integrated study of the Sierra Nevada including its physical attributes, geological characteristics, origin and development, flora and fauna, water resources, historical and economic significance, and influences on literature, art, and culture. Includes contemporary environmental, economic, and management issues in the Sierra. (CSU, UC)
ESS 0006F. Sierra Nevada Field Trip
Units: 0.5-1
Prerequisite: Completion with grade of "C" or better or concurrent enrollment in ESS 6
Hours: 18 lecture per unit
Field lecture course designed to be taken concurrently with ESS 6. A field study of selected sites in the Sierra Nevada ecoregion, comparing their biological inventory, ecological relationships, physical environments, and sensitivity to human interactions and activities. Moderate hiking and/or camping may be involved. (CSU)
ESS 0007. Energy, Environment, and Climate
Units: 3
Also known as ESCI 7
Advisory: Eligibility for ENGL 1A
Hours: 54 lecture
Analysis of the nature of energy and the environmental impact of its societal use in the context of Earth's record of changing climate. Explores current global climate change due to post-1750 greenhouse gas emissions and strategies for mitigation and adaptation to changing climate predictions, emphasizing future alternative energy sources. Designed for students majoring in areas related to the environmental sciences and/or those interested in developing a substantiated understanding of the role played by citizens in ensuring a healthy environment for future generations. (CSU, UC)
ESS 0008. California Water
Units: 4
Hours: 108 (54 lecture, 54 laboratory)
Interdisciplinary examination of California water ecosystems, infrastructure, uses, and impacts. Students will learn about: hydrology; aquatic ecosystems including rivers, lakes, wetlands, estuaries, and marine environments; water infrastructure including dams, levees, aqueducts, and wastewater treatment facilities; groundwater recharge, withdrawal, use and impacts; the role of water in agricultural, urban, environmental and political systems; water quality; water storage and transfers; water policy; and conflicts arising from water scarcity. May include field trips during or in lieu of lab time. Students may be required to provide their own transportation. (CSU, UC)
ESS 0010. Conservation of Natural Resources
Units: 3
Formerly known as AGRI 190 and NATR 10
Advisory: Eligibility for ENGL 1A
Hours: 54 lecture
Use and protection of natural resources, including soil, water, forest, mineral, plant, and animal life. Ecological principles, history of the conservation movement, modern problems in resource use, and the citizen's role in conservation. (CSU, UC)
ESS 0013. Environmental Regulations
Unit: 1
Formerly known as BIOL 13A
Advisory: Completion of BIOL/ESS 14, ESS 1 or ESS 10 with grade of "C" or better
Hours: 18 lecture
Survey of major California environmental regulations and relevant federal regulations. Designed using case study analyses to explore environmental laws applicable to water, land and air resources. (CSU)
ESS 0014. Natural History, Ecology and Conservation
Units: 4
Also known as BIOL 14
Advisory: Eligibility for ENGL 1A
Hours: 108 (54 lecture, 54 laboratory)
Introduction to the study of biology and ecology of organisms and ecosystems of the world, with an emphasis on California. Special focus on significance of functioning ecosystems and human influence on biological environment. (CSU, UC)
ESS 0028. Independent Study
Units: 1-3
Designed for students interested in furthering their knowledge at an independent study level in an area where no specific curriculum offering is currently available. Independent study might include, but is not limited to, research papers, special subject area projects, and research projects. See Independent Study page in catalog. (CSU, UC-with unit limitation)
ESS 0095. Internship in Environmental Studies and Sustainability
Units: 0.5-4
Designed for advanced students to work in an area related to their educational or occupational goal. Provides new on-the-job technical training under the direction of a worksite supervisor, allowing students to expand knowledge and skills in the chosen field. Mandatory orientation session and faculty approval to determine eligibility. One unit of credit is equal to each 60 hours of non-paid work, or each 75 hours of paid work. Students may earn up to a total of 16 units in internship courses. (CSU-with unit limitation)
Program Student Learning Outcomes (PSLOs)
- Identify and describe the essential components of earth's natural environment, the physical, chemical, and biological components of the earth’s systems, and show how they function.
- Describe and analyze core environmental problems, their causes, consequences, and practical solutions.
- Appreciate the ethical, cross-cultural, and historical context of environmental issues and the links between human and natural systems.
- Investigate the role of governmental policy, citizen involvement, and/or ethics/values/morals in influencing human interaction with the environment.
- Demonstrate an integrative, interconnective and interdisciplinary approach to environmental issues, with a focus on sustainability.