Contact Information

- Division
- Library and Learning Resource Center
- Dean
- Elizabeth Namei

- Division Office
- LRC 311, Rocklin Campus
Skill Development courses are offered through the Learning Resource Center.
Understanding course descriptions
SKDV 0001. Techniques of Tutoring
Unit: 1
Formerly known as SKDV 21A
Advisory: Eligibility for ENGL 1A
Hours: 18 lecture
Introduction to learning theories, styles and techniques as related to tutoring. Fundamentals of communication and motivation for effective tutoring. Strategies for planning tutoring sessions. Tutoring techniques and resources for addressing unique student needs. (CSU)
SKDV 0010. How to be a Successful Online Student
Unit: 1
Hours: 18 lecture
Designed to develop the skills for success in the online classroom. Includes defining online learning and uncovering its myths; online readiness; netiquette; learning styles; time management, study habits, goal setting and motivational techniques; the importance of fostering online community; use of emerging technologies including wikis, blogs and VoiceThreads; student services and resources. Exploration of the use of the campus course management system, completion of basic computer tasks and effective use of Internet tools. (CSU)
SKDV 0020. Information Literacy and Research Skills
Unit: 1
Hours: 18 lecture
Development of information literacy skills for academic and personal research. Emphasis on identifying, locating, evaluating and using information resources. (CSU)
SKDV 0028. Independent Study
Units: 1-3
Designed for students interested in furthering their knowledge at an independent study level in an area where no specific curriculum offering is currently available. Independent study might include, but is not limited to, research papers, special subject area projects, and research projects. See Independent Study page in catalog. (CSU)
SKDV 0801. Supervised Tutoring
Units: 0
Designed to assist students who desire supplemental tutoring or learning assistance in basic skills or academic college-level subjects. Tutorials or learning assistance, or both, are recommended by counselors or instructors for the purpose of developing or augmenting learning by students. Tutorial or learning assistance content is based on student need. Use of tutorial or learning assistance services enrolls students in this non-fee, non-credit course, and does not substitute for any other course or coursework. May be repeated. (noncredit)
Program Student Learning Outcomes (PSLOs)
- Evaluate skills and knowledge necessary for academic success.
- Identify and investigate ways to improve skill set to achieve academic success.
- Apply knowledge of skills necessary for success in the academic arena.
- Identify and utilize appropriate academic support resources to improve academic performance.